

1631 Uppsatser om Natural places - Sida 57 av 109

Den vägda nyttjandeperioden och dess effekter på utvalda finansiella nyckeltal: En studie av bostadsrättsföreningars avskrivningstider på byggnader

Housing cooperatives in Sweden practice very long depreciation times for their buildings and assets, subsequently depreciation costs are very low. This study aims at addressing issues relating to potential upward revisions of these costs and the revenue levels needed by housing cooperatives to address these changes, while also providing a detailed summary of some chosen financial ratios under different circumstances. This study's results are based upon recent (2015) market data within the Stockholm region, collected through a manual process and analyzed quantitatively. On average, housing cooperatives EBIT do not cover their financial costs and have low profit margins. The average depreciation time is considerably above what a technical evaluation by other sources may state.

Grönområde kontra bebyggelse : grönområdenas förändring i Älta, Nacka kommun

This essay shows how natural areas in Älta, a part of Nacka municipality southeast from Stockholm, been changed quantitatively and qualitative as a result of the increased housing construction in the area. Three issues are discussed. Namely: how has Ältas green areas been changed in sizes and quality in line with the settlement's expansion, what is the reason or the reasons to building of different types of accommodations, what has been and is the operators in connection with building of the different types of accommodations?The essay shows that the green areas has been decreased with over 2 km from 1901 to 2000 and in addition to these areas of approximately 1,1km been converted to a planned green structure. Älta has during the years gone through four eras of building types an era of small family houses ? an era of building one million houses on a national scale ? an era of terrace houses ? an era of sporadic building of different housing types (one family houses, pair houses, terrace houses and small blocks of flats).

Matregionen Södra Roslagen : en etnologisk studie om lokala beskrivningar av en regions mat

North of the city of Stockholm lies the area called Södra Roslagen composed of several municipalities. The purpose of this essay is to discover how local informants describe the food culture of the region and analyse why some types of food are mentioned and others are excluded. Several people within the food industry of Södra Roslagen were given surveys asking them to describe the food habits of the area, from commodities and certain dishes to traditions. These answers were analysed using the theories regional food, regiocentrism, revitalisation, placeless food and the idea of viewing culture through the long and the short perspective.One informant mentioned that professionals in the food industry of the region tend to follow trends from the rest of the world and another that many producers work with ecological requirements. Södra Roslagen was also defined by some as having a taste of summer as this coastal area sees an influx of visitors during that season.

Mjukvarubaserad 3D-renderare

Abstrakt Produkten som jag har utvecklat är en mjukvarubaserad 3D-renderare. För att göra en sådan produkt är man tvungen att gå djupt in i området 3D och utföra alla beräkningar på egen hand. Dessa tar annars grafikkortet hand om. Denna rapport förklarar varför jag har valt att göra en egen mjukvarubaserad 3D- renderare och vad den är för något och i vilka områden den används. Här förklaras även min syn på programmering, digitala spel, vad programmering innebär för mig och hur min syn på spel har påverkat mig med tiden.

Förslag till kväverening i Forsåsystemet genom våtmarksetablering

The last hundred years humans have drastically changed the amount of available nitrogen in nature. Today human activities release twice as much available nitrogen as all natural processes are doing together. We also have degraded nature´s possibilities to take care of nitrogen through the draining of wetlands and straightening of rivers. In order to regain the potential of nitrogen retention in the water systems there now requires a reshape of the landscape we live in. A planned expansion of the mining activities in Garpenberg, Dalarna, would double the content of nitrogen in the waters below the mine.

Svenskdidaktik i (o)jämlikhetens landskap : en studie om språkutveckling, rasifiering och klass

Symbolic resources transform in to social power and material resources through the educational system. This entails that all students should have equal access to it.The essay compares Swedish didactics in ?immigrant? and ?white? schools, all situated in socio-economically underprivileged areas, analysing interviews with eight Swedish teachers about their didactics regarding restricted and elaborated language code.Understanding teacher?s work in the class room requires attention to the intersections between race and class, and of both to the distribution of symbolic resources in general.The essay finds that the practice of the? immigrant? school teachers differs from the ?white? school teachers?. The former are active, providing intellectual tools, scaffolding and driving force while the later choose a more passive attitude, letting students decide for themselves what to do and what goals to reach. Consequently ?white? schools allow the reproduction of unequal distribution of symbolic resources while practice in immigrant schools aim to compensate for disadvantages.Practice seems to win legitimacy by different sets of conceptualisations.

Naturens lockelse : en studie av dubbelhet i Karin Broos bildvärld

The aim of   the study has been to examine the duality that I seemed to find in Karin   Broos works, primarily on the basis of her renditions of nature. The   objective is to study the duality on various plans and to examine which   traces of Intertextuality that may exist.In the study of the duality   I have taken note of how nature is presented in terms of style and form, as   well as that I have seeked cultural references pictorial and symbolic. I have   also examined the images with reference to Intertextuality. The following   questions has been applied during the work:  How is nature produced in the paintings?  What place occupies nature in relation to the people, in the works?  What is being communicated by nature's participation in the works?As a method, and as a   tool for analysis and interpretation of selected works, I have chosen to use   Panofskys iconological interpretative method. As a guide to seek relations of   intertextuality the theories of  Julia   Kristeva has been useful, which  includes thoughts  that new images are created or re-created   in relation to other images all the time and in new contexts.As a result of the   study I have found some kind of expression of balance, though it did not   seemed to look that way from the beginning.

Utveckling av affärsmodeller på laddningsmarknaden : En studie av elbilsladdning i Sverige

This paper covers a study of the Swedish charging market for electric vehicles from both the perspective of stakeholders and car owners. By interviewing representatives of four key stakeholders on the market; commercial parkings, malls, service stations and working places, data regarding their business models of today is examined. At present electricity is provided for free, but all stakeholder point out that this business model is not sustainable in the long run. The result of the interviews shows that electricity won?t be offered for free in the future ? the question is which factors affect how long it will take for the different stakeholders to find a suitable business model.

Från inkunabler till datorskärm: En studie av digitalisering vid fem stiftsbibliotek

The purpose of this Bachelor?s thesis is twofold. Firstly it aims to make a contribution to the understanding of how five Swedish Diocesan libraries have carried out the digitizing of their rare book and manuscript collections. Problem areas related to this activity are also investigated. Secondly, it aims to examine the relative guidelines and standardization norms, which have been formulated on a national basis.

Arkeologi och den senmedeltida ödeläggelsen

This essay discusses the width of the late medieval desertion of farms in Sweden from an archaeological perspective. The object of the essay is to investigate if archaeological investigations and research during the last 10-15 years have changed the view of the late medieval desertion in relation to the Scandinavian research project on deserted farms and villages.The essay also deals with questions on causes to the desertion and when desertion occurred. An ambition of the essay is also to give a general picture of archaeological investigations during the last 10-15 years considering the late medieval desertion. The analyses-material consists mainly of reports from archaeological investigations.Most of the investigations analysed in this essay are investigations of single farms. Because of this it is natural these investigations do not say much about the width of the desertion.

Sjuksköterskans upplevelse av att bedriva psykiatrisk omvårdnad : En litteraturstudie

Background: Studies have shown that 66 children and teenagers in Sweden suffers from brain tumor every year. Children and teenagers who can´t participate in the regular school for a longer time for whatever reason, have by the school law the right to education in hospitals or institutions. Education that take place in other places than school most try to follow the same guidelines as his/hers usual school.  This applies to students in elementary school, compulsory school, special school, Sami school, secondary school and upper secondary school.Purpose:  The purpose of this study was to find out how three teachers at a hospital school plans their work with children in grade from 1 to 3, who suffer from cancer, especially brain tumor.  How can the teachers at the hospital school plan and organize their teaching so that it´s possible for the children whit brain tumor to feel as normal as possible. How does the common work between the consultant nurse, teachers at the hospitals and their ordinary school prevent the children to feel like an outsider?Method: I have chosen to do a qualitative study followed by three interviews whit three informants who works at a hospital school.

En undersökning åt IKEA om ungdomars syn på inredning och design

The purpose is to improve IKEA´s understanding of how their target group of 12 to 18 years old boys and girls thinks when they visit the showrooms in the department stores. What make them enter the showrooms? Is it the colours, the furniture or the whole concept? How are they inspired to furnish their own room? Do they get ideas from the showrooms or are they looking for a specific furniture? These types of questions have increased young people´s interest for design and decoration over the last decade. It transpires with help from an article written by Vittorio Girotto and Michel Gonzalez how children are influenced in an early age by their own temperament and their natural surroundings. Children reasons and acts according to what they believe adults would have done in a similar situation.The methods that have been used during this project are interviews, surveys, observations, hypothetical persona, persona and ABL (IKEA´s own method).

Det vardagliga arbetet på ett bemanningsföretag : - samt hur dess ledare hanterar de problem som uppstår En fallstudie på Maxkompetens

The everyday work at a staffing agency and how its leaders deal with the problems that appears: A case study at Maxkompetens.The purpose of this paper is to increase the understanding of how leaders at a staffing company deal with the everyday problems that arise from a geographically dispersed workforce.The staffing industry has grown by 30-40 percent annually and has over the past 15 years been the fastest growing industry in Sweden. This shows that the interest and demand for the staffing industry and its activities are now rising at an increasingly faster pace. This is an industry that is operating under specific conditions and with a geographically dispersed workforce. This will make the leaders of a staffing company to an important link between the staffing leaders and the staffing personnel.The relationship between the staffing company's leaders and its personnel is important, but not completely trouble free. Difficulties arise in that the employees may be located in different places and at various client companies with the result that the leaders of the staffing company cannot have a daily personal contact with their geographically dispersed personnel.We have used a qualitative approach on our paper and our empirical methodology has been a case study with ethnography and interviews.

Möjligheternas skog : utveckling av Teleborgsskogen som tätortsnära rekreationsskog i samarbete med närboende och aktörer

The Swedish forestry aims primarily maximize production and economical wins. However, especially urban forests have great qualities as space for recreation and children?s play, which means that other goals should lead the forests management. The Teleborg forest is a wooded area in Växjö, surrounded by urban dwellings, schools, nurseries etc. A great part of the forest was wind felled during the storm Gudrun in 2005 which changed the forest, earlier dominated by spruce, dramatically.

Planera för integration : med utgångspunkt i projektet Norra Sorgenfri

Integration is a concept that is very topical in today's multicultural-cultural society. Integration means that everyone should have the same rights, opportunities and obligations to society, regardless of extraction. What counteract integration is segregation, which implies a distinction between different groups and where there exist an inequality between them. Segregation is widespread in Sweden today and the exclusion that it creates needs to be broken. The aim of this paper is to examine if it is possible to promote integra-tion through physical planning.

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