

1033 Uppsatser om Natural dyes - Sida 6 av 69

Utformning & placering av vädringskanaler i ett passivhus, drivet av naturliga krafter

A passive house in Norra Djurgårdsstaden drawn by Tengbom Arkitekter is going to be built. A shaft for airing is needed for a few apartments in the house.The airing shaft is designed for a few two room apartments in the house, which are not able to achieve satisfactory airing, as their outer walls are facing a single direction. The other apartments on the same floor are corner apartments. These apartments do not have the same difficulty with airing since they have their outer walls in different directions, with different pressures at the facades. The airflow in the airing shaft is supposed to be driven only by natural forces, by the sun. The purpose of natural driven forces is to achieve low energy consumption for the house.In this thesis, a design of the shaft for airing has been developed.Initially an open shaft for all apartments was analyzed.

Samband mellan tidig ålder vid avskiljning och missriktat diande hos föl :

By tradition horses are weaned at an age of 5-6 months. This study illuminates weaned foals misdirected suckling behaviour, which means that they try to suckle another foal. Since no information about this issue is presented, we decided to perform a behaviour study on weaned foals. The misdirected suckling behaviour was studied on a group with 7 foals, with both fillies and colts. In the group the weaning age varied between 147 days and 215 days, and the first time we observed them, they had been separated from the mares for 12 days.

Urmakarens budbärare : Modern intelligent design-rörelse i jämförelse med brittisk naturteologi vid 1800-talets början

I uppsatsen jämförs William Paleys Natural Theology : or, evidence of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity, collected from the appearances of nature från 1802 med Michale J. Behes Darwin's black box : The biochemical challenge to evolution från 1996. Jämförelsen kontextualiseras med en skiss över evolutionsteorimotståndets historia under den mellanliggande perioden, som tillsammans med själva den vetenskapliga utvecklingen, antas förklara de skillnader i tilltal och val av argument som föreligger mellan de två verken. I fråga om grundläggande budskap, idéstruktur, syfte och religiositet befinns de två verken ligga varandra betydligt  närmare än vad som initialt kan tyckas vara fallet..

Sex skogsägares upplevelser av stormen Gudrun: en expolrativ studie

In Sweden we are spared from large natural disasters. However, in January 2005 part of Sweden was struck by a hurricane. It did not only leave a decimated landscape in its wake. It also left its mark on many people who lived in the south of Sweden. In this paper the reader will be presented six qualitative interviews that build on forestowners' experiences during and in the aftermath of the Storm of January 2005.

Barns utevistelse på förskolan : Utemiljöns inverkan på barns lekar och naturintresse

Through interviews with children of ages 4-5 years old and by observing children children at play at three preschools with different types of outdoor surroundings, I have investigated if the preschools outdoor surroundings have any influences on the children´ choice of play. The hypothesis was that natural surroundings can entice children´s interest in nature being in it and play. I have also investigated if the children know why it is important to be outdoors and if they know it has a positive influence on their health.The result of my investigation is that the children play about the same games at the three different preschool gardens, but at the preschool with more natural surroundings, the children have more contact with plants and animals, and could learn of the different phenomena of nature by the preschool teacher answering their questions. Most of the children in the interviews know it´s useful to be outdoors and be on the move and get fresh air, but many of them thought it was most important to play. By being outdoors the children get exercise, fresh air, play and at the same time they establish an understanding of the nature and a healthier life..

Behuggning av betongytor: ett test av hantverksmetoder

During the latter half of the 18th century, when concrete started seeing general use in modern cities, the use of different methods to give the concrete a finished surface texture saw use. One of these was using different methods of mechanically altering the surface using a slew of cutting and crushing techniques with mallet and chisel. This was done in order to hide the often dull and gray look of concrete, and allude to other more expensive and luxurious stones. The work would possibly have been done by experienced stonemasons, using much of the same techniques and tools they would have used while working natural stones. Or did they? This essay explores, through the use of traditional handcrafts and tools, the claim that the working of concrete surfaces can be done with the same tools and skillset as the working of natural stone.

Textilindustrins avloppsvatten och avloppsslam ur ett miljöperspektiv : Underlag för internationella riktlinjer inom projektet Sweden Textile Water Initiative

The aim of my thesis is to obtain knowledge of textile wastewater and textile sludge from an environmental perspective, which can be used as a basis for the  ?Sweden Textile Water Initiative? guidelines for a sustainable sludge management. In my study I have mainly focused on textile dyes, salts and metals and their routes during wastewater treatment.This paper is partly a literature review, which I began by identifying the pollutants discharged from each textile process. Then I studied wastewater and sludge quality, environmental aspects, possible treatment and recycling methods. I have also tried to find existing type of guidelines in order to make comparisons.

LEKKROKAR- ?Något att hänga upp leken på?

The research of today shows that natural environments are importantfor children's physical and mental development. It alsoshows that children often opt out of the traditional equipmentplaygrounds have to offer. By breaking the boundary betweenthe playground and park, is it possible to create a new spacethat will encourage rather than demand play? Through gatheringinformation and talking to landscape architects, designers,and children, I realized that today's parks already have environmentsand objects that could be used for playing. But whatthey need is something that makes the environment even moreinviting for children to play.

När en patient flyttar : Patientens upplevelser inför förflyttning från högsäkerhetsenhet till annan vårdenhet

The aim of this essay is to create an understanding, of how teachers comprehend knowledge, grades and tests in a school context. It is important to get a grip of the different parts of the teacher?s reality. The test, the grades and knowledge are deeply connected as a part of a whole. The teachers view on knowledge can not be understood without asking about the practical parts of their work and understand how the different parts are dependent on each other.The main material consists of interviews with four teachers that work in a public mandatory school in the south suburbs of Stockholm.

Historisk markanvändning på Färsna gårds inägor och utmarker

Semi-natural grasslands are threatened biotopes in the landscape and without conservation measures high values of nature will be lost. Meanwhile, the biological values associated with cultural values of the traditional agricultural landscape in Sweden. Studies of land use history may help to understand how today biological diversity has evolved and how it can be preserved. Färsna farm in Norrtälje has left some of the old heritage of biological diversity in the form of nature - forest and grassland, which hosts an unusual herb-rich flora. Through the study of historic maps and från1673/1767/1801/1901 1952 and orthophoto of the area has a picture of how land use has changed over time emerged.

Paul Tillich och Verkligheten : Är Bibelberättelserna "bara" symboler

In this essay I have aimed to examine how the theology of Paul Tillich relate to modern views of reality, both the way it was expressed in his contemporary time and the way I see it today. Reality I have defined as an entirety of the physic- and metaphysic reality. A so called panentism where God is reality and the world is a part of this reality.With Tillichs Systematic Theology as my principal material, I have first made a brief presentation of his theology, of its construction and main concepts. Then I have chosen to further examine the way he describes being, reason and revelation to see how this particular concepts of Tillich agree with my definition of reality. In this I have consulted the books Tillich in Dialogue by Mackenzie-Brown and Natural Theology Versus Theology of Nature, a book edited after the forth international Tillich symposium 1992, which had "Tillichs thinking as impetus for a discourse among theology, philosophy and natural sciences" as a theme.I have tried to point out the possibilities opened up by the ontology and epistemology of Tillich for the dialogue between theology and natural sciences.

En kartläggning av den globala handeln med Liquefied Natural Gas, LNG

Det här arbetet handlar om den globala handeln med Liquefied Natural Gas, LNG.LNG är naturgas som har gjorts flytande och består till mer än 90 % av metan. Sedanden första kommersiella transporten ägde rum år 1959 har den globala handeln avLNG ökat. Mellan 1980-2011 ökade den globala handeln av LNG med nära 1000 %.Under samma tidsperiod har den globala kända naturgasreserven ökat med mer än150 %. Antalet exportörer och importörer av LNG förutspås att öka i framtiden ochunder 2010 kondenserades ca 10 % av världens totala utvinning av naturgas för attexporteras i form av LNG. Focus i det här arbetet har lagts på att kartläggaimporterande och exporterande länder samt rederier som sköter själva sjötransportenav LNG.En kartläggning har gjorts med syfte att beskriva samt förklara den globala handelnmed LNG.

?Thy sanningen bliwfer ändånäst Gudz hielp alltid ochallena bestående.? : Naturrättsliga influenser i några karolinskakrigares källor kring 1700.

This study aims to describe the influence of natural law on the common concept of justiceamongst Swedish officers around 1700. Through this study I intend to establish that therewere discrepancies and expressions of other norms in 17th and 18th century military culture.Both from natural law but also from Christian belief. A secondary aim is to establish howsuch variances were manifested and how they can be explained.A few theoretical starting-points have been used as a guide in developing the purpose andrelevant questions for this study. I intend to describe the key features of the concept of naturallaw as thoroughly as needed, through relevant legal literature. The next step will be to mapthese outlines against texts from the time, through a qualitative close reading.This study has investigated, at least, seven diaries from the time.

Grundläggande läs- och skrivinlärning : Är stavelsen en gynnsam arbetseneht?

The aim of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of the syllable as an alternative to the phoneme at the basic reading and writing. This report is based on a qualitative analysis of Håkanstorp school´s approach to the basic reading and writing in class. Their approach to reading and writing is controversial, as it is based on the syllable instead of the phoneme, as usual in the traditional reading and writing. The education result, I have found, is that the syllable leads to a very clear and structured working procedure, which ultimately leads to class teachers being able to work from a diagnostic approach. This structure, with many parts of the course helps educators to clearly follow what level students are at.

Välfärd hos växande nötkreatur ? finns den?

During an investigation of animal welfare in animal production, the focus has for a long time been focused on the absence of stress, suffering and injuries, and positive emotions have not been prioritized. However, in recent years that has been drastically changed. The public interest have increased for buying animal products from animals that have had a decent life, which have led to that play, exploratory behavior and other positive behaviours has come to play a significant role in welfare assessment. The welfare of cattle is difficult to assess since there is currently no ancestors to study, it is thus difficult to determine which behaviors can be regarded as natural and thus positively related, acordingly the welfare of cattle have been forgotten and research on positive emotions of cattle have not been prioritized. The aim of this study was to observe which behavior growing cattle performe, and if there was any differences of which kind of behavior that was observed, if the cattle is keept on slatted floor or on a deep straw bedding. Furthermore, antoher purpose was to investigate if the observed behaviours indicate a positive, negative or natural welfare, and if it is possible to use the observed behaviours in a welfare assessment.

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