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Jämförelse av resultat mellan manuell gelkortsanalys och automatisk immunohematologisk gelkortsanalys vid utförande av blodgruppskontroll och antikroppsscreening (BAS-test)

Incompatibility between donors and recipients can cause fatal hemolytic transfusion reactions (HTR), kidney damage and death and immunization of the recipient. Antigens on the surface of erythrocytes in the ABO blood group system and regular natural antibodies against these in the patient?s plasma must be considered. An individual always has a corresponding antibody of IgM in their plasma. Irregular antibodies acquired by transfusion or pregnancy and active in body temperature also cause the HTR incompatibility.

Elevers förståelse av fotosyntesen och dess koppling till andra organismer

The effects of the deregulation of the electricity market 1996 in Sweden on short-term hydropower regulation are unknown. This report investigates patterns in subdaily regulation in the Ångerman River Basin during the period 1993-2011. Differences in subdaily flows and zero flow events between the periods 1993-1995 and 1996-2011 were studied by analyzing hourly data from 8 regulated and 8 unregulated locations with four subdaily flow variation indices. No correlations between the market deregulation and the regulation intensity in the Ångerman River basin were detected. The number of days natural ranges of variability were exceeded and the magnitude of subdaily variation were significantly higher at regulated locations.

Småbarnsföräldrars behov av föräldrastödsinsatser

Background During the child?s first year of life there is a continuous contact with the Child Health Services (CHS) and the parents feel confident and involved. After the first year, the visits to the CHS is reduced at the same time as the everyday life changes for the family as the child starts going to day-care and the parents often go back to work.Aim To examine what it is like being a parent to children aged one to five and what kind of parenting support parents of children aged one to five are in need of.Method Semi-structured interviews were used to interview 25 parents in 21 telephone interviews and one focus group with 4 parents. The recruiting of parents was done on site at one open day-care and with the help of CHS nurses in Sweden. There were 10 men and 15 women.

"En skål för andras lidande" : Bildanalys av vinnarbilderna i World Press Photo of the Year mellan 1999-2008

En undersökning av vinnarbilderna i World Press Photo of the Year mellan 1999-2008. World Press Photo är världens största fototävling och är prestigefylld att vinna för pressfotografer. Syftet var att undersöka vad de senaste årens bildjournalistik förmedlar till sina betraktare genom nyhetsbilderna som vunnit World Press Photo of the Year under 2000-talet. Syftet har förgrenat sig i frågeställningarna:Vilka teman har vinnarbilderna i World Press Photo of the Year mellan 1999-2008?Vad förmedlar innehållet i bilderna?Vad finns det för likheter och skillnader mellan bilderna?Studien är en kvalitativ undersökning där vi gjort bildanalyser av vinnarbilderna i World Press Photo of the Year mellan 1999-2008.

Småskalig biobränsleeldad kraftvärmeproduktion : teknik och investeringsutrymme

To achieve the requirements to decrease emissions of greenhouse gases by 20 % by 2020, Swedenneeds to increase its use of bioenergy. In doing so it seems natural that those who already haveaccess to large amounts of biofuels in the form of by-products such as straw, wood chips anddigestible materials take advantage of these assets locally. By combining production of heat withpower production at the farm it may be possible to not only reduce the direct use of fossil fuel forheating but also reduce energy costs.The purpose was to simulate different cases of using a small scale biofueled combined heat andpower plant for farm-based systems. A MatLab-model was developed and used to draw conclusionsabout the costs for production of heat and electricity with different conversion technologies.The model uses climate data to simulate the variations in heat energy demand on a day-to-day basis.The given heat demand is the base of the simulation and from this the possible electric output iscalculated. This study has focused on the impact of the following properties: electric-, heat- andtotal efficiency, fuel, fuel price and specific fuel requirements.

Förändrade resemönster i Gävleborgs län : En sammanställning av kostnader och klimatpåverkan vid tjänsteresor samt analys av sociala effekter vid ett skifte mot videkonferens i en organisation

The world we live in becomes more globalized as a result of new communication media. Communication occurs over greater distances which leads to increased travel. In the report AR5, by IPCC, it is showed that the human impact of climate change is clear and that something has to be done. Therefore its very important to change the human impact. A part of it is to change the way we travel within the service which leads to the purpose of the thesis.

Lean inom den offentliga sektorn : Tänkbara hinder för ett långsiktigt Lean-arbete

One year Master's thesis, Degree of master in Business and Economics, School ofBusiness and Economics at Linnaeus University, Management, 4FE10E SpringSemester 2014.Author: Johanna Björklund and Sarah Gustafsson.Mentor: Magnus Forslund.Title: Lean in the public sector - Potential barriers to a long-term Lean work.Background: Organizational changes are something that is constantly done inorganizations, and in the last decade, there has arisen a plethora of different changemodels. A reorganization that is popular among companies today is Lean. Lean is aconcept that was developed within the Japanese automotive industry, but has evolvedfrom the Japanese shop floor and is now a concept that can be found in, for example,several Swedish municipalities.Purpose: The purpose of this study was to create an understanding of why the conceptLean may have difficulty getting a hold in the in the long term.Methodology: The study was done with a qualitative research approach and through anabductive approach. As we intended to create an understanding, of what potentialbarriers that may affect that a Lean work, in some cases, does not become a long-termcondition, it seemed natural to choose a hermeneutic approach to knowledge. Theempirical data collected via individual unstructured interviews, through a groupinterview, and by non-participant observations.

Förekommer kränkande behandling? : En kvalitativ studie av förskolebarn och pedagoger.

The following paper is about degrading treatment in preschools and the essay discuss degrading treatment according to the Swedish school law, in preschools and the chosen focus for this study is three to four year old children. The aim is to see whether or not preschool children proceed with degrading treatment towards other children and if preschool teachers believe that children this young have the ability to do so. The questions for this study are: Can children proceed with degrading treatment towards each other? Which conflicts evolve through children?s interactions? Can children in pre-schools have a degrading behavior? To answer these questions participant observation at two preschools and interviews with four preschool teachers were chosen as method. The perspective of this paper is based on the view on children as actors, which is used to acknowledge and enhance the possibilities of letting the children?s own voices be heard.

Pilotmodeller till flygmekanisk simulator för JAS 39 Gripen

AbstractSAAB has for a long time used user controlled pilot models in ARES. ARES is a simulation tool used in the desktop environment for simulations and calculations of the JAS 39 Gripen fighter and other aircraft. ARES stands for ?Aircraft Rigid body Engineering Simulation?. To work with these pilot models has been both time-consuming and inefficient.

Vetenskapsteoretiska och metodologiska perspektiv på tidsgeografiska visualiseringsmodeller. -En fallstudie i samhällsvetenskaplig visualisering

In the history of scientific visualization techniques there is a lack of social science practices and methodologies. The advent of modern computer graphics brought the use of visualizations into a whole new era, but even though the tools by which such modern visualizations are created become easier to access and use, the lack of social science researchers harvesting the benefits of such tools still remain. This ease of use, increase in power and accessibility plus the ever growing need within the natural sciences to augment the human senses has further complicated the relationship between scientific methodologies, validity, reliability and the use of visualization techniques. This relationship must be explored, demystified and understood in order to fully grasp the impact of visualization practices when incorporated into any given scientific method. Within the social sciences there is one example of a tradition that has since its conception carried within it a graphical notion and a visualization practice.

En mångkulturell skola : En studie om främjandet av elevers kulturella kunskaper på en mångkulturell skola

My thesis is based on a qualitative study. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether the educationalist at an especially chosen school in Stockholm promotes the students multicultural background in the education or not.This is due to the fact that the Swedish school to a considerable degree reflects the multicultural Swedish society. The socio-cultural starting point is when people come together and meet. The language is the tool of the socio-culture and it is the dialogue, discussion and sympathetic understanding that makes people meet.The cultural concept is diffuse and very wide. Everyone has their own definition of it.

Hej, en kaffe, tack! : En studie om att inleda och avsluta samtal i vanliga servicesituationer

Recently, there have been intense discussions about the humanities and their role in society. Internationally, as well as in a Swedish context, the humanities have been regarded to be in a state of crisis. However, these discussions usually demonstrate a lack of historical perspectives based on thorough empirical research. The notion of a crisis needs to be historicized.In this study, a case is being examined where the relationship between science and society was renegotiated. In the context of World War II, a discourse has been identified in a borderland between science and politics through an analysis of Swedish journals and anthologies during the time period 1937-1947.

Förskolebarns aktiviteter i sandlådan : En kvalitativ studie om barns meningsskapande i sandlådan ur ett naturvetenskapligt perspektiv

Sammanfattning Arbetets art: Examensarbete i Lärarutbildningen, avancerad nivå, 15hp.Högskolan i Skövde. Titel: Förskolebarns aktiviteter i sandlådan. En kvalitativ studie om barns meningsskapande i sandlådan ur ett naturvetenskapligt perspektiv. Sidantal: 27 Författare: Helena Jebens och Jörel Sandh. Handledare: Susanne Gustavsson. Datum: januari 2014 Nyckelord: Meningsskapande, förskola, sandlåda, naturvetenskap. Studien belyser barns möjligheter till naturvetenskapligt meningsskapande i sandlådan. Som pedagoger i förskolans verksamhet har vi dagligen sett barn aktivera sig i sandlådan, men inte reflekterat över vilket naturvetenskapligt meningsskapande som möjliggörs där. Vi har även i vår verksamhet uppmärksammat genom samtal med andra pedagoger att naturvetenskap upplevs som svårt och krångligt. Studiens syfte är att undersöka vilket naturvetenskapligt meningsskapande som möjliggörs i sandlådan.

Teknisk undersökning : Rötgaskammare för småskalig biogasproduktion

Biogas mainly consists of methane and carbon dioxide, where methane is theenergy-rich gas, and is naturally created when organic matter breaks down in absenceof oxygen, also known as anaerobic digestion. A biogas plant re-creates the anaerobicconditions inside a digester where the organic substrate is fed into and digests toproduce biogas. The gas is then used to produce energy by combustion and can beseen as a completely renewable fuel.Today, energy from biogas is used primarily by major stakeholders such asmunicipalities and thus the plants become very large with high investment- andconstruction costs. There are currently few small plants in Sweden, even though thepotential for agriculture and medium-sized to smaller farms to become self-sufficientin terms of electricity and heat is great. Farms have a natural stock of digestibleorganic material in form of manure or crops for example, which are constantlyavailable.

Mödrars upplevelser av att amma det för tidigt födda barnet på en neonatalavdelning : En litteraturstudie

Background: About five percent of the infants being born in Sweden are cared for in a neonatal unit because of their prematurity. Breastfeeding and breast milk is considered to be the best nutrition for infants in general and for premature infants in particular. The premature infant, depending on how premature, may not be able to breastfeed effectively due to their immaturity. Stress, anxiety and fatigue are factors that affect breast milk production in a negative direction and these feelings are common in the neonatal unit.Aim: To illuminate mothers? experiences of breastfeeding the premature infant in the neonatal unit.Method: A literature review of eight studies with a qualitative research approach, published between the year 2000 and 2012 was conducted.

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