

2071 Uppsatser om National protectionism - Sida 37 av 139

"Bok för bok förändras Guatemala" : En studie av förutsättningar och effekter i ett biblioteksbiståndsprojekt

The main purpose of this Master´s thesis, is to describe and discuss what constitutes the library collaboration between The Swedish Royal Library and the National Library of Guatemala, but also to analyse which effects the support has for public library work in Guatemala. The data consists of interviews and direct-observations during 2 months of fieldwork in Guatemala, Central America. The analysis is based on literature studies combined with the answers from the respondents and other results from the field work. We have found above all three factors to be of importance in the constitution of the collaboration between the National Library in Guatemala and the Swedish Royal Library: the Swedish library discourse, the Swedish aid discourse and the relationship between the people involved with the project. The library discourse in Sweden and in Guatemala emphasizes different aspects of the work.

Sissinghurst Castle Garden : en arts -and -craftsträdgård

Sissinghurst är en vacker trädgårdsanläggning som ligger i grevskapet Kent i sydöstra Storbritannien.Syftet med detta arbete var att studera Sissinghursts historia, design och växtslag men även att undersöka vad som gör Sissinghurst till en typisk arts -and -craftsträdgård.Trädgården köptes på 1930-talet av skriftställaren och diplomaten Harold Nicolson och författarinnan Vita Sackville-West. En ordentlig upprustning gjordes av Sissinghurst och sedan skapade de tillsammans den mest berömda och besökta arts -and -craftsträdgården i England.Trädgården användes som om den hade varit ett hus. Övre gården utgör hallen där höjdpunkten är den purpurröda rabatten med blad som har en silvergrå nyans. Vita trädgården är matsalen som är det mest berömda trädgårdsrummet på Sissinghurst. Den innehåller bara vita blommor med ett inslag av ljust rosa.

"Nu är det riktigt, riktigt, riktigt, riktigt besvärligt" : En kvalitativ analys av TT:s rapportering om barn och unga som flyr ensamma till Sverige.

Today many separated children and youth up to 18 years - children in the sense of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child - flee from war and armed conflicts around the world. Many of them come to Sweden for protection and to apply for asylum.The aim of this study is to examine how the national Swedish news agency Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå - TT - constructs the image of separated children and youth. The main research questions have been: How does TT construct the image of the separated refugee children? The more detailed questions put to examine this main question have been: what are the issues being focused in the reporting and what discourses, voices and sources are let into the journalistic material?The theoretical perspective should be considered as social constructionistic where the basic idea is that the image of the separated child also constructs the way society looks upon them, their rights and their needs, affecting how these children will be welcomed and treated when thay arrive in our society. The empirical study is a qualitative analysis of text, produced in the span 2007- April 20th 2010.

Food preference in African Elephants (Loxodonta Africana) and the impact of Bomas in the vicinity of and in Masai Mara National Reserve

In the Maasai Mara National Reserve the native people, the Maasai, have lived for a long time following their own traditions. Their traditional lifestyle is that of a nomadic people, leading their cattle to the best grazing. Sharing their land with a large variation of different animals, one of them being the African Elephant (Loxodonta africana), the Maasi people have since long adapted to a life side by side with these giants, as well as the fierce predators living in the area.The aim of this study is to determine whether the Maasai settlement, known as Boma, has any impact on the elephants in the surrounding area. In order to conclude whether the bomas has an impact or not, observations of the wildlife were carried out. Observations were conducted in two different seasons, in December 2003 and May/June in 2004.

Konstruktionen av sverigedemokraternas väljare : En kritisk diskursanalys av svensk nyhetspress i samband med eftermälet till 2010 års riksdagsval

AbstractTitle: Konstruktionen av sverigedemokraternas va?ljareAuthor: Magnus Persson & Max LindbergTutor: Leonor Camaue?rCourse: Bachelor thesis, Media and communication. The aim of this essay is to use a Critical Discourse Analytical (CDA) approach to analyse the construction of the Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) voters in news articles to see if and how they are separated as a group from the Swedish democratic community. This aim is broken down into two questions.How are the Sweden Democrats (SD) voters constructed in news articles in Dagens Nyheter (DN) and Aftonbladet (AB) regarding the aftermath of the national elections?What differences are there between the portrayal of the Sweden Democrats voters and the agents that are used as opposition to them?To answer these questions we have used CDA. We have taken our approach from a modified version of Teun Van Dijks CDA model for analysing news articles.

Kommunala webbplatser för alla eller några? : Kvalitativa intervjuer med webbansvariga i tio sydsvenska kommuner

There is a need for examining the accessibility of public web sites and for several reasons. First, public organizations possess considerable amounts information of interest to its citizens and which ought to be easily accessible. Secondly, international and national guidelines for web publishing support the different types of requirements experienced by web users and, in particular, with regard to accessibility for people with disabilities. The thesis examines the design of public web sites from two different aspects. Web sites can be built up and structured from the management view of the public organization, or, they can be constructed with a view to user needs and requirements.

Kan man genom kartstudier förutse häckningsframgång för ängshök (Circus pygargus) i Uppland? :

Montagu´s harrier (Circus pygargus) is a diurnal, Eurasian raptor, which migrates from its northern breeding grounds to winter in sub-Saharan Africa. In Sweden, its core breeding area is centred on the island of Öland, with a stable breeding population of approximately 40 pairs. The province of Uppland is on the northern end the distribution range, where 4-8 pairs have regularly bred since the 1980s. In Sweden, the Montagu?s harrier is classified as an endangered (EN) species. This classification is partly due to a lack of preferred nesting habitat, such as shrub-lands or dense wetlands with Claudium spp.

Processdatorsystem för tryckreglering

The task of this project was to build an computer processing system for pressureregulation, in which the pressure loss over the open hydrolicvalve should be kept as low as possible. By using an cross connected proportional directional valve the valve problem could be solved. The control- and regulationproblem for the pressureregulation system was solved by using the DAQ- card NI6035E from National Instruments and the computerprogram Automatic Pressure Control 1.0 which has been software developed and written in Visual Basic. The final result showed that correct processvarible was obtained in 0,5 seconds, when the setpoint was changed in the testarea 0 - 2,5 MPa..

Kalkning och vitaliseringsgödsling : synpunkter från organisationer och myndigheter samtprivata markägare i Kronobergs län

The background for this thesis is that at the beginnings of 1980´s the National Board of Forest started an experiment of lime dressing to reduce acidification in forest soil and in ground water. The purposes of this report are to explain organization?s, government?s and private landowners viewpoint on lime dressing and vitalization fertilization, some socio-economic aspects are presented. The general conclusions are that the majority of the interested party?s are positive to vitalization fertilization but the forests owner?s in generally need much more information about this topic..

®-symbolen : Klargörande om registrerat varumärke

Trademarks are distinguishing marks that are used by companies to highlight their goods or services to separate them from other companies. In Sweden, trademarks are protected by a certain Trademark Law called Varumärkeslagen. The law is a result of many years of improvements from earlier trademark laws. Since Sweden is member of the European Union, its laws are affected and in many cases inferior to laws of the Union. A new Trademark Law is about to be implemented in Sweden, thanks to a directive from the European Union.When a trademark is registered it is possible to use the symbol ® along with the trademark.

®-symbolen : Klargörande om registrerat varumärke

Trademarks are distinguishing marks that are used by companies to highlight their goods or services to separate them from other companies. In Sweden, trademarks are protected by a certain Trademark Law called Varumärkeslagen. The law is a result of many years of improvements from earlier trademark laws. Since Sweden is member of the European Union, its laws are affected and in many cases inferior to laws of the Union. A new Trademark Law is about to be implemented in Sweden, thanks to a directive from the European Union.When a trademark is registered it is possible to use the symbol ® along with the trademark.

Hur påverkar en lansering av EMV det ekonomiska resultatet i en kategori -En kvantitativ studie om EMV lanseringar i sällanköpshandeln-

Private label introductions have been increasing in recent years. The main reason for this is that private labels increase the retailer's profits in the category. The purpose of this study is to examine how a private label introduction affects the category's performance. This study was conducted by studying the category's performance before and after the introduction, two categories are examined. Data have been collected at a Swedish retailer and consists of 38 stores, all located in Sweden and within the same store profile..

Skillnader i synen på granskning av hållbarhetsredovisningar : nationella och kulturella olikheter

Presently environmental and ethical matters are in the centre of attention and companies producing sustainability reports have become more common. It has also started to become more and more ordinary to assure these sustainability reports by an external part. However, the amount of assured sustainability reports differs a lot between different countries.There can be several reasons for why the companies chose to get the sustainability report assured. Previous studies state that the choice to produce sustainability reports can be re-lated to theories like the legitimacy theory, stakeholder theory and the agent theory. Other aspects that can affect the decision to construct a sustainability report can according to prior studies be different company characteristics and the national culture in the country in which the company is operating.

Förvärv eller Nyttjanderätt? - en jämförande studie av Baraprojektet / Acquisition or Use and Enjoyment? ? a comparison of Baraprojektet.

BARAPROJEKTET: Av författarna formulerat samlingsnamn för Professional Golfers´ Association (PGA) National Sweden AB:s köp av aktuella fastigheter från Malmö kommun och planprocessen i Svedala kommuns regi. Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka alternativ till, det av Malmö kommun valda förfarandet, att försälja fastigheten Värby 61:1 med flera till PGA: s golfbaneprojekt i Svedala kommun samt få kunskap om den planprocess som föregick beslutet. I vårt val av metod har vi varit angelägna om att skapa förutsättningar för replikation och utvärdering. Rapport är utförd med en kvalitativ fältstudie med ett strategiskt urval, kompletterat med en sekundär analys. Undersökningen bygger på en explorativ metod genom att vi kompletterat våra sekundärdata med ett flertal intervjuer. Genom vår omfattande granskning bedömer vi att rapporten har en god reliabilitet samt att vi fått tag i de intervjupersoner som kan tillföra rapporten god validitet. 1996 initierade Mikael Sorling, vd PGA Sweden AB visionen om att anlägga en golfanläggning av högsta internationella klass i Sverige. 2003 började Nils Yngvesson, före detta kommunalråd i Malmö kommun, arbeta med golfanläggningen och det var han som lade fram iden om att golfanläggningen skulle ligga i Torup.

En studie om de svenska riksdagspartiernas ställningstagande i EMU-frågan inför folkomröstningen år 2003

Based on widespread public debate prior to Swedish EMU-referendum 2003, the main purpose of this thesis is to examine and analyze the standpoint of the Swedish parliamentary parties in the EMU-issue, from perspektive of the following questions;1) What is the official standpoint of the parliamentary parties in the EMU-issue?2) What claimed effects of a Swedish EMU-membership or non-membership have the parties presented?3) What rifts can be found within the parties, in relation to their official standpoint in the EMU-issue?The Sweidish parliamentary parties´ standpoint in the EMU-issue will be analyze from the point of view of a number of current theories. These theories are basically democrazy theories that all have transnationalization and Europeanization as a common ground.The conclusions are, among others, that the parliamentary parties` standpoints in the EMU-issue are based on ideological values about whether or not a Swedish EMU-membership is good for Sweden. The Liberal Party, the Christian Democrats, the Moderate Party and the Social Party have a positive view on EMU and a deeper European integration, and basically value the economic efficency of the EMU higher than democratic decision making and a national currency and monetary policy. As for the EMU-critical parties such as the Centre Party, the Green Party and the Left Party, their view in the EMU-issue can be regarded as more nationalistic, since they say no to an exapanded financial cooperation.

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