

2071 Uppsatser om National protectionism - Sida 31 av 139

Det mångkulturella äktenskapet : Internationella fusioner, problematiken då två parter blir till en

Background: Thanks to the globalization and the EU the international trade is growing faster than ever and companies are able to change ownership across the borders of the nations. Today one can talk about global marketplace with a deeper integration of the economies of the world. The rapidly growing list of mergers of Swedish companies since the last 10 years indicates that the global companies of today is using mergers as a strategic tool for continue their growth. However the number of unsuccessful mergers is big. The need of understanding and knowledge about different cultures is growing in the global business climate of today, since the collaborations across de national borders are increasing.Problem formulation: Which international strategies are fortunate in international mergers with Swedish companies?Purpose: The purpose is to analyze the integration of the three mergers; Vin&Sprit ? Pernod Ricard, Astra - Zeneca and Telia ? Sonera.Method: This study is a case study with a qualitative approach.

Djurrättsrörelsen Mobilisering och Framgångar i Nederländerna och Storbritannien : En Komparativ Analys av Betydelsen av Politiska Institutioner i skenet av Political Opportunity Structure.

Several previous studies have in different ways tried to explain how new social movements are affected by the different sets of political and social contexts within different states and societies. This essay asks the question how much the institutional aspects within the theory of Political Opportunity Structures (POS) have determined how the rather successful animal rights movements in the Netherlands and Great Britain have mobilized and acted to gain progress. Since the Netherlands and Great Britain contains different kinds of political and institutional contexts, these two states are found to be suitable for a comparative analysis of the theory's durability. A qualitative portrayal of both state's institutional political opportunity structures are presented. Then the mobilization, progress, and actions of the political party ?Party for the Animals? in the Netherlands, and a wide group of animal rights organisations in Great Britain are determined.

?Pengarna finns i systemet? : Digitalt bevarande i Sveriges nationella strategi för arbetet med digitalisering och elektroniskt bevarande av kulturarvet

The aim of this two year master thesis is to analyze how digital preservation is presented as a problem in the Swedish national strategy for the digitization and digital preservation of the Swedish cultural heritage. In order to study which assumptions about digital preservation exists within the strategy I apply the discourse oriented methodological tools presented by Carol Lee Bacchi, which focuses on discerning what problem or, rather, representation of a problem exists within a specific policy. This study is a post-structuralist discourse analysis. The main focus of the study is on what assumptions and prerequisites the dominating representation of the problem is based upon and how the representation has evolved. The main material of the study consists of public investigations conducted by the Swedish state, governmental propositions and replies as well as other public documents upon which Bacci's methodological tools are applied.Results show that digital preservation is primarily interpreted as a financial problem as the national strategy and its surrounding documents stress the need of cost-efficient solutions.

Ådalen och bloody sunday: En jämförande fallstudie av militärt våld

The 1900s saw two incidents of states using their military in civil disorder situations, which resulted in the killing of unarmed citizens. May 14, 1931 in Ådalen, marks a significant part of Swedish history and its view of the use of military force.  On that day, a peaceful protest march escalated, which resulted in live firing by the military stationed there to uphold law and order. This resulted in the deaths of five civilians and the prohibition of the use of military force in incidents of civil disorder. In 1972 in Northern Ireland a similar event took place on January 30, which is commonly known as Bloody Sunday. The Troubles were raging and resulted in protests for civil rights by nationalists.

WE SHALL OVERCOME? Historien om EKHO ? Ekumeniska gruppen för kristna HBTQ-personer

EKHO - The Ecumenical Association for Christian LGBTQ people has existed in Swedensince the 1970's second half. The movement had its ups and downs throughout the years. Inthis essay, I will examine what happened when the movement was formed and how thefirst period developed. By examining EKHO Stockholm´s magazine EKHO-bladet my task isto describe the story from when the first EKHO association was formed until the EKHO organizations of Sweden joined together and formed the National Association, Riks EKHO. My second issue is to look into which role EKHO has played for the development in LGBTQ-issues for the Church of Sweden by analyzing documents from within the church concerning these matters.

Vilken roll spelar verktyget? : Datorns betydelse för gymnasieelevers skrivande och texter

The aim of my study is to investigate if and in that case how the writing process and texts written by students in the upper secondary school are affected by the writing tool; does it matter if they write their texts on a computer or by longhand? Another objective is to compare such an effect with the findings of previous studies performed on earlier generations of writers. The first part of my study was a survey. It showed that two thirds of the 67 students participating thought that they would have written better texts in the national writing test if they had been able to use computers. In the second part of the study each of the fourteen participants wrote one text on computer and another by hand.

Åland och ramkonventionen om skydd för nationella minoriteter

Åland har ett av världens mest omfattande nationalitetsskydd, men med snart hundra år på nacken är det inte alltid det går ihop med nyare konventioner om mänskliga rättigheter. Denna uppsats undersöker hur det åländska nationalitetsskyddet har kommenterats av Europarådets rådgivande kommitté i deras arbete med att övervaka implementeringen av ramkonventionen om skydd för nationella minoriteter. Dessa kommentarer och den åländska utvecklingen granskas i förhållande till Will Kymlickas teori om minoritetsnationalism, vilken framför att nationella minoriteter, liksom majoritetsbefolkningar, kan frångå en främlingsfientlig och exkluderande nationalism baserad på etnicitet och anta en inkluderande medborgerlig nationalism som är öppen och välkomnande gentemot invandring. För att detta ska ske menar Kymlicka att minoriteten behöver ett visst inflytande över immigrationsflöden och integrationsbestämmelser, där framför allt de senare utgör en viktig del av det åländska nationalitetsskyddet. Med hjälp av idéanalys har den åländska nationalismen analyserats, och resultaten visar att den har gått från att ha etniska inslag till att anta tydligt medborgerliga drag.

Tillämpad idrottspsykologisk verksamhet med inriktning mot tävlingsidrott och prestation : en komparativ studie mellan Sverige och Serbien

AimThe main aim with this study is to research weather there are differences in applied sportpsychology activities between Sweden and Serbia, with a focus on competitive sports andperformance. What are the differences and similarities, and in which way is the sportpsychology helping the sportsmen and sportswomen? The main goal with this study is tocome to conclusions that can be of importance to both countries development in applied sportpsychology activities.MethodFor this study the qualitative method was used and the design is descriptive and comparative.A practical comparison in the form of interviews has been done. Eight persons wereinterviewed at different times, four in Sweden and four in Serbia, one researcher in sportpsychology, one practitioner in sports psychology (a common term for a sport psychologist,mental trainer, performance coach etc.), one sports coach and one sportswoman in eachcountry. For the interviews an adequate interview guide was designed and used.ResultsPractical application in the form of various training opportunities within the sport psychologyfield, sports psychology advisory services and research in sports psychology are applied to agreater extent in Sweden then in Serbia.

EU:s gemensamma utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik - En studie om dess uppkomst och institutionella utformning

This thesis aims to explain the emergence of the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union, and its institutional shaping, by using elements of Neofunctionalism and Liberal Intergovernmentalism.Using Neofunctionalism, the Common Foreign and Security Policy can be explained both as a side-effect of Europe's economic integration, and as a way to maintain the former and the European Union's position as an economic superpower. The institutional shaping is a result of lack of convergence between important national interests. Therefore it rests on a firm intergovernmental base, with rigorously limited use of supranational decision-making.For Liberal Intergovernmentalism, geopolitics and ideology, and to a certain level log-rolling, have played important roles. The reunification of Germany convinced France to form an alliance between the two countries. France, determined to achieve an economic and monetary union, thus offered Germany a political union, including a Common Foreign and Security Policy on intergovernmental terms.

En ödmjukt auktoritär rådgivning : Ethos och etik hos föräldrarådgivaren Petra Krantz Lindgren

Wermland was affected by the Spanish flu like the Swedish national average, about a half percentage of Wermlands population would lose their lives to the flu during the autumn 1918. The flu has for many fallen into oblivion. This oblivion is so wide spread that it´s possible to talk about a "collective forgetfulness". The society have selected to remember 1918 for "when the guns went quiet on the western front" and not for the millions who died from the treacherous Spanish flu. The world had already suffered enough from the four years of war that had been fought, thus the victims of the flu would be honored but would soon fade in to oblivion.  When you investigate deeper you get the picture that the national average don´t do Wermland and its cities or rural areas any justice when a large variations seems to occur within regional areas.

Kvinnor i en mansdominerad värld : En jämförande studie om kvinnors representation i de etablerade demokratiernas parlament

The purpose of this study is to map out and to analyze the spatial variation of female representation at the national level in established democracies. The aim is also to explain the variation in the female representation. The main questions that the paper tries to answer are:1.How does women representation in established democratic parliaments vary?2.Why does women representation in established democratic parliaments vary?This study is a comparative and statistic study, i.e. a study that includes a bigger number of countries and where quantitative analysis methods are used in order to achieve comparative analyses.

Fritidspedagog eller lärare i fritids?

Syftet med vårt arbete är att belysa lärarnas uppfattningar om fritidspedagogens yrkesroll vid två skolor. Ett ytterligare syfte är att jämföra ovan med rådande uppfattningar från Skolverket samt jämföra utfallet av ovanstående med resultatet av en enkät utförd på fritidspersonalen vid dessa två skolor. Vi väljer att använda en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod med förutbestämda frågor. Vi avser att intervjua fyra lärare och delar ut enkäter till fem fritidsanställda på två olika skolor. Vi intervjuar även personal på Skolverket för att jämföra beskrivningen av fritidspedagogens yrkesroll.

Diurnal rhythm of the savannah elephant (Loxodonta africana africana) in Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya

Elephants are hindgut fermenters, which affects their diurnal rhythm. To reach their nutrient demands, elephants must eat almost constantly throughout the light part of the day. Sexual dimorphism may also affect their behavioral patterns. To understand the elephants' normal living habits and foraging behaviour, we conducted a pre-study in the Mara Triangle, the north-western part of the Maasai Mara National Reserve. Each of four to six observers randomly chose a focal animal within the group of elephants by the criteria that they were adults and visible.

En kristisk studie av metoder för skattningar av CO2 från vägtrafik med diesel som drivmedel.

Det finns nu ingen tvekan om att det är vi människor, och vårt användande av fossila bränslen, som bidrar till den förstärkta växthuseffekten. Rättvisande metoder till att mäta växthusgasutsläpp är nödvändiga för att kunna fatta framtida beslut. Vägtrafiken är en av de största källorna till utsläpp av växthusgaser och den ökar hela tiden i omfattning. Den här studien fokuserar på olika metoder som används för att uppskatta koldioxidemissioner från vägtrafiken genom att först uppskatta mängderna diesel, från ett kritiskt perspektiv. Som hjälp till detta har en alternativ metod, för att uppskatta dieselkonsumtionen från vägtrafiken i Sverige, skapats.

Likvärdig service börjar med ett gott bemötande: folkbibliotekens beredskap inför 2010.

In 2010 there will be a political resolution to ensure that the Swedish society is accessible to all citizens including people with disabilities. For this purpose a national action plan for disability policy "From patient to citizen" (Govt. Bill 1999/2000:79) has been set out with the aim of ensuring that the disability perspective will permeate every sector of society and that the approach and response to people with disabilities will be improved. The Swedish National Council for Cultural Affairs is responsible for implementing the disability policy in the cultural sector.Since public libraries in Sweden are a part of the public cultural sector, they will also be affected by the political resolution regarding accessibility. The concept underpinning library services for disabled people must be that of equality of access.

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