

2071 Uppsatser om National protectionism - Sida 11 av 139

Karlskrona stadsbibliotek 1906-1959 ? En bit av ett biblioteks historia

This master?s thesis will try to describe the beginning and development towards a modern public library of the town library in Karlskrona between 1906 and 1959. The specific years refers to the year the library was established and the year it moved to the new library building in the centre of Karlskrona. The aim of the thesis has been to do this historical description and to look at the course from the perspective of the national policies and development for the Swedish modern public library. The thesis is based mainly on reports of the proceedings of the public library and other biographical documents and literature, which has been found in two local archives.

Skyddet av geografiska ursprungsbeteckningar : en immaterialrättslig figur sui generis

Geographical indications designate products which have a specific geographical origin, which can either be national, regional or local. The subject is complicated since geographical indications arises a large number of questions There are EC regulations which regulate the protection of geographical indications, but since the field has not yet been exhaustively harmonized, the existence of national rules of protection is therefore still possible, which can lead to trade barriers between the member states. Consequently, one problem consists in whether it may be legitimate to restrict the free movement of goods by article 28 in the EC Treaty by referring to national rules of protection and to what extent such measures may be justified by article 30 or by the Cassis doctrine. An additional question consists in how the line between geographical indications and generic terms is to be established appropriately. Further, geographical indications are exposed to improper use by other dishonest commercial operators and therefore the possibilities of protection against unfair competition and misleading are also discussed in the thesis.


Close to the city center of Reykjavik lies the combined national- and university library of Iceland. Usually, these two types of institutions are separated. The purpose of this essay is to investigate how the library in fact selects the new digital material to offer the users in Iceland, and if the combined mission creates any problems or conflicts.The investigation examines the planning and the content of the digital library, what user groups are addressed and how the organisation is held together despite the different missions. If cultural context in Iceland makes a difference for what is selected and offered to the users is also discussed.Six informants in strategic library positions dealing with the digital national- or university library, were interviewed. The answers have been analysed in light of the library&information literature on building and maintaining digital library collections and organizational and marketing theory.The main result of the study is that the informants do not see a conflict between the missions of the organisation, although traces of a struggle were found in some areas.

Det förlovade folkhemmet? : en studie av svensk civilreligion speglat i socialdemokraternas retorik 1928 - 2008

The aim of this paper is to apply Robert N. Bellahs theory of civil religion, within a Swedish societal context. Bellahs theory was designed in, and influenced by American culture. Therefore, the ?translation? of Bellahs theory does not come without problems.

Riskhantering i projekt : Modell för uppföljning

In April 2010 Vägverket (the Swedish National Road Agency) andBanverket (the Swedish National Railway Agency) will merge intoTrafikverket (the Swedish National Traffic Agency). Trafikverket willassume unified responsibility for the risk management that atpresent is responsibility of Vägverket and Banverket separately. Atpresent, as it will be shown in this thesis, Vägverket and Banverketshare the same theoretical background for risk management but usedifferent implementations often within the same agency. The use ofdifferent implementations results in a reduced transparency of therisk management both within and outside the agencies: this willbecome even more problematic when they will be fused intoTrafikverket.The aim of this thesis is to review the current risk managementmethodologies used at Vägverket and Banverket and to suggest aunified tool for the risk management at Trafikverket. This will bedone by focusing in particular on construction projects, one fromVägverket (Partihallsförbindelsen) and one from Banverket(Nynäsbanan).

Beslut om betydande miljöpåverkan för järnvägsprojekt : beslutsmotiveringar, åtgärder och regionala skillnader

This thesis examines the reasons to why railway projects conducted by Banverket (Swedish National Rail Administration) could be expected to cause significant effects on the environment, on which grounds the County Administrative Board and Swedish National Rail Administration base their decisions/assumptions and highlight regional differences between the different Swedish national rail administrations regions. Total 24 railway projects, conducted or being conducted, during the time period 2001 - January 2010 have been analyzed and studied. These projects represent eight different measures/activities which are dispersed throughout all five of the Swedish National Rail Administration´s different regions. Swedish legislations demands that the planner of a new railway project shall first conduct a pre-study and then conduct a public consultation which provides the participants an opportunity to provide input. The County Administrative Board shall then decide if the project could cause significant effects on the environment.

När de blir vi: institutioner, governance och förändring i Öresundskomiteen

In January 2007 the Öresund committy changed its statutes to become a more politically oriented lobby organization. This change can be interpreted as one part of a continuously evolving process where the Öresund region is emancipating itself from the national states in a multi-level European environment. By focusing on this latest development the thesis puts forward the importance of political institutions, as well as politicians and civil servants as actors in them, as crucial factors in the process where the region is gaining political power. The thesis shows how the political cross-border cooperation in the Öresund region is being institutionalized which affects its power relations to other levels in the multi-level system, predominantly the national states. In other words, there is a connection between power and institutionalization.The Öresund committee has by gaining better access to policymaking agendas on the national levels proven that the organizational change has already started to bear fruit.

Talar samlingarna? Hur bibliotekarier lär sig sina samlingar vid nationalbiblioteken

National libraries hold large, valuable repositories of often unique materials. How can we ensure that the knowledge is accessible without endangering the materials that hold the knowledge? Digital preservation is meant to solve this problem. With more and more material being accessible digitally, users are expected to do more and more of the finding on their own, instead of being guided by librarians. What kind of knowledge do the librarians have, that cannot be mediated through a system? How is the knowledge of experienced librarians passed on to new librarians? What is the difference between physical and digital materials? I have interviewed senior and junior librarians of Det Kongelige Bibliotek in Copenhagen, Nasjonalbiblioteket in Oslo, the National Library in Helsinki, and Kungliga Biblioteket in Stockholm to learn about their journey to knowledge of their collections.

Sveriges mest monumentala målning? : Mediala praktikers betydelse för formeringen av kulturarv. En undersökning av 1987 års debatt om Carl Larssons Midvinterblot

This essay examines the debate that arose in connection to the sale of Carl Larsson?s monumental painting Midvinterblot in 1987. My main purpose is to examine which meanings the debaters ascribed Midvinterblot and in which way the debate influenced the paintings significance as cultural heritage. I will therefore argue that the debate initiated a renegotitation of the paintings meaning as cultural heritage. In the debate the debaters emphasized the National Museum?s responsibility over cultural heritage, Midvinterblots aestethic, the paintings economic value and its national implications.

Kostråd på internet : En tva?rsnittsstudie bland unga vuxna

AimThe study aims were to identify young adults? sources of nutritional advice on the Internet and how they perceive the credibility of these. The study also aimed at exploring young adults' knowledge of national recommendations issued by the National Food Agency.MethodA web-based survey was distributed on the social media platform Facebook. The questionnaire contained a total of 14 questions regarding online nutritional advice and its credibility. Finally, it requested the respondent's knowledge and credibility of the national nutritional recommendations.

Små mängder primärprodukter : vad innebär det?

In article 1.2 c) EC regulation 852/2004 it says that the regulation is not applicable to producers who directly supply small quantities of primary products to the final consumer or to the local retailers who in their turn directly supply the final consumer. An almost identical regulation can be found in article 1.3 c) EC regulation 853/2004. The supply by a primary producer of small quantities of primary products, of animal origin or not, are consequently excepted from these two hygiene regulations. In article 1.3 EC regulation 852/2004 and article 1.4 EC regulation 853/2004 it says that the member states are to establish national rules in their national legislation as to the regulation of exception for small quantities. The aim of this study was to investigate the handling of small quantities of primary products distributed locally in Sweden but also the handling of these products in other countries.

How Maasai settlements affect the grazing habits of the Common Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) in the Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya

With a growing human population as well as a changing lifestyle, the conflict of wildlife and humans is intensifying. In Kenya, Maasais and their livestock have for a long time coexisted with wildlife, but an adjustment to privately own land and cultivation might rapidly change the terms for this coexistence. To understand how the Maasais and their livestock affect the wildlife in the Maasai Mara National Reserve and the surrounding area, this study was undertaken. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how hippos are concerned..

Guldlock och de tre björnarna, en saga utan familj : En intervjustuide med sex personer verksamma inom förskolan angående skönlitteraturens roll i verksamheten och behovet av icke-heteronormativ skönlitteratur

Literature is an important part of the daily activity in preschool and it is also a powerful tool for reinforcing different norms.The purpose of this study is to explore, through qualitative interviews, for what purpose pedagogues in preschool use literature in their daily activity and what needs these pedagogues see for non-heteronormativity literature. The study also relates the needs that pedagogues see with the basic values presented in the Swedish National Curriculum for preschool.Literature is used in preschool for a wide range of purposes including; enriching the language, getting familiarized with the written language, show diversity, reinforce norms on how to be a good friend, as a starting-point for discussion, working with a theme or to have a fun time.The needs that the pedagogues see for non-heteronormativity literature can be divided in to three categories namely there is always a need, there is only a need when somebody requires that kind of literature to identify themselves with or there is only a need when somebody is being discriminated because of not belonging to the heteronorm.The need for non-heteronormativity literature being there always corresponds with the basic values in the Swedish National Curriculum for preschool and the recommendation that the basic values are visible in the daily activity of the preschool. The other needs doesn?t correspond with this, but it matches other parts of the Swedish National Curriculum for preschool..

Leverantörens varumärkesstrategi : En studie om hur konsumenters beteende kan påverka leverantörers varumärkesstrategi gällande private label och national brands  

Uppsatsens titel: Leverantörens varumärkesstrategi ? En studie om hur konsumenters beteende kan påverka en leverantörs varumärkesstrategi gällande private label och national brandsKurs: Examensarbete, Civilekonomexamen, Marknadsföring, 30hp (4FE62E)Lärosäte: Ekonomihögskolan vid Linnéuniversitetet, KalmarFörfattare: Amanda Andersson och Rebecca DanielssonHandledare: Christine TidåsenExaminator: Bertil HulténDatum: 2014-05-26Nyckelord: Private Label, National Brands, Varumärkesstrategi, Leverantör, Konsumentbeteende, Attitydslojalitet, Beteendelojalitet Bakgrund: Varumärkesutbudet på hyllorna i dagligvaruhandeln har förändrats. Denna uppsats fokuserar på hur en konsuments beteende gällande varumärkena private label och national brands ser ut. Vidare utgår uppsatsen från hur konsumentens beteende kan påverka leverantörens varumärkesstrategi gällande private label och national brands. Syfte: Examensarbetets syfte är att beskriva hur konsumenters köpbeteende och tankar kan påverka en leverantörs varumärkesstrategi gällande private label och national brands. Vidare avser uppsatsens författare generera slutsatser gällande hur leverantörer kan hantera sin varumärkesstrategi.

Nationell naturvård i en lokal kontext : En analys av ett nationalparksförslag i Södra Jämtlandsfjällen

Local participation in nature conservation has gained more attention over the last decades due to international conventions as well as local and national initiatives. This development can be seen as a reaction to a more expert oriented nature conservation characterized by centralized control and strict preservation of so called "original" nature. The overall objective of this thesis is to contribute to research on new forms of conservation where democracy and local participation is included. The case study focuses on the process of producing a pre-study for a suggested national park in southern Jämtland in the Swedish mountain region, and aims to investigate to what extent local participation was included. The pre-study was led by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) and the County Administrative Board (CAB) in Jämtland.

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