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"En skola för alla" : verklighet för elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter och dyslexi?

Many researches have been done about the difficulties in teaching children with disabilities and like in this case dyslexia, which is the disability my essay is focused on. Earlier researches have investigated how and what teachers do practically when they have pupils with dyslexia and what help they have in their work. I wanted to investigate how the theories in National Compulsory School Curriculum (Lpo94) and about inclusive education in relation to the actual work in one Swedish school. My essay, with help of other research, has taken the expression ?school for all? and it?s meaning to what is possible to do in a real life work situation, with the assignments that schools have in Lpo94.

Ungdomar och narkotika : En litteraturstudie om varför en del ungdomar prövar/använder narkotika

The purpose of this essay was to study factors that influence some youth to use narcotics. I wanted to increase my understanding and knowledge about these factors. I believe it is good to have such knowledge when you are working with youth who are using narcotics but also for a good drug-prevented work. It is a literary study, which covers the most frequently quoted results in the field of research.The questions for my study were:· Which factors influence youth to use narcotics on a individual level?· Which factors influence youth to use narcotics on a group level?· Which factors influence youth to use narcotics on a society level?My conclusion of this study was that youth often use narcotics because of many different factors and it is youth from all social groups in the society who are testing and using narcotics..

Crowdsourcing som tillämpningsmetod hos svenska arkivinstitutioner : En kvalitativ undersökning ur ett maktperspektiv

In this thesis I have chosen to study the use of crowdsourcing in Swedish archival institutions as well as the influence this methodic platform has on the work of modern archivists. This also raises the question whether the nature of the platform is in any way influenced by the attitude working professionals might have towards crowdsourcing as a legitimed working method. This investigation is based on case studies and interviews with archivists from select Swedish institutions and also the methodology of two now ongoing crowdsourcing projects.The theoretical framework on which this composition is based comes from the work of Gregory Asmolov and his work on crowdsourcing platforms and their functionality as tools of governing. Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) is applied to analyze how the method of crowdsourcing is utilised by archival institutions and influenced by their daily routine in conjunction with Governmentality as the chosen way of studying how these platforms might control their users.From the results of the performed case studies, two discourses emerged based on the view on quality concerning gathered information amongst the involved subjects. The first of these discourses places it´s trust and faith in users themselves where validity is of a lesser concern than the actual availability of information through the concept of ?wisdom of the crowds?.

Att följa piskan eller hjärtat? : Partisammanhållningens utveckling i riksdagen efterpersonvalsreformens tillkomst

This thesis aims at studying the development of the party cohesion in the Swedish national parliament, riksdagen, after the introduction of preference voting in the election of 1998. The party cohesion has been measured during parliamentary sessions before and after the reform. The result of the cohesion during each of the sessions has then been compared towards each other. The cohesion was measured between the members of parliament viewed as a whole, and within the party groups during the different sessions. The research method being used has been a quantified statistical voting analysis, making the comparisons of party cohesion during the different parliamentary sessions as easy as possible.

Trähägn en tänkbar metod för viltskydd i Svenskt skogsbruk?

This survey was made to investigate the possibility of using an alternative method of fencing inSwedish forestry. The most common way of fencing in Sweden today is made by a two meter highmetal net that is attached to turned impregnated poles. The fencing methods that have beeninvestigated is a fencing system made completely out of wood so called ?German wood fence?.Browsing of game in forest regeneration areas is often a big problem and some kind of protection ofthe plants is often necessary. There is several ways of building fences and the most common way isto use metal nets and impregnated poles, this leads to a problem when the fence has profiled itspurpose.

Balkanisering och klassifikation : En komparativ studie av klassifikationen av forna Jugoslavien, beträffande språk, geografi och historia, i DDC och SAB

This master's thesis examines the possibilities of correction and change in a classification scheme, with regard to the changes that occur in the world the classification system intends to describe.Applying a comparative method and classification theory, the classification of the example of the former Yugoslavia (1918-1941, 1945-1991), its republics and successor states, and the languages, formerly known as Serbo-Croatian are examined through a comparison of the main classes and divisions of language, geography, and history, in Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), and Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek [Classification for Swedish Libraries] (SAB). Eight editions of DDC, from 1876 to 2014, are compared to seven editions of SAB, from 1921 to 2013. The editions have been selected in order to show the changes prior to, and following, the First World War, changes after the Second World War, and changes following the collapse of Yugoslavia in 1991.The examination shows that both systems have updated their editions according to the changes in former Yugoslavia over the years. DDC has well constructed facet schedules, especially Table 2 concerning geography, but fails, in some cases, to construct a logic and hierarchical structure for the republics and languages of Yugoslavia, partly due to the fixed classes and divisions that survive from the very first edition of DDC from 1876, but also as a result of the decimal notation, and its limitations, itself.SAB seeks to construct a hierarchically logic and equal scheme for the languages, areas, and states of the former Yugoslavia. Although the facets for geography and chronology aren't as developed as the ones in DDC, the overall result is that of a logically consistent and hierarchically clear classification, with short notation codes, thanks to the alphabetic mixed notation, which allows more subdivisions than the numerals and the pure notation of DDC.This study is a two years master's thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies..

?Den svåraste gruppen? : En etnologisk studie om unga vuxnas förhållande till museer

Syftet för den kvalitativa undersökningen är att undersöka om och hur lärare kan stödja rektorns pedagogiska ledarskap. Undersökningen framförs ur rektorns perspektiv.Följande frågeställningar används för att hitta svar på denna studie:Vad rektorer tycker om det pedagogiska ledarskapet (abstrakta svar, känslor, icke materiellt):Tycker rektorer att det är svårt att klara av det pedagogiska ledarskapet?Hindrar lärare rektorer att klara av det pedagogiska ledarskapet?Vilket stöd skulle rektorer vilja ha av lärare i sitt pedagogiska ledarskapet? Vilket stöd rektorerna får (konkreta svar, ej känslomässiga, materiellt):Vilket stöd får rektorer av lärare i sitt pedagogiska ledarskap?Vilka brister finns det i lärarnas stöd till rektorers pedagogiska ledarskap?Arbetets teoretiska ramverk består av kapitel som handlar om rektorns juridiska, administrativa och ekonomiska ansvar. Det består av kapitel som handlar om rektorns pedagogiska ledarskap men också om relationen mellan rektor och lärare. Relationen är väldigt viktig eftersom ledarskapet inte existerar utan relationer och i relationen är i sin tur kommunikationen central.Undersökningen visar att rektorer ofta nämner ord som diskussion, gemenskap och förtroende.

Varför En Reformerad Gymnasieskola 2011? : En reformanalys utifrån rektorer och lärares uppfattningar ? kopplat till John Deweys teorier.

This empirical work and base has been to analyze the government?s investigation (SOU 2008:27): the future road ? a reformed high school, which led to the high school reform that the Swedish government introduced as proposition (2008/09:199) about: Higher demand and quality within the high school. Skolverket (part of the Swedish government) has worked with the development of this steering document within their own mission Gy2011 in connection with the high schools during the transition. The reform comes into effect 1 of July 2011. This led to the main purpose to ask questions what high school principals and teachers think of the reform and to what extent it effects the high school programs, the examination system, what impact they see on the individual and the demand from society, and to some extent what the respondent´s answers about the government?s definition of what the higher demand and quality in the reform signify.

Vikten av icke-diskriminering, barnets bästa och att få höras : - En studie i hur asylsökande barns rättigheter tillgodoses i svensk rätt respektive i Rawls rättviseteori

The purpose of this master's thesis is to examine children's communication and interaction during story time at the public library. The aim is also to examine how to develop the story time ? in terms of participation and equality ? at a specific library.Action research was used as a research strategy and participant observation, log, tutoring and interviews as methods to collect data. Since action research is done on the basis of practice, a significant collaboration with the librarian and the participant children is taking place within this study.Research from the fields of Library and Information Science, Education and Childhood Sociology form the interdisciplinary research area to which this study links. The theoretical framework consists of theory and concepts from the Socio-cultural Perspective, Poststrucuralist Feminism and Childhood Sociology.

DET ÄR MITT LIV! DET HÄR BEHÖVER JAG - vägen ut ur missbruk ur ett brukarperspektiv

The purpose of this essay was to investigate which factors the individuals found important in the process of becoming a person with a drug-free life. The framing of the questions we had were to get the experiences, thoughts and wishes of the drug users. The survey was based on thematised qualitative interviews and focused in the personal stories of the interviewees. We interviewed four women and five men, all of which had several years of drug-abuse behind them. We found similarities and patterns and we could identify that the three most important things was the own motivation, will and that the drug-abuser had the possibility to change their social network and had the ability to find other important things in life..

Fri rörlighet av varor : Art 34 FEUF och åtgärder med motsvarande verkan - "från Dassonville till Trailers målet"

The characteristics of free movement is the elimination of obstacles to trade between Member States and thus by such, create free movement within the entire union. Therefore art 34 in the Treaty of Lisabon (FEUF) states that all quantative restrictions on imports and measures of equivalent effect are prohibited. The legal approach to measures having equivalent effect is still unclear and the purpose of this paper is therefore to propose a solution to that particular problem. What can be said when it comes to this rule is that the EU-Court has gone from applying a discrimination test to a market access doctrine.According to the Court´s case law, measures having equivalent effects to quantative restrictions are ?All trading rules enacted by Member States which are capable of hindering, directly or indirectly, actually or potentially, intra-community trade?.  The question of how to apply the test when it comes to a potential hinder to intra-community trade is still unclear.

Vardag på ett särskilt boende för en äldre invandrare som inte kan det svenska språket : En observationsstudieAn observation study of the everyday life of an immigrant unable to speak swedish and living in a home for elderly

In Sweden the social assistance from a historical perspective, has been a part of the social legislation, since the 18th century. In that time called poor relief. Through the centuries this has established the social assistance we have today. With focus on the child, we have attempted to illustrate how the social workers consider the child perspective when they are dealing with the social assistance. We wanted to get a view of how the social worker reasons about needs the children have and how they can see that the benefit has been provided for.

Examensarbete : examenskonsert & skiva : skriftlig reflektion inom självständigt, konstnärligt arbete

This thesis explores how art produced in the former GDR has been looked upon, handled and exhibited after the reunification of Germany in 1990. Swedish Art History has paid little attention to art in the GDR. The debate starting in the 50s between the spokesmen for abstract art and the defenders of figuration restrained for a long period the ability to look upon art from the GDR without prejudices. This led to a rejection of all figurative art in the GDR and sweeping judgmental attitudes, like it´s all ?kitsch?.

Att organisera beståndet eller ?Äntligen hittar man!? : om hylluppställning och exponering på Arkenbiblioteket

The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine how libraries can organize their collections in terms of library shelving and displays and to what extent these activities stem from a desire to create a user-friendly library. The thesis is based upon a case study of Arkenbiblioteket in Sweden and the material consists of a literature study and qualitative, semi-structured interviews with three librarians at Arkenbiblioteket. The theoretical framework consists of theories on information-seeking behavior, classification and displays. These theories form the basis of the analysis of the empirical material.The main reason for the changes in shelf arrangement at Arkenbiblioteket was a desire among the library staff to create a user-friendly library.

Hemma bra men borta bäst? : En studie om svenska och ryska hedgefonder

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the difference in return between Swedish and Russian hedge funds while considering the risk taken.Method: This study is based on quantitative data on funds' historical returns from the electronic database Morningstar.se. Additional data is taken from the funds websites, the Swedish National Bank and Fondbolagens förening.Result and conclusion: All hedge funds, both the Russian and Swedish performed better thanthe index. The Russian hedge funds nevertheless performed better than their Swedishcounterparts in all three evaluation methods..

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