

316 Uppsatser om Nation - Sida 7 av 22

Varför en arkeologisk identitet? En analys av kurdernas och samernas rätt och möjlighet att tala om arkeologisk identitet i nutid

Syftet med uppsatsen är att dels försöka definiera vad begreppet arkeologisk identitet i nutid innebär, dels göra en analys av hur arkeologisk identitet tar sig uttryck i en arkeologisk/politisk diskussion. Begreppet diskuteras utifrån två skilda exempel på vad arkeologisk identitet kan innebära för minoritetsgrupper, dels kurderna i staden Hasankeyf i sydöstra Turkiet, dels samerna i Härjedalen i Sverige. Monument ochlämningar efter nuvarande och svunna kulturer utgör, enligt min mening, en del av de lokala kulturernas arkeologiska identitet som varje Nation har rätt och möjlighet att tala om i nutid..

Om museers praktik och samhällsfunktion : en fallstudie av District Six Museum i Kapstaden

This thesis is largely about museums and their role and development in and for society. With a field/case study of the District Six Museum in Cape Town, we try to encapsulate a modern function for museums within a context of 1) the current worldwide discussion on museums and their future, and 2) the development of a new democratic Nation in South Africa, and museums possible role in that process. Through analysis of interviews made with concerned people within and outside the District Six museum weintend to get a picture of the views on this particular museum and its role and function, for its community and society at large, plus for other museums, as a possible role model. We find that this museum might be close to a type of museum that has been asked for by museologists and others in recent times..

Forza TV? : debatten kring den medierade valkampanjen i det italienska parlamentsvalet 1994

During the 1994 Italian elections many things were new for the voters. A new election system, new parties emerging where old traditional ones were dying out because of long ongoing corruption scandals that were coming up to the surface. In all this one man, Silvio Berlusconi, a famous Italian businessman, stepped in and with his two allied parties Lega Nord and Alleanza Nazionale he swept away the Nation in a never before seen election campaign. Many things have been said about the motifs and the way he prosecuted the election campaign for the Forza Italia. But what I try to see for this thesis is the awereness in the Italian print media from this particular period - how and if the debate about an in just electoral campaign existed in the country from the date Silvio Berlusconi entered ?the playing field? as he called it and up to the days of election..

Tillsammans gör vi skillnad : En studie om hållbar turism från ett nordiskt, svenskt och regionalt perspektiv

Norden är i dagsläget en framstående del av världen när det kommer till hållbar utveckling och hållbar turism. Många satsningar görs för att förbättra de tre dimensionerna, ekonomiskt, socialt och ekologiskt som ingår i begreppet hållbarhet. Uppsatsen har syftet att undersöka hållbar turism och utveckling ur ett nordiskt, svenskt och regionalt perspektiv där Sigtuna kommun står i fokus på det regionala planet. I denna kvalitativa undersökning visas exempel på bra och mindre bra satsningar som görs på nämnda nivåer. Även hur hållbar turismutveckling kan tillämpas ur ett nätverksperspektiv är ett huvuddel.

Från kakburkar och pottor till Chopin och Tjajkovskij : En studie om steelbandkulturens uppkomst i Trinidad och Tobago

Nationaldagen år 1992 utnämndes steelpan till Trinidad och Tobagos Nationalinstrument. Världens yngsta akustiska instrument har på några få decennier gjort en klassresa. Syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån de gällande teorierna om subkultur analysera steelbandkulturens ursprung och dess utveckling från en gräsrotskultur till en representant för en hel Nation. Vilka faktorer bidrog till subkulturens uppkomst? Hur var det möjligt för steelbandkulturen att inta en så framträdande position i ett multikulturellt samhälle där den europeiska kulturen värdesattes högst av alla? Och vad händer med en subkultur som blir accepterad av resten av samhället?.

Medborgare, sträck ut din arm : Bloddonation och blodhandel i Folkets Dagblad 1985-1998

The purpose of this BA-study is to analyse articles about blood selling and blood doNations in the Chinese daily newspaper People?s Daily between 1985 and 1998.With publications of popular scientific material, reports from rallies and portraits of blood donating ?heroes? etc., the People?s Daily, i.e. the Chinese Com­mu­nist Party, actively addresses the underlying cultural reluctance to give blood by different means. People?s Daily and the CCP resolutely aims to transform negative Confucian and other traditional notions of losing blood into represen­tations of courage, honour, duty, etc.

Globalisering och miljöarbete inom multinationella företag

The environment became an established issue on the interNational political agenda after World War 2. How to preserve natural resources became an issue that concerned several powerful participants, affected by changed conditions in the environmental legislation. This paper is a study of the growing environmental work within the multiNational Swedish corporations Boliden, IKEA and SAS and how it was affected by the globalization. The material studied is environmentally related information produced by the companies and also interviews with the Environmental Managers. The information provided has been analyzed and compared with well-known opinions of globalization, trying to find out how the process of globalization has affected the handling of environmental work within the companies.

Giganters Kamp - en undersökning av konfliktlösning och förhandling i handelskonflikter

This paper is an attempt to distinguish the specifics of the conflict resolution process and the negotiations during trade conflicts. First of all, this kind of conflict almost always contains some kind of protectionism which doesn?t make sense economically. Imposing trade-barriers decrease the overall welfare of your own Nation and the only winner is the protected sector. These policies can be introduced since the political pressure from threatened industries is usually much stronger than the pressure from the consumers who will bear the burden of protectionism.

åååååÅÅÅÅÅ TEMPO!! : En studie kring studenter och dryckesvisor

The aim with this essay has been to see how students use drinking-songs and what function they have. I have also wanted to see how the traditions are carried on between the students. In order to do this, I have been observing three parties organised by three different student associations at Växjö University: Västkustens Nation, Föreningarnas Festeri and Isterbandet. I have interviewed five people that have been attending the dinners. I have used Alan Merriam?s theory of use/function and made interpretations of his theory.

Gudsstyre? : En fallstudie av Irans regim

The aim of this Master´s thesis is to examine which type of regime the state Iran is. There has been much research on this issue and the discussion is not over yet. I have departed from three theoretical perspectives in order to understand which type of regime the Middle Eastern Nation is: theocracy, democracy and hybrid regime. The theocratic regimetype is composed by David L. Websters archeological theory about governments ruled by God.

Spoiler alert : En analys av kvinnliga karakta?rer i tv-serien Homeland ur ett nationsperspektiv

This essay is a comparison according to the ideological thoughts about womens position in the society of Mao Zedong och Josef Stalin. The material I have analysed is writings by Mao and Stalin, in a wide range from leaflets to orders to the armies of the states of China and the Soviet Union. The method I have used is an ideological analysis where the attitude towards women is the target for my survey. The attitude towards women generally was not unified in the world during the time for Mao and Stalin. In many countries the women was intended to take care of the children and the home, not be active in working and fighting.

Välkommen till den Europeiska Unionen : en litteraturstudie om ensamkommande barn i EU

Unaccompanied minors who are fleeing and being sent way from their countries of origin are nothing new. In 2011, 12 225 unaccompanied minors where registered in The European Union, none undocumented minors included. Most of the minors are coming from Afghanistan and Somalia. The aim of this essay is to investigate how The European Union?s migration policies are applied in reality and how United Nation?s Convention on the Right of Children are put in practice by the member states of The European Union and Norway.

Mohammedkarikatyrerna och skapandet av den Andre : En diskursanalys av den andres dominerande roll och identitet i Sverige

The aim of the paper is to explore the dominating perception of the Other after the conflict regarding the Danish Mohammed caricatures. How Swedish newspapers have portrayed Arabs, which role they have been given in society and what problems they are struggling with is going to be the focus of this thesis.As methodological approach I chose discourse analysis, since it presents a view where language defines and structures our understanding of reality. Through the study of various Swedish newspaper articles, this essay tries to illustrate the implicit yet existent negative image of the Arabs as a group and potential alternative ways of understanding the Other.The perception of Arabs is a product of a necessary imaginary foe, a mirror image of the bad and strange in contrast to the idyllic and safe Swedish Nationality. The rhetoric?s of the discourse are therefore constructed between a politics of acknowledgement and a will to culturally dominate the Other.

Människohandel : en modern form av slaveri - Exemplet Bosnien- och Hercegovina

This qualitative study focuses on the investigation of different actor?s ideas concerning gender and womanhood in a post-socialist Nation Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of this study is to try to provide experiences and attitudes of one not a new, but definitely one constantly changing phenomenon, trafficking in women for sexual exploitation. The qualitative data is mainly collected through nine interviews with people from Bosnian Governments, InterNational organizations and NGOs during my stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The causes to trafficking are complex and intertwined but it directly relates to gender discrimiNation and attitudes on sexual relationships between women and men.

Några lärares attityder och tankar kring de nationella proven

Denna uppsats är en kvalitativ studie vars syfte är att undersöka några lärares attityder gente-mot de Nationella proven. Semistrukturella intervjuer genomfördes med sex olika lärare på olika stadier inom skolan. Resultaten visade att många respondenter uppfattar de Nationella proven som tidskrävande, men att de konkretiserar betygskriterier och målformuleringar på ett tillfredsställande vis. Dessutom bidrar de Nationella proven till att försöka skapa en gemensam standard för alla skolor i Sverige. Överlag var respondenterna positivt inställda till de Nation-ella proven, men hade också tankar om hur provsystemet kan förbättras, och konkreta förslag gavs.

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