

316 Uppsatser om Nation - Sida 12 av 22

DEN EUROPEISKA IDENTITETENS KOMPONENTER En kvantitativ analys p? vad som definierar den europeiska identiteten

The European identity plays an important role for the EU and especially within its will to further integrate its citizens, hence it is a way for individuals to not only identify with its Nation, yet also with Europe. Previous research has already established that an individual can possess two territorial identities, such as a National and a European identity, above all it has established how the identities can equally interplay. Further it has been explained how territorial identities are composed of two aspects: civic and cultural. While the previous research has stated how the European identity possesses both aspects, though to varying degrees, little attention has been put to examine how individuals who possesses multiple territorial identification, defines its European identity. This study therefore aims to study which aspects, civic or cultural, individuals with a citizenship who possess multiple territorial identification, assign their European identity.

Who is Irish? - En kritisk diskursanalys rörande nationell identitet i medierapporteringen vid folkomröstningen om rätten till medborgarskap på Irland

The economic growth in Ireland, during the 1990s, lead to changing migration patterns. Ireland became a destiNation country for immigrants instead of an emigration country. Before 2004 people who were born on the island of Ireland had a constitutional right to Irish citizenship. This right was removed after a referendum in 2004.National identity is a sense of community constructed through common history and defines who belongs to the Nation. The purpose of this thesis is to do a critical discourse analysis of the debate in media before the referendum.The analysis was done on texts from The Irish Times, one of the major newspapers in Ireland.

Jordbruket, en del av vår identitet En studie om Frankrikes stöd för EU:s gemensamma jordbrukspolitik

AbstractThe European union experience sometimes difficulties in advancing its work due to the member states? different ambitions and interests. The budget is one common tool that the member states can use in order to implement different policies according to their preferences. A large share of the budget is presently tied up in the CAP, the common agricultural policy. This share could be spent in another area and by doing so the EU could take a slightly different direction.

Den demokratiska antipatrioten och den rasande förtryckaren: En diskursanalys av representationen av svenska och icke-svenska aktörer i historiska läroböcker

This study analyzes the discursive content of four history textbooks in order to demonstrate how National identities are formed and how they differ from each other. This was done through discourse analysis guided by social constructivism and John M. Hobson?s dichotomy of East and West. The study shows that textbooks mainly construct National identities in three ways; first by making a clear distinction between ?The Self? and ?The Other?, second by preserving a world order based on the notions of the invariant hegemony of the Nation-state, and third by utilizing stereotype based dissimilarities in order to accentuate existing differences between Nationalities. Implicit ideals and values in the historical discourse play an important part in the construction of identities; however sends a contradictory and ambiguous message.

Ursprungsmärkt : En studie om konsumenters betalningsvilja fo?r ursprungsma?rkta livsmedelsvaror

This bachelor thesis argues for consumers' views on origin labeling effect and their willingness to pay for goods with this kind of label. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence and to measure willingness to pay for a National origin labeled product previously only competeing with a less expensive conventional product, when a further regional product is introduced in the purchasing decisions of consumers. This is achieved by testing whether Simonson's (1989) theory of the compromise effect is applicable to increase consumers' willingness to pay for eco-labeled food products. The factors affecting the willingness to pay; trust in eco- label, opinions about the products of their own Nation and the surrounding region. Furthermore presents theory about what underlying the consumer consumption choices.In order to achieve credible results 240 respondents have participated in a questionnaire survey.

Tankar om demokrati, effektivitet och legitimitet -En idéanalys av debatten om EU:s framtid i två länder

In recent years the concern about the future of the European Union and itssupposed lack of democracy, efficiency and legitimacy has increased. Thisconcern has resulted in extensive debates and the establishment of a conventionwith the task to create a draft treaty for a European Constitution.The aim of this essay is to study how the three theoretical concepts,democracy, efficiency and legitimacy, have been described and used in the debateabout the future of the European Union. My main interest is to see how theseconcepts are described in a debate regarding a political system that goes beyondthe borders of the Nation-state. I have made a comparative textual analysis of thedebates taken place in Sweden and Spain during a period of over two years. Ihave, for instance, found out that openness and clearness have a prominentposition as democratic values together with equality and justice (in Spain) and theinstitution of accountability (in Sweden).

Mellan politik och funktion - En studie av öresundskomiteen som en politisk arena ur ett radikaldemokratiskt perspektiv.

The concept of the dynamic region has become a more prospering thought in the era of globalisation. This concerns in particular, cross border regions ? well-integrated territorial regions crossing more than one Nation. In this paper I examine the development from a critical perspective and I map the democratic pitfalls of new territorial political constructions across National borders. The empirical analysis is a case report taken from the Öresund region, a cross border region between Sweden and Denmark.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av hot och våld i mötet med patienter inom ambulanssjukvård : - en intervjustudie

 Every day media reports acts of violence in various kinds. Crime statistics shows that threats and violence are increasing in regard to both frequency and intensity within the Nation. Nurses in the ambulance service are often the first to meet with a patient, therefore these nurses often find themselves in situations where violence and threats occur or have occurred. Drug addiction or some kind of illness are often reasons behind threats and violence.Earlier studies within this area of knowledge are mostly foreign and therefore little describes Swedish nurses` experiences of threats and violence within the ambulance service.The purpose of this study was to describe nurses experiences of threats and violence in the meeting with patients within the ambulance service.The study is a qualitative interview study performed within the School of Life Sciences at the University of Skövde. Six nurses were interviewed with the criterion that they should have experienced threats and violence within their occupation.

Bibliotekets roll i integrationspolitiken ett postkolonialt perspektiv

Sweden of today is a so-called multicultural society. In this thesis we wanted to examine how mono, multi- and intercultural issues are expressed in culture-political documents. We also wanted to know how librarians for whom these documents are supposed to be guidelines expressed themselves in these matters. Monoculturalism can be described as a static perspective laid upon culture which emphasises cultural purity. A multicultural society describes a society were the Nation consists of many different cultures alongside each other, without a genuinely common core.

En sekulär Lucia? : En argumentationsanalys av debatterna kring det svenska skolväsendets förhållningssätt till religiösa institutioner och traditioner under åren 2011-2012

On the 1st of July 2011 a new education act was carried out, which elucidate that all education in course of a public principal shall be non-denomiNational. In relation to this a public debate about the educational system's policy toward religious institutions, particularly the earlier Nation church Svenska Kyrkan, and religious traditions burst out. This thesis reconstructs the ?Lucia debates? that were kept during the years 2011-2012. The aim of this thesis is to identify the mechanisms of the Lucia debate's issue and progress.

Två länder går skilda vägar. Språk, identitet och civilt samhälle i Ukraina och Vitryssland.

Den unika situation som uppstod i samband med Sovjetunionens upplösning i början av 1990-talet berikade världen med flertalet nya stater. Flera av dessa var mycket lika vad beträffar gemensam historia, etnisk sammansättning och förutsättningar att börja bygga upp sitt land. Hur kommer det sig då att två väldigt lika länder som Ukraina och Vitryssland går olika öden till mötes? Ukraina är idag en Nation som är på väg att konsolidera demokrati i landet medan Vitryssland mer eller mindre är en fulländad diktatur.Genom att studera ländernas språk och identitet, samt det civila samhällets utveckling, finner vi att båda dessa faktorer haft en stor betydelse för ländernas utveckling. I Ukraina har utvecklingen inom båda dessa områden nått längre än i Vitryssland.

Digital delaktighet i Sverige : Om att inkludera alla i framtidens samhälle

Almost all Swedes today have access to the Internet, if not through the home then via the library or work. Despite this, around 20% of the population stand outside the information society in that they lack in knowledge, assistive usability tools or positive attitude towards technology and its influence on society. The main factors influencing the digital divide in today's society are age, disability and education, while the main reason for staying outside seems to be disinterest.The question about digital inclusion is important as we now stand on the breaking-point between a society where the industry has had a prominent position for private as well as National economy and a digital society where access to the Internet is no longer about prestige, but where significant differences between users' knowledge levels can create a power gap. Gaps in access and use not only reflects already existing socio-economic conditions, but can also maintain and enhance these.It is crucial for the future expansion of Internet usage how today's non-users feel about becoming users. To understand what underlies the motivations not to use computers is one of the keys to get non-users to embrace becoming users.

Svenska Röda Korset-sjukhuset i Pusan 1950-58 : En studie av den svenska insatsen med avseende på dess varierande verksamhetsfokus samt generella utveckling

The aim of this paper is two-fold. Firstly, it is the production of a historical and chronological narrative describing the development of the Swedish Red Cross Hospital in Pusan during the years 1950-58. Secondly, it is the investigation of the objectives and aspirations of the organisations and institutions involved and how they affected how the hospital developed during the wartime years and up until the inauguration of the Scandinavian educational hospital, the National Medical Centre, in Seoul. Shortly after the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950 Sweden, a neutral Nation, offered to send a contingent for the establishment of a 200 bed mobile field hospital which was to be subjected to the command of the Eighth US Army in Korea. In the end a larger semimobile evacuation hospital was set up in Pusan where both UN soldiers and PoWs were treated, and it came to be known as the Swedish Red Cross Hospital. The decrease in and finally the cessation of hostilities in 1953 opened up for treatment of Korean civilian patients and such work was conducted not only at the Swedish hospital but all over Pusan, though initially it was not formally sanctioned by American and UN authorities.

Idealiseringen av svensk identitet i film : En näranalys av ?Mitt liv som hund? och ?Änglagård?

Uppsatsen har som utgångspunkt att studera hur vår identitet som svensk idealiseras i film och då främst genom Lars Hallströms Mitt liv som hund (1985) och Colin Nutleys Änglagård (1992).Teorin som valts för analysen är identifikationsframställning genom Frankfurterskolans ideologikritik, Foucaults läror om diskurs, kunskap och makt samt identitetsbegreppet i sig och idenitetsframställning. Genom tillämpandet av teorin ges möjligheten att kritiskt granska och omläsa de ovan nämnda filmerna i en omfattande analys. Metoder för uppsatsens analys är en fördjupad närläsning och genomgående omläsning utav de två filmerna.Uppsatsen utgår även från två frågeställningar som blir besvarade i ett analysresultat och sammanfattning. Genom en näranalys av filmerna ges en möjlighet att se hur propaganda uppstår och verkar, då filmernas idealiserande framställning kan misstas och brukas som sanning. I analysernas reslutat framgår det även att svenskhet vilar på en grund av föreställd gemenskap där man genom att tillämpa Peter Norman Waages teorier ser att idenitetsframtällningen som Nation grundas på det så kallade ?omvända kylskåpet?.Identitet sammanför på samma gång som det söndrar då det verkar med värme inåt och kyla utåt, likt ett omvänt kylskåp..

Den europeiska identiteten Vem är europé enligt EU?

The main purpose of this thesis is to examine how the European Union through the Directorate- General (DG) of Education and Culture, are calling forth a constructed sense of European identity amongst the citizens of the Union.It is a discourse analysis, which can be described in twofold. Firstly, it is a mapping of the European discourse; i.e. how the European Union defines the identity it seeks to mobilise. Secondly, it examines whether or not there are similarities in the European discourse of identity and the traditional Nation-building discourse of National identity.According to this thesis a European identity is articulated in cultural terms, whereby its members are said to share the same values and a common cultural heritage.To bring the people of Europe closer together and to deepen awareness of their "common" history, the European Union encourages all manner of meetings and exchange schemes between Europeans. Although its goal is to develop a feeling of belonging to a shared culture, the EU is also keen to preserve the specific aspects of Europe's many cultures.

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