

316 Uppsatser om Nation - Sida 10 av 22

Irland 1916-1922 : Hur bristen på COIN-doktrin ledde till brittiskt misslyckande

BakgrundSedan början av nittonhundratalet har Storbritannien varit delaktig i flertalet COIN-operationer.Deras erfarenheter har bidragit till att de numera räknas som en framstående Nation inom justCOIN. Undersökningen handlar om Irland 1916-1922 och Storbritanniens agerade i förhållande tillden nuvarande brittiska COIN-doktrinen.SyfteUndersökningen skall klargöra, utifrån den nuvarande brittiska doktrinen, vilka skillnader ochmisstag Storbritannien begick under början av nittonhundratalet på Irland i förhållande till dennuvarande COIN-doktrinen.MetodUndersökningen är teorikonsumerande och delar upp teorin i variablerna mål, medel och metod.Dessa jämförs mot analysenheter som utgörs av tre tidsepoker från det anglo-iriska kriget.SlutsatserUndersökningen påvisar att Storbritanniens agerande på Irland i början av nittonhundratalet skildesig markant mot vad den nuvarande doktrinen förespråkar. Framförallt i mängden våld somnyttjades..

Kulturella upphov - om nation och familjerepresentation i dansk och spansk filmproduktion

Denna text koncentrerar sig kring familjerepresentation samt tillhörande genus- och identitetsaspekter, med utgångspunkt i spansk och dansk melodramproduktion under perioden 1999-2004. Genom att med hjälp av närläsningar undersöka filmernas familjebilder, samt aktörerna och deras drivkrafter vill vi granska huruvida dessa fiktioner kan betraktas som symptomatiska för den kultur som de producerats inom. Frågeställningen är alltså huruvida filmernas familjerepresentationer kan utläsas som Nationella skillnader och likheter, eller om det vi ser ? och anar ? snarare är en autencitet inom familjedramat, som inte nödvändigtvis är knuten till geografiska gränser utan skulle kunna betraktas som ett tidens tecken. Vår uppsats syftar alltså till att undersöka det kulturella upphovet samt hur dessa filmer står i relation till den kulturella kontext i vilken de är gjorda..

Derivativ talan och Corporate Governance. En komparativ studie ur ett rättsekonomiskt perspektiv

The world is getting smaller. Global markets, political processes and communication technology bring people together. Even though many of these processes are dynamic and constructive, they have also resulted in a need for better and more effective ways of interNational conflict resolution. This thesis investigates central issues connected to the concept of humanitarian interventions in relation to current and future legislation of the European Union. The overall question is whether the rapid globalization process has resulted in a change of interNational law towards more liberal view where authorization of the security council is not always needed? And, if there has actually been such a liberalization, how does that affect the legal possibilities for the European Union to carry out armed operations without the consent of the global community?The conclusion of the thesis is that interNational law has been modified mainly in two aspects: First, the concept of sovereignty is no longer seen merely as a right of the Nation, but also as a responsibility.

Neutral bolagsskatt? : Analys om SOU 2014:40 skapar neutralitet mellan lånat och eget kapital

This paper examines the power producing dams along the Ume-river as an integral part of and a result from the urbanization process in Sweden during industrial capitalism. The aim of the paper is to contribute to the knowledge of the urbanization process in Sweden in general and of its traces along the Ume river in the county of Västerbotten in particular. The paper applies the theory of concentrated urbanization and extended urbanization put forward by Neil Brenner and Christian Schmid (2015) and argues that the building of power producing dams along the Ume-river is part of an extended urbanization process. This becomes particularly evident when examining the vast physical structures that is the dams, situated in an otherwise remote and sparsely populated area. These vast physical structures are also very well connected to a Nation wide electric grid that has connections to bordering countries as well.

Outsourcing till Indien : För små och medelstora företag

Outsourcing has grown more so than any other sector of IT services. According to a research by the analytic company Gartner soon four of ten jobs in the IT sector will be outsourced. For a Nation like Sweden that means about 40,000 jobs going abroad. Business managers look to outsourcing as a means of reducing their operating cost and their need for capital spending. Companies turn to outsourcing to save money and seek expertise outside.

Vad är strategisk rörlighet?

Strategisk rörlighet är ett begrepp som används frekvent i dagens moderna insatsförsvar.Men vad är strategisk rörlighet egentligen? Räcker det att införskaffa modernatransportflyg för att insatsförband ska ha strategisk rörlighet? Denna uppsats har till syfteatt visa på att strategisk rörlighet är ett komplext begrepp. Ämnet är angripet med ensystemvetenskaplig teorianknytning och genomförs som en kvalitativ deskriptiv metod.Den teknik som används för insamling av data är litteratursökning. Det är trefrågeställningar som behandlas: Är Sverige som Nation i behov av förmågan och/ellerfunktionen strategisk rörlighet, Vad är strategisk rörlighet samt Finns det någon skillnadmellan funktionen och förmågan strategisk rörlighet och i så fall vad består den i?Strategisk rörlighet visar sig vara ett komplext begrepp som täcker ett stort område alltifrånvilka transportresurser som behövs, till att enheter behöver vara interoperabla för att intebara kunna transporteras utan för att kunna verka tillsammans med andra länders enheter.Resultatet är att Sverige är i behov av förmågan strategisk rörlighet, att strategisk rörlighetär ett system av transportkapaciteter, materiel och utrustning samt personal och kompetens,att strategisk rörlighet är en förmåga och inte en funktion..

Då den goda smaken utmanades : estetik och marknad i svensk konst 1885

What is discussed here are the events taking place in Sweden in 1885, a turbulent year in Swedish art history. It is shown how the conception of Swedish art, in creating a Swedish identity in art, was expanded.  Two exhibitions were analyzed, Akademiens för de fria konsterna Jubileumsutställning and Opponenternas utställning. While the artists exhibiting at the Academy were using traditional strategies and thechniques, several artists at Opponenterna, were using modern techniques they had learned outside the Academy, mostly in France. These techniques were: experimenting with perspective and the use of empty spaces in mediating ambiance. The third strategy was that of individualization by moving closer to the motif.

Två sidor om korset : En studie om olika nationalismer i Polen

In the 10th of April 2010 the Polish Presidential plane crashed outside of Smolensk in today?s Russia. 88 passengers and 6 crewmen died a tragic death, among them the President of the Republic of Poland, Lech Kaczy?ski. A National week of sorrow was proclaimed and citizens all over Poland went out on streets and markets to honor the newly deceased President.

ABL:s utvidgade värdeöverföringsregler då ett aktiebolag är komplementär i ett kommanditbolag : Utgångspunkt ur NJA 2014 s. 604

This paper examines the power producing dams along the Ume-river as an integral part of and a result from the urbanization process in Sweden during industrial capitalism. The aim of the paper is to contribute to the knowledge of the urbanization process in Sweden in general and of its traces along the Ume river in the county of Västerbotten in particular. The paper applies the theory of concentrated urbanization and extended urbanization put forward by Neil Brenner and Christian Schmid (2015) and argues that the building of power producing dams along the Ume-river is part of an extended urbanization process. This becomes particularly evident when examining the vast physical structures that is the dams, situated in an otherwise remote and sparsely populated area. These vast physical structures are also very well connected to a Nation wide electric grid that has connections to bordering countries as well.

På väg mot ett mer demokratiskt EU? : - en studie av Lissabonfördraget

AbstractSince democracy was developed in the ancient Greece it has come to be used within a small city state, within the National state and as today used within a bigger perspective. After the end of the second world war political leaders wanted to make sure that there would never be a war between European countries again. Now, about 60 years later this type of cooperation now involves 27 of the European countries and goes under the name of the Euroapean Union. This means that democracy is no longer used just within the Nation state, but within a big organisation that is responsible for almost 500 million Europeans lives. This also means that the European Union need to make some institutional reforms to be able to handle all the future challenges.

Talet om trafficking -­? en hegemonisk strävan med kamp om betydelser: En analys av europeiska handlingsplaner mot trafficking med människor

This essay focuses on how trafficking is defined and dealt with in recent European policies,and particularly how prostitution take part of these discursive developments. Treaties andagreements on trafficking in human beings and for sexual exploitation have been made bythe European Union and United Nations amongst others, which have been signed andratified by the EU countries in Action Plans. In this essay, five National Actions Plans, fromAustria, Great Britain, Poland, Spain and Sweden between 2007 and 2009, have beencompared in order to see similarities and differences in how the phenomenon of traffickingis done through language. Based on Discourse theory and focus on discursive struggles, theresult show a hegemony around trafficking as a social issue in the Action Plans studied,exploiting humans, mainly children and women, sexually, but also how trafficking is framedas a problem of the Nation state and the domestic labour market. It is also illustrated howdifferent meanings of prostitution make the trafficking discourse antagonistic and contested.Finally, the essay discusses the trafficking discourse in relation to EU strivings towardsharmonisation and power imbalances of migration and economy in Europe..

Det förlovade folkhemmet? : en studie av svensk civilreligion speglat i socialdemokraternas retorik 1928 - 2008

The aim of this paper is to apply Robert N. Bellahs theory of civil religion, within a Swedish societal context. Bellahs theory was designed in, and influenced by American culture. Therefore, the ?translation? of Bellahs theory does not come without problems.

För pengarna eller framtiden? : En kvalitativ studie av hur elever förhåller sig till studiemedel

This paper investigates how Swedish upper secondary school students relate to the financial support available from the Swedish state of education. It also looks at the attitudes of such students to the new CSN[1]truancy rules as they apply to school politics.Is there a difference in students? attitude to these truancy rules and does that difference depend on the students? socio-economic standard, whether they come from a wealthy background or a marginalised society or whether they are ethnic Swedish? Does this in any way affect the attitudes of the students?This financial support is only paid to those students who do not skip school. If they lose their right to this contribution because of truancy, their parents will also forfeit the right to the financial subsidies to which they may be entitled. Naturally, this may affect students in different ways, depending on what kind of financial situation their family is in.Do some students go to school out of their own financial interest or out of that of their parents? Through focus-group interviews, students have expressed their opinions, told about their experiences and stated their attitudes with regards to these matters.

Regionalt agerande ur ett fusionsperspektiv : - Relationen mellan West Sweden och dess medlemmar

This study is based on previous research concluding that sub-National actors now function on a complex arena where the Nation state is not the sole and self-evident channel to the European Union. Based on that assumption, the thesis is intended to create understanding of the nature of the relationship between the West Sweden regional office and its Värmland commissioners in the case of regional action.The relationship between the regional office and its members was examined in a case study of open consultation around the EU?s new EU 2020 strategy. The questions posed in the thesis are answered by interviews with representatives of West Sweden and certain Värmland members of that organization. The results of the interviews were then analyzed based on a fusion perspective, which addresses various indicators for regional action.The results of the study show that the West Sweden regional office can assume a clearer role in regional influencing, but also that Region Värmland plays an important role in influencing the EU.

Humanitära interventioner. Europeiskt handlingsutrymme i förhållande till ett modernt interventionsbegrepp

The world is getting smaller. Global markets, political processes and communication technology bring people together. Even though many of these processes are dynamic and constructive, they have also resulted in a need for better and more effective ways of interNational conflict resolution. This thesis investigates central issues connected to the concept of humanitarian interventions in relation to current and future legislation of the European Union. The overall question is whether the rapid globalization process has resulted in a change of interNational law towards more liberal view where authorization of the security council is not always needed? And, if there has actually been such a liberalization, how does that affect the legal possibilities for the European Union to carry out armed operations without the consent of the global community? The conclusion of the thesis is that interNational law has been modified mainly in two aspects: First, the concept of sovereignty is no longer seen merely as a right of the Nation, but also as a responsibility.

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