

8740 Uppsatser om Narrative method. - Sida 2 av 583

Inlevelse genom narrativ i spel

Detta kandidatarbete undersöker problemet med konvergeringen av narrativ och interaktion och varför en konvergering mellan dessa hämmar deltagarens inlevelse i ett spel. Utifrån spelet Traverser redovisas i detta kandidatarbete processen och resultatet av hur ett interaktivt narrativ kan väcka inlevelse hos deltagaren genom att låta berättandet ske subtilt och icke-linjärt, där spelaren uppmanas till att vilja utforska narrativet på egen hand i form av en miljö i Traverser. This bachelor?s thesis discusses the problem of converging narrative and interaction and why the convergence between the two tends to arrest the participants immersion within a game. Through an interactive narrative by letting the narration take place subtly and nonlinearly, this bachelor?s thesis reports the process and result of how an interactive narrative could provoke immersion within the game Traverser, where the actor is urged to explore the narrative independently in the shape of an environment.

I berättarens grepp : En narratologisk studie av feministiskt medvetandehöjande romaner från 1970-talet

This thesis concerns the feminist consciousness-raising novel of the 1970s. The aim of the thesis is to examine narrative strategies which, according to the consciousness-raising practice, are adapted to enlighten the political aspects of the personal. The focus is both on strategies that address the protagonist and on those that address the reader. I also examine in which way the use of these strategies is dependent upon ideas of class and gender.I find that the narrative situation, in this case the relationship between the protagonist and the narrator, is central to the use of the consciousness-raising narrative strategies. In Anna-Lisa Bäckmans Fia i folkhemmet och Fia med manifestet, the protagonist Fia is positioned as an oppressed working-class woman, which results in a narrative situation that gives the protagonist a limited space of action and that gives the narrator the power to interpret the experiences of the protagonist.

en kvalitativ analys av Göteborgs-Postens bevakning av ?Etiopiensvenskarna? ur ett dramaturgi-perspektiv

Title: Schibbye och Persson?s Journey: a qualitative analysis of Göteborgs-Posten?s coverage of ?etiopiensvenskarna? from a narrative perspective.Authors: Viktor Eriksson and Max SommersteinSubject: Undergraduate research paper in journalism studies, Dept. of journalism, media and communication (JMG) University of GothenburgTerm: Autumn 2013Supervisor: Mats Ekström, JMG, Gothenburg UniversityPages: 35Purpose: To examine how the narrative-model the hero?s journey is represented within the Swedish newspaper Göteborgs-Posten?s articles on Johan Persson and Martin Schibbye, two Swedish journalists who were imprisoned while conducting journalism in Ethiopia.Method: A combination of Ethnographic content analysis (ECA) and Compositional Interpretation (image-analysis).Procedure: A strategic selection of articles published in the supplement Skenprocessen i Addis Abeba, in Göteborgs-Posten.Results: The narrative model the hero?s journey is clearly represented as cultural frames in Göteborgs-Posten?s articles about Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson. The framing of the events are used to simplify the facts and to make them emotionally accessible.

Att återberätta glädje : En studie av struktur och språk i fem pojkars personligt återgivande texter

The aim of this study is to investigate how five boys in grade 3 of compulsory school structure and use language when they write narrative texts retelling and assessing personally experienced events. This is studied by interpreting how the boys use genre steps that are typical of the structure of personal narrative texts and by detecting and naming different linguistic features in the texts. The material in the study consists of five boys?personal reports and the method, which is based on the theories of genre pedagogy (see Johansson & Sandell Ring 2012:28ff, 223f), comes from systemic functional linguistics. A central finding of the study is that the boys structure their texts in varying combinations of genre steps which commonly occur in texts of a narrative kind.

?Han ska inte bli likadan som jag har varit? : En narrativ studie av moderskapets betydelse för några unga, före detta familjehems- eller institutionsplacerade mammor

The purpose of this study was to examine how some young mothers, who previously have been in foster care or residential care, describe the way motherhood has affected their lives and identities. Narrative interviews were conducted with three teenage mothers and one mother aged 23. As tools for analyzing the narratives, theories about narrative psychology and how people present themselves through story-telling and language were used. The results of the study show that becoming a mother was life-changing in a positive way, according to the young mothers. They described how they, since becoming mothers, had become more mature and now lived less risk-full lives.

Med läsaren i centrum : Rosenblatts reader-responseteori som "narrative imagination"?

In this thesis ? concerning didactics of literature ? I perform a reading and theoretical analysis of two pivotal works within reader-response theory, more precisely: Literature as Exploration (1938) and The Reader, the Text, the Poem ? The Transactional Theory of the Literary Work (1978), both written by Louise M. Rosenblatt. The object of this analysis is to examine whether Rosenblatts? theory and methodology can be used to accomplish understanding for ?the other?, what Martha C.

Komplext arbete. En studie av handlingsutrymme och komplexitet inom arbetsförmedlares uppdrag.

The purpose of this study was to examine the narrative skill of sixyear-olds in terms of macrostructure and cohesion, and its relation tonarrative content, auditory attention, auditory short-term memory and threemeasures of word retrieval. A group comparison of macrostructure andcohesion was also performed between children with and without epilepsy.The material consisted of audio recordings of 44 children (18 with epilepsyand 26 from a reference group) retelling the story Nelli-sagan (Holmberg &Sahlén, 2000). No correlation was found between content and macrostructureor cohesion, but several between the latter two. Auditory short-termmemory and word retrieval without pictures showed several correlationswith macrostructure as well as cohesion. No differences in macrostructure orcohesion were found between the children with epilepsy and the referencegroup.

Bioteknologins politik och berättelsernas transformativa makt

This thesis aims to respond to the need of adjust GMO politics for meeting the demands of the late-modern society and the changed condition that follows from an accelerating complexity. The central objective for this study is to contribute with a narrative understanding of Sweden?s GMO politics with the purpose of examine an alternative possibility for formulating and assessing the politics of biotechnology. This is done by investigate Sweden?s politics of GMO through a narrative approach.

Lifeloggingkamera som hjälpmedel för familjer där ett barn har autism: En utvärdering av Narrative Clip : En kvalitativ studie hur Narrative Clip kan användas som ett hjälpmedel

Studien ämnar att testa ett nytt användningsområde för Narrative Clip. Syftet med studien var att undersöka potentiell nytta eller möjliga problem som användandet av Narrative Clip kan medföra till familjer som har barn med autism. För att undersöka detta har fyra familjer deltagit i studien, de har fått låna en kamera i två veckor. Under dessa två veckor fick deltagarna använda kameran på det sätt som passade deras behov. Efter att deltagarna använt kameran i två veckor genomfördes intervjuer med föräldrarna.

Bland amasoner och eunucker : En kvalitativ studie av patografier av kvinnor med bröstcancer och män med prostatacancer

Narratives about life-changing events like cancer have become more common in today?s society. The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether gender patterns in society can also be found in pathographies about cancer, and further to investigate how gender is expressed in these cancer related narratives. Questions were posed on characteristics of the autobiographical cancer narratives, how gender is constructed by the authors of these narratives, and what these narratives say about gender structures? liability to change in the individuals affected by this disease.

Det är inte det att jag kan rädda världen - En analys av hur en grupp polisers engagemang formas

The aim of this study was to create an understanding of how a group of community policing officers engagement are shaped. Previous research argues that there is a police culture which conveys cynicism to the individual police. The research also says that the police adopt a pessimistic view of society, they are isolated and at odds with the rest of society. Furthermore, research has also shown how a narrative can exist that explains the police way of doing things. My contribution to the field is to explore how a narrative can be located, which precedes and shapes the police engagement.

Skriftligt och muntligt berättande hos vuxna i åldern 30-80 år: påverkar ålder berättande?

This study aimed to investigate written and oral narrative in adults. The participants consisted of 30 subjects aged 32-79 years. They produced one picture elicited and one free narrative, both written and orally. The written narratives were recorded in a keystroke logging program and the oral narratives were transcribed orthographically. Data from all the narratives were analyzed according to: number of words, words/minute, active writing time, total process time, number of characters and number of characters in the final text.

Bättre kan det sägas : Om transformation som berättargrepp i Stig Claessons författarskap

The objective of this paper is to examine narrative techniques used by the Swedish author Stig Claesson, especially his transformations of texts out of the own authorship into new stories. In order to achieve my objective, I will specifically study two novels; Rosine (1991) and Efter oss syndafloden (2002) and the method practiced will be intentional reading, as described by H. Porter Abbott. For the analysis I will, with the complementary support of Abbott and Beata Agrell, turn to Gerard Genette and his theories concerning transformation and transtextuality, in particular its sub idiom hypertextuality. As a result of my analysis, various subgroups of transformation used by Claesson are identified, but also proven is how Claesson, largely by utilizing two of them; transvocalisation and transvaluation, provides the reader with the implied author of his own choice.

Makrostruktur och kohesion i berättande hos 6-åringar med och utan epilepsi

The purpose of this study was to examine the narrative skill of sixyear-olds in terms of macrostructure and cohesion, and its relation tonarrative content, auditory attention, auditory short-term memory and threemeasures of word retrieval. A group comparison of macrostructure andcohesion was also performed between children with and without epilepsy.The material consisted of audio recordings of 44 children (18 with epilepsyand 26 from a reference group) retelling the story Nelli-sagan (Holmberg &Sahlén, 2000). No correlation was found between content and macrostructureor cohesion, but several between the latter two. Auditory short-termmemory and word retrieval without pictures showed several correlationswith macrostructure as well as cohesion. No differences in macrostructure orcohesion were found between the children with epilepsy and the referencegroup.

Bilprovningen : -Nytt läge på en konkurrensutsatt marknad

The purpose of our study was to identify and present experiences encountered by parents with a child with diagnosis. Those narratives are made open for the public. Data has been collected through ten interviews with parents having children with a diagnosis. These interviews have also been complemented by interviews with one child and one youth. The parents and the children who have been interviewed, all have their own stories and experiences of how it is to live with a diagnosis in the family and for all families there are different diagnosis.

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