3852 Uppsatser om Narrativ text - Sida 21 av 257
Mätning och simulering av avrinningen från en asfaltsyta
This essay examines middle school students? understanding of a text read aloud to them in English and the connection between the degree of listening comprehension and the expected increase of vocabulary throughout middle school. The same listening comprehension test was carried out in grades 4, 5 and 6 in a middle school in order to survey differences in English listening comprehension in regard to the ability to reproduce the content of an oral text. The result shows that there was a progression from level to level when it comes to comprehension and the number of words reproduced and that this progression was most noticeable between grades 4 and 5..
Studium av energidämpare/avluftare i fält och laboratorium
This essay examines middle school students? understanding of a text read aloud to them in English and the connection between the degree of listening comprehension and the expected increase of vocabulary throughout middle school. The same listening comprehension test was carried out in grades 4, 5 and 6 in a middle school in order to survey differences in English listening comprehension in regard to the ability to reproduce the content of an oral text. The result shows that there was a progression from level to level when it comes to comprehension and the number of words reproduced and that this progression was most noticeable between grades 4 and 5..
Simulering av dagvattenavrinningen i två bostadsområden i Linköping med en datormodell
This essay examines middle school students? understanding of a text read aloud to them in English and the connection between the degree of listening comprehension and the expected increase of vocabulary throughout middle school. The same listening comprehension test was carried out in grades 4, 5 and 6 in a middle school in order to survey differences in English listening comprehension in regard to the ability to reproduce the content of an oral text. The result shows that there was a progression from level to level when it comes to comprehension and the number of words reproduced and that this progression was most noticeable between grades 4 and 5..
Utbyggnad av vågenergi för Gotland - Effektvariationer och utjämningsmöjligheter
This essay examines middle school students? understanding of a text read aloud to them in English and the connection between the degree of listening comprehension and the expected increase of vocabulary throughout middle school. The same listening comprehension test was carried out in grades 4, 5 and 6 in a middle school in order to survey differences in English listening comprehension in regard to the ability to reproduce the content of an oral text. The result shows that there was a progression from level to level when it comes to comprehension and the number of words reproduced and that this progression was most noticeable between grades 4 and 5..
Syftet med studien var att undersöka vad mental tuffhet är för två erfarna löpare, men även hur mental tuffhet kan ha hjälpt dem innan, under och efter ett löparäventyr från Portugal till Sverige (i fortsättningen kallat en ?utmaning?). Ett vidare syfte var att skapa en förståelse för vilka faktorer eller händelser under utmaningen som hjälpte och försvårade för löparna att genomföra utmaningen. Teoretiska referensramar som användes var mental toughness framework: dimensions and subcomponents (Jones et al., 2007) och personal construct psychology model of mental toughness in sport ? (Gucciardi et al., 2009a).
Vår fader Abraham : En studie av Abrahams funktion i Romarbrevet 4 i ljuset av The New Perspective on Paul.
The background to this thesis is the debate of the last decades within exegetics, concerning the so called "New Perspective on Paul". Starting from this discussion, the thesis is aming to investigateand discuss the function of Abraham in Paul's argument in Romans 4. This is achieved by, to start with, a thoroughly examination and analysis of different translations of Romans 4:1. Secondly, by trying how the translation suggested by Richard B. Hays can be motivated using a narrative perspective of interpretation emphazising the context of covenant history of the text, and thirdly, by examin and discuss other interpretations of the text and compare their ability to bring intelligibility to the text.
Distributionell karaktär hos vissa kategorier av ord
The amount of information stored on the internet grows daily and naturally the requirements on the systems used to search for and analyse information increases. As a part in meeting the raised requirements this study investigates if it is possible for a automatised text analysis system to distinguish certain groups and categories of words in a text, and more specifically investigate if it is possible to distinguish words with a high information value from words with a low information value. This is important to enable optimizations of systems for global surveillance and information retrieval. The study is carried out using word spaces, which are often used in text analysis to model language. The distributional character of certain categories of words is examined by studying the intrinsic dimensionality of the space, locally around different words.
Kvinnors berättelser gör motstånd mot den politiska maktens definition av begreppet utanförskap
Begreppet utanförskap har hörts i den politiska debatten sedan 2006 då den borgerliga Alliansregeringen lanserade termen för att prata om människor utan arbete. Syftet med uppsatsen är att kritiskt granska den politiska diskursen kring begreppet utanförskap i mötet med kvinnors berättelser från ett så kallat utanförskapsområde. Med narrativ metod lyfts kvinnornas berättelser fram vilkas röst fungerar som motståndsberättelser mot den diskurs som ges makt och hörs i Sverige idag. Kvinnornas berättelser bryter upp en stereotyp bild av människor i ?utanförskapsområden? som en passiv homogen grupp som står utanför samhället på grund av arbetslöshet.
Röststyrning och text-till-tal i mobila enheter för personer med läs- och skrivsvårigheter : En studie om användbarhet och användarvänlighet
Användningen av mobila enheter, det vill säga smarta mobiltelefoner och surfplattor ökar ständigt och det nya mediet ställer helt nya krav på användbarhet och användarvänlighet. Vi tror att personer med funktionsnedsättning glöms bort i de nya smarta enheterna och att tillgängligheten i dessa enheter inte prioriteras och utvecklas tillräckligt bra.Syftet med denna C-uppsats i informatik är att undersöka på vilket sätt röststyrning och text-till-tal i mobila enheter påverkar användbarheten, främst för personer med läs- och skrivsvårigheter men även generellt sett för alla typer av användare, och att belysa vilka problem och begränsningar som upplevs vid utveckling av röststyrningsapplikationer.För att undersöka detta utvecklade vi en applikation till Android-enheter som använde både röststyrning och text-till-tal-funktioner. Denna applikation gjorde vi sedan tester på för att besvara vår frågeställning och vårt syfte.Vi fann att utvecklingen av en ständigt lyssnande applikation var svårare än vad vi först trodde och att utveckling för Android inte hade stöd för ljudigenkänning. Den röststyrning som fanns som stöd var en serverbaserad ord-igenkännare som försökte tolka ljudinmatningen till ett eller flera ord. Med lite brytning eller dialekt var risken för feltolkning stor.Vår slutsats blev att röststyrning och text-till-tal till viss grad ökar användbarheten för personer med läs- och skrivsvårigheter.
Spridning av kylvatten från Oskarshamns kärnkraftverk - En fältstudie
This essay examines middle school students? understanding of a text read aloud to them in English and the connection between the degree of listening comprehension and the expected increase of vocabulary throughout middle school. The same listening comprehension test was carried out in grades 4, 5 and 6 in a middle school in order to survey differences in English listening comprehension in regard to the ability to reproduce the content of an oral text. The result shows that there was a progression from level to level when it comes to comprehension and the number of words reproduced and that this progression was most noticeable between grades 4 and 5..
Studie av de lokala strömförhållanderna utanför Ringhals kärnkraftverk
This essay examines middle school students? understanding of a text read aloud to them in English and the connection between the degree of listening comprehension and the expected increase of vocabulary throughout middle school. The same listening comprehension test was carried out in grades 4, 5 and 6 in a middle school in order to survey differences in English listening comprehension in regard to the ability to reproduce the content of an oral text. The result shows that there was a progression from level to level when it comes to comprehension and the number of words reproduced and that this progression was most noticeable between grades 4 and 5..
Vattendraget Lidan - Hydrologi samt förorenings- och regleringsförhållanden
This essay examines middle school students? understanding of a text read aloud to them in English and the connection between the degree of listening comprehension and the expected increase of vocabulary throughout middle school. The same listening comprehension test was carried out in grades 4, 5 and 6 in a middle school in order to survey differences in English listening comprehension in regard to the ability to reproduce the content of an oral text. The result shows that there was a progression from level to level when it comes to comprehension and the number of words reproduced and that this progression was most noticeable between grades 4 and 5..
Vattendraget Nossan - Hydrologi samt förorenings- och regleringsförhållanden
This essay examines middle school students? understanding of a text read aloud to them in English and the connection between the degree of listening comprehension and the expected increase of vocabulary throughout middle school. The same listening comprehension test was carried out in grades 4, 5 and 6 in a middle school in order to survey differences in English listening comprehension in regard to the ability to reproduce the content of an oral text. The result shows that there was a progression from level to level when it comes to comprehension and the number of words reproduced and that this progression was most noticeable between grades 4 and 5..
Göta Älv - En hydrologisk analys av transport- och blandningsprocesser. Del B - Fältmätningar
This essay examines middle school students? understanding of a text read aloud to them in English and the connection between the degree of listening comprehension and the expected increase of vocabulary throughout middle school. The same listening comprehension test was carried out in grades 4, 5 and 6 in a middle school in order to survey differences in English listening comprehension in regard to the ability to reproduce the content of an oral text. The result shows that there was a progression from level to level when it comes to comprehension and the number of words reproduced and that this progression was most noticeable between grades 4 and 5..
Flykten : en tolkning av exil
The main purpose of this thesis is to discuss what exile writing is and who can be seen as an exile writer. If the word ?exile? is related to forced dislocation, like Paul Tabori and Sopia A. McClennen describes it, who can be viewed as an exile writer? Is Anders Olsson?s definition of an exile writer acceptable or not? Could the The Escape, a future story about exiled Northern Europeans in Myanmar, be classified as exile literature?Another purpose with this text is to describe how a story about exile can be made realistic and tangible to a reader who has not experienced exile.