

1177 Uppsatser om Mutant Prevention Concentration - Sida 3 av 79

Elementkoncentrationer i gran utmed en markfuktighetsgradient :

One key factor in silviculture today is sustainability. In order to achieve sustainability it may be important to restore lost nutrients to the forest after clearcutting. In order to calculate the removal, you need to know how much of different elements you will find in different tree compartments. The aim of this study was to investigate if the concentration of elements in different tree compartments of spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) were related to the moisture conditions of the site. Five plots at Risfallet (60º 21´ N, 16º 13´ E), was placed along a moisture gradient in a 40- year spruce stand.

Finansiell integration

Fetman i Sverige har under de senaste två decennierna ökat kraftigt. Till följd av detta är hälsokostnaderna relaterat till fetma ansenliga och förväntas öka ytterligare om ingenting görs åt problemet. I denna studie studeras prevention och gastric bypass som alternativa behandlingsmetoder mot fetma sett ur ett samhällsekonomiskt perspektiv. Tre hypotetiska kohorter utvecklas; status quo, effektiv prevention i ungdomsåren samt individer som utvecklar svår fetma opereras med gastric bypass. Dessa kohorter följs under åldern 20-64 år där kostnader och effekter observeras med hjälp av en beslutsträdsmodell.

Vertikal förtätning : En del av ett hållbart stadsbyggande?

This is an essay concerning the density of the city. An increasing amount of today?s cities have a shortage of space available for the erection of new buildings and settlements, especially in areas close to the city-centre. New buildings and settlements are therefore often found in the outskirts of the city, resulting in long distances between work and living for many people. These long distances are a waste of limited resources and are inconsistent with the vision of the sustainable city.The challenge for the future is to insert new buildings and settlements in the existing city-structure and in this way reduce the distances between different city-functions.The density of the city can be increased in two different ways; by inserting new buildings between existing ones or by extension existing buildings, for example by an additional floor.

Utveckling av ett provtagningssystem för alkohol och aldehyder i fordonsemissioner.

A system for sampling of alcohol and aldehyde from diluted exhaust gases from vehicles powered by ethanol has been developed and tested. The major part of the work has been research of earlier work in the field and the construction of the sampling system.The part of the system constructed for the measurement of alcohol has been shown to work, however, more test should be performed. The part of the system constructed for the measurement of aldehyde was tested parallel to a commercially available system, based on the same principle of measurement, and has been shown to work well.Determination of the concentration of gaseous ethanol using a FID has shown the since earlier known fact that a FID is not able to measure a correct concentration of ethanol. Furthermore it has been shown that high concentrations of gaseous ethanol can not be kept in a bag more than a few minutes without a substantial decrease of the measured concentration..

Betydelsen av fysisk aktivitet för barns koncentration i förskolan : En studie om betydelsen av fysisk aktivitet för barns koncentrationsförmåga vid samlingar i förskolan

The purpose of this investigation was to investigate how being outdoors and participating in physical activities affect the concentration in a collection situation among children.The methods I chose were observation of two groups of children two times each and interviews with four educators.The results showed that the concentration in the collected situation depends on past activity, where it has taken place and that the environment has an impact. If the previous activity been more active and physical the subsequent collected situation is calmer and the children more concentrate. The facts that the children have been outside in an inspiring environment that encourage playing and movement also have a position impact on the child´s ability to concentrate. The collected situation is an important moment in the preschool day when the kids need to congregate and get a chance for social interaction and a sense of togetherness with all the children and teachers. The conclusion is that there is a relationship between movement, physical activity and an increased concentration.

Invandrarkvinnors inställning till prevention av livmoderhalscancer : "Kan du hjälpa oss att ringa barnmorska?" - En explorativ kvalitativ studie

 SAMMANFATTNINGBakgrund: Livmoderhalscancer orsakas av humant papillomvirus (HPV). De flesta fallen inträffar bland kvinnor som inte deltar i preventionsprogram mot livmoderhalscancer. Syfte: Att undersöka invandrarkvinnors inställning till prevention av livmoderhalscancer. Metod: En explorativ kvalitativ studie. The Health Belief Model har använts som teoretisk modell.

En färgad röst : En stilanalys av tysk expressionism och sagor i filmer av Tim Burton

The purpose with this study was to see the relation between gymnastic pause and concentration to find out the students in a first grade experiences and thoughts about gymnastic pauses in the classroom. I have made a qualitative study to fulfill my purpose, I have observed students before and after the gymnastic pauses, carried through gymnastic pauses with the pupils and interviewed pupils in group.Previous research shows that the good working atmosphere and concentration has improved when pupils have had gymnastic pauses but it is difficult to say how it looks in the long term when the research doesn?t show that.In my study, it appears that the gymnastic pauses make it calmer in the classroom. Some of the pupils believe that they have had a better ability to concentrate after the gymnastic pauses while some pupils believe that they have not had a better ability to concentrate. Some pupils say it's good to get a break to carry on with the schoolwork during the entire lesson.

Hivprevention - en rätt(vis) fördelning av statsanslaget? : Diskurser om homo-, bisexuella och andra män som har sex med män

The purpose of this study is to explore how different discourses about risk linked to HIV prevention is likely to affect the decisions on the distribution of state funding for preventive activities aimed at 'men who have sex with men' (MSM). This by making qualitative interviews with principals that have an impact on this decision. Using a discourse analytic approach, based on both theoretical and methodological foundations, I investigate the discursive constructions of risk of HIV linked to certain groups and behaviors. MSM is found in the material placed into two different formations of groups, on one hand by the behavior on the other hand on the basis of identity. The identity position is organized discursively from a ?victim? position while MSM provides an "operator" position.

Trycksårsprevention - en litteraturstudie/Prevention of pressure ulcers - a literature review

Background: Pressure ulcers are a common problem and cause great suffering for those who develop it, and are also an expensive cost to the society. Aim: To describe nursing measures for prevention of pressure ulcers among elderly people in ordinary and nursing homes. Method: A literature review by structured analyze of scientific articles. Result: The analyze resulted in six subjects for prevention of pressure ulcers. These subjects were; risk assesment, nutrition, repositioning, skin/hygiene, nurse knowledge and documentation.

Rökning och prevention. Vilka är faktorerna och hur förebygger och motiverar sjuksköterskan ungdomar att inte börja röka?

The aim of this literature review is to map the factors which influence and prevent youths to start smoking and to describe how the nurse can prevent and motivate youths not to start smoking.

Pausgympa och koncentration : Elevers upplevelser av pausgympa i klassrummet

The purpose with this study was to see the relation between gymnastic pause and concentration to find out the students in a first grade experiences and thoughts about gymnastic pauses in the classroom. I have made a qualitative study to fulfill my purpose, I have observed students before and after the gymnastic pauses, carried through gymnastic pauses with the pupils and interviewed pupils in group.Previous research shows that the good working atmosphere and concentration has improved when pupils have had gymnastic pauses but it is difficult to say how it looks in the long term when the research doesn?t show that.In my study, it appears that the gymnastic pauses make it calmer in the classroom. Some of the pupils believe that they have had a better ability to concentrate after the gymnastic pauses while some pupils believe that they have not had a better ability to concentrate. Some pupils say it's good to get a break to carry on with the schoolwork during the entire lesson.

Implementeringsproblem i säkerhetsarbetet

Municipal safety work is an issue frequently discussed. The new legislation about accident prevention obeys the Swedish municipality to present an action program for accident prevention. In Borlänge municipality there has been no sanctioned proposal for a program. This report presents the problems found and gives proposals for improvements in the future safety work. The guiding words should be unambiguousness, able to control and not too complicated.

Spänningsanalys av axel-länkmekanism på borr-rigg

This master thesis is intended to give an increased understanding of the stress state in an axle, which is assembled in one of Atlas Copco?s mountain drilling rigs. The main problems investigated were how the axle is affected when the bearing is worn, when the pretension is varied, and how to dimension the axle. Answers to these questions were found by using hand calculations, practical testing and with Finite Element analyzes. The dimensioning of the axle is currently based on the bending stress, but the author?s opinion is that the axle should be dimensioned considering the equivalent stress.

Arbetsprov i fält på ridhästar

Sport horses are widely used for performance in jumping, dressage, endurance etc. To enable comparisons of horses, training facilities, programs or physical status, an exercise test can be used. Exercise tests are also important to increase knowledge about exercise physiology of the horse considering different ways of training to compare training methods or individual qualities, development of an individual or other investigations of equine exercise physiology. Since several investigations are done on standard- and thoroughbred horses but less on sport horses, it is of great importance to get an overview of the investigations done. Most common is to investigate heart rate and lactate concentration.

Ungdomar, alkohol och normer

This master essay is about teenagers, alcohol and the preventing measures taken by the Swedish government. Consequences of the rising consumption of alcohol among adolescents and how to prevent dangerous alcohol consumption in the future is one of the most prioritized issues in the Swedish society today. Today there is no prevention that clearly shows any effect on teenager?s alcohol consumption and the education about the dangerous effect of alcohol is clearly not the same in schools around Sweden. To gain knowledge about how teenagers view their own consumption of alcohol we have used the Grounded Theory.

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