

7411 Uppsatser om Muslims in Sweden - Sida 66 av 495

Regaining power through construction of identity? Experience of Multisystemic Therapy from a Youth?s Perspective

Literature and studies exist on how to create services in the best interest of the client or how these services have an impact on individuals. They are however mainly from a social work professional stand point and rarely from how clients would develop and create the services that can imply a life change for them. Especially when working with children under 18 years old issues of agency and age that can result in the disregard of the Convention on the Right of the Child (UNCRC). The target group of this study is therefore youth between the ages of 15 to 17 years old in three cities across Sweden to allow them to voice their opinion and experience of being in treatment. Resulting from that is the aim of this study ? to investigate how an intensive treatment method like Multisystemic Therapy is described from a client?s point of view.

Avfallsdirektivets påverkan på efterbehandling av förorenad mark

The purpose of this report is to increase the awareness about the problem that occur when the waste hierarchy is applied to management of contaminated land. The work with remediation of contaminated land in Sweden is part of the efforts towards reaching the national environmental objectives. Therefore a subsidiary aim is to analyze how this influences the prospects of reaching the objectives. The work consists of two parts; a case study and a comparative literature study that focus on England, the Netherlands and Sweden. The case study is intended to provide a practical perspective through a comparison of the climate impact from two methods.

Hållbar utveckling i svensk planeringspraktik : en diskussion kring förtätning och andra ambitioner

If one looks at physical planning in Sweden today one can see that while talking about densification of existing development, reduced emissions and careful use of important land, urban sprawl is a fact with development of sheer residential districts in the urban edges and shopping malls in each and every municipality. As sustainable development is an essential goal for physical planning to strive towards, it is worth questioning if the direction of today?s planning will lead to the goal. A sustainable development can be seen as an obvious to goal aim at. In reality the aim means a hard and complex work.

Kulturmötet i capoeiran i Sverige   : en kulturantropologisk undersökning

Aim Capoeira is a sport and art form strongly associated with the Brazilian culture. The main aim of the study was to examine how the capoeira is introduced into the Swedish society. Also to study the practitioners and trainers experience around the culture meeting. The questions were the following: What differences and similarities exist within capoeira in Sweden and Brazil? How are Swedish practitioners and trainers from a Western culture affected by the culture meeting? How are the Brazilian coaches in Sweden affected by the culture meeting? Is there a Culture crash between the Brazilian and Western cultures in capoeira? MethodQualitative interviews were chosen as an approach because it was considered appropriate in terms of the purpose and questions of the study.

Bioenergy from the forest ? a source of conflict between forestry and nature conservation? : an analysis of key actor?s positions in Sweden

Bioenergy from the forest has been heavily debated in Sweden for several decades due to the interest of society to decrease dependence upon fossil fuels and limit the effects of climate change. The actual use of bioenergy from the forest has shifted over the years but increased during the last decades. Private actors within forest and nature conservation sectors play an important role for the development of bioenergy from the forest as well as for the debate and the implementation of political goals. Forestry in Sweden is characterised by ?freedom under responsibility? for private actors and the perspective of governance is valuable for studying actors and discourses.

Ett lyckat integrationsarbete? - en fallstudie av Botkyrka kommuns integrationsarbete

AbstractAuthor: Josefine KostinTitle: A succesful work of integration? ? a case study of the integration work within the Botkyrka municipalityThe last decades, Sweden has become more ethnic heterogenetic. Generations of immigration have affected the Swedish society in many ways; the language that are spoken at work and in schools, culture and the political agenda etcetera. In 2008, Botkyrka municipality was chosen to be the second best at working with integrating immigrants. On the other hand, Botkyrka has been referred to as a municipality which has failed with the integration of immigrants; for example, unemployments amongst the immigrants and segregation.

Arbetsidentitet och strävan : Vilken roll spelar etnicitet och utbildningsnivå?

The study is quantitative and the purpose was to examine the effects of ethnicity and education on three working-related identities and striving among 80 participants. The participants consisted of foreign-born people living in Sweden and people who were born in Sweden, with different educational background. Each groups consisted of 20 participants. The result showed that the highly educated participants had higher professional identity. The participants with lower education level had a stronger colleague identity than the higher educated participants and the Swedish-born participants had a lower identity.

Miljöpartiet - ett parti i förändring : En komparativ textanalys av Miljöpartietspartiprogram mellan 1994 och 2005

Following changes in society and other influences, the ideology of political parties can evolveover time. For example, theories exist claiming that all parties in Sweden strive towards the"middle".A good example of a political party in Sweden which recently has gained entry toparliament is the Swedish Green Party (Miljöpartiet, MP).MP was initially influenced by a green ideology (ecologism) which started as a globalmovement stating that no other ideologies shared their concerns about the environment. Thegoal of the ideology was to, via an increased influence within the political system and throughsmall-scale production, increases both natural values and people's well being. By becomingelected into parliament it is plausible that the ideology of MP could have changed due to theinfluence of for example, the realities that parliamentary every day represent.The aim with this essay was to study the changes in MP's party program from the yearof 1994 and the most recent, to see if any changes have occurred related to MP's officialideology. The study was conducted using a comparative text analysis.

"Jag måste mera lära svenska" : Motivation hos vuxna elever som läser SFI

The need for second language learning is increasing in today?s multicultural and globalized society, and adult studies are becoming more common. Teachers must encourage all students, and all schools need to promote equality. Motivation is one of the most important factors for positive learning and progress, and it can be helpful for second language teachers to know more about this subject. The aim of this study was to examine which motivational factors that influence adult immigrants to learn Swedish through SFI education in Sweden.

Om att våga lyfta frågan : en kvalitativ studie om orsaker till hedersrelaterat förtryck och frivilligorganisationers attitydförändringsarbete

The purpose of this research has been to investigate possible reasons for why honour related oppression exist in Sweden as well as to find out how some voluntary organisations work to change honour oppression related attitudes. The questions that the reserachers were trying to answer were (1) What are the possible causes for honour related oppression in Sweden? (2) How can honour related oppression be identified? (3) What are the voluntary organisations doing to change these attitudes? To answer these questions a qualitative method was used. The reserachers examined what leading researchers in this area thought were the reasons to why honour related oppression exist and then carried out interviews with participants from four voluntary organisations. A social constructional approached were chosen as the theoretical framework for this research and the results were also analysed from several perspectives.

Datorns betydelse för personer med lindrig utvecklingsstörning. : En studie om datorns roll för individers självkänsla inom skolformen Särvux.

Today the ability to swim is taken for granted by most people. Most of Sweden?s adult population can swim which is reflected in the reduced number of accidental drownings. About 1900 AD when Sweden?s population was about five million the average drownings per year was 1100.

Flyktingpolitiska diskurser: en kritisk diskursanalys av två debatter

The central goal of this study was to compare statements of the minister of migration in power in 1994 with those of the minister of migration in 2006. The statements reflect two peaks of refugee immigration in connection to the war in former Yugoslavia and the present war in Iraq. The study analyses the statements in a critical discourse analysis framework. More specifically the aim was to find out if there were any discursive differences in these statements and how they might manifest themselves in society. The material was composed of 12 texts, 6 for each period originating from Swedish newspapers and from the ministers' public speeches.

Ränteavdragsbegränsningar : En analys av nuvarande ränteavdragsbegränsningar och  alternativa metoder

Interest deduction limitation rules have an important function as the regulations prevent the Swedish tax base to decrease. However, the restrictions must not be at the expense of the business environment. Interest deduction limitation rules that do not work in a satisfactory manner are likely to make Sweden a less favourable country to establish in. The first Swedish rules which were aimed to restrict interest deduction threaded into force in 2009. The rules were applicable to intercompany loans related to acquisitions of part ownership rights and the aim was to reduce tax avoidance through corporate group-loans. The rules proved to be ineffective since the avoidance continued and the Swedish rules could not tackle the problem.

Styrningsrationalitet i svenska kommuner - en fråga om ideologi? : En komparativ studie om sambandet mellan ideologi och styrningsrationalitet

This paper is about if municipal council's ideology affect steering in the municipalities of Vellinge and Fagertsa. Vellinge has for a long time been governed by Sweden's conservative party Moderaterna. Fagersta has for a long time been governed by Sweden's left party Vänsterpartiet. The main question of the paper to be answered is as follows:Is there a relation between the steering in municipalities and the ideology of the governing parties?The hypothesis is that there is a connection between what ideology the party that governs has and how the municipalities are being governed.

Politiskt organisationsbyggande : Om ungdomars inflytande i Rädda Barnen

?Have the young members? of Save the Children Sweden got increased possibilities to influence the organization since the founding of the youth-organization?? The purpose with the thesis is to investigate if the founding of a youth-organization by Save the Children Sweden has led to increased possibility for the young members to influence the organization. I have two research assignments; change since the founding of a youth-organization? politically since the foundation of a youth-organization and how?Did the norms and values in the organizationand Did the organization change I have analyzed protocols from the general assembly between 1997 and 2008 and how the rules in the organization have changed over time. I have also interviewed four board members to get a more diversified view of how the board meetings proceed.

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