

7411 Uppsatser om Muslims in Sweden - Sida 47 av 495

Kungliga blodsugare och markattor : En genusstudie av politiska brott på 1700-talet

The purpose of this study is to examine political crimes in and women?s political activity in 18th century Sweden. The cases of political crimes which has been used range from 1700- 1789 and they form an outline of the patterns of political crime in this century. These cases contain different types of political crimes, but most common ar defamation of the royal family, defamatory writings, rumor-spreading and treason. To study women?s political activity, seven cases ranging from 1749 to 1758 have been more closely studied.

The importance of shade for dairy cattle in Sweden.

Today, there are no regulations saying that cows must have access to some kind of shelter at pasture during the summer. In more tropical countries, it is well-known that dairy cows might suffer from heat stress when exposed to sun and high temperatures. The well-being of the cows is thereby reduced and the production may also decrease. In Sweden, no research has been done in the area and therefore it is now a clear need of improved knowledge.The purpose of this study was to investigate the importance of shade for dairy cows in Sweden. The behaviour of 30 cows was examined to see any differences between cows with access to shade and cows without access to shade.

Landskapsarkitektens yrkesroll i Sverige och Spanien : en jämförelsestudie mellan svensk och spansk landskapsarkitektur med platsexempel från Stockholm och Barcelona

Landscape architect is a profession that withholds varying tasks inside countries and between countries. In many countries the landscape architect profession does not exist. Spain is a country where the landscape architect profession is not recognized, and the professions that work with landscape architecture are architects, engineers, biologists and agronomists. "Paisajista", in English "Landscaper," is in Spain a common name for those who design gardens and parks. Sweden is one of the countries with most landscape architects due to its population and the profession is well established.

Debatten om sexköpslagen : - en studie med fokus på argumenten

The purpose of this study was to investigate which kind of arguments that were used during the debate before the law of sexual services was introduced in Sweden. The study refers to the debate which was in the Swedish parliament The study has been structured the arguments in different categories.  The study has not found other researchers about the debate in the Swedish parliament. The study has just found several studies about the prostitution problem in general. The method for this study has been idea centered content analysis.

Bogbladssår hos suggor : är höjden på tuber spina scapulae en riskfaktor för utveckling av bogbladssår?

Sow shoulder lesions are a common form of decubital ulcers in sows. The wounds are often bilateral and affect both loose housed and restrained sows. In most cases shoulder lesions develop after farrowing and heal after weaning. Sows that once have had decubital ulcera are however more proned to develop new wounds after the next farrowing. The problem is multifactorial and a number of risk factors have been described, including body condition, body size, parity, time spent lying down, flooring, moisture, breed, body temperature and some herd factors. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the height of the tuber spina scapulae is a risk factor for the development of decubital ulcers.

Två kommunistiska partier i Sverige : Finns det någon ideologisk skillnad mellan SKP och KP?

This essay examines two communist parties in Sweden; The Communist Party (Kommunistiska partiet [KP]) and Sweden's Communist party (Sveriges kommunistiska parti [SKP]). Furthermore, this essay is a comparative study where the two parties' political agendas are compared. The method with which the study was conducted is a quantitative content analysis, where the frequencies of usage pertaining to certain words and expressions have been measured. The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx has also been compared to these two parties' political agendas concerning words and expressions. This was done in order to determine which of the examined parties stands closer to the aforementioned original document from an ideological perspective.

Effektivisering av informationsöverföringen i läkemedelskedjan

This report is the documentation of a project in the education Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering. The project was carried out at Alfakonsult AB. The purpose of the project was to map out the transference of information between the different operators in the supply chain of medicine in Sweden and to analyse this in order to reduce lead-time and the total throughputtime. The supply chain of medicine in Sweden consists of producers, distributors, one wholesaler, prescribers and patients. The mapping of the transference of information showed that most operators in the supply chain have done well introducing technical aids to facilitate the transference of information.

Gröna utsikter : En analys av hampas (Cannabis sativa L.) förutsättningar som energigröda i Sverige

Hemp is a versatile plant with many uses that has been around for thousands of years. The plant is highly adaptable andwill cultivate in almost any soil. It has excellent remediation properties and has shown to be relatively consistent when itcomes to crop yields. The aim of this literature survey is to examine how hemp can be used to be considered asustainable energy crop in Sweden through database searches and interviews. Hemps characteristics as an energy cropand its remediation properties is evaluated and compared with other plants that are used in Sweden.

Energideklaration och energiförbrukning för småhus och flerbostadshus

Energy is today a very common topic, not only in Sweden but in the whole Europe. In EU they have given out a directive 2002/91/EG about buildings energy use and throw this they have forced their members to show how much energy their buildings use. In Sweden has the gouvernment established a law (SFS 2006:985) about energy declaration for buildings which demands that the building owner needs to show how much their buildings energy consumption are. Important to know is that this law doesn´t applies for industrial buildings.The report will show what the new law about energy declaration for buildings and appurtenant directions will mean for Riksbyggen. Also energy calculations will be done to be able to compare Riksbyggen buildings with the new law and directions.

Tiggande EU-migranter i Kalmar : En lokal socialpolitik växer fram

The aim of this study was to examine how social policy is created in a local context on the basis of the situation regarding the begging EU migrants in Kalmar, Sweden. The last few years the number of begging EU migrants has increased in Sweden. Most of them are Roma with a history of exclusion and discrimination. To reach our goal we interviewed three managers from the social Services representing the local authorities. We also did four interviews with people from three non-profit organizations in Kalmar.

Skandinavien och de andra : En studie av jämställdheten i skandinavisk biståndspolitik ifrån ett tredje världenperspektiv

In this essay I?m asking if the Scandinavian countries Sweden, Denmark and Norway use a third world perspective on gender equality in their development aid politics. A third world perspective on gender equality is a perspective that considers the special experiences and priorities of women in the third world. My point of view is that third world perspectives represent women in the third world better than western perspectives.To determine if the countries uses a third world perspective on gender equality or not I have examined the countries aid policies with a third world theory. The material that I have used is policy documents on gender equality from the three countries and my method is discourse analysis.My study shows that Sweden Denmark and Norway uses a third world perspective on gender equality to a certain extent.

Jämförelse av tjänstgöringsbestämmelser i BCL-D och EU-OPS : En fallstudie för West Air Sweden

För ett flygbolag är det viktigt att ha en effektiv planering av sina resurser. Att kunna utnyttja personal och flygplan på rätt sätt är en förutsättning för en fortsatt överlevnad på marknaden. Flygbolagens tjänstebestämmelser regleras idag enligt nuvarande BCL-D 1.15. Under våren 2004 har Luftfartsverket behandlat en remiss som utgör ett förslag på en eventuell förändring av dessa tjänstebestämmelser. Remissen är ett förslag som skall gälla det gemensamma regelverket EU-OPS.

Läraren som ledare och hennes roll i elevers kunskapsutveckling och socialt uppförande

 Over the past ten years, the pupils' performance and grades has fallen and the number of competent to high school has decreased gradually. The Swedish school has been criticized and the role of the teachers has been questioned, among other by the media. In autumn 2007 Johannesskolan, one of Sweden's tenth worst schools replaced the ordinary teachers of Class 9A against eight of the country's "main" educators with the goal of the class to become one of Sweden's third major. The teachers have the autumn term in which to achieve the goal and the outcome will be measured by national tests in core subjects Swedish, English and Mathematics. The aim of this paper is to examine the role of the teacher's leadership in relation to the pupils' social and intellectual development, and identify common leadership of these eight educators.

Kulturbegreppet i skapandet av nya medborgare : En uppsats om integrationsprocesser och diskurser i det sena 1900-talets Sverige

In this thesis the author has through a discourse analysis examined how the concept of culture has been used in the discourse of integration during the late twentieth century in Sweden. The author argues that the integration of immigrating people has been the fundamental method in creating Swedish citizens within the immigrant communities. In this discourse the concept ?culture? has been a constant recurring way of explaining differences among the immigrants towards ?ethnic swedes? and Swedish way of life and establishing difficulties in performing integration outside of governmental policies. When looked upon in terms of discourse the integration process is the possibilities, intents and interests and the actual creation i.e.

Försäkringsbranschen : ett nödvändigt ont?

This paper examines how companies in a transparent industry work to satisfy the customer in an extended way, to offer value added products that in the end enables the customer to be loyal to the company. We have studied the insurance industry in Sweden and have focused on five different insurance companies. Four of them, Folksam, Länsförsäkringar, Trygg-Hansa and Dina Försäkringar, where we have focused on Ölands Försäkringar which is part of the Dina Försäkringar group, are some of the largest insurance companies in Sweden. The fourth company is Swedbank which is a bank that has started to offer insurances.Our results demonstrate that it is important for the company to see the customer not only in a profitability aspect; the company has to find out what the customer gets in return. In that case the possibility for the customer to change company decreases and the chance that the customer becomes loyal increases.

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