

7411 Uppsatser om Muslims in Sweden - Sida 19 av 495

Ålder - en ny och komplex diskrimineringsgrund

Age is one of two new discriminatory grounds in Swedish law. EU took official position against age discrimination by means of Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000 establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation. From January the 1st 2009 it is, by Diskrimineringslag (2008:567), illegal in Sweden to discriminate anyone based on age. The law covers all age groups and is applicable to various fields in society. Age differ from other discriminatory grounds since everyone has an age.

Den politiska debatten om yttrandefriheten : -

Abstract: The purpose with this study is to analyse the political debate about freedom of speech in Sweden and Denmark, after the caricatures of the Islamic Prophet Mohammed that the Danish newspaper Jyllandsposten published in September 2005. For this debate four political parties have been chosen. These are: Socialdemokratiska Partiet and Moderata Samlingspartiet in Sweden and Socialdemokraterne and Venstre in Denmark.An idea analysis has been chosen as method, and dimensions as an analysing tool. The overall result of the analysis is that right- and left political parties in Sweden and Denmark are more alike, than different in their political debate about free speech. They all wish for total freedom of speech, and see that as the foundation of the democratic society.

Kinesiska affärsetableringar i Sverige : Kartläggning över områden som förbättrar chanserna att lyckas

Aim and starting point: The aim of the Bachelor thesis is to examine and define the paramount knowledge Chinese businessmen need in order to succeed with their establishment in Sweden. The authors also seek to answer what incentives attract Chinese businessmen to come to Sweden, as well as how Chinese establishments in Sweden can be predicted to appear in the future.Results/conclusions: The study outlines key areas in which Chinese businessmen should have knowledge in order to succeed with their establishment in Sweden. The results also gives an indication on how Chinese business establishments in Sweden will appear in the future, into which areas the Chinese mainly invest/establish in, as well as why and how these are done. On the basis of this material the authors generate proposals for educational packages which among others can be sold to Chinese businessmen.Knowledge overview: Here relevant theory connected to the area of study is presented. The knowledge overview presents the Swedish in relation to the Chinese perspective in areas such as: culture, hierarchy, relations, Face, communication, HRM, education, CSR and labour law.

Sverigedemokraterna i kommunerna 2006 ? En empirisk studie av de kommunala förhållanden som gynnar partiet

The Sweden Democrats achieved great progress in the latest election in the Swedish municipals. The party is now closer than ever concerning reaching the Swedish parliament. This thesis examines the Sweden Democrats in the Swedish municipals with the aim to find out which municipal factors that led to their progress. By looking at the percentage share of unemployment, the percentage share of foreigners, the percentage share of education, average income, traditional political colour, average age, criminality, early representation of a party hostile to foreigners, the municipal type and the sickliness in the municipals I find out which factors explain the progress of the Sweden Democrats. The thesis is an empirical quantitative study build on statistics by the help of regression analysis and diagrams.

Penumbra Suecica : Den negativa fo?reningsfriheten i Sverige mo?ter Margin of appreciation

This paper discusses if Margin of Appreciation is compatible with the idea of universal human rights. Through the case of Negative freedom of association in Sweden, it studies the phenomenon that Giorgio Agamben has called the State of exception.The questions that are discussed and answered are 1) How does the rights theories of Jack Donnelly and Ronald Dworkin relate to Margin of appreciation, and 2) How has Margin of appreciation been applied in cases concerning the negative freedom of association in Sweden, in the European court for human rights. These questions and answers are then used in the discussion on how Margin of appreciation affects the concept of universal human rights. .

Lakvattenrening och kontroll vid deponier : granskning och sammanställning

If not purified leachate from landfills would cause damages on the environment. At most landfills in Sweden local treatment of leachate is achieved, at the rest the leachate is transported to sewertreatment. While no comprehensive legal provisions for discharge exist in Sweden there is a difference in discharges between the installations for landfill. If no comprehensive legal provisions is produced guidance must improve.Treatment of leachate and self monitoring system at fifteen installations in Sweden has been studied and compared. A study of literature about different treatment solutions has also been performed.

Protected Designation of Origin, Protected Geographical Indication : their significance for the growth of the food industries in France and Sweden

Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) is a quality control system created by the European Union (EU) to protect integrity of certain food and drinks that are produced in a specific area in a unique way. By protecting these products, the EU can certify that the traditional region-specific methods of food and drink production are preserved. The EU countries that follow such a system are mostly from Southern Europe. For instance in France, the PDO system has helped improve the income for farmers, boosted the rural development and assured protection for farmers against the abuse of their brand and the selling of their products by outsiders. In Sweden, there are no PDO products yet, instead there is Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) and Traditional Speciality Guarantee (TSG) that are not as protective as PDO.

Vindarnas Boning : En studie av monumentalistiskt historiebruk

Monuments are raised all over the world of several different reasons. A monument dosen´t only refer just to itself, it also tells something about the historical context they are risen into. The overall purpose of this study is to try to reveal how history is used through the process, and rising of the monument "Vindarnas Boning" in Karlstad, Sweden 16/6, 1967. The historical narrative around this monument is about to show the importance of the esthetics, the main forces around the monument and last, how the monument legitimacy is maintained. Throughout those analytic tools, according to this study, I will try to examine possible other reasons behind this monument than the official one, who is to act as a remembrance of the finnish immigrants who settled in the unpopulated deep forests of Sweden and enabled to maintain a minor community separated from other influences, during the 16 th century and onward.

Kulturevenemang på folkbibliotek

This thesis examines art exhibitions, literature events and music events in public libraries in Sweden. The aim is to study which event occurs most in the libraries in Sweden. I also examine who takes responsibility for the events, who the libraries engage, how much the events cost, and how often the libraries have the events. I also study Swedish cultural politics in purpose to see if the libraries follow the aims and directions decided by the Swedish government. One aim of the Swedish culture politic is to give every citizen in Sweden the same possibility to experience culture, no matter where they live.

Individuell lönesättning : Rätt väg för jämställda löner?

Today there is still irrelevant pay differential in society. In Sweden in 2010, the average pay differential was 15,4 percent between the sexes. Only 0,8 percent better than EU:s average.In Sweden the individual salaries increasingly have begun to characterize the Swedish labor market. Based on this, the aim of this study is to highlight the issue of equal pay between men and women from the perspective of individual salary. This would also been doing with a background in the regulatory environment of equal pay.When it comes to equality between women and men it is the area of labor law in EU who is the most developed and in Sweden this is the area who is most affected by EU law.

Socialt företagande i Europa - - En fallstudie av Sverige och Storbritannien

A relatively new sector in the world is the one concerning social enterprises and their development. Social enterprises are enterprises that are working with social objectives, their goal is not to make as much money as possible. This essay is looking at the development in social enterprises in two countries; Great Britain and Sweden and how the employee numbers in the enterprises have changed over time. The result shows a large increase in the number of employees in the enterprises in Sweden, however the enterprises in Great Britain does show a declining number of employees. This essay also tries to examine whether a couple of external factors, taken from a series of already existing theories, are affecting the possibility of development in these enterprises.

Hur hållbar är serogrisproduktion? :

Raising pigs in absence of a number of certain diseases is called Seroproduction in Sweden. Internationally it?s called SPF (Specific Pathogen Free) ? Production. It results in higher growth, lower feed consumption, and lower medicine consumption. The pigs are produced under the same concept, but the rules vary a bit between countries.

En jämförelse av skogsmarksprisets utveckling mellan Sverige, Danmark, Norge, Finland, Estland och Lettland

During the twenty-first century the price of forest land in Sweden has increased heavily. Buying forest land has become more common and the stakeholders have grown in number. The countries around Sweden have through the globalization become connected in the market of round wood and wood products. The price of forest land and round wood are also close connected. The goal with this report is to make a comparison of forest land prices between Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Estonia and Latvia and to see how the prices have developed in the period 2000-2011. The prime factor in the comparison, except the direct price difference between the countries, is the round wood prices. The round wood prices give information about the economic situation in the countries and play an important role in the return on the forest land. The prices of forest land shifts heavily between the countries.

Stark, stolt och finsk : En studie om finska kvinnors liv i Sverige

The purpose of this study is to illustrate and analyze what the socializing process of the Finn­ ish woman looks like ant to discuss what contributes to the feeling of inclusion, or the feeling of exclusion. The questions asked in the study aim to classify what influenced the decision to move to Sweden. Furthermore they aim to describe what the life in Sweden has been like and what the socialization process for the Finnish woman  looks like. Finally I will study what kind of impact the change of life has had for the feeling of inclusion and for social identity. Initially the Finnish immigration to Sweden, through time, is described and then earlier stud­ ies relation to this study is accounted for. Then the role of social pedagogy in this study is presented.

Sverigedemokraterna - en textanalys - en granskande analys av ett partis politiska texter

The purpose of this dissertation is to examine and present six different texts produced by the Sweden democrats. This examination focuses its attention on the content and the technique of the arguments present in the texts. In addition, the results will be put in relation to the steering documents for the Swedish school system. The aim is to observe common features regarding content and technique present in the texts. More specifi-cally, I will examine how the texts produced by the Sweden democrats pose a problem to the Swedish school system.

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