

7411 Uppsatser om Muslims in Sweden - Sida 10 av 495

Kan ett studieprojekt i icke-västerländsk kulturmiljö bidra till att förändra elevernas värdegrundsuppfattningar? : En jämförande studie kring värdegrundens centrala delar; Etik och moral, sociala relationer, demokrati och livsåskådningar

The purpose of this study is to explore how teachers in Sweden and Croatia work with children that have problems like ADHD and dyslexia in school. I have chosen to compare pedagogical methods between Swedish and Croatian teachers which are used in work with children with difficulties when it comes to the education and teachers approach to these children. I have done a qualified study and have interviewed teachers in both Sweden and Croatia and one specialist in pedagogy in Croatia. I compared with these interviews information from earlier studies and literature. Results show that teachers in Sweden are of the opinion that every student who has these difficulties is different and therefore the use a variation of pedagogical strategies is crucial.

Läraren- en avgörande person i arbetet med elever med särskilda behov : En jämförande studie mellan Sverige och Kroatien om lärarnas insatser i undervisningen

The purpose of this study is to explore how teachers in Sweden and Croatia work with children that have problems like ADHD and dyslexia in school. I have chosen to compare pedagogical methods between Swedish and Croatian teachers which are used in work with children with difficulties when it comes to the education and teachers approach to these children. I have done a qualified study and have interviewed teachers in both Sweden and Croatia and one specialist in pedagogy in Croatia. I compared with these interviews information from earlier studies and literature. Results show that teachers in Sweden are of the opinion that every student who has these difficulties is different and therefore the use a variation of pedagogical strategies is crucial.

Bosnien-Hercegovina - en studie om försoning mellan tre etniska grupper

The purpose of this study is to investigate if reconciliation between former war-enemies and ethnic groups (Muslims, Croats and Serbs) in Bosnia and Hercegovina is possible today. Reconciliation between these groups is necessary for the development of the state and sustainable peace. In order to fulfil the aim I have applied qualitative conversation interviews together with qualitative literature study.In this research I have studied the three largest parties (SDA, HDZ and SDS) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Conversation interviews were made with two representatives of each party. The reconciliation theory and the recommendations that the theory advocates were used in the study.

Barnfattigdom i Sverige, finns den? : En studie om Socialdemokraternas och Moderaternas välfärdspolitik mot den svenska fattigdomen sedan 1960-talet

This essay is regarding the problematic facts about child poverty in Sweden. Since the beginning of the new millennium child poverty has increased, in Sweden. The last report which came out in the spring this year (2012) opened up for a lively political debate as well as big headlines in news papers and other media. The attention it got in Society became hard for the politicians to avoid. The Swedish section of Save the Children, demanded in their report concerning child poverty in Sweden that the Swedish Government need to do an inquiry about the increasing child poverty.  Today in Sweden, there are two big parties, and they have been the biggest for a long time now.

Den ofrivillige nationalisten : En komparativ studie av nationalism i Sverige under finanskrisen 2008-2011 utifrån dagspress

Mass communication today stands for a great number of information in the developed welfare state of Sweden. This was also the case during the social and economic financial crisis in 2008-2011. At this point, the majority of the population chose to turn to the newspapers to look for further information. This essay seeks, in a comparative and theoretical way, and with the help of two theories of nationalism, to understand how the Swedish culture and tradition can be ex­plained via newspapers, and in what way these portray nationalism. What it also sets out to in­vestigate further is what kind of impact it might exercise over the population in its position as one of the leading providers of information.

Missing People Sweden : Om en ideell förenings organisation, engagemang & verkan i samhället

I denna uppsats har vi undersökt frivillighetsorganisationen Missing People Sweden. Det är en volontärorganisation som anordnar skallgångar efter försvunna personer. Organisationen har varit väldigt framgångsrik med sitt arbete och uppmärksammats en hel del i media. Idag är Missing People Sweden en riksomfattande organisation med verksamhet över hela landet. Denna uppsats består av en kvalitativ metodkombination med personliga intervjuer från volontärer som arbetar inom organisationen samt av deltagande observationer vid en skallgång.

Invandrarkvinnors syn på fördelar och nackdelar med arrangerade äktenskap : en kvalitativ studie

The study?s purpose was to gain comprehension and knowledge about immigrate women?s vision on benefits respective disadvantages with arranged marriages.The study?s question at issues was:(1) How do the women consider that the ideal marriage is suppose to be?(2) How do the women experience that their vision on marriage has changed in a new culture?(3) How do the women consider that parents reasons, around the choice of a partner at arranged marriages?To be able to answer these questions at issues we used a qualitative method where interviews carried out with four immigrated women from four different countries where Islam is widespread religion. Common for these women is that they all are Muslims and that they come from countries where arranged marriages are practiced. They also have concrete experience of arranged marriages, either through themselves or someone they know.Material from interviews was analysed with a help of patriarchal theory and social constructivism. We have also analysed the material with a theory about culture and a theory about groups.

Döden till mötes : kriterier för att lokalisera avrättningsplatser på Gotland

The aim of this thesis is to investigate which criteria that can be used to locate execution sites on the island of Gotland, Sweden. The execution sites, which are used to test the criteria against, range in date from early medieval period to 1876 when the last public execution in Sweden took place. Why these criteria can be used will be discussed along with attempts to explain why they have been used frequently or not so frequent. The results show that the execution sites are most commonly located in clear view, near roads, on heights and on unfertile soil. Other criteria that appears less frequent, but that still can be used in the process of locating execution sites, are graves, crossroads and boarders..

Hur skiljer sig invandrarpolitiken åt mellan de svenska riksdagspartierna? : En kvalitativ textanalys av riksdagspartiernas parti- och idéprogram.

As the numbers of immigrants to Sweden and the EU are ever increasing even the right-wing populist parties grow faster in number. Sweden, Germany and France are three European countries that receive 90 percent of all asylum seekers and should therefore have a well-established and talked about immigration policy one can think. Yet the political parties in Sweden do not mention much about the immigration policy apart from the political party Sweden Democrats. This study aims to analyze eight different political parties in the Swedish parliament through a textual analysis to see what kind of immigration policy they share. Carl Dahlström has a theory to determine what type of policy a certain party has and whether they want to assimilate or integrate immigrants.

Den svenska invandraren: En studie om utlandssvenskar och återvändare

Should I/we move abroad or not? This is a question that surely many of today?s expatriate Swedes asked themselves and was probably largely debated by most. How does is feel to move back to Sweden? I have chosen to contact a number of expatriate Swedes and some that have returned, in order to receive answers to these questions.The aim with this thesis is to study the experiences and thoughts of people living in a different country as to were they were born and also those of people returning to Sweden. I have used a hermeneutic analytical method alongside a socio-psychological identity perspective when I studied the replies of my 69 respondents.

Förtroendebyggande i finasiella analystjänster

This bachelor thesis aims to analyse the Swedish mortgage market and investigate whether it is in a current price bubble or not. Comparisons have been made with Denmark, a country with a market similar to Sweden?s, and where the mortgage market faced a price bubble that crashed in 2008. The housing market in Stockholm has been analysed as a separate market, as it differs from Sweden as a whole in prices and underlying factors to increased prices. The conclusion of this thesis is that not Sweden, nor Stockholm, is currently in a price bubble at the mortgage market.

Återanvändning - Sättet att ge hemelektronik ett andra liv

Increased consciousness about environmental and sustainable issues has led to consumers and companies who are more in favor of reuse and recycle. Even though this is a fact, people today are buying new things more often compared to before. For instance for a mobile phone the functionality lifecycle is eight years which can be related to the economic lifecycle today which is 1.5 years compared to 3 years in 1995. Only 1-2 percent of the mobile phones thrown away in Sweden today are handed in for recycling. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether an international company within the recycling and reuse of mobile phone industry has a market in Sweden.

Det omutbara Sverige? : En studie om korruption på kommunal nivå

Corruption is widespread, and exists more or less in all countries in the world. It is today high on the international political agenda as a result of globalization and is seen as a serious impediment to development. In 2011, Sweden scored 9,3 out of 10 on the Transparency International corruption index which gave the country a 4th place of 182 on the list. This refers to a rather low corruption. Although Sweden is a country with low level of corruption that does not mean that it is completely corruption-free.

Den dödliga mobiltelefonen

The purpose of this study was to highlight LGBT asylum-seekers experiences of expressing their sexual identity or gender identity in the country of origin and in the asylum process in Sweden. By interviewing people who got permanent residence in Sweden because of gender or sexual orientation in Utlänningslagen (2005:716) we have been able to explore their own experiences from expressing themselves. This study analyse these experiences from a social psychological perspective, from this analysis we aimed to obtain a deeper understanding of how the experiences from the country of origin affects on the experiences in the asylum process. This study shows that LGBT asylum-seekers often is facing negative reactions from the environment in the country of origin, these reactions can limit their possibilities to express their sexual identity or gender identity in the asylum process in Sweden. The negative reactions they experience in the country of origin have contributed to that many LGBT people internalize feelings of fear to express themselves, feelings that often stays when they come to Sweden to seek asylum.

Daglilja : en studie av växtslaget, handelskedjan och sortimentet

This thesis describes the genus Hemerocallis, the trading with daylily from hybridizer to seller with emphasis on the Swedish market. The first part describes the daylilies biology its botany, breeding, production, pests and diseases. Also the tobacco ringspot nepovirus recently confirmed in Sweden is described. Since the breeding of daylily is mainly done in Florida topics like hardiness and influence of the climate are included. The first part is mainly based on literature studies, but also interviews with growers and breeders from Sweden, USA, Holland and Germany.

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