

1910 Uppsatser om Muslim identity - Sida 17 av 128

Att bli någon : Unga kvinnors identitetsskapande via Bloggar

The aim of the study was to through a qualitative method with two focus groups investigate how young women percieve that their identity creation is influenced by them reading celebrities Blogs and in that case, whether this type of Internet activity affect their autobiographical memory, the foundation for personal identity. Since the main task of the autobiographical memory is to give the ego and its social mode a foundation by sharing memories with others, the Internet activity should be seen as an important factor for the identity formation of young people. Today, the young spend equally mauch time being connected to various media as they do socializing with family and friends. The results indicate that young women view the world and lifestyle that known Bloggers expose intheir Blogs as a kind of ideal. The young women got an aha reaction when they realized that what the Bloggers expose is not always equal to the real life..

Identitet och berättande : i Oline Stigs Den andra himlen

This essay investigates how the author Oline Stig creates identities for her main characters in three short stories; Midsommar, Polly Maggoo and Den längsta dagen from the collection Den andra himlen (2007).My investigation is based on concepts chosen from psychology and narratology: First, Jonas Stier?s definition of human identity. In his definition he focuses on a person?s social context. He also considers identity formation as an ongoing, ever- changing process.

Identiteten ?invandrare? i svensk morgonpress hösten 2007 : - en diskursteoretisk studie

The aim of this study is to go into depth and analyze the identity ?immigrant? (invandrare) and how it is constituted in Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet and Sydsvenska Dagbladet. An investigation (SOU 2006:21) by Swedish authorities concludes that immigrants are portrayed in an unfavorable way in Swedish media, whilst Gunnar Sandelin in a debate article in Sweden?s biggest morning newspaper (Dagens Nyheter) meant that Swedish media lies about immigrants, creating an image of them that is too favorable that is not in touch with reality. This gives this thesis momentum to further investigate the identity immigrants are given in Swedish media.The theory and method used in this thesis is Laclau?s and Mouffe?s discourse theory.

När en förälder dör : En studie av tre fiktiva tonåringars identitetsutveckling och coping vid förlust av en förälder

The purpose of this study is to examine how the identity of teenagers is affected by the loss of a parent as well as what coping strategies support identity development. The reactions the teenagers exhibit, in such circumstances, will also be examined. To accomplish this,  a theory package was created, comprising theories in developmental psychology, identity work, coping and theory of grief reactions of children and teenagers. This package provided a broad perspective, which facilitated the analysis. Furthermore, it made it easier to address the purpose and the issue of the analysis.

Att förmedla identitet i alla led : En studie i hur konsumenten uppfattar varumärkesidentitet i det nya medielandskapet

Title Communicating identity at every level - a study of how consumers perceive the brand identity in the new media landscape.Background The new media landscape has created new opportunities for companies to interact and communicate with the market. Even if this means increased opportunities for relationship-building between companies and consumers it also arise a risk in moving into a new stadium with no real strategy. It is therefore essential to communicate the brand as great as possible in every level of channel.Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether two companies (GANT & H&M) have succeeded in their stated brand identity through the various online platforms: website and facebook page.Method The study is a qualitative study consisting of four focus groups on students at Uppsala university at Ekonomikum.Results The results show that it is possible to convey the identity at every level and on different platforms on the closing of sufficient time and effort. H & M has integrated much of the material on the facebook pages section in a stylistic way which gathers more appreciation then GANT, which according to the informants did not seem to have spend much time at all. .

Konstruktionen av Sverige och en svensk identitet : Diskursanalys av två läromedel i svenska som andraspråk

This essay is written in order to expose the construction of collective identity in textbooks for Swedish as a second language. To help visualize the process that shapes and categorize sub-jects based on a relational identity formation I assume mostly from Ernesto Laclau and Chan-tal Mouffe's discourse analysis theory frame. The paper called it as discourse theory. There are two textbooks in Swedish as a second language to be studied. Based on the textual materi-al found in the textbooks I perform a discourse analysis involving mainly focus on relational identity construction.

"Månntro hon är homo?" : Om lesbiska kvinnors identitetsformering och livsvillkor 1950-1965

The construction of an identity among lesbian women during 1950-­?1965 is in focus in this master ?s thesis. My starting point is that identity, such as lesbian or any other identity, is formed in relation to other people and groups, as well as society. This thesis will also examine how lesbian women met and formed bonds with like-­minded, and whether these aspects changed, during the defined time period. The empirics is made up by letters written by women to Riksfo?rbundet fo?r sexuellt likabera?ttigande (a Swedish organisation for lesbian and gays) as well as an interview with two lesbian women who were born in 1938 and 1940.

Vi gillar olika - eller gör vi verkligen det? : - En diskursanalys av Aftonbladets kampanj "Vi gillar olika".

Culture, orgin and identity are hot topics that are being discussed everywhere, for example in newspapers, lunchrooms and on Twitter. Politicians, media and ordinary people have displayed different antiracist acts, for example campaigns, marches and political actions.But you may wonder if it really is that effective, or if the antiracism reproduces racism with its language. The purpose of this study is to see if articles from the newspaper Aftonbladet's antiracist campaign ?We like different!? reproduces racism through its language.The method that is used is discourse analysis, more specific Chantal Laclau och Ernesto Mouffes discourse theory. The theories the study relies on are race, racism, framing, racism in news, binary oppositions, stereotypes, whiteness and orientalism.Two discourses were found in the material, ?We like different? and ?We like the same?.

Inverkan på identiteten i en global värld - Hur påverkas svenska diplomater av sitt yrke?

How is the identity of Swedish diplomats affected by living a very international life, regularly moving from one place to another, while their main task is to represent Sweden at all times? How does the national identity relate to the professional and the international identity and what role does the context play in this process? These are the questions asked in this thesis. By interviewing 39 Swedish diplomats and by comparing the responses of the interviews and the theories applied, this thesis will show that it is the context, rather than the time spent abroad that changes their identities and not the least their perspectives of the world. The theories concern intersectional identities, nationalism, context and globalisation. It is from the point of view that identities are constructed and therefore changeable.The diplomats gain a greater awareness of their Swedish identity, wider and deeper perspectives of what it means to be Swedish, but also the advantages that other cultures have to offer.

Etnicitet som fördel eller nackdel : En jämförelsestudie mellan två förortsskolor i Stockholm

The aim with this essay is to emphasize the problems that ethnical belonging causes at schools today. We have chosen to examine and compare two schools with each other, one school is called ?the new school? situated in Stockholms kommun and the other school is called ?the old school? belonging to Huddinge kommun. We have had contact with these two schools for a longer period as substitutes and students. This essay is based on how these two schools prominently differ from each other.

Valuing Green: A Qualitative Study on the Priorities of Values, Personal Norms and Identity for Green Consumer Products

The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to a further understanding of the complexity in green consumer behaviour by examining how and why individuals priorities values, personal norms and identity in green consumer behaviour. The thesis employs a qualitative approach with an abductive strategy. The empirical data was produced through in-depth interviews with green consumers. Based upon the empirical findings and theoretical concepts, a conceptual model was introduced to illustrate how consumers prioritise between several values when assessing green products. The prioritisation is dependent on internalised values as well as the product function and the need that the consumer seeks fulfilled.

Har elever något inflytande över samhällskunskapsundervisningen? : Skulle elever i årskurs 9 vilja ha mer inflytande över samhällskunskapsundervisningen?Anser elever i årskurs 9 att de har inflytande över samhällskunskapsundervisningen?

The objective of this paper is to describe and analyze female irregular immigrants and their experience of how relationships with other people affect their lives and identity.A qualitative method is used in the study, because my main purpose is to analyse the respondents? lives and life experiences. The analysis is based on a symbolic interactionism perspective. The results are also analyzed based on previous research and the concepts underlying the paper; irregular immigrants, discrimination, power and identity.In summary, the respondents have a clear picture of how they live and experience their relationship to others and themselves and how this affects their lives and identity.Their experiences affect their lives and influence their behaviour and identity when they interact with others. Their own view of their situation means that they are afraid to seek care or report sexual abuse, threats or other similar conditions.

"Ett liv i två världar"  : En kvalitativ studie om hur pojkar konstruerar etnisk och religiös identitet i olika sociala kontexter

"One life in two worlds" is a qualitative study of Syriac boys constructs ethnic and religious identity in different social contexts.Based on these three questions: how do the boys describe the importance of the parents' cultural and religious background in relation to their own identity? How do the boys describe their experiences of being categorized in school? Which significance is given to religion and ethnicity when the boys describe their experiences in relation to home and school context?I did reach the aim of this essay which was to investigate by interviewing the Syrian boys how they construct or reconstruct ethnic and / or religious identity in relation to different social contexts with a focus on the home and the school.In this study, I assumed the qualitative method in which I interviewed six Syriac boys who attend grade nine. The starting point of the study was social constructivism. Therefore, knowledge in this study is seen as something that is constructed in language, social and cultural interactions. The reality and perspective of reality is socially constructed, meaning that knowledge is created through the interplay of common action.The results of this study show that all the informants are agreed that their parents' ethnic background has had and has great significance for their identity formation.

Mellan det moderna och det traditionella : Livshistorier från namibiska studenter

This study is based on six narrative interviews which I conducted with students at the University of Namibia in Windhoek, Namibia. My aim is to find out how these students are creating their identity in the environment of the university, how they look at their family structure and how Namibia´s independence in 1990 has created new opportunities for young people in contemporary Namibia. I have been using postcolonial theory and identity theories to analyse the interviews. Five of the six respondents are from the northern parts of Namibia, Ovamboland, and this area is seen as a rural area. The students have made an emotional journey from the rural areas in the north to the urban area of Windhoek and they feel that they have many new opportunities and they are willing to change Namibia into a more developed country..

Det tredje könet : om intersexualism och olika diskursers användning av kön/genus

The purpose of this essay was to explore how the concept of gender identity is constructed, by doing a discourse analysis of texts from two different perspective discussing intersexuals, and to define the areas where the discourses doesn't agree. The two perspectives were; feminist- and medical perspective.How are sex/gender identity constructed in the chosen articles?What themes can be seen in the discourses?My method was discourse analysis. A discourse can be described as a way of talking about and understanding a part of the world. The analytics task is to define the discourses, which the world is constructed by.The areas of conflicts have been found.

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