3159 Uppsatser om Municipality planning - Sida 18 av 211
Att gestalta offentliga rum - Stortorget Karlskrona
Stortorget i Karlskrona är ett centralt beläget offentligt rum som idag
förlorat sin funktion som en plats med ett rikt offentligt liv och en trivsam
plats i staden. Detta arbete tar tag i den problematiken och presenterar ett
sätt på vilket man kan förändra torget och göra det attraktivare för stadens
Förslaget går ut på att göra torget mer anpassat för oskyddade trafikanter
genom att bilarna får ta ett steg åt sidan men samtidigt göra det
lättillgängligt med en ny kollektivtrafiklösning för Trossö. För att göra
torget attraktivare har dess storlek försökt tonas ner och därmed göra det mer
anpassat till den mänskliga skalan. Detta har skett bland annat genom att
plantera träd men även genom nya byggnader som bättre integrerar med det stora
Utvärdering av kommunalpolitikers informationsförsörjning: en informationsaudit i Härryda kommun.
Information is one of the organization's essential resources, and as such it needs strategic management. The authors use the information audit, which was developed by Orna 1999 and Henczel 2000 as a tool to evaluate how well an organization's information activities connect to its mission, goals, and objectives, to evaluate the municipal politicians' information support in Härryda municipality. The decision situations met by politicians often are complex; they are ambiguous and unstructured, with a high level of uncertainty. Human information sources meet needs arising in this kind of decision situations best. Since most of the politicians work full-time besides being politicians, Härryda municipality has to substitute the human sources by textual ones composed of highly summarized information.
Arbete befrämjar hälsa och välstånd... : en studie av arbetslöshetspolitiken i Uddevalla 1918-1932
This essay deals with Swedish unemployment politics during the period 1918-1932, and can be seen as a contribution to earlier research of how the policies, established by the State Unemployment Commission, was carried out at a local level. This study bears upon Uddevalla municipality, a town in the southwestern part of Sweden, which had about 13,700 inhabitants in 1920.The research was conducted in Uddevalla municipality archives, and the sources used are above all municipal records and documents from the local unemployment committee. The measures taken by the local committee to reduce the effects of unemployment have then been compared with the directives of the State Unemployment Commission.The survey shows that the local unemployment committee, at least during the first half of the 1920s, was very keen to follow the directives of the State Unemployment Commission, and they also tried to charge the municipality's economy as little as possible. The local policy was often even more restrictive than the demands from the State Unemployment Commission. During a few years in the middle of the 1920s, when the unemployment was relatively low, most of the unemployed did not recieve any help at all.The restrictive policy, however, led to an increasing distress among the unemployed, and the poor relief had to give financial help to a lot of unemployed and their families.
De svenska städerna har fått en mer komplex och rikare sammansättning av
befolkningsgrupper när det kommer till både levnadssätt och
familjeförhållanden. De socioekonomiska klyftorna har blivit allt tydligare och
bostadssegregationen har under de senaste decennierna växt fram i de svenska
städerna. Det finns många föreställningar om hur man planerar den goda staden
och vilka komponenter som behövs för att skapa en stad där alla är jämlika.
I detta kandidatarbete undersöks hur den fysiska utformningen påverkar städers
boendemönster och området Möllevången i Malmö studeras som fallstudie.
Blandstaden som planeringsideal - En ny positiv stadsutveckling?
Detta examensarbete på masternivå i Fysisk Planering är en kvalitativ studie
som genom innehållsanalys och tematisering undersöker blandstaden som
planeringsideal utifrån de anspråk som görs gällande problemlösning. Studien
innefattar en presentation av praktikdiskurs, teori och empiri i form av
kommunala översiktsplaner vilket studeras utifrån institutionalisering genom
tankefigurer, spårbundenhet och kognitiv dissonans. Studien visar att
blandstaden är en institutionaliserad, spårbunden tankefigur som i stort delar
ideologisk grund med planeringsidealet modernism. Studien visar även att trots
detta framställs modernismens planeringsideal i problembeskrivningar som
förefaller nyanserade, och blandstaden framställs som dess motpol..
Skolkvalitetens lokala bakgrunder : -En explorativ fallstudie av fyra svenska kommuner för att kartlägga anledningar till deras olika placering i lärarförbundets undersökning ?Bästa skolkommun 2011?
Torstensson, Niklas (2012): Anledningar till olikheter mellan Svenska kommuners skolkvalitet (Causes behind the differences in Swedish municipality´s quality of school) Örebro University.This essay is an explorative case study that will compare four Swedish municipalities quality of local school system against the municipality ´s backgrounddata and a governing document: Skolplan. This study begins in a previous benchmarking study made by one of Sweden?s teachers unions Lärarförbundet. This is a statistical study that ranked the Swedish municipalities against each other?s according to their accomplishments in a number of areas related to their school systems.
Den attraktiva stadens framväxt
The aim of this paper is to analyse how the term attractiveness is interpreted in Swedish contemporary urban planning. The focus is to analyse how the term is discursively constructed and by this highlight the conceptions that exist around what makes a city attractive. We want to emphasize the importance of a deeper understanding of how attractiveness is used in urban planning and how the term is a part of the development of our cities. Given the use of attractiveness as a part of visionary goals for Malmö´s and other Swedish cities future development, our intention, therefore, is to enhance the understanding of what the use of attractiveness means in respect of the creation and construction of power relations in time and place. The framework of our analysis is based on the discourse theory approach and used as a way of understanding how urban ideals is discursively constructed.
Samarbete och nätverksbyggande över kommunens gränser : En studie om Norrköpings kommuns medlemskap i Sweden Emilia Romagna Network utifrån ett aktör-nätverksperspektiv
Social networks have increased significantly during the latest decades, but what does the cooperation include and how does the network processes look like? Networks are not specific for communities in the 2000?s or for that matter human organisations, but the ability to build networks and introduce more actors to the organisation have become easier with today?s communication technology. The study is about the Norrköping Municipality membership in the transnational network Sweden Emilia Romagna Network (SERN). It gives an insight into how networking and cooperation can be seen by politicians and officials, based on mission statements and the reason why a municipality choose to participate in transnational networks. The study aims to examine how Norrköping Municipality uses the SERN network and what the network have resulted in since the beginning of the municipality membership in 2005. It is a qualitative study which involves interviews with officials and politicians from the Municipality of Norrköping and textual material from SERN?s strategy documents and policies.
Synen på värdering av Itsystem. En kvalitativ studie av IT-investeringar i fyra kommuner i Västra Götaland
When a municipality is about to realize an IT investment, e.g. an economy system, theywill need to do procurement according to the laws of procurements. To perform suchprocurement takes time and energy from the everyday work at the municipalities, andtherefore they want to make a quick and efficient procurement. Unfortunately it showsthat municipalities do not always make an assessment that is sufficient enough for theirneeds, which can result in an inefficient system in a longer perspective. Municipalitiesthink more often about the hard values such as costs of the investments, and not alwaysas much when it comes to the soft values, like the user-friendliness.
Mer än bara ord : En kommunikationsstrategi för ökat hållbarhetsarbete i kommuner
This study is based on motivation theory, communication theory and knowledge about change management and workshop arrangement. The aim of the study is to develop a communication strategy which increases motivation for sustainability work in municipalities.Main focus of this report is to (1) determine whether motivation theory is applicable on a municipality?s sustainability work, in order to gain a willingness to change and (2) decide if workshops are suitable platforms for communication with municipalities. The opinion that global, complex problems require local solutions is a starting point for this study. The role of municipalities is claimed to be of great importance and is furthermore suggested to undergo a change in order to meet the current demands.
Vems Hållbarhet? Ett kandidatarbete om social hållbarhet i planeringen och relationen mellan marknaden, medborgarna och offentligheten.
Syftet med arbetet är att redovisa och diskutera planeringsprocessens
förhållande till begreppet social hållbarhet, samt beskriva olika
demokratimodeller och dimensioner av social hållbarhet. Vidare är syftet att
undersöka hur olika aktörer i projektet Fjordbyen i Oslo arbetar med och tar
hänsyn till olika aspekt av hållbarhetsdimensionen.
Arbetet bygger på en forskningsöversikt över relevant planeringsvetenskaplig
litteratur kombinerat med en fallstudie över Fjordbyen i Oslo där metoderna
innehållsanalys och intervju användes. Den teoretiska översikten gjordes för
att skapa ett underlagsmaterial för analys av fallstudiens empiri, genom
skapandet av analyskriterier.
Analysen visar att social hållbarhet spelar en viktig roll både för kommunen
och privata aktörer, men att det finns svårigheter med deltagandet som
samsvarar med vad som beskrivs i forskningsöversikten. Analysen visar också på
en stark kommun som har initiativet över planeringen och styr efter sin vision,
något som båda har positiva och negativa sidor..
Taktisk planering med geografisk hänsyn : fallstudie med Heureka PlanVis på SCA Skogs distrikt Liden
SCA is the largest private owned forest owner in Sweden, with an ownership of 2 million hectares of productive forestland. To manage the planning of such large areas and to fit the traditional organization structure of a Swedish forest company, the planning approach is subdivided into three stages; strategic, tactical and operational.
The strategic part, based on a statistic sample of stands, returns a harvest level estimate which should then be implemented at actual sites in the tactical part. This procedure can lead to incompatible solutions as the strategic solution is not necessarily possible to translate into actual sites in the tactical plan. The geographic aspect is important in tactical planning due to the large costs for moving equipment and maintenance of a large number of forest roads.
Samverkan mellan socialtjänst och polis, när ett barn misstänks för ett brott : - En kvalitativ studie, ur ett myndighetsperspektiv
The purpose of our study is to see how the interaction between the social services and police work when a child under 15 years is suspected of crimes.What happens to the child from an agency perspective? How is the experience for the child and how do they get their voices heard? How is the professional perspective for a child when a child is suspected of a crime? What do the various authorities for short-term and long-term measures for the child?We have chosen to do a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews. The study includes six interviews with two police officers, three field secretaries and a social worker in two different municipalities. A medium sized municipality, and a larger community.The people we interviewed think differently about collaboration. The municipality have different workforms.
Green-urban balance : a proposal for balancing green area preservation and urban development in the city of Uppsala
Rapid urbanization causes competition over land use between green area preservation and urban development in cities and greatly affects ecosystems as well as human well-being. This conflict is significant all around the world as many cities are now replacing existing green areas with new developments. The area around Dag Hammarskjöld's väg in Uppsala is currently experiencing the same conflict, as the need that the city has for new housing represents a threat for the many valuable green areas that are in the site. The purpose of this project was to understand how the need of urban development and the preservation of green areas could be balanced. This understanding would thereafter be used to make a design proposal for the area around Dag Hammarskjöld's väg.
Samhällets Sårbarhet för Klimatförändringarna
The effects of the climate changes are expected to generate several substantial direct and indirect consequences on both ecosystems and societies. It is the extent of the negative consequences that determents the vulnerability of the things or the ones exposed. The knowledge of the effects and consequences by a changing climate provides an opportunity to take measures to reduce the vulnerability.Our society?s vulnerability depends on how we choose to act out of the existing knowledge and what measures we choose to take. Karlstad municipality has good knowledge and perception of the increased flood risks the climate changes will generate and the probable consequences that most likely will follow. How the municipality decides to manage the flooding issue is not just affected by the will to mitigate the vulnerability but also by the vision to increase the number of citizens.