3159 Uppsatser om Municipality planning - Sida 15 av 211
Buller : Hur planeras en bullerfri stad?
Milosevic, S. 2014. Buller ? Hur planers en bullerfri stad?. Kulturgeografiska institutionen, Uppsatser, Uppsala universitet. This essay is about noise pollution caused by urbanization.
Balanserad samhällsbyggnad i Eslövs kommun : fördjupning av översiktsplanen för östra Eslöv
This work has been made in cooperation with the municipality of Eslöv and the inventory area is a part of the deepening of the municipality plan of east Eslöv. The aim of the work is to test the principle of balance in the overall planning. Later in the detailed planning process a more detailed calculation is made and a suggestion of suitable measures for compensation is made. Then the method with green area factors can be used. The goal is to balance the negative influence on the environment from the planned impacts to gain a sustainable development of the city.
The principle of balance means that the one responsible for the development also has to compensate for the negative impacts on nature and landscape that comes with the development.
Centrumförnyelse av Asarum
Ny bebyggelse tillskapas i centrum för att förtäta och binda samman
centrum.Områden knyts samman med ett genomgående grönstråk. Ett nytt torg
utformas samt en utbyggnad av en miljöprioterad Storgata.
Artikulera rum genom fysisk planering
Miljonprogramsområden tillförs ofta negativa
attribut och ses av många som ett stort samhällsproblem.
Därför är det viktigt att konkretisera
vilka problem som finns för att bättre
förstå hur de kan lösas. Två av dessa negativa
attribut är ödslighet och rumslig förvirring
eller svårigheten att skilja på vad som är
privat, gemensam och offentlig miljö. Detta
är uppsatsens fokus och konkretiseras genom
en fallstudie av ett typsikt miljonprogramsområde.
Fallstudien utförs på Byälvsvägen, Bagarmossen,
i Stockholm.
Genom rumslig analys och litteraturstudier
samt intervjuer skapas en bild av ett område
med många goda kvalitéer men också ett område
som upplevs som otryggt. Uppsatsen tar
upp olika sätt att skapa rum genom ny bebyggelse
och smärre fysiska åtgärder, t. ex.
Allmänhetens involvering i planeringsprocessen : En studie av två olika metoder för gatuundersökningar
It might seem obvious that public opinions should be included in the planning process. However, it is not clear to what extent. Statutory forms of public participation attract little interest since many people feel that it is hard to make a difference. The purpose of this study was to engage those that normally do not get to speak their mind in the planning process. In this study, two methods for conducting ?on-street surveys? were investigated.
Utmaningsrätten : kejsarens nya kläder?
The purpose of this essay is to investigate the policy proposal The right to Challenge (utmaningsrätt) and the political motivation that has been used to implement it, as well as the result of it. The focus is on a case study of the implementing in Örebro municipality. Moreover, a comparative study is done to investegate the differences and similarities between Örebro and other municipalities that have chosen to implement The right to Challenge.The main question in this essay is How did Örebro?s municipality implement it and what was the result? There is also four minor questions: How was The right to Challenge motivated and what hopes did the politicans have for it? What has The right to Challenge so far contributed with in Örebro municipality? What do the entreprenures think about their oppertunity to challenge the municipality? What similarities and differences exists between Örebro and other municipalities that have chosen to implement The right to Challenge?The results that are presented in this essay generate conclusions that the implementing of The right to Challenge was motivated with arguments that it will result in increased diversity, improved efficiency, and reduced costs. This has however not been the case since very few challenges have been submitted, most likely due to a lack of promotion.
SIDAs Watergate : En ide?historisk undersö?kning av debatten om svenskt bistånd till det indiska befolkningsprojektet 1977?1980
In 1975 the Indian president Indira Gandhi proclaimed the emergency period which would go on until 1977. Under this time approximately 8 million men and women were sterilized in the name of family planning. Many of them did not volunteer. This was not just an Indian con- cern because the family planning program was largely funded by international aid. The Swe- dish involvement in the program was debated 1977?1980, in what has been called ?SIDA?s Watergate?.
Stationsområde i Landskrona - En studie om exploateringen av jordbruksmark, stadsutveckling och stadsstyre med Landskronas stationsområde som exempel
In this essay a proposal of city renewal is made for the new train station area
built on highly productive agricultural land in Landskrona. The proposal is
based on how the situation for the agricultural land in terms of exploitation
looks like today and also on theories of urban governance to find out why the
area turned out the way it did..
Arbetsmiljöarbetet på SverigesBostadsrättsCentrum : Vad ändringarna i arbetsmiljölagen innebär
This diploma work was performed because the company Sveriges BostadsrättsCentrum, with the abbreviation SBC, had a need to gain insight into how changes in the Work Environment Act and related regulations which took effect January 1, 2009 affecting their work with the work environment. The changes mean that the client may hand over his work environment responsibilities to a contractor and that he has to select so-called building work environment co-ordinators. At SBC they are working as representatives for tenant-owner's association when a construction is about to be carried out. The purpose was to ascertain how changes may affect the work at SBC. The diploma work intends to educate the staff at SBC how work with the work environment would look like if they met the regulatory requirements.
Nyanländas etablering på arbetsmarknaden : En studie om det sociala nätverkets betydelse för att hitta ett arbete
Our purpose was to research the new reform amendment" Lag om etableringsinsatser för vissa nyanlända invandrare", and whether the establishment of the reform is good and if it was a necessary amendment. For that reason, we have chosen to answer our purpose in these issues with this question formulation; how can the change of the law establishing operations influence the newcomers in the labour market, the problems the law intends to address, how the new change in the law is different from when the municipality "kommun" was responsible, and how the law can be discussed based on theories of social capital and weak ties. The method used in this study is from a adductive approach where the research is based on both empirical evidence and existing theory that interact between these two. The results that emerged in our work was that the newcomers within the labour market has been remote, the way the municipality?s addressed the problem did not work and the result of this was a new reform amendment, where a new participant established.
Klimatförändringarna och den fysiska planeringen - den fysiska planeringens roll i scenariot med ökade översvämningsrisker
Klimatförändringar befaras ge en mängd olika konsekvenser för samhället. Ökade
översvämningsrisker är bara en av dessa. De ökade översvämningsriskerna kommer
att påverka den möjliga markanvändningen och många områden som idag anses säkra
att bebygga och odla kommer att bli riskzoner för översvämning i ett framtida
klimat. I samhällets anpassningsprocess ligger nödvändigheten att skydda
befintlig bebyggelse men också att kunna lokalisera ny bebyggelse, odling och
infrastruktur till säkra zoner. Den kommunala fysiska planeringen har styrmedel
som kan påverka bebyggelsens placering och utformning.
Bellevue - en studie av verksamheter och småindustri i stadslandskapet :
How can we plan so that smallscale industry and businesses can become an integrated part of the city?
The densifying process in search of new housing areas that is going on in most swedish cities threatens to undermine the diversity and complex make up of central parts of many cities. To sustain industrial activities in central locations is critical to this diversity.
This thesis discusses how to reach a sustainable city planning with Bellevue, a small industry and business area in central Gothenburg, as an example..
Expropriation i teori och preaktik : En studie om Expropriationslagen och dess tillämpning
The most important conclusion of this study is that the negotiations between the parties ends when conflicts arise from property owners, and with this the time will be extended and be more costly. During the study it has been shown that good communication is the key to an effective and successful negotiation between the parties.The purpose of this study is to investigate how the practical procedure under expropriation is in relation to the legal text, in other words, describe and analyze the procedure for expropriation under current rules but also to explain how it operated in practice. This is to get a picture of how the process works and what effects it receives.Three methods were used for the study. A literature review for understanding how expropriation relates according to the law. A case study from an ongoing expropriation in Sundsvall municipality, and an interview with seven affected interested parties from the expropriation.Reviewed literature describes how the application of the Expropriation Act must go to as well as other research on the topic.
"The Never Ending Story" : Sårbarhet och kamp för överlevnad i Olofströms kommun
The world around us is shrinking and globalization and capitalism are processes affecting the world. Global trends, like outsourcing and relocation of firms to low-cost countries, have become more common. This creates a huge vulnerability in the municipalities that today are concentrated around a single large company. One of these is Olofström which today is one of the most vulnerable municipalities in Sweden and whose survival today lies in the hand of the company ?Volvo Cars Corporation?.
Att vara eller inte vara med : en studie av kommuners virtuella deltagande
In today's society, the internet is an important part of everyday life. Over recent years the number of electronic services has increased markedly. Communities such as Facebook, consume more of people's time than 5-10 years ago. How can public authorities benefit from these communities or are the municipalities not ready for this? The municipalities determine how their resources should be allocated based on the municipality's needs.