

3159 Uppsatser om Municipality planning - Sida 10 av 211

Biblioteken på Tjörn ? Biblioteksverksamheten på Tjörn under två tidsperioder.

The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyse the development of libraries on Tjörn, an island on the Swedish west coast. I have divided the thesis in two parts, one in which I will describe the libraries development between the years 1873 to 1952 in the municipality of Stenkyrka and one in which I will describe the libraries development between the years 1976 and 1985 in the municipality of Tjörn. The study is mainly based on written materials and a theoretic model will also be used in which I apply three factors, society, the libraries economy and individual actors on the library activity. The libraries in Stenkyrka during the early period were dependent of public grant from the state for their survival and the libraries were undeveloped. The society around them was poor and hardly any money or assistants came from the municipality.

EMC problematik och el-kvalitet i elkraftnät

The dissertation deals with an account of actual problem, which can arise within EMC and power quality. The cause of power interruption and what can be done to minimise the power interruption is discussed. It also includes a definition of planning levels and which factors one needs to have control over to carry out a possible planning strategy and how the local distributions net could be more secure. The electrical net could be secure but no system can be free from interruption.The dissertation examines two distribution transformers: GLA40T1 (Glansås) and T399 in Tranås Energy which don?t have regulators.

?Vård i annans hem? - användning av arbetsmaterialet i Huddinge kommuns hemtjänst/boendestöd och personlig assistans

AbstractThe importance of good construction planning affects the final costs of the production and the timing of the project. Planning for building projects has been studied with the aim of identifying how three week planning appears in the construction industry today.A case study has been conducted in Navisworks Simulate to assess whether the software is suitable to connect the task schedule with the BIM model to create a 4D model. 4D models are used for performing 4D construction simulation to visualize the project. In order to use the benefits of the model, investment in equipment and software is required. This means higher costs for the companies.

Besvär! : Om motståndet hos två tvångssammanslagna kommuner i samband med kommunblocksreformen

The purpose of this essay is to investigate why the two Swedish municipalities of Frykerud and Östmark were the only municipalities in Värmland that were forcibly merged by the state during the ?Municipality block reform? of 1971, and whether local identities played a role in the resistance against this reform.     The study is designed as a comparative case study and builds on both history and political science to analyze the topic from a broader perspective. Based on the research situation three theoretical theses have been formulated, the durability of which will be tested in the analysis part of the essay.    The study notes that Frykeruds resistance against the ?Municipality block reform? started when the reform prevented a planned retirement home construction in the municipality. In the analytical part of the essay, the author discusses how the discontent can be interpreted as symptomatic of bourgeois centralization resistance, as well as being due to the fact that traditional, local self-government as a political subject was perceived as threatened.

Ljusföroreningar i stadsmiljö : Hur kan ljusföroreningar förebyggas vid nybyggnation?

Light pollution in urban areas - How to prevent light pollution at construction Jakob Sjöling Light pollution is a relatively new but rapidly growing form of pollution. Society's increasing demand for light coupled with the pace at which lighting technology evolves is accelerating that growth. The purpose of this study was to analyse how the construction industry plan and design outdoor lighting when erecting new buildings, specifically with regards to the issue of light pollution. It also investigated how local authorities work with these issues during urban planning. In both cases special interest was placed in ways to improve the planning and use of outdoor lighting in order to minimize light pollution.

Metod för beslutsstöd vid formulering och uppföljning av en kommuns klimatmål : Fallstudie Uppsalakommun

The purpose of this study is to create a method that can be used to produce decision supportdata for the climate goals of a municipality. The method should be able to demonstrate the potential for reducing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions for measures aimed at the stationary energy system in the municipality. It will be used to make long term projections of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in order to be able to demonstrate the ability to reach climate goals. The aim was also to test the method's applicability by using the municipality of Uppsala and the Uppsala climate protocol project in a case study. Uppsala climate protocol is a project consisting of participants from business, government and organizations that voluntarily want to commit to reducing their carbon footprint by reducing their energy use and thus work to achieve the municipality's overall climate goal.

Energieffektivisering i flerbostadshus : En studie av incitament och hinder i Uppsala

The purpose of this essay is to study how the local creators of a "master plan" for the swedish city Kristinehamn, the years between 1940 to -43, looked on their planning. It is an analysis of ideas case study. A hypothesis is upheld for the research: that the local physical planning had largely extended ambitions what regards central state control in a way that is similar to planned economy. Questions that are asked include: Was the planning assumed to be a tool for the state to regulate the environment? Can the planning be seen as a mean to control the society in time and space? The essay search for verification of the hypothesis by a theoretical analysis apparatus made upp of ideal types.

?Det är ju bara vi vuxna som sätter stopp för dem? - Pedagogers tal om barns inflytande i förskolan

The aim of this study was to understand how evaluations are implemented and used in procured nursing homes for elderly. Our methodological approach consisted of a single-case study research. The case in this study was Växjö municipality. Three procured nursing homes for elderly were chosen in the municipality as examples of implementation and use of evaluation. The method for retrieving empirical data and the analyzing of it was based on triangulation.

"Råstablick" -ett komplext utbyggnadsområde i Solna. Fokus på barriärer, trygghet och buller.

I detta examensarbetet har jag studerat hur man kan lösa barriär, trygghets- och bullerproblem i det komplexa utbyggnadsområdet "Råstablick" -industriområdet Hagalund. Inledningsvis har en generell analys av området gjorts som behandlar historisk utveckling, landskap och natur, bestämmelser och förordningar, bebyggelse och trafik. Därefter följer en fördjupning om barriärer, trygghet och buller där varje avsnitt innehåller ett kunskapsunderlag som följs av en analys av området. Utifrån slutsatserna från analysen har jag utarbetat riktlinjer för området och ett planförslag. Viktigt i planförslaget har bl.a. varit att skapa en trygg koppling till kollektivtrafiken, överbrygga stambanan, bullerskydda med kontorsbebyggelse, ta tillvara vattenkontakten och skapa sammanhängande grönområden..

Från rådhus till stadshus En fallstudie på ombyggnadsprocessen Göteborgs rådhus

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Bebyggelseantikvariskt program15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2013:5.

Hållbar stadsutveckling? : Problem och målkonflikter i planeringen av Hagastaden och Norra Djurgårdsstaden i Stockholm

The major environmental problems that we have today are frequently mentioned in the media today. One example is the ongoing debate regarding global warming and its causes and consequences. There are also several other problems in our society such as segregation and social tensions. Most agree that we must do something to solve these problems and that we must try to achieve a sustainable development for the entire planet. But how should it actually be done and what trade-offs, compromises, sacrifices and changes must be made?The purpose of this paper is to examine how these issues are being dealt with in Swedish city planning.

Gödslingsstrategins inverkan på Holmen Skog, Umeå distrikt

This thesis analyzes the effects of different fertilization strategies on forest management at Holmen Skog in Umeå district. Harvesting volumes, net present values and fertilization intensity are presented for each fertilization scenario. The planning reserve (percentage area older than minimum final felling age) was also analyzed in this study.The thesis covers the analysis of five different fertilization scenarios, varying in fertilization intensity, from no fertilization at all, to fertilization at every harvesting operation (thinning or final felling). A sub-study was also carried out so the reader in detail can see how the different fertilization scenarios affect individual forest stands of different nature. The analysis has been done with the planning tool PlanWise, which is an application of the Heureka analysis and planning system.

Kommuninvånarnas syn på Sala kommuns skogar och skogsbruk

The municipal forests of Sala cover an area of 6 000 hectares, starting in the vicinity of the city and reaching north. At the same time as residents make abundant use of the areas closest to the community for outdoor activities and recreational purposes, the forest is of great economic value and also worth protecting for environmental reasons. These conditions make forestry in periurban woods more complex than conventional forestry, why a good understanding of the needs and demands on the forest and silviculture program is required. The purpose of this study is to depict the usage of the forests owned by the municipality of Sala, to set forth the common view of the silviculture program implemented by the municipality and to chart the expectations the community has on the forests and forestry of the future in the municipality of Sala. The survey part of this paper consists of the interviews of thirteen individuals representing nine interest groups. As expected the views of these individuals varied widely but some results were expressed by more or less all of them.

Grönstrukturen i Örnsköldsvik : utvecklingen av det gröna Örnsköldsvik, ett led i skapandet av en grönplan

During the autumn of 2008 I obtained office experience by working at the local government of Örnsköldsvik. I started working on the district green plan of the green structure and that led to the work of this exam paper. The purpose of this exam paper has been to define some standpoints for the green structure of the local government district of Örnsköldsvik. I have used both a larger and a smaller scale to obtain a wide a perspective as possible of the green structure. The larger scale gives an overall view of the whole municipality while the smaller scale is found in the study of the two local areas Centrum and Domsjö. For the local government planning to be able to obtain an agreeable level of verdure to the residents it is necessary that the green structure is brought up on the agenda.

Vägen mot hållbar samdistribution : ett förslag till samordnade varutransporter i Uppsala

This essay investigates the statements of Växjö municipality?s motives for some of its many environmental projects. The aim of the essay is to be theory-testing as to see how a municipality/city which promotes itself as being ?green? motivates its efforts in the environmental area. Växjö city promotes itself as ?The greenest city in Europe?, an award appointed to the city by BBC and other international media.

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