

561 Uppsatser om Multinomial regression - Sida 5 av 38

Metodik för detektering av vägåtgärder via tillståndsdata

The Swedish Transport Administration has, and manages, a database containing information of the status of road condition on all paved and governmental operated Swedish roads. The purpose of the database is to support the Pavement Management System (PMS). The PMS is used to identify sections of roads where there is a need for treatment, how to allocate resources and to get a general picture of the state of the road network condition. All major treatments should be reported which has not always been done.The road condition is measured using a number of indicators on e.g. the roads unevenness.

Modeling Determinants of First-Day Returns from IPOs

The primary purpose of this paper is to find the determinants of first-day returns on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Our research will cover the 1996 ? 2004 periods. Our secondary purpose is intended to find a profitable trading strategy with regard to future IPOs on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. By using regression analysis, focusing on company specific factors and the IPO process, we hope to find a function exhibiting statistical significance, determining future first-day returns from which construction of a profitable trading strategy will be possible.

Finns det blockpolitiska skillnader i kommunal skattepolitik?

Med denna uppsats har vi försökt modellera sannolikheten för förändringar i den kommunala skattenivån i svenska kommuner givet deras politiska styre, som är kodade enligt definition av Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting (SKL). Genom att göra det försöker vi få svar på frågan om det finns blockpolitiska skillnader i kommunal skattepolitik. Genom att kombinera SKL:s klassificering av kommunala politiska styren 2002-2006 med 2006-2010 har vi skapat så kallade maktskifteskategorier, som vi sedan använder som kategoriska variabler när vi modellerar sannolikheten för olika förändringar i de kommunala skattenivåerna. För att i viss mån renodla politikens inflytande och skilja det från andra strukturer som kan tänkas påverka skattenivån har vi skapat variabler som vi kallar för kontrollvariabler. Dessa försöker spegla strukturella förutsättningar för den kommunala ekonomin.

Likvida tillgångars påverkan på lönsamhet och aktievärde : En studie av svenska företag på Nasdaq OMX Nordic Stockholm mellan 2008-2011

Objective: The study will investigate whether cash liquidity have a negative affect on profitability and share value of companies, listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm 2008-2011. Part of the purpose is also to show if the industry risk is of importance for treasury management of these companies.Method: The methodology for the study is key analysis through hypothesis testing and regression analysisConclusion: The liquidity ratio affects profitability in a negative direction on the entire sample. No other conclusion can be drawn..

Faktorstruktur utifrån "frågor kring attraktivt arbete"

År 2007 är det högkonjunktur och arbetslösheten sjunker i Sverige. Fler väljer att läsa vidare på högskola och universitet och färre människor föds. En attraktiv arbetsplats vinner konkurrensen om den kompetens som finns. Arbetslivsinstitutet startade därför, tillsammans med Högskolan Dalarna, ett gemensamt forskningsprojekt 2001 som avslutades 2003. Projektet resulterade bla.

Sannolikheter i fotbollsmatcher : -Kan man skapa användbara odds med hjälp av statistiska metoder?

Betting under ordered forms has been around for a long time, but the recent increase in Internet betting and the large sums of money that are now involved makes it even more important for betting companies to have correct odds. The purpose of the essay is to calculate probabilities for outcomes of football games using a statistical model and to see if you can find better odds than a betting company.The data contains the 380 games from the 2004/2005 season and the variables form, head-to-heads, league position, points, home/away, average attendance, promoted team, distance and final league position from previous season. After performing an ordered probit regression we only find the variable ?form of the away team? to be significant at the 5 % level. We suspect the presence of multicollinearity and perform a VIF-test which confirms this. To fix this problem we perform a second ordered probit regression where a number of variables are combined to index variables. In the second regression we once again find only one significant variable.

Matrismodellen vs Two-part regressionsmodeller - effekter på Region Skånes resursfördelning

An important task for Region Skåne is to allocate resources to the health care districts. From 1999 to 2002 Region Skåne used needs-based resource allocation as a model for allocating resources. In a needs-based resource allocation individuals with the same socioeconomic and demographic characteristics are assumed to have the same level of need and are therefore allocated the same amount of resources. During the period of needs-based resource allocation a matrix model was used as a method. In the matrix model individuals were divided into cells after each combination of the socioeconomic and demographic variables.

Medierepresentationen av världens länder : Strukturer i fyra svenska nyhetstidningar

This essay casts light on the quantitative aspect of the media representation of foreign news. The purpose of the essay is not only to describe the media representation of the countries of the world, but also to explain the representation out of structures that are mirrored by the mass media. Four hypotheses are stated that are operationalized in the research. These are treating four different factors that are believed to affect the representation, economy, geographical distance, cultural distance and the size of the population. A fifth hypothesis is stating that economy is the most influential of the factors.

Anställningsotrygghetens effekt på självskattad hälsa, i hög respektive lågkonjunktur

The subject of this study was to research whether or not the effect of job insecurity on self reported health differs between good and bad times in the economic climate. Two different years of a national health survey from the Swedish institute of health (FHI) served as data, with 2007 representing good economic climate and 2009 doing the opposite. Both years consisted of data from a national health survey distributed to 20 000 random individuals in Sweden, where 2007 had 5738 valid cases and 2009 had 10 373. A quantitative method was used to determine the difference, consisting of a three variable cross tabulation with chi2-analysis as well as a model of binary logistic regression for each of the two years.The cross tabulation found a significant difference between the two years, with those reporting job insecurity having less of a chance to report bad health during the year representing bad economic climate. While the logistic regression showed the same tendency, the two years could not be significantly differed from each other in that part of the analyzes.With this in mind, the conclusion from the whole test was that no significant difference could be found between the years regarding the health effect of job insecurity..

Patientupplevd vårdkvalité utifrån olika bakgrunder

I uppsatsen har jag undersökt om och hur mycket olika bakgrundsfaktorer hos patienter påverkar hur nöjda de är med vårdkvalitén. Uppsatsen begränsar sig till läkarbesök inom den offentliga Primärvården (Närhälsan) i VGR. Vi har använt oss av två olika metoder för att analysera data från Nationell Patientenkät från hösten 2011. Dessa är Binär logistisk regression och LASSO logistisk regression. Vi har valt logistisk regression därför att den beroende variabeln inte har intervallskala.

En jämförelse mellan individers självuppskattade livskvalitet och samhällets hälsopreferenser : En paneldatastudie av hjärtpatienter

Objective: In recent years there has been an increasing interest within the clinical (medical) science in measuring people?s health. When estimating quality of life, present practise is to use the EQ-5D questionnaire and an index which weighs the different questions. The question is what happens if the individuals estimate there own health, would it differ from the public preferences? The aim is to make a new prediction model based on the opinion of patients and compare it to the present model based on public preferences.Method: A sample of 362 patients with unstable coronary artery disease from the Frisc II trial, valued their quality of life in the acute phase and after 3, 6 and 12 months.

How Does Board Structure Influence CEO Compensation? - Evidence from Sweden

The purpose of the study is to investigate how board structure influences CEO compensation for companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange in 2004. The theoretical frame of reference is based upon the corporate governance theory, the principal-agent theory and previous empirical research in the area. A cross sectional regression analysis is used, where a number of control variables are included and significance tests are conducted. The study is based on information regarding CEO compensation, and possible factors affecting the compensation, from 267 companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange A- and O-list in the year 2004. We find that the board structure has no significant effect on the CEO compensation.

Konkursprognostisering i en svensk kontext : En modell utvecklad för svenska småföretag

Konsekvenser av konkurser drabbar såväl företaget själv som andra intressenter. Exempel på sådana är investerare, kunder, leverantörer, långivare och staten. Att utveckla ett verktyg för att kunna analysera ett företags väg mot konkurs är därför ett bidrag till såväl företaget själv som samhället. I den här studien har vi utvecklat en modell som kan appliceras på småföretag inom kategorin aktiebolag i Sverige. Den kan användas för att prognostisera konkurs för 18 månader framåt i tiden.

Bootstrap som hjälpmedel att öka noggrannheten och bedöma precisionen vid probitregression, med tillämpning på hörselmätningar

In many biomedical contexts, e. g. when evaluating hearing disorders, the data obtained can be described as pairs (x1, y1), ?, (xn, yn) where x is a quantitative variable and y a 0/1 variable whose probability of taking the value 1 is a monotonic function of x. One way of analysing such data is to perform probit regression; thereby two parameters, b0 (= the constant) and b1 (= the slope) are estimated; the interest centres around m = -b0/b1, i.

Är klassröstningen fortfarande signifikant? - en studie om kommunalvalen i Stockholm och Göteborg 2002

The association between social parameters (i.e. socio-economy and level of education) and voting behaviour has been reviewed and analysed based on data from municipal council elections in Stockholm and Gothenburg in 2002. Some social scientists argue that the class voting is in decline and that new social cleavages have emerged. However, by using regression analysis techniques, this study implies a strong dependence of voting behaviour on social parameters, such as socio-economic status (SES) and level of education. Socio-economy appears to be a dominant predictor in the analysis.

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