

22 Uppsatser om Monotonous - Sida 2 av 2

Purus Velox : En mekanisk städmaskin

En av park- och gatuarbetarnas många verktyg, är den traditionella sopkvasten.Sopkvasten används för att städa upp ytor där maskiner inte kommer åt, såsom;under bänkar, i hörn och mindre områden. Vid användning av en traditionellsopkvast innefattar rörelsen rotation och framåtlutning av kroppsställningen, somkan om den utförs under en längre tidsperiod leda till muskuloskeletala besvär ochha negativa effekter på hälsan. Detta projekt syftar till att utveckla ett nyttrengöringsverktyg för att minska framåtlutad, roterad kroppsställning.Denna avhandling har använt en produktutvecklingsmetodik och en biomekaniskanalys för att uppfylla en faktabas för att nå målet. Översyn av litteratur,biomekanisk analys och benchmarking användes för att ställa inkravspecifikationer för detta projekt. Projektet tillämpade David G Ullman iterativproduktutvecklingsmetodik, inklusive brainstorming, Quality FunctionDeployment, Morfologi, Pugh's matris och Failure Mode Effects Analysis.

Gestaltning av vägar i Skåne - kopplat till sju regionalt viktiga stråk :

This work derives from the question ?What is a beautiful road??. The question is being discussed in interviews with two employees at the Swedish National Road Administration and two former members of the ?Council of environment and beauty? at the Swedish National Road Administration. The interviews are summarized in my own discussion about the concept of ?Beautiful roads?.

Optimering av reducerad bearbetning : högre skörd till lägre kostnad

Optimization of soil tillage and crop rotation is important in many aspects, but particularly in maximizing profit margins. Since the economic outcome is usually decisive, it can be interesting to study different combinations of soil tillage systems and crop rotations in order to identify the maximum economic outcome. How a crop functions in a particular tillage system determines whether it is profitable to grow that crop. Different tillage systems affect the soil and its processes in different ways. Reduced tillage often works best on weak-structured heavy clays and on silty clays.

Gestaltning av boendelandskapet i gränsen mellan stad och land : exemplet Norränga i Lund

This is a 20 credit Master thesis within the landscape architecture education at the Institute for Landscape Planning at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences at Alnarp. Norränga is situated on the fringe of the city of Lund, east of the existing district of Linero.The city planning office of Lund municipality has come up with a ?in-depth comprehensive plan? for the exploatation of the eastern area of Lund. The plan concerns an area of 1035 square kilometre which contains at least 1500 nya buildings, two schools, primaryschools, stores and bus station for local bus traffic and the new bus line - Lundalänken. The townplan is inspired from the historical Square block city with defined street system. The municipality has visions of what the green areas should consist of.

Skötsel av vägnära skog för trafiksäkerhet och naturupplevelse :

A great deal of the nature experience we get today is from travelling along our roads, which to a large extent go through the forest landscape. This makes the forest along our roads interesting to look at from a nature experience perspective. The main idea of this work is to increase the awareness of how we are affected by the forest when we travel through it and find out how the forest should be adapted to the road environment to create a pleasant nature experience as well as increase traffic safety. 0.9 % of Sweden's total forest area (equivalent to 200 000 hectares) is in close proximity to roads. Additionally, in Sweden 440 million hours are spent behind the wheel of which a great deal probably is spent on roads surrounded by forest in some form.

Fallstudie av mellanrummen i stadsdelen Ålidhems offentliga utemiljöer :

This diploma-work assess the public outdoor space. It has its starting point in, Ålidhem, a town district of Umeå. I have been studying public spaces in the outdoor environment. In this essay this refers to the spaces between the houses. What they are, what they contain, how they function and how they can improved.

Utsikt från höghastighetståg : om reseupplevelsens krav på landskapet

As we travel more and more by train it becomes increasingly important that the time we spend traveling, is of great quality. This has been the foundation of this master thesis and has shaped the outcome of it. The traveling experience, that is, the experience of the landscape that flashes by outside the train window, is an important aspect in railway planning and an aspect that should be taken into greater consideration. The purpose of this master thesis has been to examine how to compose or improve the travel experience for an already planned high speed railway and how the travel experience can be combined with other aspects, which have claims on the landscape. This thesis is based on a literature study and a case study of Ostlänken. The work describes Ostlänken, a planned high speed railway in Sweden between Järna and Linköping, with top speeds at 300-320 kilometers per hour.

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