

2418 Uppsatser om Modern prepakt concrete - Sida 1 av 162

Självkompakterande betong vid platsgjutning av anläggningskonstruktioner

By using modern methods of casting concrete, cast in place can get more effective and industrialized. A modern method is self compacting concrete. By using this type of concrete, advantages like improved working environment and rationalized construction can be reached. Because the concrete doesn?t need to be vibrated, the amount of staff on site and the noise can be reduced.

Behuggning av betongytor: ett test av hantverksmetoder

During the latter half of the 18th century, when concrete started seeing general use in modern cities, the use of different methods to give the concrete a finished surface texture saw use. One of these was using different methods of mechanically altering the surface using a slew of cutting and crushing techniques with mallet and chisel. This was done in order to hide the often dull and gray look of concrete, and allude to other more expensive and luxurious stones. The work would possibly have been done by experienced stonemasons, using much of the same techniques and tools they would have used while working natural stones. Or did they? This essay explores, through the use of traditional handcrafts and tools, the claim that the working of concrete surfaces can be done with the same tools and skillset as the working of natural stone.

Underhållsfria material i broöverbyggnader : Fördelar ur kostnads- och miljösynpunkt vid användning av rostfritt stål och direktgjuten betong

En stor del av Trafikverkets budget går till att reparera och underhålla våra broar. Underhållsåtgärder orsakar också trafikproblem med stora miljöutsläpp och samhällskonsekvenser som följd. Eftersom broar vanligtvis dimensioneras för en lång livslängd på 120 år är det viktigt att planera för långsiktiga lösningar och förutse konsekvenserna av kommande underhållsåtgärder. Genom att använda mer underhållsfria material finns möjligheten att minska kostnaderna och koldioxidsläppen.Målet med examensarbetet är att ta reda på hur stora besparingarna är genom att svara på frågan: ?Vilka fördelar erhålls av att använda mer underhållsfria material i broöverbyggnader ur kostnads- och miljösynpunkt??.

Inverkan av tvång i gjutfogar och i betongkonstruktioner på
elastiskt underlag: Influence of Restraint in Casting Joints
and in Concrete Structures on Resilient Foundation

In this report, the risk of cracking in joints and/in adjacent concrete is estimated by checking shear forces in joints and the ratio between the actual maximum principal stress ant the actual strength of the concrete. The shear force has been estimated both by simple methods as well as by two-dimensional calculations. The risk of cracking in the concrete and/or in the joints is estimated with the computer program ConStre. The restraint from a resilient foundation or rock on a young concrete construction is estimated by a simple method that is exemplified. It is shown that the restraint can be neglected in some cases.

Icke-linjära modelleringsteknikerav förspänd betongkonstruktion : Reaktorinneslutningen på Forsmark 3

A new material model, for the FE-program ADINA, has been verified against twoexperiments. One unreinforced concrete beam and one reinforced concrete beam.The model, DF-concrete, has the possibility to estimate true concrete. However theresults indicate that in order to be sure that the estimations are true, there ought tobe data from the true concrete to verify against.Two FE-models have simulated the behavior of a ring-shaped part of the nuclearcontainment vessel. The results from the first, frictionless, model agree with similarsimulations and hand calculations for high pressures in the containment vessel. Thesimulations of the nuclear containment vessel show cracking in the concrete after10-11 bars of over pressurization.

Övergång till helkrossballast : En studie för Strängbetongfabrikerna i Veddige och Herrljunga

This exam report has been developed in association with Strangbetong AB, Sweden.The natural gravel that is being used as fine aggregate for concrete production today is an ending natural recourse and the Swedish government has decided to strongly reduce the extraction from the year of 2020. The only reasonable replacement is aggregates from crushed rocks but this material has other properties than natural aggregates. The concrete manufacturers now have to learn how to use these new fine aggregates in a cost effective way in order to ensure the quality of their concrete production.In this project, crushed aggregates and combination of crushed and natural aggregates have been tested with existing formulas for fresh concrete. The two parameters yield stress and plastic viscosity have been measured which gives a good description of the workability of the fresh concrete. Different methods to make measurements on the dry fine aggregates, has also been tested, to find out if there is any correlations between these parameters and the parameters from the measurement on the fresh concrete..

Miljövärdering av resurssnål betong med införande i BIM

This thesis aims to illustrate how environmental impact can be reduced, through the use of lean concrete. It also illustrates how environmental data can be applied to a house through implementation with BIM. In this study a unique concrete structure developed by Swedish Cement and Concrete Research Institute is assessed for environmental impact, by calculating the carbon dioxide equivalents using LCA methodology. The construction is a sandwich element where the concrete is made ??up of three layers.

VOX : sittmöbel för det offentliga rummet

A trend in modern landscape architecture is to design pedestrian streets so that vehicles and people move in the same area. By doing this, traffic tends to slow down. On the market though, there is a lack of furniture that corresponds to the requirements of these kinds of public places. Therefore, I have designed this furniture, called VOX, which is planned to be used on streets, schoolyards and squares. One objective has been to promote the product to the industry.To achieve this, I have been in contact with people from different professions, which have all influenced my designprocess.


This report provides a comparison between the products cellular concrete, foam concrete and LECA concrete. The questions to be answered during the work is how the cellular concrete stands up in cost terms to the existing competitors on the market, how the concrete products differ in design work, and in which situations the concrete varieties are preferred to use.Cellular concrete is a variant of ordinary concrete, with the difference that the ballast is exchanged from stone materials to expanded polystyrene beads (EPS). This substitution gives a product with higher insulation values but lower weight than ordinary concrete.The work was carried out by designing a survey which was sent to two hundred randomly chosen companies across Sweden, to see the building industry?s opinion of the product cellular concrete. The survey showed that cellular concrete was equals its competitors in terms of price, while the product was said to be more flexible, quicker and easier to cast.Then some of the companies, who participated in the survey, were interviewed to see more carefully, how the price, the workmanship and the time for casting and dehydration differed between the products.

Betong - Förvånansvärt lättflytande!

Concrete is a very common construction material. It´s characteristics are strength, durability and formablility. Superplasticizer is a common admixture, which changes the properties of concrete. Today (spring 2007) there are no certian mathematical methods to calculate the required percentage of this admixture needed to give the necessary set slump flow in the overall concrete recipe. Concrete batching companies must therefor experiment with different amount of superplasticizer in order to meet the specified slump and strength. The purpose og this report is to investigate if any mathematical relation can be established between the amount of superplasticizer used and the slump flow achieved. After carrying out some practical experiments using four different superplasticizers a direct relationship can be establish between the percentage of admixture used and the slump/flowability achieved. Unfortunatly at present due to the numerous variables, the calculation of mathematical formula can not be achieved..

Utmattning av vägbroar i armerad betong enligt eurokoder

Since 1 January 2010 it is a requirement to use the European standards, Eurocodes, in Sweden when constructing bridges. One chapter that has caused an extra amount of problems for the engineers is the one about fatigue analysis, which resulted in us doing this thesis.To do this we had to read all of the Eurocodes that direct, or indirect deals with fatigue and calculating of such. We have read the background documents for the Eurocodes and master?s thesis in the subject. We also studied the calculations of bridges constructed by different construction firms.We have chosen to limit the thesis to discuss only road bridges made of concrete due to the lack of method for verification of concrete in the national appendix.

Hisskärna av skalväggar i höga byggnader : Ett alternativ till den platsgjutna kärnan

A common way to stabilize high rise buildings is to use an elevator core built of concrete. Today, we use to build these elevator cores of in-situ concrete. Precast concrete twin wall (double wall) is a semi-finished product that has become more common in recent years. This diploma work studies how the twin wall works out as structural elements in an elevator core. The work also shows some possible ways of designing twin walls and highlights some important parts of the design that will be vital to the stability of the building.    The result shows that it is important to think through where the element joints should be placed.

Prefabricerade stödmurar i betong :

This is a booklet with information and inspiration about precast retaining walls. The three chapters contain information about concrete as a material, how the surface of the wall can be altered, and a chapter with ideas for a new precast wall. I have obtained information through books, interviews, lectures and fairs. The retaining walls on the market do not correspond to the requirements of the Landscape Architects I have interviewed. I have therefore considered their opinions in the chapter containing my new ideas for new retaining walls.

Lek och lärande : En studie av vad lärare och elever associerar ett laborativt arbetssätt i matematik med

During recent years, the trend of Swedish students? negative performance and results in mathematics has been discussed. It is agreed that a change in teaching methods is necessary in order to solve this issue. Thus we found it interesting to take a closer look at an alternative way of teaching. The purpose of this study was to find out what teachers and students associate concrete mathematics with and make a comparison between them.

Försöksmetod för automatisering av kvalitetssäkring av SKB

Within all industries, there is a change in working time required; this also includes the construction sector. However, the way construction sectors are differentiated is by not having been given the opportunity to be practiced or tested.  The aim of this thesis that we have done in collaboration with the Concrete Industry was to investigate the possibility of developing an automated method for quality assurance of SKB at the site. The idea is to make the O-funnel to be more utilized and therefore ensuring that the appropriate concrete quality is provided which eventually would lead to a better development in the production process.The project has involved theoretical work and laboratory experiments. The theoretical work gave us a good foundation at the beginning of the project. After gathering the information and material, the laboratory experiments began by SCC in their laboratory in Hammarby. The collected data from the various laboratory tests formed the foundation for trying to relate measurements for consistency of SCC with each other and therefore find out how measurements from O-funnel varies with different concrete mixtures.

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