

3620 Uppsatser om Modern marketing - Sida 38 av 242

Att skapa ett framgångsrikt idrottsevenemang : En kvalitativ studie om hur svenska idrottsevenemang skapar samt bibehåller en framgångsrik marknadsposition.

What is it that makes some events so successful, while others do not achieve the same results? According to most researchers and writers there are several factors that must be achieved in order for events to distinguish themselves from the crowd and be successful, but what are those factors then? The study was aimed to investigating the factors that create a successful sporting event. One person from each of the six largest children's and youth football tournaments, participated in this qualitative interview study. The results showed that factors such as; possessing a good knowledge of the organization, its external market environment and its stakeholders, proved significant. Similarly, to use the correct custom marketing methods, maintain and attract new stakeholders, and to have nice and caring work staff, were factors contributing to the success of wealth..

Information eller kommunikation? En kvantitativ studie av mellanchefers användning och uppfattning av intranätet Nova

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.

Hur får man reda på något om man inte använder intranätet? En kvantitativ studie om hur vårdpersonalen på Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset får ledningsinformation

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.

Informatörens nya kläder? En kvalitativ studie av arbetsinnehållet för sju förvaltningsinformatörer vilka medverkar i samverkansprojektet Grafiska gruppen

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.

Det sa bara klick. En kvalitativ analys av unga svenskars uppfattning om implementering av tvådimensionella koder i Aftonbladet

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.

Ett oväntat samarbete - Effekter av tematisk inkongruenta sponsorsamarbeten mellan bloggare och välkända varumärken

As a great deal of people spend more time with their cell phones and computers than with magazines and TV, markets have begun to explore marketing possibilities in digital media. A common form of marketing in digital media is sponsorship of the cyber stars of the Internet - the bloggers. Sponsorship of bloggers has proven to be a highly efficient method for brands to gain attention and positive attitudes, as bloggers are regarded as fashion icons as well as reliable friends. Another up-to-date marketing strategy that has proved successful in gaining consumer attention is the use of incongruent elements in ads. Incongruence challenges consumer expectations and thereby demands attention.

Upproren i Arabvärlden. En studie i kommunikationskanalernas roll i kollektiv handling

The purpose of this study was to examine how modern information and communication technology influence collective action within the framework of social movements. By studying the protests in the Arab World 2011, and focusing on the social movements in Suleimanya in northern Iraq, by observation taken on place, the essay discusses that collective action is closely related to the use of technology, for example cell phones and Internet.Result shows that modern communication technology has enabled immeasurable access andconnection between individuals throughout the world, which seems to be different from previouscollective action. The new communication channels in the form of social media, has been used for the dissemination of information and news, documentation, organization and membership recruitment in the social movements in the Arab World and Suleimanya. The new social movements have the tendency to be decentralized and flattened organized, they are now self-organizing and that they only do a whole as global patterns, as evidenced by the social movements in the Arab World andSuleimanya..

"Outsider" - moder: en undersökning av identitetskonstruktioner i TV-serie "United States of Tara"

AbstractSyftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur bilden av ?moderskapet? gestaltas i den amerikanska TV-serien ?United States of Tara?. De frågor som ligger till grund för undersökningen är: hur skapas och definieras identiteten av modern i serien ?United States of Tara?? Hur konstrueras relationen mellan modern och de andra familjemedlemmarna i serien? Hur förändras framställningen av den kvinnliga huvudpersonen Tara från det första till det sista avsnittet?Analysen utgår från en metod för analys av TV-program som presenteras i boken ?How to Study Television? (1995) av Keith Selby & Ron Cowdery, med fokus på begreppen narrativ och konstruktion.Materialet består av första säsongens första avsnitt och sista säsongens sista avsnitt av serien ?United States of Tara?.De teoretiska utgångspunkterna som ligger till grund för undersökningen är en teoriblandning av begrepp som: representation, performativitet, identitet, identitetsordningar samt Rosalind Gills teorier kring den postfeministiska kvinnan.Resultatet visar på att i serien ?United States of Tara? presenteras en ovanlig bild av modern, en outsider-moder som, i enlighet med den postfeministiska synen på kvinnan, genomgår en tydlig förändring under seriens gång från en svag och förvirrad kvinna till en självsäker person. .

Relationers påverkan på destinationsvarumärken : En fallstudie av två destinationers turismnätverk

The purpose with our study is to create an understanding of how tourism stakeholders within a tourism network can affect a Destination Marketing/Management Organization?s (DMO?s) work with the destination branding process. To fulfill this purpose we have clarified different relationships that can influence the DMO?s place marketing. In order to limit our study we have chosen to focus on two Swedish destinations, Öland and Norrköping, and their DMO?s.

Pilgrimsvandring som verktyg f?r f?r?ndring. Pilgrim?s Walk for Future?s aktualisering av pilgrimsteologin under nyliberala villkor

In the essay the author examines how pilgrimage can be used as a tool to radicalise democracy in a late modern society marked by neoliberalism. Applying a dialectic perspective on social movements the essay puts forward how the pilgrimage movement Pilgrim?s Walk for Future, administrated by Church of Sweden, is working in line with the historical pilgrimage theology - a modern critical ecclesiology- to mobilise political action to prevent climate change. The result of the study shows how PWFF meet the neoliberal hegemony with a mobilisation of alternative values beyond the order of capitalism, in line with Christian theology and tradition. The mobilisation is made possible by new forms of identifications with oneself and the social world that meet a modern power/knowledge- regime based on rational thought, and which questions norms and practises by paying attention to their negative effects on nature and on human life in general.

Kriskommunikation i ett senmodernt samhälle ? exemplet Svenska Röda Korset

The purpose of this study is to examine how an organization communicates during a crisis and how a crisis can affect an organization's reputation/credibility in late modernity. The focus is on how the Swedish Red Cross handled crises from summer 2009 until spring 2010, and how the organization's reputation/credibility was affected by the fact that society has changed. The methodology used is a quantitative and qualitative text analysis. The results show that crises affect organizations, how much depends on how open they appear to be and how much credibility they have with them when the crisis begins. Getting to know the late modern society, to understand how it works, can bring benefits to an organization during a crisis.

Den oretuscherade sanningen - En oretuscherad modells påverkan på konsumenters CSR-uppfattning, attityder och köpintention

Within the subject of retouching there is an ongoing debate about whether fashion retailers should retouch their ads or not. There has been a large amount of criticism to the communication of stereotyped beauty ideals that is used by companies in their marketing. The stereotyped ideals also contribute to negative psychological effects among people. As a response to the criticism, or as a way to differentiate one-self from competitors, retailers are starting to use unretouched models in their advertising. How this affects the consumer's perception of CSR along with the attitudes and behaviors is still unknown.

Modereportage - en marknadsföringskanal?

Marketing has been developed and revalued the last years. The consumer today is moreeducated and is therefore able to have higher demands. These requirements together with theincreased competition is forcing brands to find creative ways to reach their target market.Fashion has throughout history contributed to, and been influenced by, changes in society.Through all times, people have used fashion and clothing as a way to demonstrate their socialidentity and to be accepted. Companies in the fashion industry can be successful if theydevelop brands that attract consumers. To achieve this, companies must find newcommunication tools to reach out to the consumer, among these tools, we find the fashioneditorials.Our aim is to investigate whether product placement occurs in Swedish fashion editorials.Through our thesis we want to explore how consumers perceive the editorials and alsowhether if they are used as a marketing channel.The method is qualitative and the study is based on semi structured interviews and a focusgroup interview.

Work is theatre and every business is a stage : En studie i möjliggörandet av relationer med hjälp av event marketing

Uppsatsens titel ?Work is theatre and every business is a stage? ? en studie i möjliggörandet av relationer med hjälp av event marketingSeminariedatum 2008-06-05Ämne/kurs Kandidatuppsats i marknadsföring, 15 pFörfattare Sophie Ohlsson och Dina SabrkeshHandledare Ingemar HaglundNyckelord Event marketing, relationer, relationsmarknadsföring, evenemang,event.Problemområde Konsumenter idag vill inte dagligen pumpas med nya budskap utan de har blivit mer medvetna och söker efter ett värde från företaget och dess produkter utöver det brukliga. För att tillgodose detta har företagen börjat inrikta sin marknadsföring alltmer mot att försöka skapa interaktion, gemenskap och relation med sin målgrupp och ett effektivt sätt att göra det på är just genom event marketing. Genom dessa möten kan företag skapa och bibehålla relationen till sina kunder samt öka medvetenheten kring varumärket. Ett starkt varumärke bidrar till att möjliggöra relationer då ett välkänt varumärke skapar trygghet hos konsumenten.Syfte Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva processen kring planerandet och genomförandet av ett event.

Memories in Marketing: Nostalgia in advertising, communication effects, relationships and critical periods for establishing emotional bonds to collective events

Many perceive a boom in nostalgia and what is retro, especially within the marketing discipline. This thesis studies how nostalgia functions in the advertising context and aims to shed light on which effects there are from nostalgia evoking communication, what connections there are with other important factors as well as aspires to develop the understanding of the underlying psychological aspects and the emotional bonds to events (as nostalgia evoking stimuli in the thesis), which pave the ground for nostalgic emotions. Point of origin has been classical measures of communication effects and models of connections and causality and to these important factors have been added. Results show clear connections and correlations between nostalgia and positive communication effects, even with control for other factors that may interfere. However, the results show that some factors have moderating effects that should be important to take into consideration, namely how well the brand and the event in the ad are perceived to fit the advertising context.

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