

3620 Uppsatser om Modern marketing - Sida 25 av 242

Utformning av förslag till privatträdgård på Stavstensudde :

In the west part of Trelleborg, on previous farmland a new society is under construction. It is situated right next to the ocean and close to the European freeway. Eight types of villages, all with different kind of architecture will be built in the area, one of them is Torns Village built by Skanska and Ikea. A concept called BoKlok. This specific village consists of twelve houses and five apartment buildings. They are all somewhat classical in their appearance with wooden panel, but at the same time they have a modern touch.

Att rekonstruera världen : tillämpade på de moderna olympiska spelen

The aim of this essay is to illustrate a modern phenomenon, the Olympic Games, by applying the ideas of Mircea Eliade concerning space, time and myth. This literature study is mainly divided in two parts, one descriptive and one analytic. In the first part Eliade?s ideas and some criticism, which has been pointed against his theoretical approaches as well as his character, are presented. In the second part an analysis is carried out, based on the previously presented ideas and elements essential for the Olympics; the idea of the Olympics, the place, the ceremonies, the competition and the concept of individual idolism.I have discussed what seems like gnostic tendencies in Eliade?s ideas, in the sense that both Eliade?s ideas and the concept of Gnosticism argue that knowledge is a necessary condition for salvation, as well as the fact that Eliade and his ideas have not always a pro-Christian approach.

Ekoturism som underhållning : en analys av ekoturismens visuella gestaltning

Because of the mass tourism industry that exploits sensitive locations all over our planet a new kind of tourism came into focus in the 1980?s. This new form of tourism was named ecotourism, and as the name reveals ecotourism deals with low-impact travel. Today, all sorts of places can be gazed upon in a flick of a switch; all you need is a television set. It is well known that destination marketing successfully uses visual media as a tool to sell trips to potential tourists.

Sociala verktyg på en digital marknadsplats : Ett ramverk för användning av sociala medier i marknadsförings- och PR-syfte

AbstractDigital media in general and social media in particular are becoming more and more important to businesses across the globe. It is an effective way to reach out to consumers and establish a good relationship with existing customers. Most companies today use digital media in order to market themselves and to establish good public relations. A lot of those companies have also realized the enormous marketing capabilities that social media provides. However, in spite of the plethora of possibilities that comes with social media it can also, in some cases, hinder the companies ? success.

Den moderna teknikens roll i NO-undervisningar : En studie om hur modern teknik används inom NO-undervisningar i Årskurs 4

Examensarbetet handlar om att undersöka och jämföra några skolor om teknikanvändning under NO-undervisningen i årskurs 4. Studien ger en bild av hur skolan och lärarna ser på användning av tekniska hjälpmedel i undervisningen samt elevernas förväntningar på teknisk redskap i skolan. Arbetet bygger på en kvalitativ inriktad studie med hjälp av intervjuer och en enkätundersökning. Studien visade att tekniska redskap i skolan används på olika sätt beroende på läraren och skolans resurser.  .

Strömkarlen och "Hvad tjenar konsten till?" : Programförklaring i två delar, av Ernst Josephson

The purpose of this essay is to investigate modern influence in the painting Strömkarlen, by Ernst Josephson. Strömkarlen was painted 1884 in Norway. First the essay performed an investigation of earlier researchers statements to establish a ?common truth? that puts the painting in a realistic/naturalistic-romantic context. With the help of Yve-Alain Bois? model, where he sees art from the painters point of wiew, it was possible to use two articles, written by Ernst Josephson in the fall of 1884, where he debates the conditions for art and artists in Sweden.

Marknadsföring som konkurrenskraft under julhandeln : En studie av köpcentrum i Stockholmsområdet

Shopping is one of the most important social activities today and the majority of all shopping takes place in Shopping Centres. The number of Shopping Centres has increased and it is important to attract visitors by using the right marketing strategy. Christmas is an extra important period because the turnover normally increases three times in December compared to a ?normal? month. The purpose of this study is to analyze the marketing of Shopping Centres during the Christmas period, and analyze how this marketing contributes to the visitors? choice of Shopping Centre. This is a positivistic study that combines a quantitative and a qualitative method.This study concludes that range of stores and distance are the most important factors when a visitor decides which Shopping Centre to visit. During Christmas it is important to create a Christmas feeling, preferably made by offering decorations and music.

Pionjärer inom Golfen : En Marknadsundersökning av Vreta Kloster Golfklubb

The purpose of this study was to conduct a market survey in order to form a marketing plan to enhance and communicate the image of Vreta Kloster Golf Club. To accomplish this, the authors conducted a situation analysis on the mentioned club. Data was collected through interviews as well as secondary sources. A qualitative content analysis was used to process the interviews. The secondary sources? credibility was scrutinized before their data was used.

Anorexia Nervosa - en fast identitet i en flytande modernitet? : En kvalitativ undersökning av individer som utvecklat anorexia

The aim of this study is to analyze how individuals experience their eating disorder, the focus being if anorexia may be perceived as a secure safe zone in the new modern world. The aim is to examine if individuals affected with anorexia nervosa understand the disorder as a solution to the modern worlds changes and the new individual freedom that it entails. This will be analyzed with the help of terms in Erich Fromms theories about escape mechanisms and Catarina Kinnvalls theories about the modern worlds ontological insecurity.The study is based on data collected from four informants of different ages and gender. The interviews were conducted through email and informants were chosen based on a strategic selection and snowball sampling. For the analysis of the empirical material Fromms escape mechanisms (authoritarianism, destructiveness and automaton conformity) and Kinnvalls theories of identity in the modern world have been used.The results of the analysis show that the eating disorder has a great significance for the individual construction and maintenance of identity and that the eating disorder becomes a safe zone to retreat to in a world of performance anxiety.

Bloggen: ett effektivt marknadsföringsverktyg? : en studie om bloggen som IT-strategi

Background: The background shows that since the consumption patterns constantly are changing and the Internet usage is growing it creates more opportunities for the companies to interact through new media. There are two ways to go for companies that intend to use social media as a marketing strategy, to be in the possession of their own information or get help from a third party.Problem definition: What factors are important in the long term survival of the companies when choosing a social media?Objective: The objective of this essay is to analyze and evaluate the personal blog and the company blog as an information technology strategy.Method: The essay will have a hermeneutic and quantitative approach in the form of a survey. Theories: Consumer Behavior, The Buying Decision Process, Involvement Theory, Business Concept, Branding, Total Communication Theory, Word-of-mouth/web and Service Profit Chain.Empiric: The empiric will consist of the results from the survey.Results: The result shows that the blog is effective as an information technology strategy however the companies should adapt their choice of blog to the products that they sell.Conclusion: Important factors for companies that seek long-term survival are involvement, communication and loyalty. It is also important to use a relationship marketing approach. .

?Men de används ju inte.? - en undersökning om distributionsstödda böcker från bibliotekariers synpunkt.

The purpose of this study is to investigate librarian?s opinions concerning literature with state supported distribution and how to mediate and market these in the library. The types of mediation and marketing that have been studied are positioning, labeling and oral mediation.The study is qualitative with interviews at seven main public libraries in central Sweden. The respondents of the study were responsible for the literature with state supported distribution within the library.The study is based on a theoretical frame of reference containing theories from Jofrid Karner Smidt, regarding librarian?s mediation in libraries, and François Colbert?s theory on marketing planning for arts and culture.The results of our study showed that librarians have both positive and negative opinions when it comes to the literature with state supported distribution.

Marx och Engels - det Kommunistiska Manifestet om
folkrörelse och idrott: motsvarar manifestet de kriterier
modern samhällsvetenskaplig forskning ställer upp?

Studien undersöker huruvida Marx och Engels, i det Kommunistiska manifestet, beskriver en folkrörelse utifrån moderna samhällsvetenskapliga kriterier. Vidare undersöks om samma manifest ser idrotten - en del av folkrörelsen - som en ingrediens för att förverkliga Marx och Engels idé om det kommunistiska samhället. Resultatet visar på att det som skrivs av författarna är lika med en modern folkrörelse, men också att idrotten inte ses som viktig för att förverkliga idéerna..

Marknadsföring av lokal mat : en fallstudie av tre livsmedelsproducenter

The process of food production has changed dramatically over the past one hundred years. Industrialization has led to large units of production, manufacturing, distribution, marketing and retail business. The final food product, in this system, is quite often fairly anonymous and the consumer will most likely know very little concerning the origin of the product. In recent years, the market for locally produced food has grown. There is an increasing interest in and demand for locally produced food items.

Med överlevnad som bonus : fria teatergruppers marknadsföringsstrategier

Background: The theater market has matured ? supply now exceeds demand. Government funds are on a decrease, replaced by other means of financing. The city of Stockholm will be introducing a bonus system that will benefit independent theater groups that succeed to increase their revenue and attendance. Hence, the audience will play an even greater role, a tendency some free theater groups come to terms with by interacting with the audience to create value.Thesis statement: What factors lead to the long-term survival of the independent theater groups, allowing them to benefit from the imminent bonus system?Purpose: To analyze and evaluate the marketing strategies of the independent theater groups, in reference to their capability of long-term survival through value creation along with the audience, thereby increasing attendance and ticket revenue.Methodology: The study combines quantitative and qualitative approaches and methods.

Låna Dig Rik : om en marknadsföringskampanj för folkbiblioteken i tre regioner och dess mottagande i lokalpressen

The marketing campaign ?Låna dig rik? [Get rich by lending] involved 25 public libraries in three regions; Kronoberg, Kalmar and Blekinge. This paper examines 28 news-articles concerning this campaign, found in eight publications in the responding regions. The purpose of this is to determine to what extent the description of the campaign found therein responded to the intents of its founders and to what extent the public had a say in these articles. The result found indicates that the overall image of the campaign presented in the news-articles was well in correspondence with the intents of the campaign itself but that the public views where arguably absent..

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