2164 Uppsatser om Modern landskapsarkitektur - Sida 30 av 145
Avtalsgodkännande på Facebook : En kvalitativ studie kring varför den enskilda individen ignorerar det elektroniska avtalet
Around the year 2007, several news segments appeared in the Swedish media with focus on the social website Facebook. At the time, an increasing number of people in Sweden started to join the social platform and accepted the terms of contract to get access of the website, without further consideration of what they were agreeing to. This resulted in some private individuals felt violated when it turned out that major points of the contract entail that user?s private information, photos, videos and other publications that was shared on the website, were considered property of Facebook cooperation. Even though this incident made users more aware of what they should, and should not publish on the website, the episode did not result in users closing there accounts on Facebook.
Ekoby i Vetlanda
Den senaste tiden har intresset kring ekologisk bebyggelse vuxit. Passivhus är
en teknik som växte fram under 90- talet och som pressenteras som ett
miljövänligare och effektivare alternativ till modern regelverksbebyggelse. Men
är det egentligen så?
I den här uppsatsen används teorin om ekologiska fotavtryck för att presentera,
resonera kring och jämföra de båda byggteknikerna. Utöver detta pressenteras
ett planförslag för exploatering av området Himlabacken i Vetlanda..
Promenadstaden : dess betydelse för Stockholms möjlighet till en ekologiskt hållbar utveckling
It is a well known archaeological concern that the remains of human bones left from the bronze age and early iron age Scandinavia are not nearly enough to represent the estimated population of the time. Furthermore the bones of each find rarely represent a whole individual. The majority of the bones must have been disposed of somewhere else, possibly scattered in running waters or in the fields, where they have evaporated or are securely hidden from archaeological excavations.This thesis deals with the grave concept and the problem in using a word that is so very clouded by its modern, western meaning. It also offers an alternative explanation to why the bones are handled the way they are and why they are found in such awkward contexts..
Att planera för ett minskat bilanvändande : Problem och utmaningar. En fallstudie av "Så förtätar vi Malmö!"
It is a well known archaeological concern that the remains of human bones left from the bronze age and early iron age Scandinavia are not nearly enough to represent the estimated population of the time. Furthermore the bones of each find rarely represent a whole individual. The majority of the bones must have been disposed of somewhere else, possibly scattered in running waters or in the fields, where they have evaporated or are securely hidden from archaeological excavations.This thesis deals with the grave concept and the problem in using a word that is so very clouded by its modern, western meaning. It also offers an alternative explanation to why the bones are handled the way they are and why they are found in such awkward contexts..
Ruins of Wilderness : sensual Spaces in between
Ruins and derelict places have since long fascinated and attracted humans. With my starting point in the wild vegetation and the spontaneous activities taking place on derelict land and in industrial ruins, I explore with help from the theoretical sociology, what creates not only this fascination but also fear. The purpose of the thesis is to explore and exemplify how the industrial ruin as a place outside the restrictions and control as well as design intentions of modern society can be used as an inspiration in a landscape architecture context.The modern city consists of areas and places with a well defined purpose. A piece of derelict land or a disused building is instead ambiguous, undefined and open for new purposes. However described in negative terms, these placesare often perceived as places of mystery and magic.
Förstöra.Förgöra.Förändra : Problem och möjligheter vid orkestrering av ett stycke för två olika ensembler: tidig barockorkester och modern sinfonietta
I detta examensarbete beskriver jag FMT-metoden och visar på dess möjlighet att bidra till en ökad livskvalité. Jag beskriver mitt arbete med två barn med hjärnskada och deras utveckling med FMT som stöd. Frågan jag ställde mig var om FMT stämmer med Svenska Kyrkans uppdrag. Min slutsats är att FMT har en plats i Svenska Kyrkans verksamhet och stämmer helt med Svenska Kyrkans uppdrag/Diakoni..
Content marketing - Implementeringen av den moderna säljtratten och relaterad strategi
The global spread of the Internet has enabled busniesses and consumers in all industries to be better informed. Consequently, the buying process has appeared to become different from what tratditional models implies. As the buying behaviour among customers is evolving, selling companies are responding to this change. This thesis evolves around the consequences that the developing relationship between buyer and seller in business-to-business companies has led to. The topic in focus is the buzzword and phenomena "content marketing" with its marketing and selling strategy.
Viktiga faktorer för säkerhet och tillgänglighet vid hästhantering ur rullstolsburna ryttares perspektiv
Vid första anblick kan rum och platser verka könsneutrala. Men eftersom dessa är skapade av människor som ingår i politiska och sociala sammanhang påverkas även de av omgivningens könsnormer. Syftet med den här kandidatuppsatsen är att undersöka hur landskapsarkitekter ser på genusperspektiv och hur de konkret arbetar med det i sitt yrke. Med en ostrukturerad intervjuform har tre stycken yrkesverksamma landskapsarkitekter intervjuats i Stockholm. Resultatet av intervjun visade på att de dominerande frågorna inom genusperspektivet är trygg- och säkerhetsaspekten samt barns lekplatser.
Biologisk mångfald i staden och dess närhet : möjligheter att som landskapsarkitekt främja biologisk mångfald
In a time of increasing urbanization the human tenure effects on the land has lead to a decrease and fragmentation of areas that are valuable to urban wildlife. These actions have had a detrimental effect on the species and habitats that exist in cities and towns.This paper investigates, through the study of relevant literature and the undertaking of interviews and field visits, the role that biodiversity plays in our society. The current attitude towards urban biodiversity and the responsibility for its promotion within the landscape architect profession has been explored.This paper includes three English case studies and a design proposal investigating how one can work to promote biodiversity on a smaller scale.This paper concludes that urban biodiversity is multi-functional ? being of ecological, social and cultural significance. The landscape architecture profession must be aware of the need to combine a variety of different factors such as economical, social and environmental aspects.
2000-talets änglasymbol : en djupanalys
The contemporary angel-symbol is deeply rooted in our cultural history, with connotations and implications leading to that inner transitional space where all creative activity takes place. This essay investigates the history of the depiction of angels, visions of angels both ancient and modern, and includes psychological aspects of symbols as such. A closer look at surrounding symbols of angels will hopefully result in a greater understanding of the role of the angel-symbol within the context of visual culture, seen in the light of our own symbolic universe..
Matematikundervisning på modersmål
Modern forskning lyfter fram modersmålets betydelse för inlärningen och därför är det intressant att undersöka vilken insats modersmålslärarna kan göra för att stödja elevers matematiklärande. Syftet med arbetet är att utifrån några verksamma modersmålslärares perspektiv studera minoritetselevers lärande i matematik i den svenska skolan.Studien bygger på intervjuer med fyra modersmålslärare med lång erfarenhet inom yrket. Undersökningen visar att matematikundervisningen på modersmål karaktäriseras av elever som känner sig trygga, som talar mycket matematik i små grupper där de växlar mellan båda sina språk. .
Vem är där ute? : Att skapa en tibetansk identitet på Internet
This thesis in social anthropology is based on a field study on the Internet exploring Tibetan identity. With a post-modern approach the thesis explores the possibility fora non-tibetan to create a Tibetan Internet identity and become a part of the Tibetan community that exist on the Internet..
De fem sinnena
Försök sätta er in i att man får tillfälle att omvandla sitt sommarställe, där möjligheterna till nyttjande varit begränsade till sommarhalvåret, till ett fritidshus med boendemöjlighet året runt. Tänk att man får byta trånga, ogenomtänkta och halvfärdiga utrymmen till stora luftiga ytor med modern standard, hög komfort och smarta förvaringslösningar. Tänk er att ytorna mer än fördubblas och att du faktiskt kommer att kunna förvara en del saker i det nya huset som du tidigare behövt släpa fram och tillbaka mellan fast bostad och sommarhus.Det är vad sju familjer fått möjlighet till och som kommer att vara en del av det här arbetet..
Gångtrafik i citymiljöer : En studie via två angreppssätt
It is a well known archaeological concern that the remains of human bones left from the bronze age and early iron age Scandinavia are not nearly enough to represent the estimated population of the time. Furthermore the bones of each find rarely represent a whole individual. The majority of the bones must have been disposed of somewhere else, possibly scattered in running waters or in the fields, where they have evaporated or are securely hidden from archaeological excavations.This thesis deals with the grave concept and the problem in using a word that is so very clouded by its modern, western meaning. It also offers an alternative explanation to why the bones are handled the way they are and why they are found in such awkward contexts..
Selånger deltapark : Sundsvalls nya stadspark - en vision
The river Selångersån runs through thenorthern Swedish city of Sundsvall, splittingthe city in two as it winds through thevalley between Södra- and Norra Stadsbergetand out into the Baltic Sea.The river is a national interest of nature conservationbut at the same time in the middleof an urban development string for the city,creating a complex situation of developmentcontra conservation of natural environment.This project attempts to create a strategy oflandscape urbanism for the area surroundingSelånger Bay, four kilometers upstreamalong Selångersån. A sensitive wetland, todayrather forgotten but with great potentialfor introducing wild nature as an active partof the city. Or rather, initiating a processwhere the built environment can infiltrateand enrich the natural environment gradually.A city park in this location to initiate thisprocess could be a joint project of the city?sresidents with the scope to become a projectin constant development.The idea of the project is to offer a large ecologicalpark and meeting place near the citycenter. This will be achieved by clarifyingthe activities and values that already existin the park, such as the largest living deltai the region, football fields and a medievalchurch ruin, and by creating new paths.