

6320 Uppsatser om Modern greek literature - Sida 56 av 422

Memes och kulturella artefakter

We chose to base our literature study on the meme phenomena. The meme is a portion of culture that is spread among us from mind to mind. Every time we learn something by copying others we use information that has been passed on from a previous person, that information can be seen as a meme. The theoretical frame for our methodology in our exam paper is founded on Forsberg och Wengström research on literature studies. Our aim is to describe to the reader in depth what a meme is and how they could be helpful in an academic and pedagogical setting. Our study will show how memes are seen predominantly as graphic designs and as artifacts for cultural representation parallel to their imagery.

Nöjd och glad : Icke - farmakologiska omvårdnadsåtgärder i demensvård

abstractBackground: Dementia affected patients have increasing problems with memory , impaired language ability, which affects communication and behaviour is considerable. These difficulties may provide an outlet for aggression, agitation and anxiety, and are common in dementia, which is exhausting for patients and their relatives and carers. Behavioural changes are common condition in patients with dementia and affects quality of life and cause unnecessary suffering . Pharmacological treatment that is inserted to relieve these symptoms have many side effects. Printed out more knowledge about non- pharmacological nursing interventions that can facilitate care for patients , relatives and carers are great.Aim: To describe non- pharmacological nursing interventions in dementia care .Method: A general literature review of thirteen scientific papers compiled and described in a result.Results: Compilation resulted in two themes,  Music in dementia care and Stimulation in dementia care and four subthemes, Singing in the care, Listening to music, Activities and Consolation and fillip that showed a dominant positive effect on dementia affected patients and carers and there by create opportunities for caring in dementia care .Conclusion: The different nursing interventions may be useful in dementia care when they show a dominant positive effect on various behavioural changes, it seems memory stimulant and promotes communication between patients and carers which favours caring .Keywords: Agitated behaviour, dementia, non- pharmacological, literature review, nursing. .

?Känner du dig välkommen?? ? En undersökning om användares upplevelser och åsikter av miljön och servicen i Högskolebiblioteket i Halmstad

The purpose of this thesis is to explore the experiences and views some users have of the library environment and services of the University Library of Halmstad. The main question to be answered in this thesis is what importance the users attribute to the library environment and services while pursuing their most recent library errand. To answer this question a study of relevant literature on the subjects of library environment, library services and user-surveys in other academic libraries was carried out and a questionnaire was distributed to 22 respondents in the process of visiting the University of Halmstad Library. The literature background and the results of the conducted study were interpreted and discussed and led to the following conclusions: 3 respondents encounters with the library environment and its services were negative in part and thus their experiences and views were relevant to the completion of their library errands. The other respondents? encounters confirmed their overall positive earlier experiences and views of the library environment and its services, but had no real concrete significance for the completion of their library errands..

The man, the myth: Abraham och ICA.Stig : En narratologisk jämförelse av hur patriarkrollens gestaltas, med utgångspunkt i ledarskap och maskulinitet, i Abrahamscykeln och i en nutida reklamberättelse 

Abraham is the original patriarch. How does his leadership compare with a modern day popular culture patriarch with his roots in advertising, the shopkeeper Stig, star of the ICA advertising? The essay compares the leadership and masculinity of two male leaders from different backgrounds and settings, and discusses similiarities and differences.

Familjelycka? : En litteraturstudie om föräldrars upplevelser av Postnatal depression.

Postnatal depression (PND) is a condition which affects about 8-15% of recent parents. The cause of PND is unknown but several underlying factors have been purposed through different studies. This descriptive literature review aims to illuminate the parent?s situation when the mother is affected with PND. In search of literature, the databases Medline (via PubMed), Academic Search Elite, Cinahl, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES and SweMed+ were used.

En analys av IT-stödets inverkan som framgångsfaktor vid projektledning

IT is a natural part of the work today when it comes to projects. There are many aspects that are wholly or partly dependent on IT support actions to proceed efficiently. Although there is still situations where IT is deselected as a tool. The factors that make it look like this is not always included in the calculation, which resulted in the failure that could have been remedied with the right tools to solve the problems. The project form which today is increasingly common with all major groups involved enables IT tools' impact also becomes an increasingly provided they are used properly.

Konflikthantering genom drama : En studie om dramats roll i undervisningen

Abstract The purpose of the essay was to investigate how you can work with conflict management through drama, to promote the meeting with children from many different cultures. I also wanted to see how the work may be different in a heterogeneous or homogeneous group of children.In the background I lift up what a conflict can be, what kind of conflict management methods there are, how to work with drama education as well as what ethnic conflicts can be.The literature studies have shown that there are different types of conflicts and that the conflict management methods are many. In an attempt to get answers to my questions I?ve had drama lessons focusing on conflicts in a heterogeneous and homogeneous group of children in grades 3.My study has shown that conflict management through drama can increase the understanding of other cultures and promote the meeting between children. Just as the literature describes conflicts, they can be difficult to solve and it is important to find a method that suits the class you work with.Key- words: conflict, conflict management, drama, homogeneous, heterogeneous..

Processbarhetsteorin i undervisning : ???Analys av två program som används av andraspråksinlärare

I have with this thesis sought to understand how chick lit could be useful in the classroom in the teaching of Swedish B-course in high school. Based on the model of critical literacy I am arguing that this genre would help to meet the objectives of the policy documents which, among other things, are to critically examine and analyze various types of texts.I have found that some of these texts could be used for analyzing and critically examine the ideological dimensions of texts and cultural heritage by the model of critical literacy, and also as a counterweight to the more traditional teaching of the canonical literature as a literary historical stuff that students should learn. I have also wanted to create a basis for discussions about literature in the classroom based on the chick lit genre. To do this I have, based on three themes and questions from the model of critical literacy, tried to focus on issues that might emerge from the ideological analysis and critical review. The model aims to deconstruct norms of society, and in the work of chick lit, I wanted to show how you could deconstruct norms around gender..

Bibliotek och ungdomar med annan språklig bakgrund än svenska ? en enkätundersökning

This thesis examines what and in which language young people in Sweden with other linguistic backgrounds than Swedish read, as well as if they have access to the literature that they demand, how they use the library and what kind of role the library plays to them. The chosen method was quantitative and it consisted of a questionnaire as this method is useful in quantifying phenomena, which is the purpose of this thesis. The investigation shows that the studied population is bilingual. I hope that the thesis points out the range of the problems and that these issues need to be solved within the society and not the within the family. We need to make use of the resources of the young immigrants, as their cultural competence, in some cases even bi-cultural competence, can be useful for the Swedish society.

Vad har Spironolakton för effekt på hjärta, kärl och det sympatiska nervsystemet hos hjärtsviktspatienter?

Hjärtsvikt är en folksjukdom där prevalensen har uppskattats till cirka 2 %. Sjukdomen innebär att hjärtats funktion är försämrad. Idag behandlas hjärtsvikt vanligtvis med ACE-hämmare, betablockerare och ibland spironolakton. Spironolakton är en mineralkortikoidreceptorantagonist, som i RALES-studien (1999) har visat goda effekter på mortalitets- och morbiditetsreduktion hos hjärtsviktspatienter när den gavs som tillägg till ACE-hämmare. Idag är det ännu inte helt känt hur läkemedlet utövar sin effekt.

Äldreomsorgspersonalens uppfattningar om ledarskapet i Hagfors kommun

The teaching of modern foreign languages within Swedish educational system has been a subject of a number of alarming reports in recent years. Several studies have shown that students lack motivation to learn any language but English. Of particular concern is the young males? underachieving and disinterest in foreign languages. In the meantime, a number of international studies and the statistical data from Swedish national agencies of secondary and higher education (Skolverket and Högskoleverket) have indicated that Russian is one of the languages that are favoured by males. The primary goal of my case study was, therefore, to examine students? motivation to learn Russian and their attitudes towards language, community and Russian-speaking people.

Svenska med eller utan engelska? : Hur engelska ord i svensk text påverkar läsarens uppfattning

I denna uppsats presenteras en studie kring hur engelska ord i en för övrigt svensk text påverkar läsarens uppfattning av texten och dess författare. Två gymnasieklasser har fått läsa en text vardera, en helsvensk text med enbart svenska ord och en engelskinfluerad text som innehåller mer engelska lånord. Texterna är identiska förutom gällande just ordvalet. De har därefter fått svara på samma enkät som efterfrågade hur tillförlitlig, modern, intressant samt lätt- eller svårläst de har ansett att texten var. I enkäten ombads även eleverna att fylla i hur stort förtroende de kände för textförfattaren, hur gammal de trodde att hen var, samt om de trodde att hen var kvinna eller man.

Att läsa eller inte läsa - det är frågan : En studie om elevers tankar kring läsning av skönlitteratur

The aim of this study is to describe how pupils in fourth grade talk about their attitude of reading fictional narratives in school and on their spare time, their motives to read and how the school promotes fictional experiences. The study is based on interviews with 18 pupils from the same class, divided in four groups. The interviews were analyzed from a literature reception theory. The result shows that some pupils are very engaged in reading fictional narratives, while others more or less, are forced in to reading, because their teacher wants them to. All the interviewed pupils would like to read exciting, interesting books, but they feel that they don?t get the right support neither from their teacher, parents nor their friends. They describes that they don?t discuss the meaning of reading or things that the reader can read between the lines.

Stora A eller jättemycket bajs? : En språkvetenskaplig undersökning av hur omsorgspersonal benämner kroppsliga produkter

The aim of this essay is to investigate to which extent the novel Kvinnor och äppelträd by Moa Martinson can be classified as a polyphonic novel. The concept polyphony was established in literary theory by the Russian language theorist and literary critic Michail Bachtin in 1929, in his book Problems of Dostoevsky?s poetics. In order to understand and comprehend the concept of polyphony I have used an interpretation due to the literature scholar Robyn McCallum. She notes that the characters in a polyphonic novel function as focalizers.

Egenvårdskapacitetens inverkan på välbefinnandet hos personer som lever med stomi / Self-care agencies affect on the well-being for people living with a stoma

Most of the stoma-operated persons must work themselves through difficult feelings. The task for the nurse is to deliver a care that promotes as much independence as possible. The aim of this literature review was to illuminate how the self-care agencies affect the well-being for the persons who are operated for stoma. A systematic literature study was done based on eleven scientific studies. Three categories, which describe how self-care agencies affect the physical, psychological and social well-being, are presented in the result.

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