

6320 Uppsatser om Modern greek literature - Sida 43 av 422

STRESS med stora bokstäver bland små och stora människor

This essay deals with the issue of children and stress, and the impact that stress can have on children. The purpose has been to explore how I, in my role as teacher, can prevent children from developing stress in preschool, and how I can prevent stress to develop inside of my own department. My essay is structured as follows: First, I describe my practical work with children. Then I analyze some research literature on stress, and finally I reflect over what I have described earlier and try to connect the practical with the theoretical.In the practical part of this essay I describe the various events that I have observed during my work in preschool, where I have seen how stress can affect both children and teachers. Then I describe how the increasing size of children?s groups can create stress because of the noisy environment of the department.

Många röster små : En applicering av Michail Bachtins polyfonibegrepp på Moa Martinsons roman Kvinnor och äppelträd

The aim of this essay is to investigate to which extent the novel Kvinnor och äppelträd by Moa Martinson can be classified as a polyphonic novel. The concept polyphony was established in literary theory by the Russian language theorist and literary critic Michail Bachtin in 1929, in his book Problems of Dostoevsky?s poetics. In order to understand and comprehend the concept of polyphony I have used an interpretation due to the literature scholar Robyn McCallum. She notes that the characters in a polyphonic novel function as focalizers.

Den kvantandliga diskursen : En undersökning om nyandlighetens möte med kvantfysiken

This paper aims to describe and elaborate on a recent discursive change within the new-age movement. Since the seventies and the publishing of speculative popular science books like The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra and The self-aware universe by Amit Goswami, the idea that quantum physics resonates with spirituality has become the topic of hundreds of books and movies.The quantum-spiritual discourse has three distinct ways to approach quantum physics in its discussion on spirituality: The parallelistic approach which emphasizes the similarities between eastern philosophies and modern physics, the monistic-idealistic approach which tells us that mind is the foundation of matter and the scientific spiritual approach which tries to explain spiritual claims scientifically. In the quantum-spiritual discourse, quantum physical phenomena (e.g. non-locality and entanglement) are being called upon to validate metaphysical statements. The primary assumption of the discourse is that the shift of paradigm due to the establishment of modern physics also is a shift of paradigm of spirituality.With the object to examine the common claims made in the discourse, cross-references between spiritual arguments and facts of quantum physics are being made.

Omfattande animationsarbete i 3D-miljö

Med ordet 'omfattande' försöker vi indikera att projektet har inkluderat de flesta aspekter som arbetas med i modern 3D-animerad film. Vi har grävt ner oss i begrepp så som modellering, texturering, UVW, benriggning, skinning & morphing varav alla har spelat in en viktig roll vårat animationsarbete..

Klassifikation av litteratur om film och TV ? En komparativ studie av Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek (SAB) och FIAF Classification scheme for literature on film and television

The aim of this thesis is to compare two different classification schemes with each other and see what the differences and similarities are when classifying literature concerning film and television. One of the schemes is of general kind, Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek (SAB) and the other is a special system, FIAF Classification scheme for literature on film and television. The focus of the examination is on comparing the structure, contents and division of firstly the main classes and secondly on comparing the notation and the auxiliary tables in the schemes. The theoretical framework of the comparison is based upon theory of classification but the conclusions drawn are though mostly of a more subjective character. In addition to the comparison itself interviews have been made with four libraries, two with experiences of SAB and two with experiences of FIAF.

Läsinlärning för elever som har svenska som andraspråk : Olika metoder

In school there are many pupils with Swedish as their second language and these pupils often have less basic condition compared with pupils with Swedish as their mother tongue and the most common root cause is lack of language knowledge, also the time spent in Sweden matters.I have trough questionnaires and literature studies investigated if there, for pupils with Swedish as their second language, is an easier way to figure out how to read and write in Swedish using fiction literature as learning material compared with ordinary ways.In the questionnaires that I performed participated a number of teachers that teach Swedish as a second language. These teachers all work in schools with a big share of pupils with Swedish as a second language.I also tried to evaluate if there was a difference between teachers with a graduation in Swedish as second language compared with these who don?t have a graduate but still work with these pupils.The result shows that I discovered that only the graduated teachers have used fiction literature as a learning material in the daily work and have experienced good results from the pupils, they also knew why they used fiction literarture for reading and writing training.As a teacher it is very important to have the knowledge regarding children that have Swedish as a second language, to be able to support them in a correct way.Despite the pupil can?t speak or read the new language, it has feelings and knowledge about the circumstances that they can?t express.The teachers mission is to knew and have understanding for these circumstances.Keywords: Pupils with Swedish as second language, learning to read and write, fiction literarture, school..

IT-stöd för riskhantering : En studie av risk och kvalitetsarbete vid ZERT AB

This paper presents a project and literature overview about how risk management and quality sometimes goes hand in hand and sometimes in two different directions. Meaning that the risk management can affect product or process quality differently depending on what risks an organisation chooses to control.The purpose with this paper is to get a deeper understanding about how risk and quality works together with IT-support and therefore we have been actively participating in a project with a risk management company called Zert. A literature study and a qualitative interview study have also been undertaken to see what the customers and the other researchers have written, to be able to make proper conclusions on the subject.To easily work together and get the information that was needed, four methods where used. Besides the qualitative interview and literature study the think-out-loud, card sorting and a variation on the extreme programming method where used to help visualize and improve communication both with Zert, the costumers and among ourselves.Zert is a risk management company that helps other organisations to control their different types of risks that they might be taking, by offering a system where the risk management process is held and providing consulting services by helping within the processes. Both Zert and their customers see the communication, knowledge and teamwork as something important as well as the quality within the work, processes and the end result.

Mellan kors och hakkors - Svåra val i en svår tid En studie av Biskop Alois Hudals förståelse av nationalsocialismen uttryckt i Die Grundlagen des Nationalsozialismus

Bishop Alois Hudal is a man who is often mentioned when the relationship between the Vatican and the national socialistic Germany of 1933-1945 is discussed. In these cases he is usually presented as a Nazi and sometimes even called ?the brown Bishop?. One of the contributing factors for this infamous title, perhaps the most contributing, is the Bishops book Die Grundlagen des Nationalsozialismus. National Socialism is a Weltanschauung with a certain set of doctrines that is hard, or rather impossible, to combine with any other Weltanschauung, whether it is a philosophical or a religious one.

Mjölksammansättning hos djur som helt eller delvis fastar under digivningsperioden

This literature study assembles current knowledge about CODD (Contagious Ovine Digital Dermatitis). The aetiology of this disease is not completely known and to obtain a manageable overview, this study aims to summarize the knowledge from published studies and shed light on the subject. Search for literature on the subject has been made in the Web of Knowledge, PubMed and Google Scholar, and has been compiled in this paper. Footrot and ovine interdigital dermatitis are differential diagnosis of CODD and they possibly have a common role in the emergence of CODD. Several studies have drawn parallels to bovine digital dermatitis.

Utomhusmiljöns möjlighter : miljöns betydelse för pedagogernas tankar om utomhusverksamhet på och kring förskolor.

I min uppsats vill jag inbjuda till en alternativ tolkning av Hjalmar Söderbergs Martin Bircks ungdom (1901). Syftet med uppsatsen är att ge förståelse för Martin Bircks karaktär och handlande genom att belysa den centrala relationen mellan Martin och modern. För att analysera Martins psykologi ställs hans gestalt mot den historiska samtidens uppfattningar om psykologi. Jag har även använt mig av ett psykoanalytiskt angreppssätt, framför allt grundat på Sigmund Freuds idéer, vilket fungerar både som litterär teori och metod.I min undersökning har jag funnit att Martin är en neurotisk person som lider av många av de psykiska problem som var vanliga runt 1900-talets sekelskifte, så som neurasteni. Jag har i enlighet med freudiansk psykoanalys tolkat Martins neuros som grundad i en inre konflikt mellan detet och överjaget.

Barnboksskrivande : - En kvalitativ studie om framställande ochpublicering av barnböcker

The purpose of this study is to investigate how a children's book is suggested to be prepared in order to be accepted for publication by a publishing house in Sweden today.My questions was first to clarify the concept of a "children's book". Secondly, to understand if there are any guidelines to follow regarding the design and illustration of a children´s book, and how to proceed with the best chances of getting a mauscript published.To answer the question, I have chosen to use a qualitative method containing questionnaire items involving eleven Swedish publishers of children's literature.My results show that children's books includes all literature that has an target audience of people between 0-18 years of age. The most important thing is that the book's material is appropriate to the target group's level of mental perceptions and emotional competence. The material which then is submitted to the publisher will need to be of the highest quality and the author must investigate a consistent niche in order to submit the material to a publisher..

Produktionsoptimering av Kv. Hunden

For many years, there has been a housing shortage in Sweden. Many have been expecting a construction boom in the housing sector, but that has yet to arrive. With the current legislations and guidelines surrounding modern, energy efficient housing; production costs have increased dramatically in recent years. As a result, having a negative effect on housing production despite the high demand for homes.This exam work is carried out on a construction project of Sjötorpshus AB and its purpose is to evaluate how to optimise the construction process for the production of a new residential settlement, "Kv.Hunden", located in Katrineholm. In an interview with the company's MD, Pär Knutsson, four main issues were defined to focus on.

Att förstå tonåringars låga läsande : En studie av svenska elevers läsintresse

Previous research shows that Swedish teenagers? reading of fiction have decreased during the last decade (Skolverket 2006). As future librarians we found ourselves asking why, and an interest to look into this was triggered. The purpose of this Bachelor thesis is therefore to examine why teenagers? reading of fiction is decreasing. Focus lies on students? perception of their own reading, both inside and outside the school environment.

Patienters upplevelser vid parenteral nutritionsbehandling hemma vid palliativ vård på grund av cancer ? en litteraturstudiePatients experiences of parental nutrition at home due to palliative care of cancer - a literature study

Malnutrition is a common problem for patients with cancer that leads to anxiety and frustration for the whole family. Patients with palliative cancer disease treated at home are entitled to an adequate nutrition treatment suited to individual needs. Aim: The aim of the literature review was to describe how cancer patients experience their nutriment situation before and after the introduction of parental nutrition and the experience of getting home parental nutrition. Methods: A literature study was carried out where qualitative and quantitative articles were examined. Findings: Five qualitative and five quantitative articles were examined.

Digital service erbjuden till användare med funktionsnedsättning på Armeniens national bibliotek: utmaningar och åtgärder.

The purpose of the present qualitative study is to create knowledge about librarydigital services and their marketing to patrons with disabilities in Armenia, on theexample of the National Library of Armenia, as well as, to discover opinions of theNLA librarians and patrons with disabilities about the importance of library digitalservices to people with disabilities. Literature review and qualitative interviewing has been employed as methods to collect the empirical data. The results have been analyzed and discussed based on the library-marketing model of marketing research, marketing segmentation, marketing mix strategy and marketing evaluation suggested by Koontz & Gubbin (2010). It has been concluded, that 1) e-accessibility issomething new at the NLA and the NLA does not provide equally available knowledge, resources, services, facilities to patrons with disabilities, because of the following main challenges: lack of continuous funding and support from the state, lack of appropriate facilities and technologies, lack of qualified staff, and historicallyinherited library infrastructure impediments; 2) no library service marketing is conducted to patrons with disabilities at the NLA; 3) the opinions are that provisionwith such services is very important to people with disabilities, since they allow those people to gain access and use information in formats adopted to their various needs, and, of course, they become integrated into the modern society. The important role of a library as a non-discriminator and copyright protector in a developing country when delivering digital library services to patrons with disabilities has also been discovered..

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