

6320 Uppsatser om Modern greek literature - Sida 17 av 422

BVC-sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att ge stöd till mödrar med post partum depression

Bakgrund: En moder som lider av post partum depression har svårare att knyta an till sitt barn. Barnets kognitiva och känslomässiga utveckling kan då hämmas. Det är viktigt att tidigt upptäcka dessa mödrar för att på så vis kunna erbjuda stöd och förkorta moderns sjukdomstid. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa BVC-sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att ge stöd till mödrar med post partum depression. Metod: Datamaterialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats.

Cykel Lampa : Processbeskrivning fo?r mitt kandidatexamensarbete

Med examensarbetet vill jag underso?ka med ett holistiskt synsa?tt pa? hela livscykeln av ljuset vilka krav en modern anva?ndare har av ett cykelljus och hur dessa anspra?k kan a?stadkommas.? Fo?r att skapa ett cykelljus som fungerar fo?r en modern cykelanva?ndare utifra?n deras krav och behov samt tar ha?nsyn till alla stakeholders fo?rva?ntningar. Fo?rst go?r jag en grundlig research pa? historiska cykelbelysningar och vad som finns idag, jag kommer att skapa ett ITK och go?ra Trendanalyser samt Brain- storming, Scenario och Personas. Sedan kommer jag att laborera med Ljust- ester innan jag ga?r o?ver till formgivningen da?r jag kommer att anva?nda mig av 3D Modeller.

Slaget om privatannonsmarknaden GP

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.

Alternativa levnadssätt - Moderna nomader ? Travellers ? det irländska resandefolket

Are different ways of life possible in a world that increasingly becomes "Westernized" or globalized? This study examines and analyzes the diverse and complex way of life that includes socioeconomical nomadism as the Irish Traveller community are availing themselves of on the island of Ireland. In a broader perspective the study of the Travellers is put in context to how modern society emerged, and what characterizes the contemporary western societies. This is to understand the way Travellers nomadic lifestyle has been constrained and how the interrelationship between the dominant society and the extended family group constituting Travellers social composition has affected their livelihoods. Their social role is considered from two identification points ? home and work.Nomadism as a phenomenon, its history, expression and possible motives are being described in this work.

Rödluvan och vargen : En kvalitativ textanalys av debatter och adaptationer i barnlitteraturen

This two years master?s thesis is a review and exploration of the Swedish debate concerning children?s literature from the 19th century to the present, as well as the evaluation and analysis of four adaptations of the tale Red Riding Hood. The aims are to identify how ideas and values regarding the role of children?s literature in society have developed over time and to contribute with a knowledge base for continued reflection and discussion on the subject of children?s reading and mediation of children?s literature in public libraries.The theory and method used in the thesis, is primarily based on the discourse analysis of Michel Foucault. I have identified four main discourses: the educational discourse, the liberation discourse, the politicized dis- course and the popular discourse.

Eleven i fokus : En studie över gymnasieelevers läsning

The aim of this study is to find out what education in literature is like from a student perspective; what kind of literature the students read and how well they understand literature, and the methods and didactics used during the literature lessons. The questions at issue are:1) What kind of literature do the students read?2) How well do the students understand literary texts?3) What do the students think about their literature education?To be able to answer the questions, both quantitative and qualitative methods have been used in the study. The inquiry was accomplished on 29 students, 17 boys and 12 girls in the upper secondary school. The result showed, despite the limited amount of students, interesting facts.

Att läsa eller att läsa

Syftet med undersökningen var att klargöra hur lärare arbetar med skönlitteratur i undervisningen. Jag har utgått från tidigare teorier om hur skönlitteratur kan användas i undervisningen, både genom läsning och genom samtal. Det är en survey undersökning baserad på enkäter och intervjuer från ett antal lärare verksamma på samma skola. Frågorna fokuserade på varför lärarna använde sig av skönlitteratur, hur de valde böcker och om och hur de sedan samtalade om böckerna de läst. Resultatet visade att både skönlitteraturen och samtalen var naturliga inslag i undervisningen, men de var inte alltid genomtänkta eller byggda på en tydlig struktur.

Svordomarnas funktion i modern rysk skönlitteratur : en analys av Goluboe salo och Tjapaev i Pustota

1924 invigdes idrottsplatsen Tunavallen i Eskilstuna, då ansedd som en av Sveriges förnämsta. I mer än 75 år kom den oförändrad att stå kvar som ett minne av sin tid. Vid 1990-talets slut ansågs det dock att tidens sprungit ifrån gamla Tunavallen och att en allvarlig modernisering behövde göras. 2002 sker återinvigningen, Tunavallen är nu en modern fotbollsarena, specialanpassad för fotboll, helt enligt tidens krav. Vad denna uppsats syftar till är att jämföra två byggnationer av en idrottsanläggning.

Det svenska medialandskapet i förändring : en fallstudie av musikvideokanalen MTV.

This is a case study of the music channel MTV and it?s impact on the Swedish mediascape. We want to look into the process that lies behind this huge intercontinental corporation. Through literature studies we present the mechanism?s that paved the way for MTV growing into the number one music channel of modern time.

Behöver tillväxten en stad? Om Dublin som politisk arena, aktör och tillväxtmotor

This thesis intends to examine the role of the city, Dublin, in the Irish economic growth during the 1990s. It is a case study where Dublin is compared with current theories on post modern cities as growth machines and increasingly prominent actors in the global context. The study has an interdisciplinary approach but focuses on political science issues such as power distribution, global-local governance and local political organisation. It is a theory driven study that also intends to add aspects to the understanding of the cities of our time. I argue that Dublin has faced a lot of changes during the last decades in accordance with the post modern city.

?De ska lära sig att leva?: En studie av några barnbibliotekariers litteratursyn och deras samarbete med förskolan

The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate four children?s librarians? literature view and their collaboration with pre-schools. My main question at issue is ?What literature view do children?s librarians in this thesis have and how does this reflect their collaboration with pre-schools??. Another purpose is to study the canon process in relation to children?s libraries and pre-schools.

Koloniseringen av Thailand : En postkolonial studie om svenska backpackers i Thailand

Det är en betydande andel svenska resenärer som idag reser till och runt i Thailand som ?backpackers?. Mitt syfte är att ta reda på om den svenska backpackerdominansen i Thailand skulle kunna betecknas som en kolonisering. Material och metod består av intervjuer och deltagande observation med sju informanter, samt fältundersökningar som bedrivits i Thailand. Slutresultatet tolkas med hjälp av den postkoloniala teoribildningen.

Multimedia eller inte multimedia, det är frågan.

Is it possible, and suitable, to use multimedia in classic literature studies at Swedish upper secondary school? What alternatives are there?  Is there any foundation in the curriculum for an expanded conception of text as in multimedia?  Will the conception literacy support use of multimedia in classic literature studies, and in what ways? How do we generally look upon the definition text, is it only printed letters, or something more? To get an answer to the questions we decided to examine a number of theories, Gardner?s theory about the different intelligences, the conception literacy and the expanded text concept. In these three theories we took our starting-point for the following work. The main subjects became two interactive sights on Internet and one CD-ROM, all containing classic literature. Our previous knowledge in this subject field was very meager.  This work has given us an opportunity to discover some of the multimedia that is available, and the result we have come to is that multimedia absolutely belongs in studies of classic literature as well as in other subjects.

Varför finns det soffor i biblioteket? Ett rumsligt perspektiv på barnbibliotekslokaler i Sverige.

The purpose of this study is to examine the physical space of children?s libraries in Sweden, and also to see which influences there are in the literature about the same subject. What ideas exist in the literature about the physical room of children?s libraries? We have studied how and if these influences can be seen in a selected number of children?s libraries. Our theoretical perspective is based on Anthony Gidden?s theory of construction.

Filosofi och litteratur : en studie av förhållandet mellan filosofisk litteratur och skönlitteratur och dess betydelse för kunskapsutveckling ur ett didaktiskt perspektiv.

What is the relation between literature and philosophy and what can we learn from it? Is there something about the novel and its language, fiction and narrative that separates it from philosophical litterature? In what way is knowledge about this useful to us, and is it possible to use fiction for the understanding of philosophy?This study makes an attempt to shed some light on the by no means obviuos distinction between philosophy and literature. The aim is to understand what, if in fact there is something that separates philosophy from literature, there is about the distinction that makes it possible for us to separate the ideas in literature from philosophical ideas, and in what way we can use the novel, or fiction in its widest meaning, to understand philosophy. When teaching philosophy you´re often required to make the abstract tangible. But if there´s a misconception about the distinction in what makes philosophical literature philosophical, then maybe there is something to learn from literature, or, at least, something about the fiction and its aesthetics, that makes it easier for us to relate to and understand, for example, the theories that are debated in moral philosophy.There are some philosophers who have used the form of fiction to make their thoughts on philosophical questions understandable.

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