655 Uppsatser om Mobile Phone - Sida 18 av 44
Biodiversitet av evertebrater på vegetativa tak
In a city sometimes conflicts arise between either to save the species-rich vacant lots where many species thrive, or to build new buildings. Green roofs can then serve as a refuge for plants and animals that have had their natural habitat destroyed or diminished. Today we know too little about green roofs contribution to the biodiversity in the cities. We also know very little about how various types of vegetation on roof can increase biodiversity and its ability to attract different species.The aim with this study was to examine how different types of vegetation on the roofs affect the biodiversity of the invertebrate and how species-composition and number of individuals differ between the roof- and groundlevel.This study has been carried out on Augustenborg Botanical Roof Gardens in Malmo, and in an area about 1.5 kilometers away from Augustenborg. Three different types of vegetation on the roof and ground floor were selected: sedum- ruderal and grass.
Augmented Reality i mobiltelefonen : En kunskapssammanställning med trafikinriktning
This master thesis is about Augmented Reality (AR), a phenomenon that has existed since the mid-fifties but only recently has become available for the general public. This report is a knowledge compilation about AR, focusing on AR in cell phones and the use of the technology in traffic related situations.AR is usually described as adding a digital layer of information onto the real world. There are different technologies to make virtual images; in cell phones sensor-based and camera-based technologies are the most common ones.In this report, the market of AR applications for cell phones has been investigated. Three use cases have also been investigated in order to get more knowledge about the designers' thoughts and visions.In order to analyze the technology and the applications in a broader and more scientific perspective, two theories has been used: Situation Awareness (SA) and the Service Dominant Logic (SDL). These theories seem useful when reflecting on the Swedish road administrations vision, and to investigate what the applications and the AR technology can contribute to the traffic domain.The conclusions of this thesis are that:- AR can be applied on most of the human senses, but augmenting by visualization is most common.- The market for cell phone applications is growing rapidly: AR applications are relatively new but on the rise.
Enantioselektiv HPLC-analys med kirala stationärfaser bestående av makrocykliska glykopeptider och polysackarider
The purpose of this study was to evaluate enantioselective analytical methods by separation of the enantiomers of four drugs (citalopram, zopiclone, tramadol and methylphenidate) and their metabolites. The analyses were performed with HPLC-UV with columns whose stationary phases were based on macrocyclic glycopeptides (Chirobiotic V, V2 and T) and polysaccharides (Lux Cellulose-1, Cellulose-2 and Amylose-2).The Chirobiotic V column showed high selectivity for citalopram and its metabolites. High resolution was obtained using a mobile phase consisting of methanol, acetic acid and ammonia. High selectivity for the enantiomers of zopiclone and its metabolites were obtained on the Cellulose-2 column using a mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile and ammonium acetate buffer.The enantiomers of tramadol were separated with the Amylose-2 column. However, changes in the pressure arose, probably caused by the additive NH4HCO3.
Analysverktyg för webbsidor med JavaScript
New technological innovations like tablets and smartphones have a taken significant market share on the web and puts new demands on webpages, the user interface and compatibility among different client devices. The full test of a web-based system prior to the publication is often regarded as an important part of the process to create a complete and successful website. This bachelor thesis investigates the possibility to analyze mobile-adapted web sites using a system that first records the visitor's activities and then replays them for an expert analyst to provide valuable information to developers about how their site can be improved.The essay begins with a litterature study on today's most common web development tools and then examines the possibility to apply them during the development of the analysis tool. The work also describes two methods, pair programming and waterfall method used during the project. Three different evaluation methods are presented and one of the models is applied on the finished system.The project results in a web-based analysis tool written mainly in JavaScript using the jQuery library.
OPAC i moderna kläder ? en kvalitativ studie om olika generationers informationssökningsvanor och förväntningar på informationsåtervinningssystem
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to find out how information seeking habits and experiences of people in different generations affects their expectations on information retrieval systems like OPAC. Two OPACs are used, one web-OPAC and one mobile-OPAC. The following questions are asked: how can theories about information seeking behaviors explain why and in which way one seeks information? In which way does information seeking behaviors and habits affect the experience of OPAC? Which differences and/or similarities can be found between the web-OPAC and the mobile-OPAC? How does generational aspects affect experiences and preferences in an information seeking context? The theoretical framework of the thesis is information retrieval with several models about information-seeking/searching needs and behaviors. The empirical data contains interviews with nine people in different generations and protocols about two different OPACs.
Grovkrossning av stubbar : en produktivitetsstudie
The Swedish parliament has decided that Sweden should increase its usage of renewable fuel sources to a level of 50% of the total energy consumption in Sweden by the year 2020. One way to reach that goal may be to increase the usage of stumps as a bio-fuel. In Sweden stump harvesting is possible on about 5-10% of the total harvested area and thus contribute with 1,3 - 2,6 TWh per year. An increase stump harvest doesn't come without its drawbacks for the environment. When harvesting stumps a tracked excavator is used to pry the stumps from the ground and then cut the stumps into smaller pieces.
En Modern Mobilapplikation, Från Idé Till Produkt
Mobilapplikationer till de datorliknande mobiltelefonerna kallade Smartphones är i dagsläget en expanderande marknad. Att utveckla en bra mobilapplikation ställer dock höga krav på utvecklaren. I den här rapporten genomförs en litteraturstudie för att ta fram en Utvecklingsprocess för utveckling av en business-to-businessinriktad mobilapplikation. Syftet med Utvecklingsprocessen är att den ska kunna användas som ett hjälpmedel under utvecklandet. Processen riktar sig framförallt till studenter och företag som inte har någon erfarenhet av att utveckla business-to-businessinriktade mobilapplikationer.Denna process tillämpas sedan praktiskt genom att ta fram en idé till en applikation.
Projektrapportering HRM mobil
Den här rapporten beskriver ett examensarbete som genomfördes åt Flex Datasystem med syfte att vidareutveckla Flex HRM mobile. Vår uppgift var att implementera projektrapportering som ingår i modulen Flex Tid, vilket innebär att användaren kan registrera eller redigera diverse projekt via mobila enheter. Vi använde oss av JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3 och även diverse ramverk för att fullfölja vårt arbete..
Interaktiva radiotjänster : - en applikation för mobila Androidenheter
The increase in sales of the so called smart phones has meant that there has also been a requirement to determine new applications for which they are suitable. One of the largest platforms for smart phones is Android and the task of this thesis is to develop an application for a company that wishes to create interactive radio for the Internet. In addition to ordinary radio features, the company would like the application to be able to present images and a small web page called Canvas. The overall aim ,of this thesis, is to build a fully functional media player that is compatible with the majority of the commonly used Android based mobile units. To fulfill the overall aim, nine explicit goals were targeted.
Säkerhetsimplikationer vid mobilt informationssystem
De senaste årens utveckling av mobila enheter har gett anställda möjlighet att arbeta utanför sina ordinarie arbetsplatser. Trots fördelar i form av flexibilitet och förenkling av arbetsmetoder innebär dessa möjligheter också nya hot mot företagens informationssystem i sin helhet. Den här uppsatsen syftar till att skapa förståelse kring säkerheten inom mobila informationssystem. Frågeställningar som jag ville besvara i uppsatsen är: vilka hotbilder och svagheter det finns mot mobila informationssystem idag och vilka åtgärder det finns mot sådana hot. Jag började min studie med att ta fram en teoretisk referensram som är uppdelad i två delar.
Framväxten av den icke-euklidiska geometrin
The purpose of the project was to make a system that could extract data from a mobile eye tracker and make it comparable with data from visual stimuli. The produced system was programmed in Java and provided all the necessary parts that were required to achieve the purpose. This provides a foundation for further research to determine whether the eye tracker is sufficiently accurate to diagnose Parkinson?s disease..
Drivkrafter bakom mobila IT-tjänster : En studie ur utvecklares och användares perspektiv
Fenomenen mobilitet och mobila IT-tjänster är något som är mycket aktuellt idag inom flera sektorer. Mobilitet förknippas med ett oberoende av att vara på en viss plats vid en viss tid och det kan skapa helt nya förutsättningar för kommunikation mellan medarbetare som jobbar i fält eller är på resande fot. Att kunna införa mobila IT-tjänster i sin verksamhet är för företag något som kan öka effektiviteten, spara resurser och minska fel i rapporteringen. Transportnäringen, vården, service och underhåll, försäljning, övervakning är verksamhetsområden där mobila IT-tjänster införts som hjälpmedel. Området har dock kantats av såväl missbedömningar som succéer.
Reklam till mobiltelefoner
Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: Reklam till mobiltelefoner Seminariedatum: Tisdagen den 11 januari, 2005 Ämne/kurs: FEK 582 Kandidatuppsats, 10 poäng Författare: Rasmus Wallin, Anders Gullander och Jens Karle Handledare: Roland Knutsson, Björn Carlsson och Marcus Bengtsson Nyckelord: SMS-reklam, mobiltelefon, Marknadsföringslagen, obeställd elektronisk reklam, Mobile Marketing. Syfte: Vi vill med denna uppsats belysa hur möjligheten för direktreklam till mobiltelefoner ser ut idag och kan tänkas se ut i framtiden, med tanke på de ändringarna gällande obeställd e-postreklam som införts i Marknadsföringslagen. Fokus ligger i att belysa förutsättningarna ur ett företagsperspektiv. Metod: Kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer med experter inom området, lämpliga företag och konsumenter. Utöver detta har information sökts i litteratur och på Internet.
Introduktion av division för alla - en learning study i åk 3
My curiosity concerning what pupils read and write during leisure time led me to gather information using a quantative method. The study's aim is to investigate which reading and writing habits they have during their time outside school. A comparison was done of pupils at school year level 3 and level 4 in two different schools with the intention of investigating the influence of social background on reading and writing habits. 137 pupils filled in survey forms and thereafter the MYSTAT statistic program was used to process the information. The results point towards that the pupils read story books both more often and for a longer time than any other type of literature and that they read them often or very seldom.
Parkeringsapplikationen : Utveckling av en mobilapplikation för iPhone.
This report describes procedures and preparations made for developing a mobile application.Using a questionnaire and usability tests, I have developed a design document for a parkingapplication for the iPhone 4. The purpose of the application is to help drivers find allowedparking spaces thus making roads safer for everyone while the driver avoids parking tickets..