

3115 Uppsatser om Mobile Art Production - Sida 7 av 208

Positionering i GSM-nätverk

Merparten av de kommersiella system för mobilkommunikation som finns och byggs i världen idag bygger fortfarande på GSM, antalet abbonnenter är över 2 miljarder. För att utöka funktionaliteten med mobila terminaler har det forskats på att införa positionering i GSM-nätverk. Tjänster som använder abbonnentens positionsinformation kallas Location Based Service och de ger möjlighet att utöka funktionaliteten och spara användaren av tjänsten arbete. Rapporten beskriver olika tekniker för positionering och slutsatsen att CGI-TA är den teknik som positioneringen ska byggas på. Denna teknik finns tillgänglig hos de svenska operatörerna idag och för att kommunicera med dem används Mobile Location Protocol 3.0.0.

Återanvändning - Sättet att ge hemelektronik ett andra liv

Increased consciousness about environmental and sustainable issues has led to consumers and companies who are more in favor of reuse and recycle. Even though this is a fact, people today are buying new things more often compared to before. For instance for a mobile phone the functionality lifecycle is eight years which can be related to the economic lifecycle today which is 1.5 years compared to 3 years in 1995. Only 1-2 percent of the mobile phones thrown away in Sweden today are handed in for recycling. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether an international company within the recycling and reuse of mobile phone industry has a market in Sweden.

Ett nytt sätt att resa mobilt med cykel

With my bachelorwork I aimed to design a new mobile ?livingspace? which should become as small, functional andeasy to assemble as possible.The ?living space?is made for people who are interested inhaving a biking vacation and getting more close to naturebut at the same time wish to have a comfortable and easyway of traveling and living. The ?living space? is a multipurposevehicle which you transport with a bicycle. Thevehicle contains a kitchen with workspace, a refridgerator,space for luggage and a comfortable sleeping space.In my workingprocess I made research, sketches and modelsto find a functional solution..

Applikationsutveckling med nätverkstrafikfunktioner : En jämförelse av tre mobilplattformar avseende nätverkstrafikfunktioner

The objective of this study was to examine three common mobile phoneplatforms in relation to their network traffic features. The platforms to beexamined are Android, iOS 5 and Windows Phone. After the investigation wascompleted a prototype application was implemented in order to demonstratethese features in the most suitable platform. The application will function as atelephone call exchanger. In addition, the application must also send the userstatistic to a Web server, accept contacts from a Web server, as well as having aspecial administration part in which the userstatistc can be presented.

Användarcentrerad utveckling av mobilt IT-stöd

This exam paper has been a collaboration between the writers and SYSteam Utvecklingspartner in Huskvarna. The assignment was about finding a need for a mobile application, making a requirement specification document with design documents and parallel to this constructing a prototype. The assignment is summarized in the following questions:? How can companies in the forest industry benefit from mobile information technology?? How can a user centered perspective be used in the process of making the requirement specification document and the design documents?? How do guidelines for usability apply to a mobile application?Three visits to companies in the forest industry were made to find a need for mobile information technology solutions. After a small analysis of the different companies? problems and conditions the decision was to use Tenhults Impregneringsverk AB in the case study.We used the FA/SIM method in our job of finding the organization needs for change and the principles of User Centered Design in the work of constructing a prototype.The result of our work is a requirement specification with design documents and a prototype.

Design av en mobil arbetsterminal för röntgenavdelningar

In healthcare settings, administrative routines have been made more efficientthrough digitalization of information and the introduction of stationary computers.This situation is especially true when it comes to radiology, where pictures,referrals and patient information now is completely managed by advanced stationarycomputer systems. However, studies have shown that these rationalizationsdo not support flexible and mobile work routines.PocketRIS is a prototype illustrating a mobile terminal for radiology that hasbeen designed to simplify workflow and reduce the cognitive workload of healthcarepersonnel. PocketRIS includes a visualization of the clinicians work situationincluding a personal referral list that can make the user attentive of importantevents.Contextual Design has been used to elicit the basic system requirements for thesystem; 19 contextual inquires was conducted with physicians, nurses and assistantnurses at two different radiology clinics in Sweden during six days. The purposeof the study was also to identify the groups that have the greatest need for amobile terminal. The study was concerned with design and evaluation of differentsolutions with healthcare personnel.The result shows that physicians and assistant nurses have the greatest need ofa mobile terminal.

Marknadsföra Innovationer: Hur länken mellan teknologisk innovation och värdeskapande är avgörande för framgång

Near Field Communication, NFC, is a short-range wireless communication technology that enables data exchange between devices in a secure way. A NFC phone has the potential to enable the convergence of wallet, phone and keys, but as many other technological innovations, the launch is struggling. We have discovered that technological innovation is only the first step. For an innovation to be adapted, there need to be business model innovation too. Many actors form the ecosystem of NFC and the business model for each service is still an unsolved problem.


The PhonePages of Sweden is a company that develops software for mobile units, especially cell phones. This thesis treats the development of, and contingencies for, a mobile phone directory, using the limited resources found in a mobile unit. The project was implemented and executed at The PhonePages with the intention of creating a product to sell to a third party.By studying different solutions, their benefits and drawbacks, an abstract picture of the product was constructed. Problems covered include compatibility problems caused by todays platform diversity as well as problems with saving, organizing and presenting data.The main goal was to create a phone directory which does not make external information retrievals. The service should contain both company and personal information, with name and phonenumber.

Optimering av CellularIP-nätverk

Cellular IP är ett nytt nätverksprotokoll på ingång som är tänkt att lösa prestandaproblemen i Mobile IP. Influenser har tagits från hur mobiltelefonnäten är uppbyggda för att lösa problemen med förflyttning mellan basstationer på ett smidigt sätt. Detta examensarbete syftade till att optimera routingfunktionen i ett Cellular IP nätverk och integrera det med Mobile IP. I uppgiften ingick också att installera och om nödvändigt modifiera befintlig kod för Linux Mandrake. Rapporten innehåller dokumentation för installation och konfiguration av protokollet samt all nödvändig programvara.

Integration mellan informationssystemen & mobila tjänster - Design, utveckling & utvärdering av en prototyp

The company Pilotfish has developed the system MIVEO which is used by car-sharing to wirelessly monitor, book or otherwise manage a fleet of cars. In a car pool the system has three different types of users with varying degrees of eligibility. These are end users, administrative and service personnel. We have chosen to focus on opportunities to streamline the administrator and service personnel work with a mobile service, as these users of MIVEO often are movable and mobile. From this position we have in the study attempted to answer the following question: How can mobile services used to streamline administrative tasks? This study is about developing a mobile application that will contain the same features as the existing system, but must be mobile suit.

Kommunikation i dubbel bemärkelse : Enkätsstudie av barnfamiljer och SL:s digitala plattformar 

As a result of a successful human development around the world an extensive urbanization of societies are taking place that are networked in various ways. In these networks, increased travel and digitization are central where individuals and organizations converge in a constant and immediate wireless and mobile technology flow. An example of this is Stockholm and its public transportation company Storstockholms Lokaltrafik (SL). Although most participate in most of the network society, SL is struggling with an audience that seldom travel with them: families with children. We intended to find out how the communication of SL´s digital platforms could get families to travel more with public transportation.

Informations- och kunskapsflöde i byggbranschen : En studie av informations- och kunskapsflöde till och från produktionsledare

This report that is written in cooperation with Peab Sverige AB, studies the information and knowledge management from the production support to the production management. The conclusion of this report is that to have a good and functional information and knowledge management it is necessary that the company has a good way of regain and handling experiences from its projects. The way to do this is to develop the managing system on the production management?s terms. It is also critical to find an easy way for the production management to use the system..

Intranät för personliga assistenter : En studie av förutsättningar för effektiv informationshantering i vardagspraktik med stöd av IT

While designing an intranet for people with mobile work there are things you have to consider. This thesis is aim to bring understanding to the difficulties involved in these kinds of situations. Our focus is to develop ideas that motivate the assistants to use the intranet. We have looked into the profession of personal assistants and wish to highlight their problems to access the intranet. And we will as well demonstrate their needs for communication.

En Mobil Jukebox : Undersökning av Intresset För en Innovationsprodukt

The mobile jukebox is an idea for a new kind of smartphone application that would allow users to dictate the music playing at various establishments. The mobile nature of the innovation allows for the possibility of a more ubiquitous service. Conducting a quantitative as well a qualitative study, the authors have found significant interest in this innovation service among potential users and potential distributors of the service. Furthermore, it is shown what aspects are important for decision makers to make a decision on whether to integrate the service into the operation of potential distributors of the service.  .

Produktionsavbrott - förekommer det effekter att lära av?

A large part of the time losses in production in modern manufacturing industry are a cause of unplanned interruptions in production. In this essay we have studied the effects of an unplanned interruption in production. The study was performed during one month on a press production line at Volvo Cars Body Components (VCBC) in Olofström. The effects of the interruptions have been studied on the basis of two perspectives of the environment of the production. The study started at the level of automation and was mainly done as a survey of the unplanned interruptions in production.

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