

3117 Uppsatser om Mobile Art Production - Sida 61 av 208

Från Bomull till Byxor Livscykel Inventering och Ansvarsfullt Företagande En MFS i Södra Indien

A growing number of companies realise that to achieve their environmental goals and satisfy stakeholder expectations, they need to look beyond their own facilities and to involve their suppliers in environmental initiatives. A life cycle approach means that the production system should be optimised as whole, across national boarders and individual organisations taking part all the way from extraction to disposal. This study is a Life Cycle Inventory of resources used when producing a piece of cotton garment and the method is based on the standardisation series of ISO 14040-43. The area of study, Tamil Nadu the most southern state of India, accounts for more than 90% of India?s knitwear exports to Western Europe.

Kaliumgödsling på torvmark - effekt på tillväxten hos planterade granar (Picea abies)

Peat  lands  are  a  great  potential  resource  for  increased  forest  growth  in  Sweden, there  are  approximately  6.5  million  hectares  of  peat  lands,  whereof  around  70% produce less wood than one m3sk/ha and year and are therefore classed as forest waste  land.  There  are  over  200  000  hectares  of  peat  land  that  is  already  drained and  wooded,  and  that may  be  suitable  for  fertilization.  Forest  production  on  peat soils  usually  requires  drainage  and  fertilization.  Dewatering  requires  ditching  the area, so that the roots can have access to oxygen. Nitrogen is often abundant in the peat but other nutrients; especially potassium is in short supply. The  purpose  of  this  work  was  to examine  the effects  of  potassium  fertilization  on the  growth  of  spruces  that  were  planted  on  drained  peat  land  and  how  different amount of fertilizers affects the growth. Potassium deficiency is strongly growth inhibiting, since potassium is important for substance  transport  in  the  tree.  Potassium  is  also  important  for  the  carbohydrate formation, and because increasing the sugar content of the cells constitutes a lower freezing temperature does potassium availability in the soil play a major role in the winter  resistance  of  many  species.  Potassium  is  not  found  in  any  organic compounds in the tree, but is present in cell and tissue fluids. A fertilization trial was started in 1978 in Siljansfors Experimental Forest. The plots in the experiment were fertilized with different amounts of potassium and one plot was  left  without  fertilization.  All  plots  that  were  fertilized  with  potassium  grew considerably better than the unfertilized plot. The difference in production between the unfertilized plot and the plot that received the most potassium was 7.2 m3sk/ha and year. The unfertilized plot can still be classified as waste land. The theoretical production capacity was estimated using a Swedish system for site quality  estimation  of  wetlands  after  ditching  (dikningsbonitering).  The  plot  with most  potassium  produced  after  fertilizationaproximately  in  level  with  theoretical estimations.  Key  words:  Peat  land,  Fertilization,  Ditching,  Growth,  site  quality..

Underlag för solcellsproducerad el i Stockholm : Potential och klimatpåverkan

The City of Stockholm has decided to invest in renewable energy and especially in photovoltaics. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the photovoltaic potential on roof areas that the city possesses and to further investigate some buildings of the Property Management Department. The thesis also compares some existing photovoltaic plants with the solar irradiance map which shows available roof area on each building in Stockholm. The report ends with a literature study about the climate impact and greenhouse gas emissions of photovoltaic.The total available roof area suitable for photovoltaic plants is estimated to 700 000 m2, with a potential electricity production of 110 GWh per year. This corresponds to 17 % of the City of Stockholm?s yearly electricity consumption.

Fuktsäkert byggande : Sjönära bostäder i Östra Hamnen i Västerås

Housing construction very close to the lake Mälaren has become very popular today. One potential problem with these houses is the influence of the sea climate. Unprotected buildings are affected by strong winds and precipitation. So for that reason, it is very important to make an accurate climate investigation and use it for decision-making during the planning of the new settlement.It is very important with a good moisture protection regarding pelting rain, that is the combination of wind and rain. This is more important for buildings close to a lake, as this location normally means a higher exposure to wind.

Hur inverkar olika andel vallfoder i utfodringen på produktion, hälsa och beteende hos mjölkkor? :

Cows are ruminants and they need fibers in their feed and sufficient eating time to function psychologically and physiologically. Many of our cows don?t get enough forage and too much concentrates, which given in the wrong way may cause health and behavior problems. Too much concentrates at once makes the pH in the rumen sink and this may cause decreased fiber utilization since the microbes in the rumen are negatively affected by this. The cow may also get serious problems such as laminitis and abomasal dislocation.

Matte Painting - Skapandet av en virtuell kuliss

Det här kandidatarbetet kommer framförallt att beröra filmtekniken, Matte Painting, men vi kommer även röra oss runt omkring ämnet och presentera andra delar från filmproduktionen och framförallt postproduktionen för att lättare kunna sätta Matte Painting i ett relevant sammanhang. Vi jämför Matte Painting med en teaterkuliss, en bakgrund som på nära håll eller ses från fel vinkel kan bryta illusionen av att det är en verklig miljö. Vi undersöker och presenterar hur man kan bygga upp en digitalt skapad Matte Painting som möjliggör att inte behöva åka land och rike runt efter den idealiska filmplatsen, utan kan spela in filmscenen i en studiomiljö. Vi analyserar existerande filmscener som har använt sig av Matte Painting, gör jämförelser mellan olika användningsområden för Matte Painting samt diskuterar fram en slutsats som besvarar vår frågeställning: ?Hur har utvecklingen av filmtekniken, Matte Painting, sett ut och hur kan man tillämpa en digital Matte Paint i postproduktion för att förstärka helhetsupplevelsen av en filmscen?? --- This thesis will primarily concern the film technique, Matte Painting, but we will also roam around the subject and introduce other elements of the film production, and above all post production for ease of putting Matte Painting in a relevant context. We compare Matte Painting with a theatrical backdrop, a background that closely or viewed from the wrong angle can break the illusion that it is a real world environment. We will investigate and present how to build a digitally created Matte Painting that enables not having to travel across the country for the ideal film location, but can shoot the scene in a studio environment. We analyze existing film scenes that have made use of Matte Painting, making comparisons between different uses for Matte painting and discuss a conclusion that answers our main question: "How has the evolution of the film technology, Matte Painting, looked like and how you can apply a digital matte paint in post production to enhance the overall experience of a movie scene?".

Produkthantering vid tillverkning av roterande verktyg

AB Sandvik Cormorant?s production unit in Gimo has identified a need to examinethe handling of products between operations with the purpose of generatingproposals of improvement for the product handling.The aim of this project is to study the existing manufacturing process and givesuggestions for improvement. The proposals should reduce the manual handling ofproducts, decrease the risk of damaging the products during the manufacturing andform a basis for increased traceability. Based on a mapping of the manufacturingprocess and the problem description, a specification of requirements has beencomposed.The mapping of the manufacturing process suggests that a change of the currentsystem is required. The company is recommended to decide how the producthandling between operations should be performed as guidelines for the productionteam.

Mellan medborgare och myndigheter. Arbetsförmedlarens roll i kontexten av jobbgarantin för ungdomar.

Current technology offers many possibilities for remotecommunication. Nevertheless, people with cognitive and communicativedisabilities have limited access to common communication technology like textmessaging via a mobile phone. This study is part of the project Text messagingwith picture symbols - a possibility for AAC users and people with cognitiveimpairments. Semi structured interviews were used to investigate three menand four women?s experiences of using Windows mobiles with adaptedfunctions for text messaging.

Lean produktion tillämpat på ett spårväxelbyte

De senaste fem åren har tågresandet ökat med 28 procent. Den ökade trafiken har lett till ett högt utnyttjande av anläggningar och fordon. Det har i sin tur medfört stora problem med punktligheten av tågtrafiken. För att matcha den ökande trafiken på Sveriges järnvägar ska detta examensarbete undersöka om man kan implementera Lean produktion för Banverkets byte av spårväxlar för att göra dessa mer effektiva. För att ta reda på vad Lean produktion egentligen är gjordes en litteraturstudie.

Utredning av solenergi för drivning av sorptiv kylprocess för inomhusluften på Stockholmsarenan

Cooling down the indoor air can be done in several ways. One way is desiccantcooling which will be used at the Stockholm Arena. This method is used in airhandling units that use temperature changes and moisture fluctuations in the air. Oneof the steps is to add heat during the cooling process in order to reduce the relativehumidity of the exhaust air. The air passes thru an adsorptions rotor which thenabsorbs moisture from the supply air.

Att arbeta smartare en fallstudie om teorier och modeller inom Lean kan tillämpas i akutsjukvården

The emergency medical care in Sweden has been under persistent debate, due to factors such as long waiting hours, inefficient patient flow, and understaffed departments. In an effort to meet the critique and with a willingness to improve the problems, an increasing amount of emergency clinics are adopting theories and models within Lean. Positive outcomes are evident, there has been some criticism directed towards Lean. Among these is the argument that in order for Lean to be successful it needs to be used within standardized and foreseeable processes, and that it therefore only is applicable to those kind of processes found within industrial production. This prompted the question of whether Lean was a suitable strategy within emergency medical care, considering the large variation of patients and non-foreseeable processes that in fact share little resemblance to that of industrial production.

Modern marknadsföring - filmproduktion

I contacted the production company Salmonfox in the hope that they would have any projects that they needed help with. It showed that Salmonfox just started up an old project that they needed to complete. They wanted my help to edit some trailers and one crowdfundingfilm for the short film called, Captain Sweden (Kapten Sverige). Salmonfox are hopefully going to use the different trailers and crowdfundingfilm to promote the short film and get help with the funding to make a feature. The project began with a pilot study in which I made a time plan and a requirements plan, where the different requirements were set.

Förtroendet för den svenska polisen. Vikten av tillit för en fungerande rättsstat.

Current technology offers many possibilities for remotecommunication. Nevertheless, people with cognitive and communicativedisabilities have limited access to common communication technology like textmessaging via a mobile phone. This study is part of the project Text messagingwith picture symbols - a possibility for AAC users and people with cognitiveimpairments. Semi structured interviews were used to investigate three menand four women?s experiences of using Windows mobiles with adaptedfunctions for text messaging.

Housing of ringtailed lemur, Lemur catta, from an ethological perspective

Sheep production is the only animal production in Sweden that is increasing. Therefore,increasing knowledge of the production is of great interest. In order to run a viable sheepproduction, producers needs to be successful in the breeding of the animals and achievean economic surplus in the end. Lambs that are born healthy and vital have greaterconditions to perform high lamb weight gains and thus a successful production. Thereare many factors affect the survival, birth weight and early weight gain of the new bornlamb.

Studie av värmeflöden i befintligt bostadsbestånd : Utvärdering av energieffektiva besparingsåtgärder

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate different types of measures for making buildings more energy efficient and to estimate their profitability. The calculations were performed with the building simulation program VIP+ and the evaluation of the profitability with the life cycle cost method. Furthermore, it was examined how losses in the distribution of secondary systems of district heating can be avoided. Options to replace district heating with a local district heating system based on bio-energy have been investigated. The possibilities of achieving more efficient thermal energy consumption and production for the chosen estate were also examined.The object of the study has been a residential estate with 133 detached houses in Uppsala, built in 1974.

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