

3117 Uppsatser om Mobile Art Production - Sida 20 av 208

Tuta i lurendrejeri

Purpose: Exploring the relatively new technology of convolution reverb, to gather knowledge on its limitations when used practically in the production of pop music, and from these findings to learn about applications in other performing arts and sound design. Methodology: This is a case study of creating convolution reverb by doing impulse responses (IR) and then applying them to studio recorded pop music. The empirical data consists of the final song results, notes and journals from during the process and the comparisons, as well as established litterature on acoustics, psycho-acoustics and music production. Results: Convolution reverb can widely and freely be used in the production of music and other audio-based art forms, since our study shows that the result of a well-made impulse response from a particular room is indistinguishable from music that is actually played and recorded in the same space..

Mobilapplikation för taxibeställning : Att ta taxibeställningar till nästa steg

This report is going to be focusing on the development of a promotion page and login system for the web production company Adoreyou. The promotion page and login will be parts of a new taxi application for iPhone that lets the customer book a taxi and drivers manage the requests from the customers.Taxi application?s that let customer?s book trips are nothing new but they are constantly being explored and developed. The most common practice is to let the customer fill in from what address he or she wants to be picked up and to where he or she wants to be taken. Then the price is set in the application depending on the distance and most likely other factors like weekday and time.

Mobilt arbetssätt inom sjukvården och patientens personliga integritet : Klarar patientens integritet att journalen görs tillgänglig för sjukvården mobilt?

In the light of new technology health care is now given the opportunity to form a more mobile way of working that would bring about potential gains in terms of efficiency and quality. On the other hand, a more mobile health care also requires a more generous handling of personal information, something that may raise issues in terms of privacy. This study shows that the privacy of the patient requires two things: (i) that the personal information of the patient is handled in a way that generates her an overall positive expected utility and that (ii) the negative expected utility that each risk of an information leakage causes is offset by the expected utility it also makes possible. The first requirement (i) is shown, in comparison with today?s way of working, to be met due to the potential gains in efficiency and quality in combination with no increase in the probability of informational leakage or negative effects of such a leakage. The second requirement (ii) was also considered met since no separate risks of information leakage could be identified that was not offset by the gains it made possible in terms of expected utility..

?Andra kan tydligen se var man är? : En studie om hur lokaliseringsteknik påverkar användning och beteende hos datormobilanvändare

Användningen av GPS-teknik har på senare år tagit ett stort steg framåt. I dag finns den inbyggd i våra datormobiler som inte sällan rapporterar var vi befinner oss. I denna uppsats undersöks hur datormobilanvändare påverkas av datormobilens inbyggda GPS.Teknik utvecklas ständigt, det som var nytt i går kan kännas gammalt i dag. De senare åren har försäljningen av datormobiler expanderat kraftigt. I takt med detta har Internet blivit något som människor ständigt bär med sig.

Hur är läget? Om självskattning av psykiskt mående via mobila applikationer

Tidigare forskning har visat att systematisk självrapportering är en fördelaktig metod för att följa enpersons psykiska mående över tid, och att en digital mätmetod i sin tur skulle innebära många praktiskafördelar jämfört med en analog. Detta är en experimentell randomiserad, kontrollerad studie som medutgångspunkt i personcentrerad vård och spelifiering undersöker 35 personers användarfrekvens ochattityder efter en tvåveckorsperiod där hälften har fått prova att självskatta sitt psykiska mående via enmobilapplikation, och hälften fått göra detsamma via ett analogt stämningsformulär. Resultatet visar enhögre användarfrekvens bland deltagarna i mobilapplikationsgruppen, samt ett uttalat intresse hosbägge grupper för digitala metoder för självskattning av psykiskt mående. Bägge metoderna ansesstärka personcentrerad omvårdnad. The aim of this study is to explore user frequency and attitudes for persons using a mobile applicationfor assessing mental health compared to persons using an analogue assessment method.

Information ochmaterialflödesförbättrings analys

This examination work is performed at the institution of industrial economy and production at Jonkoping technical university, for JELD-WEN Door Solutions plant in Forserum.Today the focus in the company is on to reduce their inventories binding of capitals as well as inventory of products and that includes to get a good control of the supply and handling of material which is of great importance.JELD-WEN Door Solutions is one of the worlds leading producers of windows and doors and the head-office is located in Oregon, USA.A great number of wooden doors are manufactured by the company in varying of constructions, classifications and performance.The production of the plant in Forserum has a project- and customer focus manufacturing where only internal doors are produced. The overall market they are concentrated on is to different institution such as schools, hospitals etc.The purpose of this work is to investigate possibilities to improvement of material- and production control at JELD-WEN. The report will handle the master production schedule to and from the production divisions within manufacturing industry. Focus will be on the way for information- and material flows from arrival, transport within the company and further on to customers.Further a map of the flow was performed which gave a clearer picture of the connection between the flow of information- and material for the manufacturing process. On the basis of the mapping of the flow, the group discovered that the flow of material had some improvement potential.

TOC and TQM Utilized in a Mass Customization Production Environment

Background: Mass customization has been identified as a competitive business strategy by both companies and academics because of its ability to incorporate the voice of the customer into companies? products and services. Although mass customization may sound appealing, the strategic concept is still developing and firms adopting this business strategy face several challenges. Production concerns are of high relevance since mass customization implies a high level of customer involvement in the product design. Since the areas are closely linked it is reasonable to ask how a mass customization strategy affects production concerns.

Positionering och kartuppbyggnad med avståndsmätande laser

This master thesis includes a description of how a number of sensors are put together in a sensor platform. It also gives a description of how localization and mapping has been performed with data collected from the sensor platform. Localization is a prerequisite for most of the tasks that can be requested from an autonomous mobile robot. In many situations the GPS signal is not available and hence an additional localization system is required. One approach is to apply localization based on landmarks extracted from the robots surrounding.

Kan Lean Healthcare vara den bit som saknas i den svenska sjukvårdens pussel? : En studie av kommersiella modeller i svensk sjukvård

BakgrundSvensk sjukvård har idag bland de bästa behandlingsresultaten i Europa, men trots det förs diskussionen om sjukvården ofta i negativa ordalag. I ett försök att förbättra synen på verksamheten och bli mer effektiva har sjukvården i Sverige ofta använt sig av kommersiellamodeller, modellerna har dock behövt anpassas för att fungera i sjukvårdens miljö. En av de senaste kommersiella modellerna som nu införs i den svenska sjukvården är Lean Healthcare,som är sjukvårdens version av Toyotas produktionsfilosofi Lean Production. En stor del avtidigare forskning på området har behandlat Lean Production men lite finns att tillgå som handlar om Lean Healthcare. Den här studien är ett bidrag till att utöka kunskapen om Lean Healthcare i Sverige.SyfteSyftet med den här studien är att beskriva hur Lean-filosofin fungerar i den svenska sjukvården samt att göra en jämförelse mellan Lean Production och andra kommersiella modeller som tidigare har införts i den svenska sjukvården.GenomförandeMed hjälp av intervjuer på tre svenska sjukvårdsenheter har en fallstudie med fokus på Lean Production och Lean Healthcare genomförts.ResultatResultatet av studien visar att Lean Healthcare, i likhet med tidigare modeller, har krävt anpassningar för att fungera i sjukvårdens kontext.

Förenklad textinmatning på mobila enheter med hjälp av kontextbaserad språktolkning

The number of text messages sent from mobile phones, has increased dramatically over the last few years. Along with that, we are witnessing a lot of new mobile portal services currently being developed. Many of these services rely on an ability to input text efficiently. The traditional phone keypad is ambiguous because each key encodes more than one letter. At present, the most common way to deal with this problem is using a stored dictionary to guess the intended input.

Banväljare till livsmedelsindustrin

This report is about the issue with decreasing production rate mainly caused by failuresrelated to the multiswitch. The multiswitch is a machine at Gefleortens Mejeriföreningwhich has the function of distributing milk cartons from one incoming track into fiveoutgoing tracks. Milk cartons who gets stuck and there by causes the production to stop,is the mainly problem with this constructionThe purpose with this report is to understand the causing factors and make suggestions which can help solving these factors. By analyzing the machine during production, having contact with different suppliers, searching internet for information, 3d-cad drawings and the complementary with personal experiences, this machine has  been evaluated and as a result of this new problem has come to be known.The discovered problems was analyzed and resulted in new suggestions for alternative options. Later the most functional results was chosen and put as a suggestion for the new model.A new machine built with the suggestions from this report assures to be well adapted to the environment at Gefleortens Mejeriföreing and the problems it causes..

Byggnadslogistiskt arbete för minskat slöseri ? En studie över arbetsfördelningen vid innerväggsmontage på Tuve Bygg AB:s projekt Stapelbädden etapp 3

The production costs have steadily increased within the construction industry during the 21st century. Voices are raised meaning that the construction industry is too unsuccessful in making the production more efficient and to develop it?s way of working. One way to deal with the production costs is to minimise the waste, with waste meaning activities that doesn?t add value to the finished product.

Lönsamhetsanalys av tekniker för utökad elproduktion i kraftvärme : Med hänsyn till elprisets variationer

This thesis aims to examine the viability of various techniques for increased electricity generation in CHP plants and the effect of electricity price fluctuations on the profitability.The techniques examined are fuel dryer, pellet production, methane production, combined methane- and pellet production, seasonal heating storages in caverns and pit heat storages and condensing tail. Using Excel and Matlab, the prerequisites for investment costs, revenues and expenses were calculated.What affects the price of electricity is a combination of economic and technological development, energy prices, economic structure, population changes and weather. Different scenarios for the electricity price were therefore examined. In the base case, the electricity price was given by the Nord Pool electricity price statistics of area three in 2011. Thereafter, WiMo was used to design the electricity scenarios for 2030, which was then applied to the data to obtain the viability of various scenarios. The techniques examined were found to give greater profits to the CHP plant by increasing and optimizing the production of electricity.

Sony Mobile Communications CSR initiativ GreenHeartTM, och dess influens på koldioxidutsläpp i en mobiltelefons livscykel

Corporate Social Responsibility (?CSR?), även på svenska kallad företagens samhällsansvar, har under de senaste åren fått en allt mer betydelsefull roll i företag. Det är av intresse att studera hur olika företag ser på och använder sig av CSR, då CSR står för hur ett företag tar sitt ansvar jämtemot sina intressenter. Detta ansvar kan vara socialt lika väl som miljömässigt. Syftet med denna rapport var att analysera och undersöka vilken påverkan Sony Mobile Communications CSR initiativ GreenHeartTM hade på koldioxidutsläppen i en livscykel av deras produkter.

Publikationernas utveckling

Som grafisk formgivare a?r framtiden i ett utvecklande stadium, da?r de tryckta publikationerna o?verga?r till allt fler digitala alternativ. I detta kandidatarbete beskrivs oron fo?r tryckproduktionens framtid och hur vi med hja?lp av kommunikationssa?ttet Crossmedia kan hitta en lo?sning pa? problemet. Kommunikationssa?ttet fo?rutsa?tter inte bara fo?rdelar fo?r tryck utan a?ven andra mediekanaler i digital form, da?r mediedelarna fa?r mo?jlighet att samspela fo?r att kunna na? ut till en bredare publik.

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