1245 Uppsatser om Mixed boreal forest - Sida 60 av 83
Utbildningsnämndens arkiv : En del av det moderna samhället som har gått till historien
This essay is based on the work of arranging and making an inventory for an archive consisting of records from the Board of Education (Utbildningsnämnden) within the administration of the County Council in Uppsala, Sweden. This archive is kept at the County Councils Archives in Uppsala where I have done the work. I have documented the process and discussed the complex of problems relating to it. In this particular case the issue of limitation of the office of origin and the respect of the fonds, or the principle of provenance, have been of interest. This is due to the fact that the records had been rearranged and mixed with records with other origin related to the Board of Education.
A comparison of methods to assess site index in young Norway spruce stands
This study investigates whether the site index curve method (SICM) and the growth intercept method (GIM) can be used for site index predictions in younger Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stands than recommended by current guidelines. For SICM it was thus investigated whether the method could be used for stands younger than ten years, and for GIM it was tested whether a starting point for the intercept measurements could be used below the recommended
2.5 meter. This was tested based on measurements taken from experimental stands in Tönnersjöheden Research Forest.
For GIM it was found that the method can only be used when the TH-trees of a stand have five complete intercepts above 2.5 meters. For the method to be applicable beyond this, it will be necessary to adapt the underlying equations, perhaps following the Canadian example where a 1.3 meter intercept start is used. In conclusion it is not currently possible to apply the approach beyond the current recommendations.
For SICM, SI predictions are accurate for the study area already form year three.
Omvårdnad på gruppboende jämfört med enskilt boende för en individ med grav utvecklingsstörning - en fallstudie
Bakgrund: I Sverige har individer med utvecklingsstörning rätt att välja boendeform. Det finns dock lite forskning som undersöker vilken boendeform som är mest lämplig för dessa individer. De är en sårbar individgrupp som behöver uppmärksammas mer i forskning.Syfte: Studien avsåg att undersöka vilken boendeform som var mest lämplig för en individ med grav utvecklingsstörning. Detta gjordes genom att granska dennes boendeformsbyte från gruppboende till enskilt boende, utifrån ett omvårdnadsperspektiv.Metod: Mixed methods användes för att besvara syftet. Intervjuer och fokusgruppmöte användes för kvalitativ datainsamling.
Medialisera mera. En medielogisk thriller ? Kvantitativ innehållsanalys av partiledarutfrågningarna i P1/Ekot och P3/Valfestivalen år 2014
This study aims to map out the degree of mediatization present in the communication between Swedishpublic service journalists and politicians in the 2014 election campaign. In doing so we chose to look at thepresence of media logic in their communication with each other. Specifically, we have used the pre-electioninterviews with the party leaders from Sweden?s two biggest parties. Furthermore, we have chosen to focuson Sveriges Radio, the Swedish public service radio company.Sveriges Radio concists of four different radio channels, of which we have chosen to focus on the channelsP1 and P3, the first having a somewhat more ?serious? profile, focused on producing quality news and otherjournalistic products, while P3 is leaning towards a younger audience and describes its own work as ?soft,humorous and important radio?, mixed with music and other forms of entertainment.
Mjölkraskorsningar i avelsvärdering av tillväxt hos svenska köttrastjurar
The concerning issue of declining number of hunters in North America is also apparent in Europe and Sweden. When the bulk of research found on human dimensions and hunting participation has almost exclusively been done in the United States, this report seeks to add to the needed knowledge on a national level focusing on the causes of hunter declines related to social factors within Sweden. Using hunter data reaching from commune, county to National level, this report describes the correlation between a number of variables and the hunting participation in Sweden.The typical Swedish hunter lives in an area with low population density, the person usually has higher education, the living situation is stable with no recent moving and there is relatively good access to forest land. Persons with weaker connection to the Swedish culture such as foreign citizens, people with foreign background and people born outside ?the Nordic countries? are less likely to start hunt or participate in hunting.A strong relationship was found between the favorite game, moose (Alces alces), and the amount of hunters participating in the hunting.
Naturhänsyn på slutavverkade hyggen i Östergötlands län.
95% of the productive forest land in Sweden are now being exploited for forestry. The new Forestry Act of 1993 equate the goal of production and the environmental goal which means that the objective for forestry is a sustainable yield, while the biological diversity must be preserved. Recent years results from the inventories of the Board of Forestry show declining trends in how nature conservation aspects taken into consideration at the felling sites.The aim of this study is to investigate what happends with the nature consideration taken at felling sites in the long run. 20 final fellings in the county of Östergötland were re-inventoried 7-9 years after final felling. These felling sites had previously been inventoried before final felling (P0) and one year after final felling (P1) in the inventory Polytax by the Board of Forestry.
Hur påverkas utbildade vårdhundar (Canis lupus familiaris) av sitt arbete inom humanvården?
Today therapy dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) service people more than ever and different categories of work places use therapy dogs to help their caretakers. Many studies have been made on the positive effects in patients when they are given contact with a dog, but very little have been done on how the dog experience its situation and what kind of behaviour a therapy dog shows during its working days.
This work was made to investigate the behaviours that educated therapy dogs in Sweden showed when they were in contact with a caretaker and to find out if the dogs showed any signs of stress or some other kind of discomfort. To do this a survey was sent out to 17 educated therapy dog handlers in Sweden that together had 18 educated therapy dogs. The survey contained 39 questions about the daily work of the therapy dogs when they were together with caretakers and some questions about the therapy dogs spare time. A question about what kind of dog breed the therapy dog handlers had were also in the survey to investigate if some breeds were more usual as therapy dogs.
Metodutveckling för planering och genomförande av dikesrensning med moderna metoder
?Development of methods for the planning and implementation of ditch clearing with modern methods?, is a long title for an exam work but that is what this report describes.
In Sweden, we have a limited area available, and with the present development with increasing market oil prices, and enormous forces on the renewable energy sources, we need every hectare possible to protect the output of the forests.
So with this in mind, many people are now considering how to increase the production of the forests that are already available. A part of production increases is to manage the existing forests, and not to allow this area to go to cultivation or become marshland.
We manage our forests in a way that benefits the environment, and we consider that our working practice over the years has shown us to be correct and well functioning.
A part of our way of producing forests is to ensure that we have functioning drainage systems in the forest holdings which we administer. The responsible at Holmen Skog requested a good method to make inventories of the drainage systems of Holmen forests.
This Degree Project is about ways to identify and implement drainage systems with modern methods. It deals with authorities regulations, and how they operate in different counties.
Balkanisering och klassifikation : En komparativ studie av klassifikationen av forna Jugoslavien, beträffande språk, geografi och historia, i DDC och SAB
This master's thesis examines the possibilities of correction and change in a classification scheme, with regard to the changes that occur in the world the classification system intends to describe.Applying a comparative method and classification theory, the classification of the example of the former Yugoslavia (1918-1941, 1945-1991), its republics and successor states, and the languages, formerly known as Serbo-Croatian are examined through a comparison of the main classes and divisions of language, geography, and history, in Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), and Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek [Classification for Swedish Libraries] (SAB). Eight editions of DDC, from 1876 to 2014, are compared to seven editions of SAB, from 1921 to 2013. The editions have been selected in order to show the changes prior to, and following, the First World War, changes after the Second World War, and changes following the collapse of Yugoslavia in 1991.The examination shows that both systems have updated their editions according to the changes in former Yugoslavia over the years. DDC has well constructed facet schedules, especially Table 2 concerning geography, but fails, in some cases, to construct a logic and hierarchical structure for the republics and languages of Yugoslavia, partly due to the fixed classes and divisions that survive from the very first edition of DDC from 1876, but also as a result of the decimal notation, and its limitations, itself.SAB seeks to construct a hierarchically logic and equal scheme for the languages, areas, and states of the former Yugoslavia. Although the facets for geography and chronology aren't as developed as the ones in DDC, the overall result is that of a logically consistent and hierarchically clear classification, with short notation codes, thanks to the alphabetic mixed notation, which allows more subdivisions than the numerals and the pure notation of DDC.This study is a two years master's thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies..
Kulturmiljöhänsyn inom skogsbruket : En studie om fornlämningar och gränsmärken
Bakgrund Skogsmaskiner har under många år förstört både fornlämningar och gränsmärken. Idén till databasen/tjänsten uppkom av egna erfarenheter vid en förrättning, där flertalet gränsmärken hade blivit överkörda av skogsmaskiner. Syfte Examensarbetets syfte är att lyfta fram en ny idé för att minska skadorna på fornlämningar och gränsmärken som skogsmaskiner orsakar, samt hur lägesnoggrannheten påverkar den nya tjänstens ändamål.Metod Examensarbetet består av en litteraturstudie med syfte att besvara och ge en bakgrund till problemställningen. För att undersöka hur vanligt det är att lantmätare/mätingenjörer stöter på att gränsmärken blivit skadade av skogsmaskiner genomfördes en enkätundersökning. För en djupare inblick av lägesnoggrannheten på utrustningen i skogsmaskiner och vilken kvalitet på koordinaterna som krävs för en mer ändamålsenligt tjänst gjordes en intervjustudie.Slutsats De uppgifter som finns tillängliga idag ska vara användbara när det gäller fornlämningar, för en ändamålsenlig tjänst som ska fungera ute i skogen där lägesnoggrannheten inte alltid är den bästa.
Planteringsförbandets inverkan på bestånd av contortatall (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) med avseende på volymtillväxt och virkesegenskaper
At the beginning of the 1970´s forestry feared an imbalance in the future wood supply. Because of this anticipated "timber slump" forest companies undertook a variety of measures to counter this. One of these measures was the introduction of exotic tree species. The choice finally ended up with lodgepole pines which were considered a fast growing tree species compared to our native tree species. Theambition for the new lodgepole pine stands were to run these with rotation periods of between 40-60 years, thus smoothing out the ?timber slump? that was anticipated.
Dubbskador på Alvestakubb
Mechanical harvesting may result in timber damages leading to reduced saw log quality. The initiator of this study was VIDA ? a privately owned concern operating in the value-adding process industry of forest raw materials. The aim of this study was to examine the type and amount of damages on Alvestakubb caused by the harvester head during the cutting process. The aim was also to compare the damages caused by different types of feed rollers and to evaluate the effects of temperature on damage occurrence.
Köpares syn vid förvärv av lantbruksfastighet i Dalarnas och Gävleborgs län
Today's real estate buyers value the purchase different today compared to a decade back. Previously it was the return value that ruled the market. This has created problems when the broker must allocate the purchase price of the property's various elements, because non-monetary values such as forest for leisure, recreation, and the feeling of owing has increased in recent years and an increasingly important part in the valuation process.
The assessed value can be a guide, but is perceived today to be stereotyped to put a fair value at the individual item.
The purpose of this study was to provide the real estate agent decision support and a guide to the likely value of accounting for the purchase price.
The report is written on behalf of LRF Konsult. The result is based on a questionnaire survey which was conducted in June 2014 among all those who had bought a farming property in Dalarna and Gävleborg province mediated by LRF Konsult in 2013.
The report was made with a split to see if the valuation and motives differ between new and previous owners. It was possible to see a big difference in the reason for the purchase, where a large share of new owner bought the land for capital investment, in contrast to previous owners whose biggest group bought for an active use.
At several points it was possible to identify a higher non-monetary value of the new owner from the previous landowner.
Elementkoncentrationer i gran utmed en markfuktighetsgradient :
One key factor in silviculture today is sustainability. In order to achieve sustainability it may be important to restore lost nutrients to the forest after clearcutting. In order to calculate the removal, you need to know how much of different elements you will find in different tree compartments. The aim of this study was to investigate if the concentration of elements in different tree compartments of spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) were related to the moisture conditions of the site. Five plots at Risfallet (60º 21´ N, 16º 13´ E), was placed along a moisture gradient in a 40- year spruce stand.
Interaktionens betydelse i distansutbildning. Studenternas upplevelse av interaktionsdimensioners påverkan av sammankomster i en distansutbildning
The purpose of this study has been to create a better understading of how face?to?face activities in course´s impacts on the experience of interaction within a course.More specifically, the study puts the student'?s perception of how mandatory face?to?face activities affect and are affected by the interaction in focus. This is done by the following research questions. What affects the student'?s perception of face?to?face activities? Which interaction dimension affects the factors that influence students perception of the activities? Which interaction dimension is influenced by the student'?s perception of the activities?The theoretical base is Wagner'?s (1994) three types of interaction and Andersson´s(2003) theory of interaction dimensions.