1245 Uppsatser om Mixed boreal forest - Sida 33 av 83
Optimalt råvarulager för biobränsleföretaget :
This report was written as a final thesis within the Department of forest economics at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences as a completion of the M.SC Forestry programme. The aim of this study was to create a model that, with respect to given stock levels, temperature, fuel usage and fuel price, would identify the optimal levels for purchase of bio fuels, optimal levels of incineration of bio fuels and the sum of the present values of all costs. The model would be applicable for a larger district heating plant.
Data regarding temperature were received from SMHI. Information considering fuel prices was taken from the Swedish Forest Agency and the facts about fuel usage were collected from a large district heating plant, located in the southwest of Sweden. For the temperature, a sinus curve was adapted to describe the temperature over a year.
Utvärdering av effekter hos deltagare i projektet Skogsbruk och vatten inom Landsbygdsprogrammet hos Skogsstyrelsen i Östergötland
Som skoglig sektorsmyndighet är det Skogsstyrelsens uppgift att omsätta regeringens skogspolitiska mål i praktiken. De behöver därför ha kunskap om deras arbete faktiskt ger effekter i skogsbruket. Ett verktyg för att undersöka effekter är utvärderingar. Genom en utvärdering kan Skogsstyrelsen se vilka effekterna är samt få ett underlag till att förändra och utveckla framtida projekt. Denna studie syftade till att utvärdera effekter hos deltagare avseende kunskapsinhämtning och användningsgrad samt deltagarnas upplevelse av vattenkvällarna i projektet Skogsbruk och vatten inom Landsbygdsprogrammet hos Skogsstyrelsen i Östergötland.
Gestaltning av vägar i Skåne - kopplat till sju regionalt viktiga stråk :
This work derives from the question ?What is a beautiful road??. The question is being discussed in interviews with two employees at the Swedish National Road Administration and two former members of the ?Council of environment and beauty? at the Swedish National Road Administration. The interviews are summarized in my own discussion about the concept of ?Beautiful roads?.
Anpassad skötsel - exempel på hyggesfritt skogsbruk i Mellannorrland :
Total protection is often the option chosen when protecting forests with high environmental values. An alternative to total protection is application of management regimes that do not interrupt continuity of tree cover. This study focuses mainly on continuous cover forestry (CCF) in forest stands already protected. All objects are situated in the county of Jämtland in northwest Sweden.
The purpose of the study was to attain a greater knowledge about CCF practices.
Påverkas mosippa (Pulsatilla vernalis) negativt av igenväxning?
Pulsatilla vernalis is one of several endangered plant species that benefit from wildfires and small scale disturbance events that repel competing vegetation and create open patches in the vegetation cover. Previous studies argue that Pulsatilla vernalis is decreasing in numbers due to vegetation changes associated with the decrease in wildfires, forest grazing and changes in forest management. In this study, 17 populations of P. vernalis were inventoried in order to examine if soil and/or vegetation structures affect the population structure of P. vernalis (i.e.
Skogstillväxten ca 20 år efter plantering på Flakmossen : dikningens och gödslingens betydelse vid beskogning på en avslutad torvtäkt i Värmland
This study was performed in an afforestation experiment established 1982 on an abandoned peat harvesting area, Flakmossen, in the province of Värmland, SW Sweden. The experimen-tal design include planting with Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), in combination with various drainage intensities (20, 30, and 40 m between ditches), and fertilizer doses 0, 100, and 200 g PK per seedling applied at the date of planting.
The aim of this study was to achieve more knowledge about the conditions on afforestation of peat harvesting areas, especially regarding drainage intensity and fertilization requirements, by means of determining the stand growth and yield in the Flakmossen trial.
The forest growth did not differ significantly between the drainage intensities tested when the same amount of phosphor and potassium fertilizer was added. Thus, shorter distances between ditches than 40 m can not be recommended.
When no fertilization was carried out seedling survival was very low, and the growth of sur-vived seedlings was poor. The largest diameter and height growth were observed in the areas where the highest dose of phosphorus and potassium (200g/seedling) was given.
Utveckling av konkurrenskraftiga köpcentrum
Utveckling av ett köpcentrum är ett komplext system som involverar många aktörer såsom kommunen, fastighetsägaren, investerare, långivare, konsulter, analytiker, arkitekter, detaljister och givetvis även slutkonsumenten så att visionen om att vara den ledande bland köpcentrum hierarkin realiseras.Det tillkommer nya handelsytor i relation till befolkningsunderlaget i Stockholms län där konkurrensen, kundernas krav och e-handeln ständigt ökar. Detta kommer i sin tur sätta press på ledningen för att fastställa nya tydliga strategier för framtida visioner. Vid utvecklingen av ett köpcentrum har extern rådgivning tagits och därmed ett investeringsförslag har föreslagits. Vilka faktorer som har tagits med i beslutsunderlaget är det väsentligaste.Utgångpunkten med denna studie var att belysa hur ett köpcentrum behåller sin kommersiella kvalitet och därmed möta den framtida konkurrensen bättre. En Jämförelseanalys av två valda objekt i Stockholms län har fullgjorts för att belysa närmare framgångsrika nyckelfaktorer såsom läge, tillgänglighet och koncept.
Stereoskopisk 3D-film : En studie om tittarens upplevelse av 3D-film
Since the release of Avatar in 2009, the 3D movie industry has experienced an apparent growth. Almost all blockbuster movies are being released in 3D at the cinema, but the 3D format has been met with mixed opinions by the consumers. Some argue that 3D is the future, while others believe that the 2D format is enough for an appreciated movie experience. Through a qualitative survey, twenty participants with 3DTV in their homes answered questions regarding their experience of 3D movies and what improvements they desire. We suggest that 3D film creates immersion, realism and effects that 2D films can´t handle.
Flygburen laserskanning kopplat till skördarmätning för datainsamling till operativ planering :
The requirements for operative planning activities are increasing. The forest industry wants to gain better control over wood flow. A felling that is more market adjusted is desirable. However, this causes problems in the operative planning process because of the data collection methods used today. Data about timber assortments and data about the distribution of the tree diameter, etc., are often lacking.
Airborne laser scanning is used to a greater extent than before for estimation of forest variables and should perhaps be used to the same extent in operative planning activities as well.
Fukthaltsförändringar för skogsbränsle : En jämförelse av torkförloppet i grönrisskotade och brunrisskotade vältor
In 1994 a new Forestry Act was accepted in Sweden. One of the aims of the law is to raise consideration forpreservation of biodiversity. Since the new law got accepted and some time has passed, there now lie someinterest in examining whether the law has been effective towards its purpose. Methods suitable for analysishave been examined during this study. The content of this pilot study is based around five parameters whichcan be used to validate the effects of the new law.
Landskapsideal : hur uppväxtens landskap formar individen
The landscape can be something that you rest your eyes on, something that goes quickly past outside the windscreen or the place for the daily work.
To me, landscape is everything around us ? the city, the field and the forest. But what is landscape for you? What does the idea of the landscape stand for? How does our view of the landscape become influenced of the place where we grow up? And the differences between peoples different views of the landscape ? what does they depend on?
My point of the view for this paper is that the landscape ideals mostly depend on the landscape where you grow up and that it depends less on the differences between the individuals.
As a landscape architect the idea of the landscape is the essential. The more we learn, the more we realize how complex it is, but deep down we always have our own experiences and memories and that shapes our personalities.
Arbetsplatsträffars effektivitet och utvecklingsnivåer : En observationsstudie inom en kommunal grundskola
The study aimed to highlight workplace meetings´ benefit and what level of development. The study was done at a school in Lidköping and included two qualitative observations. Most of the groups´ members were women; one man was included in each group, and there was a mixed age structure of the meeting participants. The collection of data was then paired with the scientific literature and scientific articles. .. Our results demonstrate that group 1 spend 59% of the time on information and 41% of communication.
Svartedalens naturreservat : en social rikedom värd att utveckla!
Svartedalens nature reserve a social richness worth develop.
The nature reserve of Svartedalen is an area of high biological and social values. The reserve is located close to several densely populated areas. The reserve has been classified as a national area of interest for nature conservation and outdoor life, and as a Natura 2000 area according to both the bird- and habitat directions. The reserve is the largest landarea in Västra Götaland, 3 410 hectares, where a resolution has been made about all these forms of protection. The foundation Skogssällskapet owns 1 956 hectares of the reserve, at 1 384 hectares of the property they pursue FSC-certified silver culture, according to current management plan.
Vedlevande lavar på döda grenar på levande träd i produktionsskog
Saproxylic lichens in managed forests have less substrate available than in unmanaged forests due to the shortage of dead wood. However, a suitable substrate for these lichens could be dead branches on living trees. To this date, there has not been any systematically collected data about theabundance of dead branches on living trees and the lichens growing on these branches in managed forests. The aim of this study was to see where dead branches were located on living trees of Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies, how large the surface area of these branches was and what lichens grewof wood on these branches. The study was made in Finspång, Sweden, where 11 forest stands of P.sylvestris and P.
The distribution of Moose (Alces alces) during winter in southern Sweden : a response to food sources?
The traditional Swedish way of dealing with browsing damages made by moose, is to reduce the moose population. However, a growing way of dealing with damages made by several ungulate species, including wild boars in particular is to redistribute them with supplementary food sources. Attracting them to settle in habitats less vulnerable to damages made during foraging. This study we tracked collared moose in southern Sweden from January throughout April in the year of 2009. From the tracking data their ?favourite? positions was selected and visited in order to study the features that attracts moose during winter.