

1245 Uppsatser om Mixed boreal forest - Sida 28 av 83

Utvärdering av en subjektiv metod för att skatta mängden trädbiomassa längs vägkanter :

Forest biomass is becoming an increasingly important source of renewable energy, and thereby the demand is increasing. There is currently 213 000 km of forest roads in Sweden that could be suitable for biomass harvesting. Harvest of biomass along forest roads both provides biomass and maintains the quality of the roads. Currently, the volume of biomass along roads can only be assessed post harvest, chipping and industry deliverance. As the decision of whether or not to harvest should preferably be based on more than experience, the TJ-method has been proposed. The TJ-method is a subjective method to quickly determine the dry matter quantity with the assessment being conducted from the roadside.

Rumslig fördelning av grov gammal tall i Uppsala stad med tallticka som indikator på höga naturvärden :

Fragmentation and reduction of forest area is a threat for many forest species and their habitat. Deficiencies in forest quality, such as lack of dead wood and old trees, are one explanation of the threat. The most important action to prevent the continued loss of forest types is to protect forest, but also to restore and to create areas that not previously had high nature values. Hence one of the key strategic roles for Fritid- och Naturkontoret, Uppsala municipality, is to monitor biodiversity in the context of urban planning. The majority of the Uppsala municipality residents live in urban areas and most of them spend some of their spare time in natural areas in cities and their immediate surroundings. Exploitation in and around Uppsala is high, but it is important that there is enough nature close to houses to meet the residents? needs of recreation.

Miljonprogrammet : mytbildning, arkitektur och förnyelse

Dead wood is important for many species. The amount of coarse dead wood (diameter >10 cm) is much lower in managed forest than in unmanaged forests. Stumps constitute the largest proportion of the volume of coarse dead wood in managed forests. Since stump harvest for biofuel may increase, the amount of dead wood will decrease even more, which may threaten biodiversity. The first aim of this study was to compare the amounts of fine woody debris (FWD, .

Inventering av skyddsvärd biotop med hjälp av digitala verktyg

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i Kulturvård, Landskapsvårdens hantverk, 15 hp, 2015.

Markskador vid GROT-uttag : en enkätstudie hos skogstjänstemän

Forestry is increasing on an industrial scale where collection of logging residues takes a greater part. This has resulted in more machinery and heavy machinery driving in the clear felled area, this increases the risk of soil damage that will occur in the form of soil compacting and rutting in the clearings. This affecting on the nature in a negative way and especially in rivers and lakes that are affected by siltation and acidification leading to increased levels of heavy metals and methyl mercury. The purpose of this study was to investigate why there is damage to the ground when working with the slash in forest management from the forest officer point of view. A self-designed questionnaire was used and 45 questionnaires were sent out to various companies all over Sweden.

Erfarenheter av utedrift med köttdjur i Sverige och Kanada :

Beef cattle wintering outdoors should be provided a shelter, e.g. a type of barn or corresponding. This type of production requires appropriate soil types and secured animal welfare. For example, a clean and dry resting place needs to be provided to the animals. To receive an exemption for buildings the farmer has to have something equivalent that provides an adequate shelter.

Mixed Martial Arts, ett slag för svensk idrott : En kvanitativ studie om en banbrytande produkt och dess förutsättningar för att lyckas i Sverige

SAMMANFATTNINGENUppsatsens titel:Mixed Martial Arts, ett slag för svensk idrott.Nivå:Kandidatexamen i ekonomi på Handelshögskolan, Umeå universitetFörfattare:David Ek och Linus HultkrantzHandledare:Håkan BoterNyckelord:(UFC), Marknadsmixen, Segmentering, Integrated Marketing Concept (IMC), SWOT, EventMarknadsföring, Virus Marknadsföring och Gerilla MarknadsföringMixed Martial Arts (MMA), Kampsport, Ultimate Figthing ChampionshipSyfte:(MMA) i Sverige och vilka marknadsföringskanaler som ger den största genomslagskraftensamt att se vilket påverkan UFC har haft på de svenska åskådarna av MMA.Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det finns en marknad för Mixed Martial ArtsTillvägagångssätt:Sverige för MMA var att genomföra en undersökning i form av en enkät utdelat till studentervid Umeå universitet. De studenter som efterfrågades var mellan 18-40 år och vilket gav enrepresentativ bild av befolkningen i Sverige.Studiens tillvägagångssätt för att observera om det fanns en marknad iEmpiri:dataprogrammet i SPSS, för att kunna visa med grafer hur sambanden mellan kön, fakultet,ålder och hemort relaterar till preferenser och om MMA är en attraktiv produkt eller inte.Det empiriska materialet insamlat från respondenterna sammanställdes iAnalys:Genom att studera de svaren kunde tendenser urskiljas om vilka potentiella målgrupper somfanns. Vidare beskrevs vilka marknadsföringskanaler som var mest effektiva och vartmålgruppen var belägen.Materialet som sammanställdes i empirin diskuteras mer djupgående i analysen.Slutsatser:var mer positivt inställda till kampsport och MMA. I förhållandet mellan fakulteterna var detden samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten och den teknisk- naturvetenskapliga som var mestbenägna att vara potentiella konsumenter av produkten. De respondenter som ansåg attkampsport och bollsporter var mest underhållande tyckte i större utsträckning att kampsportvar underhållande.

Sjunkande pH i Västerbottens humuslager : en kvantitativ analys

Acidification is a central concept in the environmental debate. The effect of acidification of the soil is a matter of a decreasing amount of cations and thereby a decreasing ability to resist a supply of hydrogen ions to the soil. Acidification has gradually increased in the O horizon in Västerbotten over a 30-year period from the 1970th to the 1990th. The aim of this study was from inventories of The Swedish National Forest Soil Survey and The Swedish National Forest Inventory explain and quantify the acidification that has occurred in the O horizon of two regions in the north of Sweden. Data from SMHI, The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, has also been used.

Kolbottnarnas påverkan på vegetationen i utmarken i västra Bergslagen

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i Kulturvård, landskapsvårdens hantverk, 15 hp, [2015].

Bilder av Bellevue - Föreställningar kring ett industriområde

This bachelor essay aims to illuminate different images and ideas about Bellevue industrial area.The area is situated in a district in Gothenburg, called Gamlestaden, where Bellevue industrialarea is a former industrial area, today mostly used by minor occupations. The district is facing amajor transformation, based on a detailed master plan. One aim is to create a district with mixedfunctions; like residences, businesses, offices, services and cultural activities all together. Thisessay is based mainly from a user perspective, but it also has the perspective from the ideas andvisions by the City Planning Office.The material is mainly based on interviews with seven informants, representing different kinds ofoccupations in the area. One interview is also made with a city planner.

Mekaniskt snytbaggeskydd

Insecticides will be removed from Swedish forestry, at present insecticides are used to treat our seedlings to avoid them from being attacked by pine weevils. With the forthcoming ban on insecticides alternative protective measures will have to be tested. Holmen Forest Ltd has aimed to find an alternative and have developed a mechanic pine weevils protection accessory as well as a new concept on planting pipes. Studies have been conducted on the behalf of Holmen Forest Ltd to see how planting with the newly developed mechanical protectors and plant pipe stands up against the conventional methods used today. The study was conducted over a three week period. Three factors were compared regarding planting quality including i) pressure around the plant, ii) the depth the plant ended up in, iii) plant angle. Mechanical plant pipes were used in the study, and where tested like a one-handed and a two-handed pipe. The study concludes that further development is needed for the mechanic plant protector to live up to the speed and quality of conventional methods.

Projektering av vindkraftspark i Juddhult, Småland

The aim with this study was to collect fundamental information, and to plan, a windpower farm in Juddhult , Småland in southern Sweden. The goal is to collect the bestavailable projecting planning support. The pieces of this projecting planning supportthat will be presented is; Environmental Consequence Description (MKB), productioncalculations, comparisons between different plant types, economic calculations, evaluatethe economy and give some farm design suggestions. The imagined wind farm will belocated in forest environment and which may cause a number of new problems. Specialinterest that will be affected, where special consideration because of the forestenvironmental is requested is, hunting, wetlands, ancient monuments and windturbulence.

Växters upptag av spårämnen från rödfyr : ett odlingsförsök vid tre rödfyrshögar i Västra Götalands län

Burnt alun shale and lime is the residual product that was formed when alun shale was used as fuel to convert limestone to quick lime. The material contains arsenic, vanadium, molybdenum, cadmium, nickel, lead, and uranium among other elements. The aim of this paper is to examine the uptake of trace elements in vegetables grown on burnt alun shale and lime to determine whether or not the surrounding environment and humans are exposed to these elements by eating plant products. A cultivation trial was carried out where onion, carrot, and lettuce were grown on three mounds of burnt alun shale and lime in the Falköping area in Sweden. The treatments were burnt alun shale and lime mixed with peat, only burnt alun shale and lime, and a reference soil. The reference plots were natural soil mixed with peat adjacent to the mounds.

Stubblyftningens initiala effekt på emissioner av växthusgaser från en granmark i Småland :

In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from human activities fossil fuels will have to be replaced with renewable energy alternatives, such as bioenergy. Sweden has a great potential to produce bioenergy derived from forest products and there is currently a great interest within Sweden in using stumps for bioenergy production. However, the environmental consequences of the method need to be investigated before stump removal can be performed on a large scale. Swedish forest soils contain large carbon pools and a different land use may change conditions so that soils that presently act as sinks of carbon could potentially turn into sources of carbon release instead. This study investigates the initial effects of stump harvesting on the emissions of three greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. The emissions were measured from the soil surface in a Norway spruce forest located in the southern part of Sweden.

Framtagning av en sängcykel för sjukvården

This bachelor?s degree thesis was conducted in mechanical engineering at Halmstad University during spring semester 2010 in close collaboration with the company Gremo AB, located in Ätran, Sweden. Gremo AB produces, developes and sales forest machines in both Sweden and on the international market.Gremo AB belongs to one of the market leaders in forest industry, especially with their forwarder. In order to become a market leader even with their harvester, the company decided to change the harvester to have a swivel and a leveling driver cabin.The aim with this bachelor?s degree thesis was to develop a design concept for the harvester driver cabin, which Gremo AB can apply on the new harvester.

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