116 Uppsatser om Mini-seedlings - Sida 1 av 8
Markberedningens, planteringspunktens och behållardjupets inflytande på granminiplantors etablering i fält :
A new type of forest tree seedling, called mini seedling, has been developed by the University
of Dalarna in Garpenberg, Sweden. Compared to traditional containerized seedlings
that are grown for 1 ? 2 years, mini seedlings are grown for only 10 weeks. The mini seedlings
are small, easily planted, cost effective, and reduce the amount of chemicals used in
the nursery. Research has shown that mini seedlings tend to have higher overall survival
rates than traditional container seedlings.
Inokulering med två hjorttryfflar på arginingödslade täckrotsplantor i Gideå plantskola :
The effect of inoculation on containerized pine and spruce seedlings in a nursery with two
ectomycorrhizal fungi was investigated in regard to the development of mycorrhiza and plant growth. The fungi were Elaphomyces muricatus and Elaphomyces granulates and the inoculated seedlings were compared to an uninoculated control. These seedlings were all fertilized with arginine.
Five mycorrhiza species were found after DNA sequencing of the mycorrhizal root tips with different found morphotypes on seedlings from all treatments. Thelephora terrestris was the type which had the greatest distribution on pine seedlings and Tylospora asterophora was found at big extent on spruce seedlings. The inoculated species was not found, if it was due to the species hadn?t colonized the roots or if the DNA sequencing failed we can only speculate about.
Överlevnad och tillväxt för nyplantersade barrots- och täckrotsplantor : en studie av 42 bestånd i södra Sverige
The choice between bare-rooted and containerized seedlings in southern Sweden affects
the investment costs as well as growth and survival. It is important to take these differences
into account when choosing seedling type for reforestation. The most important
differences between the two seedling-types is that bare-rooted seedlings has open root
systems whereas the roots of containerized seedlings are grown in a container which may
contain water and nutrients that are available for the seedling during the first period after
planting. Moreover, bare-rooted seedlings are often older which results in thicker stembase
and better resistance to attacks of pine-weevil (Hylobius abietis).
In order to study differences in survival and growth between bare-rooted and containerized
seedlings a survey study of newly planted clearcuts in south-western Sweden was
made. In the study tree seedling types was included, one bare-rooted and two containerized
with different ages.
The population of pine weevils was probably low during the studied period which
resulted in lower pine-weevil damage than normally found in this area.
Betydelsen av taggbuskar, ljus och hävd vid föryngring av ek (Quercus robur)
Many species and hence biodiversity depend on old, large oaks (Quercus robur) with hollow trunks. The populations of oak-living organisms have to migrate to a nearby old oak in order to survive the death of the host. The oak district south of Linköping, Sweden, is unique in area and the number of old oaks. It is anyway doubtful whether regeneration of oak will secure future continuity. Oaks are light-demanding and thrive in open pastures.
Skuggvävens effekt på fryslagrade täckrotsplantor av tall (Pinus sylvestris) i upptiningsstadiet :
This project was an assignment by Sveaskog and Svenska Skogsplantor. The purpose was to study the effect of protective fabric on the thawing stage of frozen pine seedlings. The function of the protective fabric is that it should protect the seedlings against strong sunlight and create an even temperature inside the boxes containing the seedlings. The result has shown that there was no statistically significant difference when the protective fabric was used or when it was not used, although this was probably due to the weather conditions. The study was carried out under cold and cloudy weather conditions and probably would have given other results if there had been more sunny days with a higher ambient temperature.
Betesskador på lärkplantor
The purpose of this study was to show how the Hybrid Larch (Larix eurolepis x) are used by large herbivores in terms of grazing and fraying. More specifically I studied how impact on the seedlings was affected by forest stand area, tree height and stem density (stems/ha).The survey was done in Jönköpings county in southern Sweden.
About 50 % of all stems that are measured are damaged by grazing and 5,8 % was damaged from fraying. The conclusion of the study is that the biggest influencing factor is the height of the seedlings. The size of the stands and number off seedlings per hectare have almost no impact on the injuries on the seedlings. Fraying are common on trees smaller than 3 meters, and doesn?t occur on trees above that height.
Selektion av äpplefröplantor på Balsgård :
Today in Sweden, apples are mostly cultivated for direct consumption, i.e. dessert apples. Apple breeding aims at developing cultivars with new and improved qualities in order to meet the demands of different target groups and to increase the interest in apples on the market. Different target groups have different views on the qualities of an apple. The consumer, for instance, wants an apple that is tasty and beautiful, while the grower, in addition, wants an apple cultivar that is healthy, has good winter hardiness and a predictable, annual productivity.
Mortalitet och skottskjutningsförmåga hos ek (Quercus robur) efter brand :
In this study I analysed how burning affects sprouting ability and survival of oak (Quercus robur) during the first season after a burn in southern Sweden. The study
consisted of two separate field tests; in the first, two 300 m2- plots in western oak
dominated forest were burned to analyze the fire behavior and the immediate mortality of oak and beech seedlings defined as individuals (> 20cm of height). At the end of the season almost 50% of the oak seedlings had resprouted while the beech seedlings had 100% mortality. An attempt to investigate the effect of the burn of artificially sown acorns was totally ruined by wild boar grouting before any conclusive results could be seen.
In the second test the resprouting ability of oaks of varying diameters (average BHD 7-9 cm, range 2-42 cm) was examined one season after a prescribed burn in southeastern Sweden.
Anlockning och gnag av snytbaggar (Hylobius sp.) : effekt av plantstorlek och behandling med metyljasmonat
Two field experiments were conducted in central Sweden in order to: 1) Determine a relationship between the number of approaching pine weevils (Hylobius sp.) and the number of attacks by pine weevils, in relation to the size of seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). 2) Determine if application of methyljasmonate (MJ) on seedlings of Scots pine will result in higher resistance towards attacks by pine weevils and/or have any effect on the number of approaching pine weevils. The field experiments were designed with two separate parts in close vicinity on the same clear cuttings: a) pitfall traps placed in patches of scarified soil that caught approaching pine weevils at 2.5 cm from the bait, which consisted of different sized seedlings of Scots pine some of which were subjected to application of MJ and b) the same type of seedlings planted out in patches of scarified soil.
The first field experiment was conducted on a 1-year old clear cutting outside Uppsala in east central Sweden and the trapping part of the experiment consisted of 8 blocks with 6 treatments: 1) control, 2) small over-wintered seedling, 3) medium sized seedling, 4) medium sized seedling treated with 0.5 ml 100 mmol MJ 4 days prior to start of experiment, 5) large seedling, 6) vial with 9.5 ml of ?-pinene. The trapping experiment lasted for 6 weeks in the early summer.
Moderna hävstångsinstrument : En studie av Mini Futures framtid på den svenska marknaden
Det har skett en nästintill explosionsartad utveckling på den svenska marknaden för hävstångsinstrument under de senaste åren och en mängd nya produktinnovationer och emittenter har dykt upp. Handeln med Mini Futures är väl utbredd i Europa där det funnits under en längre tid, och produkten lanserades för några år sedan på den svenska marknaden. Syftet med denna uppsats är att kartlägga både emittenter och konsumenters syn på Mini Futures och analysera om dessa hävstångsinstrument är lämpliga för vanliga småsparare. Likaså vill vi undersöka produktens potential och hur framtidsutsikterna kan se ut på den svenska marknaden.Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ studie där vi intervjuat personer som arbetar med eller i nära anknytning till handeln med hävstångsinstrument. Studien har även kompletterats med en kvantitativ enkätundersökning för att lyfta in investerarnas perspektiv.
Transport och terminalhantering av plantor på Södra
This study has been carried out at Södra´s 31 local forestry districts and within six plant terminals. The production and sale of seedlings at Södra is managed in collaboration with ?Södra Odlarna?. Approximately 35 million plants are cultivated each year, providing Södra´s members with a wide choice of high quality plants. The seedlings are nurtured at nurseries before transferred to plant terminals where they are stored and watered.
Sjuksköterskans identifiering av nutritionsstatus med bedömningsinstrumentet Mini Nutritional Assessment
Undernäring förekommer både inom sjukvård och inom omsorg. Det är sjuksköterskans uppgift att identifiera näringstillstånd och det kan göras genom antropometriska mått och bedömningsinstrumentet Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA). Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa sjuksköterskans nytta av bedömningsinstrument MNA. Resultatet baserades på 15 artiklar. Det är vanligt inom omvårdnad att personer är undernärda eller är i riskzonen för att drabbas av undernäring.
Plantering av gran (Picea abies) på kalhyggen och självföryngring under högskärmar av björk (Betula pendula och Betula pubescens) : föryngringsresultat 7-10 år efter avverkning
The aims of the silvicultural method natural regeneration of spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) in birch (Betula pendula and pubescens) shelterwoods are to establish a new stand of tree seedl-ings and to protect those from high groundwater levels, frost damages and grass competition during its first life years.
The aim of this work has been to (i) describe how shelterwood and stand characteristics influ-ence the results from using natural regeneration of spruce protected by a shelterwood of birch, and to (ii) compare those regeneration results with planting of spruce after soil scarification in clear-cut areas.
Totally 17 harvesting sites have been inventoried and 15 of those included natural regenera-tion in birch shelterwoods, and two were subjects to soil scarification and planting of spruce. The sites represented 7-10 year old final cuts and are located in the coastal (eastern) region of the province of Norrbotten in Sweden. In all areas shelterwood and stand characteristics, as well as the number of main crop seedlings and the height of the highest main crop spruce seedling, were estimated and registered in all areas.
Arbetsterapeuters användning av Mini Mental Test (MMT) inom kommunal rehabilitering
SammanfattningInom den kommunala rehabiliteringen möter arbetsterapeuten personer med vitt skilda slag av sjukdomar och funktionsnedsättningar. En av de vanligare grupperna är personer, som av olika skäl drabbas av kognitiva nedsättningar. Arbetsterapeuten bedömer personer med kognitiva funktionsnedsättningar bl.a. med hjälp av olika bedömningsinstrument. Screening -instrumentet Mini Mental Test (MMT) är ett av de mest använda.
"Mini Nutritional Assessment" och undernärda äldre : En empirisk studie utifrån sjuksköterskans erfarenheter
Bakgrund: Undernäring är ett vanligt förekommande problem bland den äldre befolkningen. Att kunna identifiera de människor som lider av undernäring ligger inom sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsansvar. Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) skalan är ett av de olika mätinstrument som används för att i tidigt skede upptäcka undernärda äldre eller de som riskerar att bli undernärda. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av användning av MNA-skalan hos äldre patienter. Metod: Semistrukturerade intervjuer med hjälp av en intervjuguide genomfördes med tio yrkesverksamma sjuksköterskor på två geriatriska avdelningar.