

1339 Uppsatser om Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) - Sida 5 av 90

Ljuslyktan Ballongen :  

During my final examination project, I have been working with a design process to develop a new set of candle lanterns for the company Sagaform AB. This company has a large and significant role on the Swedish interior design and retail market. The assignment was developed when the company stated that they would like to supplement and expand its existing range of products. The research and surveys I have done have helped me to create eight different concepts and one of them ready to compete with the existing candle lanterns on the market. The result of my concept proposal expected to be included in Sagaform?s 2013 spring catalogue. During the project I have developed 3D-rendered images, a physical model, and a solid foundation for making prototypes. The Balloon has an attractive design language that fits both every day and more festive events.

Skriftliga omdömen och betyg hjälper eller stjälper det?

This examination project focuses on the pupils and teachers experience of written assessments and grades.  To highlight the significance of assessments and grades we will present the background to the development of the current educational view of knowledge, assessment and marking models.  Today?s current laws and policies are described as is a proposal for a future law and grading scheme.The project is based on literature we have read and the empirical material is derived from interviews with eight students and two teachers. Four of the students are eleven years old, the other four are between seventeen and nineteen. The teachers teach years four and five. Each sex is equally represented.  The interview questions are based on the students memories and personal development discussions in which the written assessments were presented.

Har barnet ont?- Barnsjuksköterans bedömning av smärta hos barn som vårdas på neonatalavdelning

Introduction: The complexity of the neonates? way of expressing pain is a difficulttask for the pediatric nurse. The Swedish national guidelines for prevention and treatmentof pain in the newborn infant is suggesting that departments regularly use structuredmethods, such as pain assessment instrument, for the assessment of pain in the neonatalperiod. Previous research shows that pain assessment instruments are only used in abouthalf of all pain assessments in Sweden. Neonate's cannot verbally communicate their pain,and are therefore dependent on the pediatric nurse to acknowledge the pain.

?Tala nu om för fröken vad du kan? :  en komparativ studie om fem lärares syn på bedömning i skolår 1-3

The evaluation and assessment of a pupil?s knowledge is today an important part of a teachers work. The function of the evaluations for younger pupils (grades 1-3) has assumed a more prominent role in the school system due to the introduction of written assessments as well as national testing in grade 3. One of the purposes of this research has been to find out the teacher?s opinions of the written assessment in grade 3.

Synen på värdering av Itsystem. En kvalitativ studie av IT-investeringar i fyra kommuner i Västra Götaland

When a municipality is about to realize an IT investment, e.g. an economy system, theywill need to do procurement according to the laws of procurements. To perform suchprocurement takes time and energy from the everyday work at the municipalities, andtherefore they want to make a quick and efficient procurement. Unfortunately it showsthat municipalities do not always make an assessment that is sufficient enough for theirneeds, which can result in an inefficient system in a longer perspective. Municipalitiesthink more often about the hard values such as costs of the investments, and not alwaysas much when it comes to the soft values, like the user-friendliness.

Värderingsprocesser för bedöming av siginfikanta aspekter i företagsledning för hållbar utveckling

The use of environmental management systems, and objectives-led corporate management have become a widespread phenomenon today. Identification and assessment of an organisation?s significant (environmental) aspects is crucial within this work. Identification and especially assessment of significant aspects is often considered as a problematic step in many organisations. There are no generally accepted methods how to undertake this crucial step.

Navigering i Habermas världsdimensioner : en fallstudie i bedömnings- och betygsförfarande inom praktisk idrottsundervisning

Aim: The purpose of the study was to investigate how the assessment and grading is designed and practiced in the practical courses of physical education at GIH - the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, along with how it could affect newly graduated physical education teachers? ability to assess and grade students. The study was based on Habermas?s system and life-world theory.What view occurs concerning proficiencies, basis for assessment and marking among teachers who are responsible for examinations within physical education at GIH?How is the examination structured within physical education at GIH?How are skills and proficiencies among assessment and marking further mediated to students in the teacher education at GIH?Method: The case study was realized by performing qualitative interviews with a total of four teachers at physical education at GIH. Additionally, syllabi were text-analyzed to improve the validity of the study.Results: From the results we found that the teachers experience marking as a complicated assignment, where particularly the didactic ability but also the practical ability form a formative and summative assessment.

Lärare och elevers attityder kring feedback - En studie inom SO på mellanstadiet

Swedish school children's results have deteriorated in recent years and formative assessment is, in accordance with previous research, a way to develop students' learning and performance. A part of formative assessment is based on feedback that students should receive before, during and after a new assignment. In this study, we want to find out how students and teachers apprehend students' development in relation to feedback and what general attitudes towards feedback can be seen in both parties. The literature and theory discussed is linked to formative assessment, both at international and national level where many important aspects of formative assessment are essential in relation to pupils' further development. The theories are based heavily on human interaction and socio-cultural perspective as a concept.

Muntlig färdighet ? lärares uppfattningar om metoder för lärande och bedömning :   En studie av sju lärares uppfattningar om bedömning av muntlig färdighet i språk

My aim is to find out about teachers? perceptions of methods concerning learning and assessment of oral proficiencies. My questions are: What perceptions are there among teachers concerning assessment of oral proficiencies? How do teachers describe their ways of promoting and assessing oral proficiency? In order to answer my questions and obtain data I have accomplished two focus groups interviews with seven language teachers. The result shows that teachers are concerned with several factors regarding assessment of oral proficiency.

Vård efter behov, eller?

The aim of the study was to examine how social workers investigate and assess addiction cases whether gender matters or not. The following questions were asked in the study; ? Does the gender of the client influence whether a case is opened after the first meeting at the Addiction Unit? ? Do social workers consider there is a difference in handling an addiction treatment investigation when the client is a man or a woman? ? Do divergences exist in the assessment and the final decision process when the case concerns a man or a woman? The study is based on the qualitative method. The material is gathered from semi-structured interviews with social workers. Their job tasks include assessment and evaluation of addiction cases.

Processboken : Ett pedagogiskt verktyg att använda inom hantverksstudier

The students participating in my development work will work with a process book for handicraft studies. In the beginning of their studies, the students need practical knowledge about the development of the profession itself, but they also need to be challenged and learn how to solve problems on their own which will help them gain a deeper knowledge of the subject.    I focus on open questions to create a process with the students. This process is created when working with Solution-Focused-Education. Through ?assessment for learning? we can help the students to improve their self-assessment and understanding of the learning process.

Dömd eller bedömd? : en studie om bedömning av de nationella proven ur ett lärarperspektiv

The aim of this study was to analyze the assessment of the national tests seen from the teacher?s perspective. The national tests are performed in the Swedish school, classes 3, 5, 9, and the upper secondary school (gymnasiet). There has been an ongoing discussion regarding assessment and grading for a long time and it is of high interest now more than ever. The last control assessment done in 2009 by the department of school inspections on the order of the Swedish government, showed big differences between the assessments done by the teachers, and the assessments completed by the department of school inspections.

"Bedömning är ju att man ska sätta betyg" : En kvalitativ studie av lärares tankar om bedömning

Syftet med följande studie är att undersöka hur gymnasielärare kan resonera kring bedömning. Fokus ligger på huruvida respondenterna har ett i huvudsak formativt eller summativt förhållningssätt, samt vilka möjligheter respektive hinder de ser i formativa bedömningsmetoder. Empirin har insamlats genom intervjuer, och visar att respondenterna har en summativ syn på bedömning där betygsskalan är central. De möjligheter som ses i formativa metoder är ökad medvetenhet hos eleverna samt tydlighet gällande kursmål. De hinder som tas upp gäller elevernas mognad, lärarens osäkerhet och otillräckliga kunskap samt tidsåtgången..

Mini-HTA som redskap för evidensbaserat arbetssätt vid överburenhet. En kritisk analys.

Detta arbete är en teoretisk studie där syftet är att se om s.k. Health TechnologyAssessment (HTA) är ett arbetsverktyg som leder till evidensbaserad vård vidöverburenhet. Definitionen överburen graviditet är när graviditetslängden är mer än 42+0graviditetsveckor, eller mer än 294 dagar. Under januari ? mars 2007 genomfördes ettmini-HTA vid Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset för att granska artiklar gällandeöverburenhet.

Vad påverkar beslutet av missbruksvård? : Faktorer som kan påverka val av insats

Title:What influences the assessment of addiction treatment? - Factors that may affect thechoice of interventionsThere are few studies on trauma and the importance of religion for the professional handlingof abuse clients in a Swedish context. It is therefore appropriate to examine the role of suchfactors. This study examines whether experienced trauma in childhood or religious beliefsinfluence the assessment and selection of input in fictitious cases. To examine this created sixvignettes.

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