

1339 Uppsatser om Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) - Sida 3 av 90

"Äta bör man, annars dör man...": En retrospektiv datajournalgranskning om nutrition på IVA

Bakgrund: Adekvat näringstillförsel är en viktig del i återhämtning och utfall förintensivvårdspatienter. Nutrition på IVA har visats sig ha en lägre prioritet jämförtmed övriga omvårdnadsåtgärder. Internationella studier har därtill belyst attintensivvårdspatienter ofta erhåller otillräcklig näringstillförsel, vilket är förknippatmed negativa följder för patienten. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka hurmycket näring intensivvårdspatienter erhåller, utifrån beräknat näringsbehov baseratpå 25 kcal/kg/dygn. Metod: En retrospektiv datajournalgranskning utfördes påpatienter som hade en vårdtid längre än sju vårddygn, oberoende av ålder, kön ochdiagnos.

Distriktsköterskors arbete med malnutrierade äldre personer inom kommunal hemsjukvård

Background:Malnutrition is a nursing issue that causes both physical and psychological suffering of those who are affected. In order to achieve care that is safe and has a good quality, it must be based on the assessment and actions of the state. District nurses play a central role in this work. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the district nurses' work with identifying and addressing malnutrition in older people in nursing Home Care of the Community. Method: Six interviews with district nurses were conducted.

Undernäring hos äldre- ett gemensamt ansvar : Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av team-samverkan kring den äldre patientens nutritionsbehov inom äldreboende

Purpose: The purpose of this interview study was to describe the nurses? view of their experiences of interaction with other professionals to improve the elderly patient's nutritional status in municipal elderly care.Method: The study is based on qualitative interviews with nine nurses and was analyzed according to a qualitative content analysis method.Results: The main themes that emerged: Communication among the involved, To feel secure in their role, Lack of structure. The nurses worked closely with nursing staff and cooperated more with doctors about nutrition than with the physiotherapist and occupational therapist. The nurses felt they had the main responsibility for maintaining a good nutritional status of the elderly patient and described themselves as primarily responsible for nutrition while they lacked nutritional competence equal to the responsibilities they had during the whole nutrition process. The nurses had no community dietitian?s skills and felt that the dietitian had a great responsibility and the most updated knowledge in diet and nutrition.

"Ny som chef/ledare" : En studie om effekter av ledarutvecklingsprogram

Det har skett en nästintill explosionsartad utveckling på den svenska marknaden för hävstångsinstrument under de senaste åren och en mängd nya produktinnovationer och emittenter har dykt upp. Handeln med Mini Futures är väl utbredd i Europa där det funnits under en längre tid, och produkten lanserades för några år sedan på den svenska marknaden. Syftet med denna uppsats är att kartlägga både emittenter och konsumenters syn på Mini Futures och analysera om dessa hävstångsinstrument är lämpliga för vanliga småsparare. Likaså vill vi undersöka produktens potential och hur framtidsutsikterna kan se ut på den svenska marknaden.Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ studie där vi intervjuat personer som arbetar med eller i nära anknytning till handeln med hävstångsinstrument. Studien har även kompletterats med en kvantitativ enkätundersökning för att lyfta in investerarnas perspektiv.

Neuroticism i relation till motivation, självkänsla samt affektivitet.

Tidigare forskning har visat att det finns ett samband mellan personlighetsdraget neuroticism och yttre motivation, a-motivation, låg självkänsla samt negativ affekt. Syftet med studien var att öka förståelsen för neuroticism som personlighetsdrag utifrån individernas motivationstyp, självkänsla samt individernas affektiva tillstånd. Studien undersökte även reliabiliteten hos instrumentet Mini-IPIP som har undersökt personlighetsdrag inom Big-five-teorin. Syftet testades med hjälp av fyra självskattningstester. Dessa var Mini-IPIP, Situational Motivation Scale (SIMS), Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) samt Rosenbergs Self-esteem Scale (SES).

Bedömning : för en högre måluppfyllelse i matematik i grundskolans tidigare år

Assessment is considered one of the most important tools used today by people in almost everything they do and learn. This also applies to school, where assessment is considered as a constant companion to teaching and used in order to develop students' learning and skills. Assessment is also an educational necessity which has different purposes and therefore different consequences.                                                                                                                        The idea of ??this thesis was on the basis of the interviewed teacher's perspective to investigate what role the formative assessment has on the development of pupils' learning and knowledge in mathematics for primary education, and explore how the teacher can, according to my informants, work with this assessment practice in the classroom so that it promotes the learning of the students in the best possible way.                                                                To carry out this study, I used qualitative research studies, the interview method, and also talked to five different teachers in the lower school ages on their view at the work of the formative assessment. Theoretical basis of the thesis is also based on the research that says that the assessment can be used to promote student learning and knowledge, but also the teacher's learning?s in the educational process: assessment can and should be an assessment for learning.

Upplopp i Stockholms västra förorter : En kvalitativ studie kring varför ungdomar startar upplopp

Det har skett en nästintill explosionsartad utveckling på den svenska marknaden för hävstångsinstrument under de senaste åren och en mängd nya produktinnovationer och emittenter har dykt upp. Handeln med Mini Futures är väl utbredd i Europa där det funnits under en längre tid, och produkten lanserades för några år sedan på den svenska marknaden. Syftet med denna uppsats är att kartlägga både emittenter och konsumenters syn på Mini Futures och analysera om dessa hävstångsinstrument är lämpliga för vanliga småsparare. Likaså vill vi undersöka produktens potential och hur framtidsutsikterna kan se ut på den svenska marknaden.Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ studie där vi intervjuat personer som arbetar med eller i nära anknytning till handeln med hävstångsinstrument. Studien har även kompletterats med en kvantitativ enkätundersökning för att lyfta in investerarnas perspektiv.

Elevers perspektiv på bedömning för lärande

The aim of this study was to examine the students' perspectives on formative assessment, partly about how students perceived the assessment in general, partly about what students' opinions were on formative assessment, and partly about students' view of how assessment could be organized to stimulate learning process.  The study consisted of qualitative interviews with six students in grades one in an upper secondary school.The survey showed that students primarily perceived assessment with summative purpose: tests and scores.  Majority of the students experienced that there were too many tests occasions.  Those high-performing students were positive to tests.  However, those lower-performing students felt more negative and became more stressful with the exams.Results showed that they were lack of experience of formative assessment.  All the six students thought that they had not got any chance to involve in the assessments process.  They realized that they had not got adequate feedback about their learning-situations.  With regard to students' wishes about how assessment could be developed in order to improve their learning, it was mainly about more and concrete feedback on tests and assignments.Two models were developed in the final discussion, which showed the author's own perception of formative and summative assessments..

Betyg, bedömning och sociala relationer : En studie om hider och möjligheter för likvärdig bedömning

This study examines assessment and how the teaching staff at one school reason around equivalent assessment. More specifically, it aims at studying what obstacles and possibilities the teachers identify to achieve this. Furthermore, the study wishes to gain insight about the current state of the equivalent assessment within the examined teaching staff. The study is based on five semi-structured interviews as well as previous research on the subject matter. To deepen the understanding and highlight case problems that surround assessment, the participating teachers also assess an authentic essay.

Måltidsrutiner och förekomst av undernäring inom äldreomsorgen i Piteå kommun : en kvantitativ studie

Bakgrund Undernäring är vanligt bland personer bosatta på vårdhem, närmare bestämt 15-40% av dem är undernärda. Det finns olika sätt att undersöka om en person är undernärd, en modell är Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA). Studier som använts sig av MNA-modellen visar att undernäringen minskat från 36 % 1999 till 18 % 2008. Att matsedelsplaneringen utgår från vårdtagarnas behov är viktigt. Även om antalet välnärda ökat inom äldreomsorgen är undernäring fortfarande ett stort problem, därför känns det angeläget att belysa detta område.Syfte Syftet med undersökningen är att skapa en överblick hur måltidsrutinerna samt undernäring ser ut och hur den kan förbättras inom äldreomsorgen i Piteå kommun.Metod Studien gjordes enligt en kvantitativ metod med strukturerade intervjuer.

Lärares använding av formativ bedömning i matematikundervisningen : En observationsstudie av lärare i årskurs 4-6

The aim of this study was to investigate what formative assessment means and get information about how teachers? assessment practice in formative assessment can look like, based on five key strategies. I have observed five teachers in grade 4 to 6 during a week of their mathematics teaching. Formative assessment is assessment for learning and has the purpose to support students? knowledge development.

Bedömningsarbete i grundskolans tidigare år­?lärandesyn, bedömningsprinciper och lärarpraxis : En jämförande studie mellan Sverige och Ryssland

Issues related to knowledge assessment and its consequences for both the individual and the entire school system are topical in today's school debate. The mere fact that didactic issues that focus on assessment are discussed actively not only in scholastic environments but even in media and other communities is further proof that knowledge assessment is an important and complex phenomenon in our lives.The subject that I have chosen to look into is about how the work with assessment issues is handled in Swedish as well as Russian elementary school's early years. The goal with this study is to see how my studies have been conducted with a qualitative approach by which I collected qualitative information in the form of documents, papers and interviews. To make the approach even more appropriate for my area of research, I have chosen to merge two qualitative research methods. The first is a qualitative content analysis which analyses the governing documents.

"Ska jag förklara det?! Alla har ju redan löst det så vad spelar det för roll?" Användandet av formativ bedömning i utvecklingen av de matematiska förmågorna i Lgy 11

The aim of this study is to investigate how mathematics teachers use formative assessment to make the course objectives clear to the student. This is part of a wider aim in Sweden to find ways for improving mathematics teaching. Qualitative semi-structrured interviews and observations were used for collecting data. Different approaches to integrate formative assessment in their classrooms is discussed: questioning, discussions in whole-class, group work and assessment and feedback. The analysis of the results indicated that the teachers thought differently about how to integrate the course objectives in their planning.

Bedömning av laborativtarbete i gymnasiefysik

In the current situation there is not much written about assessment of laboratory work, and the majority of the working physics teachers are retiring and there are only a few newly qualified physics teachers. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how physics teachers assess laboratory work within upper secondary schools, with Gy2011 in mind. The new grade system, Gy2011, has a larger focus on the laboratory work then the earlier system Lpf 94. Skolverket has in their man-ual with examples of assessment two different sorts of laboratory experiments. The first assess-ment is regarding the planning of a laboratory work and the other about how able the pupil exe-cutes laboratory work.

Sjuksköterskors skattning av patienters postoperativa smärta - en litteraturstudie

Background: Patients postoperative pain is often underestimated. Untreated or undertreated pain decreases the chance of optimal recovery after surgery. Pain assessment is an important factor of efficient pain relief. Aim: The aim of the literature study was to describe factors of importance for nurses´ assessment of postoperative pain in patients. Method: A literature study was done where qualitative and one quantitative article was reviewed.

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