

1339 Uppsatser om Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) - Sida 18 av 90

Utvärdering av Naturvårdsverkets bedömningsgrunder för makrofyter i sjöar

According to the Water Framework Directive of the European Union, macrophytes should be used as indicators in the ecological and environmental monitoring of lakes. In the member state Sweden the Environmental Protection Agency has elaborated assessment criteria for determining lake status based on macrophytes. The main focus of this thesis is to evaluate the efficiency of the assessment criteria for macrophytes. In addition the concordance between the ecological status classes of the four quality factors included was analysed.The assessment criteria for macrophytes are based on the total phosphorus preference of the respective species. The focus is thus mainly on the nutrient level of the investigated lakes and the environmental problem monitored is eutrophication.

Innehållsliga och språkliga kvaliteter i relation till betygen : En studie av elevtexter i nationella provet i svenska för årskurs 9

The assessing of student texts is an ordinary and important task for teachers, and the purpose of this study is to investigate, analyze and discuss which aspects of writing that particularly have an effect on the assessment of the student texts. The aspects in focus are: contents, genre, text length, paragraphing, sentence structure and choice of words.The data is drawn from six texts in the national test in Swedish for the 9th grade. Thetexts are analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively regarding contents as well as language.The results show that the qualities of language influence the assessment more than the qualities of contents. Both word variation index and the number of long words increase in relation to raising marks. Uncommon words are also more frequent in texts which receive higher marks.

Osteometriska Mätningar : För artbedömning av får, get och svin utifrån mått av revben

Ribs from sheep, goat and pig are rarely assessed  to species due to the fact that they are very similar in their morphology and size. The ribs are instead considered unidentifiable although it is possible to see what kind of bone it is. If these ribs would be identified to species not only would species assessment degree of archaeological source material   increase, the relationship between meat-rich and meat poor regions would change.To find out whether there are morphologically measurable differences between sheep, goat and pig ribs, three measurement points on each rib has been defined and measured. At each measurement point two measurements were measured, one medial-lateral measurement and one cranial-caudal measurement. The ratio between the medial- lateral measurement and the cranial-caudal measurement was calculated for each point.

Kreditbedömning gentemot småföretag :  hur hanterar två lokala banker sin kreditgivning?

This essay aims to analyze based on the theory SEB and Nordea´s credit assessment process against small enterprises..

Föräldrars upplevelse av en återgivning efter en barnpsykologisk utredning

Barnpsykologiska utredningar har blivit allt vanligare. En viktig del av en utredning är återgivningen då resultaten delges föräldrarna. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka föräldrars upplevelse av en återgivning med fokus på relationen till utredaren, validering, invalidering, samt emotioner i förhållande till upplevelsen av att ha fått ny förståelse för barnet. Studien är en tvärsnittsstudie med 33 deltagare. Resultaten visar att positiva emotioner och invalidering är de bästa prediktorerna för i vilken grad föräldrarna upplever att de får ny förståelse.

Från Facebook till ?Fakebook?? : Facebooks inverkan på rekryteringsprocesser och dess eventuella påverkan på individens profilutformning

Our purpose was to investigate when a specific phenomenon is taken out of context and used in a manner not originally intended for. Facebook is meant to be used in the private sphere as a way for individuals to communicate and keep in touch with family, friends and acquaintances. However, Facebook has begun to be used increasingly in the professional context like recruitment. We have through qualitative interviews explored how the respondents, professional recruiters and future job applicants, think about the use of Facebook in a recruitment process. By applying theories dealing with roles and lifestyles we have been able to pinpoint our empirical data.

Evidens som hegemonisk strategi i socialt arbete : en diskursanalys av den språkliga praktiken i en barn och ungdomsgrupp som arbetar med ett strukturerat beslutsstöd

This thesis describes how social work language practice circulates around the implementation process of an evidence based structured assessment tool – Savry. The purpose is to examine and understand the social workers language practice in a working group that uses this structured assessment tool in their work with youth. The purpose is also to look for dimensions of identity in terms of discourse. The ontological viewpoint is post-structuralism where language is in focus. The theoretical framework is discourse theory based upon the work of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av triageprocessen på en vuxenpsykiatrisk akutmottagning : En empirisk studie

Title: Nurses´ Experience of Triage Process in the Psychiatric A & E Departmentfor AdultsAuthor: Miljatovic, MilosDepartment: School of Life Sciences, University of SkövdeCourse: Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Thesis in Nursing Care, 15 ECTSSupervisor: -Examiner: Brovall, MariaPages: 23Keywords: Triage, Nurse, Psychiatric A & E Department for Adults, Triage scaleBackground: In the beginning of 21st century some psychiatric A & E departments inSweden have introduced triage process and psychiatric triage scales. The aim was to meetthe growing numbers of patients with mental health problems attending psychiatric A & Edepartments, in order to shorten waiting and transit times.Aim: The aim of the study was to illustrate nurses´ experiences of triage process in thepsychiatric A & E department.Method: Qualitative empirical study was conducted.Results: Three categories were identified: Triage process creates confidence, Obstacles intriage assessment, Possibilities for improved patient care through triage process; and sixsubcategories: Aid and support in having an assessment tool, Sense of comradeship,Getting possibility to take answer and show the competence, Deficiencies with assessmenttool, Sense of inadequateness due to long waiting times to physician, Sense of ambiguityduring the triage process.Discussion: Safe triage process is needed to achieve quality care in the psychiatric A & Edepartment, thus it is important that nurses have adequate triage scale, and the resultssuggest that it is important for nurses to have an adequate triage scale which makes iteasier for nurses in nursing care..

Sjuksköterskors tillvägagångssätt vid smärtbedömning av äldre patienter

Bakgrund: Smärta är ett flerdimensionellt fenomen och ett vanligt problem inom äldrevården. Smärtbehandling finns att tillgå, trots detta är smärta underbehandlat hos äldre patienter.Syftet: Syftet med studien är att belysa hur sjuksköterskor bedömer fysisk smärta i omvårdnad av äldre patienter.Metod: Litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ ansats har använts. Datamaterialet bestod av fem kvantitativa och fyra kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar.Resultat: Det framkom tre huvudkategorier: smärtbedömningsprocesser, smärtbedömningsmetoder och smärtbedömningsredskap. Ur huvudkategorierna urskildes sex underkategorier: smärtidentifiering, smärtbedömningssvårigheter, kommunikation med patienterna för att bedöma smärta, smärtobservation, smärtbedömningsinstrument och dokumentation.Slutsatser: För att göra en smärtbedömning behövs en god relation till patienten, närstående och övrig personal där kommunikation har central roll. Sjuksköterskan måste tro på patientens egen skattning och smärtupplevelse..

Signalanalys med ATLAS

On Ericsson Ltd in Borås a wireless communication system called MINI-LINK? is produced. In order to sell their product with the best possible quality guaranty, there is a signal processing circuit called ATLAS implemented in the system. This circuit would eventually be useful in the production and for the repairs of the radio units. Our commission was to examine the possibility for this use.

Radikal Liberalteologi i praktiken: : Douglas Edenholm som teolog och församlingspräst åren  1928 - 1970

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to investigate the views Swedish elementary school teachers produce on the subject of ethics. The teachers? thoughts on selection among ethical notions is described and also how these notions are assessed. The essay proceeds from the central content and the knowledge requirement in the syllabus of religious knowledge.The empirical survey is based on qualitative scientific interviews with four teachers employed in grades 4-6 at different schools.The teachers find ethics in its current state of the syllabus hard to define and they find encounters with parents and pupils difficult in their tasks. The selection of ethics is decided by previously planned basic values education or from conflicts erupting during schools hours.

Saving Lives of Mothers and Babies. An Assessment on Nurse-Midwives´ Knowledge in Bangladesh.

Introduction: Two women die every hour due to pregnancy and childbirth relatedcomplications in Bangladesh. It is well known that a strong midwifery profession is the key toachieving safer childbirth and it is the right of every woman to have access to a fully trainedmidwife and to a safe delivery. However this is not the case in Bangladesh. Today, theexisting nurse-midwives are not fully utilized for the midwifery services. The profession ismal-distributed, functioning as multi-purpose service provider and are not recognized as aseparate cadre of midwives.

Formativ bedömning och individanpassad undervisning i matematik. En inblick i hur dessa metoder ter sig i grundskolan.

Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka hur lärare resonerar kring hur de arbetar med formativ bedömning och individanpassad undervisning i matematikundervisningen i grundskolan. Vi har därför undersökt detta område närmare genom en empirisk enkätstudie. Vårt urval har bestått av respondenter som dagligen möter denna problematik och som har erfarenheter inom området d.v.s. grundskollärare. Hälften av respondenterna hävdade att de individanpassade matematikundervisningen i stor utsträckning, resterande i måttlig eller liten utsträckning. Gällande frågan om formativ bedömning svarade omkring hälften av respondenterna att implementeringen av formativ bedömning sker i stor utsträckning och resterande i liten eller måttlig utsträckning.

Riskbedömning inom ungdomsvård

Praktiskt arbete inom institution innebär kontinuerliga riskbedömningar och beslutsfattande av eventuella åtgärder. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka uppfattningar och resonemang personal vid två särskilda ungdomshem har kring risker och riskbedömning samt vilka beslutsstrategier som tillämpas. Vidare undersöks skillnader i bedömning ur ett genusperspektiv. Kvalitativ metod tillämpas och studien omfattar tolv intervjuer. Resultaten visar att risk och riskbedömning uppfattas som mångdimensionella begrepp omfattandes samtliga aspekter i det dagliga arbetet, dock förekommer interindividuella skillnader utifrån kunskap, erfarenhet och personlighet.

Näringstillförsel för äldre personer med demenssjukdom,

The aim of this littrature review has been to describe how you can satisfy the need of nourishment for older people who suffer from dementia. Data has been retrieved by searches in Academic Search Elite, Sience Direct, Blackwell, PubMed and in the Journal Vård i Norden. The studies show that most of the people with dementia have a hard time to satisfy the nourishment. The results show that through different preventive measurement you can improve the nourishment for these people, to set the table, play calm music and to have a table companion. By taking the food oneself created a good meal environment and the individually need was provided for.

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