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Hand Arm RiskbedömningsMetod (HARM) : Utvärdering av en metod för riskbedömning av biomekanisk belastning av övre extremiteten vid manuellt arbete samt dess lämplighet vid arbetsmiljötillsyn

AbstractIntroduction: Hand Arm Risk Assessment Method (HARM) is a tool to assess the risks of deve­lo­ping complaints of the arm, neck or shoulders during manual work. The method was developed in the Netherlands primarily for employers, but is also used as an aid to work environment in­spec­tors. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the HARM-method for assessment of biomecha­nical exposure of the upper limbs when performing manual tasks as well as its suitability to be used within work environment inspection. Methods: Ten labour inspectors conducted assessments of five video-recorded work tasks. Assess­ments made with HARM were compared with those made with the Assessment of Re­pe­titive Tasks (ART) tool and with ACGIH Hand Actvity Level (HAL) - both methods for assess­ment of bio­mecha­nical exposure of the upper limbs - and with the model for the assessment of re­pe­titive work in the pro­visions of the Swedish Work Environ­ment Autho­rity on ergonomics for the prevention of mus­culo­skeletal disorders, AFS 1998:1.


The Swedish building and property management sector are responsible for about 30 % of the total energy use. In order to take environmental consideration, different environmental assessment tools and standards are used. Miljo?byggnad, Svanen, FEBY12 and PHI are some of these. There has been increased interest to certify buildings and therefore it is of interest to evaluate the assessment of the energy field to see if relevant energy aspects are assessed.

Betyg och bedömning : i en förberedelseklass år 9

Grades and assessment are a natural part in the school's everyday existence, deliberations about equivalent assessment is discussed all the time between teachers, students, home and school. They that in front are influenced of a grade or a judgement are in first hand the students and therefore are the important for the students to know which objectives and grade criteria that apply for them to achieve at the end of years 9. The aim with this survey is to get the knowledge about how a tutor grade family?s student in a preparatory class in stopped of years 9, in Swedish as a second language. Do the students in a preparatory class's get grades or a judgement? This is interesting also in order to know to which grade criteria students in a preparatory class have to achieve in the compulsory education?s later years and to know how a tutor assesses these students on the basis of those objectives and criteria that apply.

Trulle, Kiwi, Mini och andra metoder En studie om läsinlärningens förutsättningar

Syftet med vårt arbete är att undersöka vilka faktorer det finns som påverkar elevens läsinlärning. Pedagoger har stora mängder av material att välja på, och vi undersöker varför pedagogerna väljer som de gör. Genom att intervjua och samtala med ett antal verksamma pedagoger och utbildare av pedagoger på lärarutbildningen i Malmö så skapar vi en bild av de förutsättningar läsinlärningen har idag, relaterat till dessa yrkesområden. Nya styrdokument samt en ny lärarutbildning ger förändrade förutsättningar för lärande. Vårt resultat visar att oberoende av utbildning så rådfrågar aktiva pedagoger i första hand sina kollegor när det gäller didaktiska val och val av material, men ingen pedagog menar att detta är ett problem..

Lönsamhet och råd i renoveringen av miljonprogrammet

The real estate industry is a sector where the companies generally have a capital structure which is high leveraged. The financing? with the related terms ? is therefore specifically of high importance for the companies in the sector. Traditionally, the way of obtain financing is by borrowing from the bank. Lately, due to new bank regulations, the banks have become more restrictive in their lending which have lead to a growth of other financing alternatives.

Försäljning av allmännyttan : i Stockholmsområdet

The real estate industry is a sector where the companies generally have a capital structure which is high leveraged. The financing? with the related terms ? is therefore specifically of high importance for the companies in the sector. Traditionally, the way of obtain financing is by borrowing from the bank. Lately, due to new bank regulations, the banks have become more restrictive in their lending which have lead to a growth of other financing alternatives.

Gallerior : Historia, trender och framtid

The real estate industry is a sector where the companies generally have a capital structure which is high leveraged. The financing? with the related terms ? is therefore specifically of high importance for the companies in the sector. Traditionally, the way of obtain financing is by borrowing from the bank. Lately, due to new bank regulations, the banks have become more restrictive in their lending which have lead to a growth of other financing alternatives.

Fördjupad miljöriskbedömning av förorenade markekologiska system. : Integrering av kemisk, toxikologisk och ekologisk information.

AbstractThe research project Liberation, supported by the European Commission under the Environment and Sustainable Development Programme (Fifth RTD Framework Programme) aimed at developing a decision support system for ecological risk assessment of contaminated sites has proposed a tiered system including the triad method. This method integrates contaminant chemistry and bioavailability analyses with observed ecotoxicological effects in soil and groundwater. In this study the triad method was used to perform a risk characterization of a former surface treatment and metal industry, now used for the student union buildings of the Mälardalen University in Eskilstuna, Sweden. On the site, high concentrations of copper, zinc and nickel have been detected in the soil in a preliminary investigation of contaminant levels with XRF. For performing the risk assessment of the site according to the triad method, contaminant bioavailability, soil metal concentrations and soil toxicity were determined and an ecological assessment was carried out on four selected soil samples (one reference soil and three samples with low (B), medium (C) and high (D) contaminant levels). Contaminant bioavailability was measured through leaching (ISO TC 190/S7) and biouptake tests (DGT).

Bedömning av anställda i professionella tjänsteföretag - ett kritiskt perspektiv

Human capital is professional service firms' most valuable resource and its quality is closely linked to the quality of its services. The purpose of this study is to investigate how professional service firms appraise their employees. A comparative study between an architecture firm and a management consulting firm is conducted with the aim to identify and explain similarities and differences in performance appraisal. Two qualitative case studies are performed and interviews as well as documents are used to explore the area. The thesis builds on a critical perspective and it has an explorative approach.

Påståendedoktrinens innebörd och tillämpning i skiljemannarätten : Kompetensfördelningen mellan skiljemän och allmän domstol

A valid arbitration agreement constitutes a bar to court proceedings as well as a prerequisite for arbitral proceedings. In NJA 2008 p. 406 and NJA 2012 p. 183, the Swedish Supreme Court applied the so-called doctrine of assertion with respect to the issue of whether a dispute should be settled by arbitration or litigation. Prior to these judgments, it was uncertain if the doctrine of assertion was applicable regarding this issue.

Delirium - Kan användandet av bedömningsinstrumentet CAM-ICU hjälpa sjuksköterskan att upptäcka delirium hos intensivvårdspatienten?

Delirium är ett vanligt tillstånd på intensivvårdsavdelningen (IVA) och forskning visar attpatienter som drabbas av delirium har högre mortalitet, längre vårdtider på sjukhus och sänktlivskvalitet lång tid efter vårdtiden. Det finns olika former av delirium: hyperaktivt,hypoaktivt och blandformer. Den vanligaste formen, hypoaktivt delirium, är lätt att feltolkasom översedering eller depression. Att använda sig av bedömningsinstrument kan göra attdelirium upptäcks tidigare och att patienten snabbare får adekvat vård, vilket kan lindraförloppet. Det har utvecklats olika instrument för att bedöma om patienterna har delirium.Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om användandet av CAM-ICU (ConfusionAssessment Method for Intensive Care Unit - ett bedömningsinstrument av delirium) är ettanvändbart mätinstrument för sjuksköterskan att upptäcka delirium hos patienter som vårdaspå IVA.

Behov och riktlinjer : En kvalitativ studie om biståndsbedömning av äldres hemtjänstinsatser

The purpose of this study was to look into the work of care organizers for elderly care, in three municipalities in southern Sweden, and how they use the law and local guidelines to evaluate the need for home care. The intention was to determine if presence of relatives makes a difference in the needs assessment and if the care organizers practice harmonize with the guidelines. To do this, we did a qualitative study alongside with analyzing each of the local guidelines. By interviewing five care organizers, we were able to see their side of elderly care and how they combine the law and local guidelines in their daily work with elderly care. Our main themes are, in short, the law and local guidelines, the view of care organizing and needs and also closeness to relatives.

Identifiering av infektion i sår, en litteraturstudie

Regardless of what discipline nurses work in, wound care is one of the tasks. Caring for wounds involves early detection of signs of infection, in order to avoid complication. Wound infection extends suffering for the patient and causes unnecessary costs for society. The aim was to describe how nurses can identify infection in wounds. Method: The design of the study was a literature review, where13 scientific articles were examined and analyzed.

Att undervisa i matematik : En komparativ studie angående pedagogiska metoder i Sverige och Kina

The Third International Assessment of Educational Progress (TIMMS) and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) during the last decades regarding the results of mathematics teaching shows that China have a better performance than Sweden?s.Swedish teacher-guidelines focus on developing student?s individual interest and confidence for mathematics. In the Chinese teaching-guidelines for Mathematics Curriculum Standards, Ordninary Senior Secondary, the focus is given on: Elevate their mathematics literacy necessary for future citizenship and Development of citizen´s qualities (s.3).Teachers are the primary factors that impact teaching and learning of mathematics. Two teachers from Sweden and two from China were interviewed and their methods were compared in my study. The aim of my study was to understand mathematics teaching in China and Sweden.

Fonologiskt bedömningsmaterial för förskolebarn : Vilka ord kan ingå?

The present project is a first step towards a new Swedish assessment tool to examine phonological ability in preschool-aged children. The work consisted of developing a word list with words that was considered to reveal a child?s phonological ability and to try out the word list on pre-school children. The reason was to make sure that the words existed in the vocabulary of the children in the chosen ages. A word list consisting of 109 words, which convey relevant phonological information, was created.

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