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En validitetsstudie på beeptestet : avseende maximal aerob kapacitet för elitishockeyspelare
Introduction: This study aimed to investigate the validity and reliability of the 20m multistage shuttle run test (MST) for elite ice hockey players as a predictor of the maximal aerobic capacity and the how the result is affected by the players age, aerobic and anaerobic capacity, body composition and test surface. The purpose of this was to find out the potential of the 20-m shuttle run test as a measuringtool for the maximal aerobic capacity in frequent testing periods during the season. It is very interesting to be able to administer this easily because the competative phase of the season is very long compared to the pre-seasonal phase and earlier studies have shown that the aerobic capacity is being lowered during this competative phase of the season for elite icehockey players.Methods: 34 elite ice hockey players participated in this study (20.0±3.6 yrs, BMI 24.2±1.6 and VO2-max 58.0±4.8 ml O2?kg-1?min-1). During 3-5 days they underwent 2 MST tests (wood and rubber surface), treadmill running with VO2-max assessed with open-circuit technique, Wingate10% and FFM-assessment with underwater-technique.
En psykometrisk undersökning av TOSCA och en explorativ studie om den betydelse som upplevelsen av skam kan ha vid behandling av social fobi
Syftet med föreliggande uppsats var dels att psykometriskt utpröva en svensk översatt självskattningsskala för bland annat skam, Test of Self-Conscious Affect (TOSCA) och dels att undersöka i vilken grad patienter, som får korttidsbehandling av social fobi med hjälp av kognitiv beteendeterapi upplevelse av skam förändras. För den psykometriska utprövningen utgjordes jämförelsegruppen av 72 st psykologstuderande vid psykologiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet. Den kliniska gruppen utgjordes av 8 st behandlingsdeltagare. Resultaten visar att TOSCA har en god intern konsistens och en hög test-retest relia¬bilitet. Dock kunde ej testets samtidiga validitet påvisas i denna studie.
Svensk normering av TROG-2 för åldrarna 8-10 år och sambandet mellan grammatisk språkförståelse och ordavkodning
The main purpose of this study was to collect norm data for thegrammatical receptive language test Test for Reception of Grammar - Version 2(TROG-2), from 144 Swedish children, aged 8:0-9:11 years. Another aim was toinvestigate whether a change in the order of the blocks was needed in the Swedishversion of TROG-2 to keep an increasing level of difficulty. Other aims included toinvestigate the relationship between receptive grammar and word decoding, andbetween parents ratings of their children?s language comprehension and readingabilities and the children?s results on the TROG-2 and a word decoding test. Theresults showed that the order of the blocks needs to be changed and that there wasno significant relationship between language comprehension and word decoding.Parents were better at rating their children?s reading than language comprehension..
?Vad hände med personlighetstesten??En kartläggning av vilka urvalsmetoder rekryterare lägger vikt påMartina GustavssonAtt finna rätt man till rätt plats innebär att hantera mänskliga resurser med bra metoder för att identifiera rätt medarbetare. För att undersöka vilka urvalsmetoder rekryterare lägger vikt på genomfördes en enkätundersökning med 43 rekryterare. Resultatet visade att rekryterarna lade mest vikt på intervju som användes av en stor andel rekryterare i deras bedömning av arbetssökande medan minst vikt lades på test som användes av en måttlig andel. Resultatet visade en diskrepans mellan hur viktiga rekryterarna sade att personliga egenskaper var och vilken vikt de lade vid test.
Testverktyg för ett automatiserat system
Most often when developing a new system there is a need get a functioning testtool up and running. Including time, cost and resources the solution isn?t always obvious, developing your own or buy one ?of the shelf?. The purpose of this thesis is to study how a general testtool for executing functional tests should be designed to be reusable, be based on recognized knowledge and be able to fast and simple be customized for different types of systems. Key functions from the litterature is presented and used in the design of a testtool prototype.
Radio Totalnormal ? erfarenheter av att göra närradio : Människor med egen erfarenhet av psykisk ohälsa ger sina perspektiv
This is a qualitative study with the aim of getting better knowledge and understanding of how people with mental illness experience having access to a public communication channel. The study builds upon qualitative interviews with four participants of a radio project called Radio Totalnormal (RTN). RTN is a community radio station where people with mental illness do radio. The study focuses on how the respondents describe the participation in the project and how it has affected their self-image. The analysis uses the concept of empowerment and four social psychological concepts: social responsivity, asocial non-responsivity, abstract sociability and concrete sociability.
En utvärdering av arbetspsykologiska testet Shapes med test-retestmetod
Många rekryteringsmetoder som används i dag, som CV och referenstagning, har enligt studier låg validitet, däremot visar många studier att personlighet är stabilt över tid och därför är en mer valid prediktor för att kunna predicera arbetsprestation. Studiens syfte var att undersöka Shapes, ett internetbaserat personlighetstest, och dess arton kompetensdimensioner med test-retest utifrån tre frågeställningar. En datainsamling med 91 deltagare (29 män och 62 kvinnor) gjordes vid två tillfällen med tre veckors mellanrum. Deltagarna delades upp i kön- och åldersgrupper för att se skillnad över tid inom grupperna. Medelvärdesskillnader och korrelationer över tid jämfördes där resultatet visade att det fanns positiva samband mellan båda testtillfällena på samtliga dimensioner.
Lean Healthcare på Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala : En kvalitativ studie om hur läkare upplever att den professionella autonomin påverkas av Lean Healthcare
This study aims to evaluate the value relevance of Piotroski?s (2000) nine fundamental signals. In order to do this, the signals are tested on the OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm between the years 2003 and 2009. The hypotheses of the study are whether the signals are value relevant and if the value relevance has changed. To test this, a Chi-square test and a regression are used.
Analys av tanniner : från granbarksextrakt
The objective for this master?s thesis was to test and evaluate two methods for determining the content of tannin in a pinebarkextract. The methods used at Södra for this previously have not been specific enough, only the amount of polyphenolics have been measured. One of these methods is a test based on the Stiasny test and it determines the extracts ability to form a gel with formaldehyde. When this test was carried out it showed that the extract did not contain much tannin.
Ungdomars fysiska aktivitet och dess betydelse för prestationen i skolan
This study where designed to investigate if there are any positive relationship between the extent of physical activity during adolescent's leisure time and the academic performance, and also if there are any negative relationship between the academic performance and the time spent in front of the television or computers. Another part of the study tried to find out if physical activity has a direct and immediate influence on the performance in school. 91 pupils (51 girls and 40 boys) in the 8:th year of the Swedish primary school, from three different schools participated in the study. All 91 pupils first responded to a questionnaire concerning there activities in leisure time. They where then tested in a mathematical test and the results where compared with the extent of physical activity and TV/computer time they had stated in the questionnaire.
Virtuellt ledarskap i näringslivet: Hur affärssimulering kan skapa kompetens, samsyn, och ökad ekonomisk förståelse i en organisation
The purpose of this thesis has been to explore the topic of business simulation from a theoretical foundation in social constructivism and theories concerning leadership as the management of meaning. The most important findings are that business simulation can be used for strategical leadership by management to create a common vision in the organisation members, which affects their perception of the business and the decisions and actions they make, which in turn can lead to a more efficient organisation that becomes better at meeting set goals. This can be viewed in different ways from different theoretical viewpoints: as inducing targeted changes in mental models to create changes in decision making and actions; as a secondary socialization process where the vision of management is externalized as a business simulation that is in turn internalized by the organisation members that participate in the business simulation, or as a way to frame and define the reality of the organisational members which creates a shared reference point against which a feeling of organisation and direction can emerge. In the future, business simulations may become increasingly used by organizations to create a common vision or to communicate a new decision to the organization members..
Att navigera med gester : Gestbaserad teknik för framtiden
Technology evolves quickly, with innovative ideas growing everywhere. Still, no technology is anywhere near challenging the mouse and keyboard for navigation of your standard computer. This study focuses on comparing the traditional technologies of mouse and keyboard with the new technology of gestures - in this case Leap Motion - in purpose of finding how the usage differs and what the potential users want from the competing technology. The experiment was executed in a controlled environment, with as few external factors as possible. We found that although the test subjects found Leap Motion fun, the test subjects do not want to surf the web with gestures.
?Det känns som att jag träffar en vän, men inte en riktig kompis? : en kvalitativ studie om fyra brukares upplevelser av boendestöd
The aim of this study is to explore how the people with a mental functional disorder experience living support. This studies research questions are; What kind of help do the clients receive from living support? Do they feel that they need more help or do they receive more help then they fell that they need? What does the relationship look like between the clients and the supporter? To answer these questions a qualitative research approach was used. Four clients where interviewed. The results are presented using themes and quotations.
Telias 4G i Umeå
This report presents the results of the tests of data rate and signal strength that I have conducted. The tests have been performed in the municipality of Arvidsjaur, Sweden. The report also contains the conclusions I have drawn from the results as well as an introduction to radio and the technology used in the nets that have been testedThe equipment used is:LG G2 cellphone used to test Telias 3GHuawei b593s-22 3G/4G router used to test Tele2s 3G/4GMobile Broadband Gateway R-90 used to test Net1s CDMAThe data rate has been tested with bredbandskollen (www.bredbandskollen.se). The signal strength(RSSI) has been read in the configuration menu of the broadband routers as well as in the cellphone.The conclussions drawn:Net1s net appears to be more used compared to its capacity than the other netsTele2s net has a high and even data rate where it?s signal strength is sufficient.