4377 Uppsatser om Mini Mental Test (MMT) - Sida 11 av 292
Design and performance of Small scale sensory consumer tests
Small scale internal consumer tests provide a company with a cheap way to get valuable information regarding their products advantages and flaws. Therefore the demand for possibilities to do this kind of test has increased. This report is part of a new sensory project at Unilever. It presents a method for sensory comparison of the company?s own products with the corresponding competitor products.
Utvärdering av ett mikroalbuminuritest till hund :
The occurrence of small amounts of albumin in urine, microalbuminuria (MA), is used both in human- and veterinary medicine as an indicator for patients who have developing proteinuria. Proteinuria can be prerenal, renal or postrenal which is important to establish during an investigation. With conventional methods decreased renal function is not detected until 70 % of renal function is lost. The ability to detect and start a treatment earlier might reverse or slow the progression of disease.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the reliability of Heska® E.R.D.-Health Screen?, a test for microalbuminuria in dogs, to detect albuminuria.
Att kasta en strike. Hur svårt kan det vara? : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie i mental tuffhet hos basebollpitchers
Syfte och frågeställningar: Denna studie har granskat begreppet mental tuffhet och dess roll i sporten baseboll. Syftet var att, genom en kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod, undersöka hur fyra unga svenska pitchers reflekterar över de egenskaper, färdigheter och verktyg associerade till mental tuffhet för att skapa en ökad förståelse i unga pitchers mentala förmåga. Detta genomförs som den första svenska idrottspsykologiska studien i sitt slag.Hur upplever unga basebollspelare olika aspekter av de innefattande egenskaper och färdigheter som omfattar mental tuffhet?Besitter unga basebollspelare som håller en jämn prestationsnivå under match även en högre grad av mental tuffhet?Metod: Studien består av en kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod där ett urval av fyra pitchers först statistiskt har observerats under match för att sen intervjuas med en semistrukturerad intervjumetod. Statistikinsamling genomfördes med syftet att kvantitativt granska deras prestation under match sett till lyckade och misslyckade kast.
Unga Vuxna med psykisk sjukdom : Att våga prata om sin sjukdom
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the quality of the social network in regard to young adults, with psychological disorders, and their possibilities to be open about their disease. In addition the study aimed at identifying possible causes to perceived difficulties by young adults to talk about their disease. Method: The survey was a quantitative study with descriptive design. The data was collected using a study-specific questionnaire on a clinic for young adults with psychological disorders, between 18 and 25 years of age. Out of 123 potential participants 79 (64 %) answered the questionnaire, of which two were excluded because they did not see themselves as suffering from mental illness. Results: The results showed that the participants of the study stated that they had a social network and the majority (90%, n=69) considered they had someone to talk to about their disease, but most of them wanted to be more open about their illness.However, the majority had some form of difficulty to talk about their disease with their social network. The most common specified causes were to feel ashamed of their disease and that the mentally ill persons did not think they would be properly understood.Almost the half of the participant experienced that they had some form of difficulty to be open about their mental disorder in front of health professionals and the most common specified causes was that the participant did not thought that they would be properly understood or that they did not felt confidence before the health professionals. Conclusion: Young adults with psychological disease have difficulty to be open about their disease, partly because of stigma.
En utvärderingsmodell för testverktyg : Med inriktning på automatiserade högnivåtester
Testing has always been an important task in the scope of software quality. Though it has never been as much appreciated within the management of the organisations as the software development has. However testing is becoming more attractive within organisations because it becomes more evident how much money working systems saves in contrast to defect ones. A tester often use testing tools to simplify the work progress. There are a lot of tools nowadays but not many evaluating models which helps the tester to know which one to recommend.
Utvärdering av ett auditivt diskriminationstest på 3-åriga barn
A speech-based material that early can assess a child's hearing is needed to provide an indication of a hearing impaired child's language development. Being able to identify and discriminate between different sounds is a requirement for interpreting speech. Hearing assessments that examine speech perception can therefore, unlike, for example, pure tone audiometry, examine a hearing impaired child's perceptual language skills and provide a basis for intervention.The purpose of this work is to evaluate a new auditory material on 3-year-old children. The auditory material is based on the Ling-6-sounds and the main question was which of the sounds in the test were adequate for test of discrimination. Furthermore, it was investigated how the test works with children aged 3:0?3:11 years and how age and gender affect the result.Twenty-four children aged 3:0?3:11 years were tested using a computer based test.
Gode mäns syn på levnadsförhållanden för personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar : - En kvalitativ studie
The main purpose of this study was to examine if, and how, persons with psychological impairments have worse living conditions than the population average. The papers intention was to investigate and describe these conditions and to analyze them based on theories of stigma, and systems theory. This paper was composed on a qualitative study in which god men have been interviewed, in addition to accomplish the purpose. This study has highlighted the four individual areas of economy, employment, housing conditions and social relations. Results have shown that people with mental disabilities tend to live in worse living conditions than the population average.
Dans och rörelsehinder : En studie kring mental utveckling
Ett rörelsehinder inskränker inte bara det funktionshindrade barnets fysiska möjligheter utan kan verka handikappande även på social nivå. Dans är ett ämne i skolan där man interagerar och får möjlighet att samarbeta och utvecklas socialt. Frågeställningen som denna uppsats undersöker lyder: Vilken betydelse kan dans i skolan ha för rörelsehindrade elevers mentala utveckling?Frågan besvaras dels av berörd litteratur, dels av intervjurespondenter.Det framgår att dans, som fokuserar på den funktionella kroppen, har förmåga att få de rörelsehindrade ungdomarna att se vad de har möjlighet att åstadkomma i stället för att lägga fokus på funktionsnedsättningen. Det framkommer också att de kan dansa med icke-rörelsehindrade elever och ta del av den sociala gemenskapen samt att inlärningsförmågan och kunskapsnivån höjs.
Dans och rörelsehinder : En studie kring mental utveckling
Ett rörelsehinder inskränker inte bara det funktionshindrade barnets fysiska möjligheter utan kan verka handikappande även på social nivå. Dans är ett ämne i skolan där man interagerar och får möjlighet att samarbeta och utvecklas socialt. Frågeställningen som denna uppsats undersöker lyder: Vilken betydelse kan dans i skolan ha för rörelsehindrade elevers mentala utveckling?Frågan besvaras dels av berörd litteratur, dels av intervjurespondenter.Det framgår att dans, som fokuserar på den funktionella kroppen, har förmåga att få de rörelsehindrade ungdomarna att se vad de har möjlighet att åstadkomma i stället för att lägga fokus på funktionsnedsättningen. Det framkommer också att de kan dansa med icke-rörelsehindrade elever och ta del av den sociala gemenskapen samt att inlärningsförmågan och kunskapsnivån höjs.
Mikrofonkonfigurationer bestående av en eller två mikrofoner vid inspelning av elgitarr
This C-essay focuses its research on the taste of guitarplaying and non-guitarplaying soundengineers, in using single or dual microphone setups when recording electric guitar. It will be shown if there is a significant difference in taste when using one or two microphones between the two testsubject groups. Two classical microphone setups have been used for the test of this essay, which includes a blind listening test. The information in this test will benefit both guitarplaying and non-guitarplaying engineers by getting greater knowledge regarding what kind of microphone setups to use for different occations. The findings in this essay show in general, that guitarplaying and non-guitarplaying engineers between the ages of 19 - 26 don?t have a specific taste between single or dual microphone setups when subjected to the blind listening test..
Bidrar nationella prov i svenska till likvärdiga betyg?
The purpose of this essay has been to investigate if the national test results, in the subject of Swedish B at upper secondary school, are affecting a student?s final grade in varied degree among different teachers. The purpose has also been to investigate if the assessment of these tests is equivalent among different teachers. This particular investigation showed that there are big differences between how teachers grade, in relation to achieved results on the national test. According to the Swedish National Agency for Education, the teacher should take all performance information available into consideration for each particular student.
Effekten av subjektiv riskuppfattning på mental belastning
Människor har en viss mental kapacitet. Beroende på situation och uppgift belastas denna kapacitet olika mycket. Huvudhypotesen i detta examensarbete lyder "en persons mentala belastning ökar om hon/han upplever att risken ökar", oberoende av de krav uppgiften ställer, dvs uppgiftens svårighetsgrad.Undersökningen utfördes som ett experimentet med inomgruppsdesign och 24 försöksdeltagare. Två oberoende variabler med vardera två nivåer användes: Konsekvens, normal/ökad och Information om svårighetsgrad, normal/ökad. Dessa var avsedda att manipulera riskuppfattning.
Översättning och utvärdering av det bildbaserade förståelsetestet TACL-3 - en pilotstudie
Test for Auditory Comprehension of Language -3 is an American picturebasedtest developed to examine children?s auditory comprehension of language.The aim of the study was to create a translation and to examine if the test wouldcontribute to the information about a child´s language comprehension received bysimilar tests that are used today. In the present study the test items were translatedinto Swedish. The translation was evaluated with 32 children in three different agegroups at a school in central Gothenburg. A linguistic examination of thetranslation and a list of the grammatical structures that are tested were made.
En jämförande studie mellan Mental Ray och V-Ray
Flertalet nutida medier innehåller datorgenererad tredimensionell grafik. Intresset och efterfrågan för denna typ av grafik, har gett upphov till utvecklandet av åtskilliga datorprogram. Programmen innehåller oftast en eller flera integrerade renderingsmotorer. Studien jämför renderingsmotorerna Mental Ray och V-Ray genom att diskutera deras skillnader i renderingstider, användarvänlighet och renderingskvalitet, vid simulering av realistiskt ljus. Det praktiska arbetet utfördes genom att rendera samma 3D-miljö med de två olika renderingsmotorerna.
Verifieringsplattform i SystemVerilog
Our task was to create a virtual test bench for verifying memory addresses in our commissioning body?s models. The purpose with the testbench was that it should be created in such a way that it would be easy to change the device under test without any major changes in the testbench.To solve the problem that the testbench had to be able to verify different devices we had to create a general enviroment for how the testbench had to be composed. By doing an analysis of which com-ponents that are usually included in a testbench and which components that were necessary in our project we came up with a generall enviroment for the testbench. Our result was a testbench with the follwing basic functions:* Read from a file that contains read and write operations to the Device Under Test (DUT).* Apply the stimulus to the device* Read the results from the device* Compare the results with wanted values* Generate a log file which contains information about the simulation result..