

7340 Uppsatser om Military theory - Sida 8 av 490

"I världen, men icke av världen" : Konstruktionen av kristen manlighet i Skånes Missionssällskap ca 1939-1945

The aim of this study is to analyze the construction of "Christian masculinity" during the modern era. This is made in opposition to earlier research that has claimed that masculinity could not be constructed religiously, that is, without at the same time being constructed as effeminate or anti-masculine.Using a wide variety of theoretical concepts - such as discourse analysis, class, secularisation, masculinity as constructed from countertypes, and finally masculinity as a homosocial construction - I analyze a free church in Sweden, the Scanian Missionary Society (Skånes Missionssällskap), during the period of ca 1939-1945 (the society was a district of the Swedish Covenant Church, or Svenska Missionsförbundet), in order to argue for the standpoint that masculinity, in fact, could be constructed religiously. The primary source is the society's weekly journal Sydposten.The main results in this study can be summarized as follows: 1) The leading men in the Scanian Missionary Society did, in fact, construct a Christian masculinity, i. e. a masculinity whose core values and ideals were Christian, e.g.

En balanserad rapport? Om svenska medier i Egyptens andra revolution

This bachelor thesis is a critical study in which we are studying if the swedish reports of the so called ?second revolution? in Egypt have been objective. We have been studying this by using Jörgen Westerståhls objectivity model and we have chosen to investigate whether the reports have been objective balance-wise. The second revolution is a term which describes the protests and demonstrations that led to the military action in which the elected president Muhammad Mursi were forced to resign on the 4th of July, 2013The study includes articles from five leading Swedish newspapers, Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen, Göteborgs-Posten and Svenska Dagbladet. We have been studying all the articles that include the word ?Egypt?.

När EU togs till folkhemsförsvaret - Översättningen av europeiska normer till Försvarsmakten

The Swedish Armed Forces have gone through a remarkable change. From beingan organisation built on the notion of countering a Soviet invasion it has evolvedto focusing on small, multilateral rapid reaction capabilities to be used within theframework of the European security and defence policy, ESDP.This thesis regards the change as a process of Europeanisation. Drawing fromsociological and historical institutionalism, it is shown that the Swedish ArmedForces in the post-cold war context was path dependent and unwilling to redefineits historical raison d?être. The origin of the ESDP Europeanised the nationaldefence policy, whereas the bureaucracy was still unwilling to translate the newstructural norms.

Skillnader i variation : Lärares uppfattningar av variationsteori och hur variationsteorin blir en guidande princip

The gap between practise and theory is often described in negative words in teachers? professional lives. Learning study is a model for teachers´ professional development where a theoretical framework is used to enhance practice. The theoretical framework used by teachers in learning study is variation theory. In this study the research object is variation theory and the aim is to present how variation theory becomes a guiding principle to understand teaching and learning processes.

"Hur fan kan man jobba som kriminalvårdare?": en studie i hur kriminalvårdare ser sin yrkesroll ur en psykosocial kontext

This analysis explores the psychosocial aspects in relationship to the occupational role as a correctional officer in Sweden. Historically prisons are hierarchically structured with a military organisation used as the basis for a role model. This military type structured organisation is designed to keep the prisoners under constant observation, thus providing direct authority and control by the prison guards over the prison inmates. Data obtained from investigations conducted by the Swedish Government indicate a direct link between the prisoners's living conditions and the prison employee's work duties and environment. The data strongly suggests that the work needs of prison guards have significant priority over the general work conditions of inmates, thus showing that the status for the occupational role was relatively low.

Tests of optimal capital structure theory and pecking order theory using a binomial approach- a study of Swedish firms

This master thesis concerns whether Swedish non-financial listed firms act in accordance with the optimal capital structure theory and/or pecking order theory. The examined period is 1998-2004 and we discover that Swedish companies neither follow optimal capital structure theory nor pecking order theory. From our results we conclude that there exists no single point of the capital structure which is optimal. Rather it seems as if the optimal point lies in-between an interval from 0 to the industry average, where firms tend to be indifferent to their debt-ratios. Our results show that Swedish companies prefer internal financing followed by equity and as last choice debt issuance..

Teorin om "Just War" -Rättfärdigande eller Urskuldande?

This text concerns itself with war, the just war theory, and the application of that doctrine on the ?war on terrorism?. I present different views on the theory's place in the discourse, its relevance for unconventional wars followed by the analyses of above mentioned empirical situation.Particular interest is given the criteria concerning proportionality, both ad bellum and in bello, due to in part its difficult nature, and the attention it has received from others. This paper asks the question: Is the just war theory adequate for analysis of modern war?There are few alternatives.

Effektivisering av lagringsplatser. Ett förbättringsprojekt på Mekpart AB

Aeroseum is an aviation museum located in an old military underground hangar. The ventilation system in the hangar is designed for the military purpose of the hangar. This design includes a solution with air flowing through the space between the construction of the hangar and the rock surface. The solution is intended to avoid a buildup of inflammable gases. This design leads too high humidity levels in the hangar.

Det svenska spionaget i Baltikum 1943-1957 : En studie av ett fiasko?

During and after World War II Sweden was spying in the occupied Baltic countries which had been occupied, from 1943 by Nazi Germany and from 1944 by the Soviet Union. It began in 1943, with the Germans still occupying the Baltic countries, when Sweden and its intelligence service ?C-byrån? recruited volunteers among the Baltic refugees in Sweden and sent them back to the countries they had fled from. Many of the Baltic refugees to Sweden were men aged 25-45 so the Swedish intelligence service had a good recruiting source. This started the first period of intelligence operations in the three Baltic countries.

Anledningar till staters anskaffande och behållande av kärnvapen och faktorer som påverkar staters kärnvapenpolitik

The purpose of this thesis is to explain why states obtain nuclear weapons and the role variousactors and interests play in the making of states´ nuclear policies. The main questions are asfollows: (1) What big theories exist concerning states obtaining nuclear weapon and nucleararmament in International Relations and what relevance do they have of the post cold-war period?,(2) What is the meaning of the perspective of the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC)?, and (3)Arethere empirical studies which supports the existence of a MIC in the United States?The focus lies on actors and driving forces that are internal to states and it is also important toinvestigate if the theories have relevance for the post 9/11-era. The study uses the method ofqualitative literature-study with some quantitative segments. It is claimed that states might beinterested in justifying their behaviour in a morally appealing way and that real reasons may behidden.

Militärtekniskt perspektiv på AUV

Sweden is dependent on secure sea transport. Shorter disruption of imports of fuel and crude oil can be managed with an emergency stock, but a prolonged halt in imports creates problems. For industry, the vulnerability is greater. Fragmented production chains in combination with expenditure reductions in inventory causes a dependency on proper transport of intermediate goods in the manufacturing industry. A lengthy disruption thus involves disruption of production for both domestic consumption and for export goods containing imported parts.In order to secure shipping routes with a limited number of vessels, Mine Counter Measures (MCM) capacity is required, and according to the Armed Forces, developed with new sensors and autonomous vehicles.

Anhörigstödet till försvarsanställda i utlandstjänst : De anhörigas perspektiv

SAMMANFATTNINGEn utlandstjänstgöring är ingen enskild angelägenhet för den försvarsanställde utan påverkar hela familjen. Omstruktureringen från allmän värnplikt inom Försvarsmakten till en yrkesarmé med obligatorisk utlands- tjänstgöring har lett till ökat antal berörda anhöriga. Det är väsentligt att stödet till de anhöriga och speciellt till barnen kommer i fokus.Studien riktade sig till de anhöriga och deras uppfattningar kring utlandstjänsten och anhörigstödet. Deltagarna bestod främst av partners eller föräldrar till försvarsanställda i utlandstjänstgöring. De flesta anhöriga som deltog i studien ansåg att anhörigstödet var tillräckligt bra och att deras uppfattning av utlands-tjänstgöringen i stort överensstämde med deras förväntningar. Utlandstjänstens påverkan på barnen kan kopplas samman med hur föräldrarna klarar av att hantera situationen.

Skyddsrum och kärnvapen : En diskursanalys av 1950- och 1960-talets försvars- och civilförsvarsdebatt i svensk press

Shelters and Nuclear weaponsA discourse analysis of the Swedish defense and civil defense debate during the Cold warSweden during the Cold War set into motion one of the world?slargest civil defense policies at the time, second only to neutral Switzerland. The governments expenditure was far greater per capita than both that of USA and Soviet Union and included massive evacuation plans for Stockholm and other large cities in Sweden, with the hopeful expectation to bring down the amount of people in each of them to 15000 in case of a foreign hostile nuclear attack. The policies included construction of shelters with room for 2,5 million of about 7 million citizens in total at the time along with gasmasks for the whole population. Not only this, Sweden was considered one of the biggest military powers of that time in relation to its size and population.

Luftfuktighetens påverkan på konstruktion och klimat i en berghangar

Aeroseum is an aviation museum located in an old military underground hangar. The ventilation system in the hangar is designed for the military purpose of the hangar. This design includes a solution with air flowing through the space between the construction of the hangar and the rock surface. The solution is intended to avoid a buildup of inflammable gases. This design leads too high humidity levels in the hangar.

En jämförelse mellan krigsvetare och Försvarsmakten avseende synen på egenskaper och karaktär hos militära chefer

Genom Försvarsmaktens doktrin och dess innehåll, tar Försvarsmaktens verksamhet från och mednu en tydligare utgångspunkt i militärvetenskapen. Doktrinens innehåll bygger på teorier ommedel och metoder för krigföring från krigsvetare (militärteorier) som sträcker sig kontextuelltöver en tidsmässigt lång period. Jämförelsen har studerat hur doktrinen på motsvarande sätt (sommed medel och metoder) tagit till sig synen på den militära chefens egenskaper och karaktär hosdessa krigsvetare.Krigsvetare har de facto påverkat doktrinens innehåll avseende medel och metoder för krigföring.Jämförelsen visar att inbäddat bakom de förmågor om egenskaper och karaktär hos chefen somdoktrinen uttrycker, finns spårbarheten till krigsvetares syn om egenskaper och karaktär hoschefen.Först vid en djupare analys och diskussion om jämförelsens resultat uppstår skillnader. Närverklighet avseende utbildning, övning och träning inom Försvarsmakten speglas i doktrinensinnehåll, och genomlyses av krigsvetares och militära tänkares syn om egenskaper och karaktär,då uppstår skillnader..

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