

7340 Uppsatser om Military theory - Sida 55 av 490

Tillfällig nödvändighet : En möjlig(a) värld(arna)s paradox och den aletiska modalitetens gåta

The writer has attempted to discuss the distinction between the necessary and the contingent. It begins with a criticism against the possibility for a so-called ?a possible worlds realism? to give a ?philosophical explanation? of this distinction. The writer argues that this is impossible, since it requires that a notion of this distinction be already accepted (more precisely that the necessity of such a theory is already accepted).After this specific criticism, the writer intends to show that this is a more general problem that follows any explanation of the contingent/necessary distinction.The writer then discusses the counter-argument that the requirements placed on these explanations are set to high, therefore the writer shows in theory the problem can be solved and sketches a more specific way how to explain and show the basis for this distinction..

Konvertibla Lån på den Svenska Marknaden: En studie av sex konvertibelemissioner

Issuing convertible bonds for financing purposes has never become widespread practice amongst Swedish companies, in spite of the instrument being common in international markets. Economic theory based on efficient markets suggests that companies should gain no financial benefits from using convertibles and the Swedish situation could be interpreted as in line with this reasoning. However, there are Swedish companies that have chosen to issue convertibles and the Swedish market therefore seems both supportive and contradictory to the existence of benefits of convertible bond financing. Little research concerning the Swedish market has been conducted and the purpose of this explorative thesis is thus to enhance the understanding of the Swedish market for convertibles. This is achieved by conducting in-depth interviews with six listed Swedish companies that have recently issued convertible bonds.

Om skeva vampyrer, Riktiga Pojkar och dåliga (monster)flickor : En skev/queerteoretisk studie av Bill och Sookie i Charlaine Harris Dead Until Dark

This essay takes a closer look at femininity/masculinity, sexuality and queer time and place in Charlaine Harris? novel Dead Until Dark (2001). The essay?s theoretical framework consists of queer theory and skev theory. Skev is a Swedish word that translates loosely into strange or twisted.

Expertis, service och autonomi : Analys av professionalisering och professionalism i bibliotekarieyrket

The purpose of this study is to examine and compare librarian profession with different professional theories. The intention is to describe how the librarian profession meets the different professional criteria and to what extent the librarian profession can be said to be professional in expertise, service and autonomy. Nolin?s modern theory provides an opportunity to analyze occupational groups based on professionalized basic concepts. The analysis of relevant material showed that the librarian is a service profession with high skills, but does not hold a high degree of autonomy.

Det lärande samarbetet ? mellan Angereds kulturskolor och grundskolor

This master is a study of the co-operation between "Angered?s culture schools" and compulsory schools. In many reports of today one can see that there is a lack of co-operation between compulsory school and other cultural institutions. This master aims to study a ?good example? to see what makes it successful in the terms of organizational conditions, profession, authority and legitimacy as well as knowledge creation.

Styrelsesammansättning och lönsamhet i svenska aktiebolag

In this thesis we examine the relationship between board composition and firm performance in Swedish companies. The selection of companies includes all Swedish limited liability companies, with the exception of micro enterprises, that have been active between the years of 2009-2010. We develop hypotheses based on resource dependence theory, agency theory, and the resource based view, and test these with regression analysis against collected data. Specifically, we examine the effects of board diversity, outside directorships, and CEO duality. Our findings show that none of the theories provide sufficient explanatory power of the relationship between board composition and firm performance, and that further research is required to better understand the role and effects of company boards..

Det viktiga är inte vad man tror på, utan vad man har i hjärtat. : En studie om religionens roll i den sekulära förskolan.

This essay examines the role religion plays in kindergarten. Today, the Swedish kindergarten provides child care for a secular and multicultural society where religion is considered a private matter that should not influence government nor the policy documents of kindergarten and elementary school. According to a study by Jenny Berglund, there is a so-called Protestant bias present in the Swedish elementary school. Protestant bias is shaped by a ?marinade? of liberal Protestant Christianity and has an indirect influence on how other religions are described, how religion is defined and how concepts such as religion, tradition or culture are viwed.The study was also based on Ninian Smart?s dimensions of religion, whichcorrelates to Berglund?s theory on Protestant bias.

Fördelning av artiklar mellan varuhuslager och varuutlämningslager

Purpose ? The purpose with this thesis is to examine how items can be distributed between stores inventory and an external warehouse. To achieve the purpose criteria that should be considered, how these can be prioritized and used when distributing items between stores inventory and an external warehouse will be examined.Method ? The study started by an examination of the theory that already exists within the subject. The already existing theory has then been examined in reality, on the furniture company IKEA Jönköping, where a case study with one channel has been performed.

Tidsmål inom akutsjukvården: En studie av Södersjukhusets akutmottagning

The 1st of January 2009 a new goal was set for the emergency care in Stockholms läns landsting. This new goal stated that 70 per cent of the patients shall not spend more than four hours in the hospital when requesting emergency care. The processes in the emergency room at Södersjukhuset do not cope with this new goal. The authors studied the reasons for this and made suggestions based on the findings. The conclusions were that the emergency room should place doctors much earlier in the emergency care process or implement a system where specialists act as tutors to non-specialized doctors.

Automatiserad laddning och plundring mellan magasin

This thesis has been carried out within the bachelor program for mechanical engineering at Karlstad University in collaboration with BAE Systems in Karlskoga. The purpose with this work was to design a mechanism and associated parts for loading and unloading of shots between primary and secondary magazine in BAE's new 40mm's ship gun.Parts designed or redesigned among other things a transfer mechanism for shot at loading and unloading, well as a hatch mechanism which makes the shots do not fall out of the primary magazine when making separate use. Various important details have been designed to maintain a good functionality of the mechanism.The construction work has mainly been carried out in the CAD software Solid Edge and its associated FEM module. The construction work has also been carried out on rough calculations for constructed details in order to ensure that they meet the stringent requirements of military use in tough marine environment. Two of the most critical parts of the structure where analyzed with the FEM module for estimating the stresses in the material at the applied load.The final design, which is a result of the thesis, meets the requirement specification and the set targets.

Segmentering och klassificering av LiDAR-data

With numerous applications in both military and civilian life, the demand for accurate 3D models of real world environments increases rapidly. Using an airborne laser scanner for the raw data acquisition and robust methods for data processing, the researchers at the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) in Linköping hope to fully automate the modeling process.The work of this thesis has mainly been focused on three areas: ground estimation, image segmentation and classification. Procedures have in each of these areas been developed, leading to a new algorithm for ground estimation, a number of segmentation methods as well as a full comparison of various decision values for an object based classification. The ground estimation algorithm developed has yielded good results compared to the method based on active contours previously elaborated at FOI. The computational effort needed by the new method has been greatly reduced compared to the former, as performance, particularly in urban areas, has been improved.

"- Vad från BBIC återfinns i OHPel-projektet?" En jämförande dokumentstudie av två utrednings-/utvärderingsmetoder i socialt arbete

The purpose of this essay is to compare two investigationprojects /evaluationproject (BBICOHPeL) regarding theoretical anchoring and operationmethods. Important questions in our research has been: What from BBIC can be found in the OHPeL-project, what has become of the fundamentals in BBIC when they have been introduced into this new context, has the ecological development theory remained in the OHPeL-project, is it possible to say that the OHPeL-project is a further development, distortion or something completely different from BBIC. To find answers to our questions we have studied 17 protocols from evaluationmeetings in the OHPeL project. This led us to the results that BBIC in many ways are present in the project. There are also differences between the projects.

En studie om elever i årskurs nio, identitet, ungdomskultur och prövandet av narkotika

The purpose of our study was to look at the connection between theories, research work and concepts when it comes to teenagers and the testing of drugs. The theories we have used are Erikssons development theory, psychoanalysis and labelling theory. Concepts that we focused on for our study were youthculture, the search for identity and the testing of drugs. We did this by asking students, in ninth grade, to fill in questionnaire and interviews.Teenagers find themselves in a confusing stage in life and in a search for their identities they test many different things. The youthculture can be a contributing factor to them testing drugs.

Vad räknas som mjuk balansering? Om Venezuelas ambitioner att minska amerikanskt inflytande

This thesis deals with the concept of soft balancing, traditionally defined as the diplomatic means of restraining a dominant state's ability to exercise its military power. As the dominant power in today's unipolar system, the United States, and other states? behaviour towards it, is the focus of analysis. The aim of this thesis is to explore the possibilities of developing the concept of soft balancing so as to include strategies to restrain also the political and economic capabilities of a dominant power. The thesis also considers the possibilities of soft balancing that small states ? to a large extent overlooked in existing theories on the subject - can possess.As a state with policies that aim to reduce the U.S.

Icke-röjande kommunikation mellan fartyg

Örlogsfartygens utveckling går emot smygteknik, d.v.s. reducerade signaturer. Ett led i dettaär att spaningssensorer för luftspaning idag kan göras passiva. Smygfartyg utrustade medpassiv luftspaningssensor behöver en icke-röjande kommunikation mellan fartyg för att kunnaöverföra måldata, utan att den upptäcks s.k. ?tyst? kommunikation.Uppsatsen tar fram ett antal krav som ställs på den ?tysta? kommunikationen mellan korvetteri ett luftförsvar av ett skyddsföremål (ett annat fartyg).

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