

7340 Uppsatser om Military theory - Sida 49 av 490

Vad är strategisk rörlighet?

Strategisk rörlighet är ett begrepp som används frekvent i dagens moderna insatsförsvar.Men vad är strategisk rörlighet egentligen? Räcker det att införskaffa modernatransportflyg för att insatsförband ska ha strategisk rörlighet? Denna uppsats har till syfteatt visa på att strategisk rörlighet är ett komplext begrepp. Ämnet är angripet med ensystemvetenskaplig teorianknytning och genomförs som en kvalitativ deskriptiv metod.Den teknik som används för insamling av data är litteratursökning. Det är trefrågeställningar som behandlas: Är Sverige som nation i behov av förmågan och/ellerfunktionen strategisk rörlighet, Vad är strategisk rörlighet samt Finns det någon skillnadmellan funktionen och förmågan strategisk rörlighet och i så fall vad består den i?Strategisk rörlighet visar sig vara ett komplext begrepp som täcker ett stort område alltifrånvilka transportresurser som behövs, till att enheter behöver vara interoperabla för att intebara kunna transporteras utan för att kunna verka tillsammans med andra länders enheter.Resultatet är att Sverige är i behov av förmågan strategisk rörlighet, att strategisk rörlighetär ett system av transportkapaciteter, materiel och utrustning samt personal och kompetens,att strategisk rörlighet är en förmåga och inte en funktion..

DEM - En konspirationsteoretisk tapetkollektion

I?ve previously been working with patterns for wallpaper and wanted to try anotherapproach.I wanted to use a strange story as a base to develop a wallpaper collection from. Theaim was to make a collection that is more than wallpapers. The seed to this idea Igot from an article about mysterious deaths among birds in Chicago published inmetro. They had flown into a large building.

Portföljteorier en jämförelse

The purpose of this paper is to find out which portfolio theory one should use during a financial crisis. We will examine two different portfolio theorys, the Minimum Variance portfolio and the beta portfolio.We have chosen to study two different portfolios, and followed their development during the financial crisis with its start in 2008 and the IT bubble with its start in the middle of 2000.The data has been collected from OMX internet database making it quantitative study. The beta portfolio's objective is to follow the index and the Minumim Variance portfolio´s objective is to spread the risk by investing in stocks with low volatility. By following the two different portfolios, and compare the development to the index, we will be able to determine which theory is most suitable to use during a recession. The studyperiods we chose were both in a recession and it turned out that the most appropriate portfolio to use was the Minimum Variance portfolio because stock in this portfolio tends to be less sensitive to economic fluctuations..

Hårdare tag mot brottsligheten? : Tre etablerade politiska partiers syn på kriminalitet och kriminalpolitik

This study analyzes the political view of criminality and crime politics in three political parties in the Swedish parliament, Socialdemokraterna, Folkpartiet and Moderaterna. The study seeks to describe which kind of view these parties present on the criminality in our society. The material for this study is the ideologies that the parties descend from which are, socialism, liberalism and conservatism, the political programs of these three parties have also been studied as well as the parties proposals, political documents in the Swedish parliament. The current public debate shows that the crime politics is an attractive question and the parties may seem to have similar proposals on how to lower the criminality in our society. The theory that has been used to describe the results of the study is ?actors and structures? and the results are related to this theory as well as the theory has been used as an instrument to explain and sort the material and the results.The results of the study show that the parties are different in their views on criminality as a problem in our society.

Relatinoship Building and Management - Aligning the Advertising Agency-Client Relationship

Title: Relationship building and management ? Aligning the Advertising Agency-Client Relationship Seminar date: 2006-01-13 Course: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration 10 Swedish credits. Authors: Ryan Eriksson, Louise Hagströmer, Peter Irinarchos. Advisors: Christer Kedström, Catharina Norén. Keywords: Relationship building and management, Transaction cost, Network theory, Resource based theory and Advertising agency.

Styrningsmentalitet i socialt arbete En kritisk diskursanalys av KBT

This study is based on the will to understand the importance of a specific theory within social work. From the concept of neo-liberal governmentality, the aim is to critically examine and discuss how governance and self-governance is manifested in social work methods and interventions, exemplified by the theory cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). This will be accomplished through an analysis of:? How governance (and self-governance) is manifested in text through the advocacy of CBT and methods based on CBT.? How (governance and) self-governance is manifested in text through the contents of CBT and methods based on CBT. The study has a deductive approach including the hypothesis that the discourses inherent in social work methods and interventions, exemplified by the theory of CBT and methods based on CBT, may be related to the West?s development of a neo-liberal concept of governance.

Theory of Mind : Kan Kicki och Katten var ett instrument att använda för bedömning av yngre barn?

Studien beskriver aktuell forskning kring hur yngre barn tänker om andra människors tankar och känslor utifrån olika teoretiska perspektiv. Vidare provas ett test som så tidigt som möjligt under barns utveckling möjligen kan belysa förskolebarns förmåga att sätta sig in i någon annans tankar, perspektiv. Inom autismforskningen har begreppet theory of mind använts för att belysa den kognitiva förmåga som krävs för att en person ska kunna sätta sig in i någon annans tankar. Från flera håll har begreppet ifrågasatts eftersom det krävs flera kognitiva komponenter såsom minne och verbal förmåga för att lösa denna typ av uppgifter. Följande studie har genomförts för att undersöka ett test som så renodlat som möjligt försöker belysa förmågan att förstå hur någon annan tänker.

"Vi är ju inget museum!" En undersökning av Uppsala studentnationers kulturarvshantering

The thesis investigates how Uppsala University student nations steward their cultural heritage. The survey targets how student nations manage their cultural heritage, what financial priority they give it, their attitude towards it, and their awareness of it.A qualitative study of semi-structured interviews with representatives from 11 out of 13 student nations in Uppsala was implemented. The theoretical framework is based on the theory of David Lowenthal on the importance of cultural heritage, Susan Pearce?s theory on collecting, and Pierre Bourdieu?s theory on cultural capital. To investigate the importance of cultural objects theories by Ivo Maroevi?, Annette Weiner, and Igor Kopytoff was applied.The survey shows that stewardship of cultural heritage at Uppsala student nations is poor and in need of reform.

Kulturen bakom kulturen - En komparativ studie av kultursynens inverkan på tyska och svenska kulturpolitiska strukturer

This thesis aims to develop a theory in the under researched field of international comparative cultural policy studies. lt does so by combining theories from the fields of political scienceand cultural studies, researching how and to what extent the concepts of culture of different states have an impact on the way cultural policies are constructed.The thesis uses this theoretical development in order to research a specific problem, namely the perceived possibility that Swedish and German cultural structures are slowly converging. Two recent official policy documents from each country are the objects of study. Through comparative idea analysis and with Michiel S. D Vries theories on decentralization, the thesis explains the convergence between the countries by differing cultural views between them.

The Rationale Behind Capital Structure Decisions: Does Theory Explain Practice?

The purpose of this thesis is to through the analysis of interviews with finance professionals in listed companies answer the question on what lies behind capital structure decisions, and to see how well the prevailing theories fit the answers. This article is an explorative and descriptive hypothesis creating study. We have used a qualitative method to analyse practice through theory. We have conducted telephone interviews with CFO:s and financial executives in Swedish listed companies on how they reason when they make capital structure decisions. We have then thoroughly reviewed the theory and empirical tests of the theories.

Små UAV-system för bataljonsnivån - en nyttoanalys

Det pågår en transformering av svenska stridskrafter till följd av en förändradomvärldsbild och en teknisk utveckling. Obemannade farkoster studeras och bedömskunna tillföra värdefulla förmågor.Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka nyttan med små UAV-system för bataljonsnivånvid en internationell militär operation. De fyra utvalda basfunktionerna ledning,underrättelser, verkan och skydd utgör analysfaktorer.Uppsatsens resultat omfattar en kontextuell del och en teknisk del. Den omfattar även envärdering av små UAV-system i ett typfall, strid i bebyggelse. Uppsatsen visar att detfinns ett flertal uppgifter inom basfunktionerna, som små UAV-system kan lösa medvarierad förmåga.

En personlig katedral : Designprocessen i praktiken och som pedagogisk modell

AbstractTitle: Coach, vän eller både och? ? en kvalitativ studie om coachning inom arbetslivetAuthors: Jonas Näslund & David ÖhrlingTutors: Ulla Moberg & Larsåke LarssonPurposeThe purpose of this thesis is to examine how coaching in working life serves, aiming to find what influences the interaction between coach and client. To seek to answer the purpose we raised a number of research questions which discussed, among other the coach's intentions and the parties' relationship.TheoriesThis thesis is based on a number of different theories, where the Leader-member Exchange Theory is considered the main theory. LMX is used when studying the relationship between a manager and an employee. Other theories used in this thesis are for example the Social exchange theory and one-on-one-coaching.MethodThe methods used in this thesis are semi-structured interviews, observations and recordings of coaching sessions.

Historien om en svensk säkerhetspolitisk agenda - Förklaring av processen, politiken, policyn och entreprenören för Sveriges militära insats i Tchad

The aim of this study is to analyze the process of an agenda setting and see how a specific issue came to materialize on the security policy agenda. The empirical goal of the study is to see why Sweden chose to participate in the EU-led operation to Chad, and how that process came to be? The analysis is based upon Kingdon's multiple streams theory (2003) where he distinguishes the process into three streams. Central for his theory is the coupling of these streams and the importance of a policy entrepreneur. I complement Kingdon's theory of policy entrepreneurs by taking inspiration from Hinnfors (1995), Gustavsson (1999) and especially Eriksson (2000) and their analysis of policy change and agenda setting.

Girls just wanna have fun - Tjejers rätt till tjejgrupper

The purpose of this essay is to examine how girls groups, particularly in school, can help girls with feelings of stress and pressure they can experience in their everyday life. We also want to examine how girls groups can be used, and explain why they should be held in school and not only in other organizations. The information we?ve gathered comes from books and websites that cover the subject. In addition to this, we?ve also handed out surveys and implemented interviews with both younger girls with girls groups experience, a teacher and a youth recreation leader. The theoretical aspect of this essay stems from two different theories: Labeling theory and Strain theory.

Är mamma verkligen lik sin mamma? : En studie kring motivation utifrån generationstillhörighet och personlighetsdrag i temporära arbetsgrupper

Purpose ? The current study aims to analyze how employees in temporary groups gets motivated, based on their personality traits and generation belonging, focusing on the goal setting theory. The study also focuses on the combination of these two variables concerning the goal setting theory.Design ? A total of 56 individuals working in project groups completed the questionnaire made for measure their personality traits and their work motivation.Findings ? Results in this specific case demonstrated differences in motivation based on their personality traits and generation. The study also found differences when studying the combination of the two variables.

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