

7340 Uppsatser om Military theory - Sida 24 av 490

Mellan det moderna och det traditionella : Livshistorier från namibiska studenter

This study is based on six narrative interviews which I conducted with students at the University of Namibia in Windhoek, Namibia. My aim is to find out how these students are creating their identity in the environment of the university, how they look at their family structure and how Namibia´s independence in 1990 has created new opportunities for young people in contemporary Namibia. I have been using postcolonial theory and identity theories to analyse the interviews. Five of the six respondents are from the northern parts of Namibia, Ovamboland, and this area is seen as a rural area. The students have made an emotional journey from the rural areas in the north to the urban area of Windhoek and they feel that they have many new opportunities and they are willing to change Namibia into a more developed country..

En slumpmässig vandring eller genomsnittlig återgång : Råder förutsägbarhet på Stockholmsbörsen?

This study has been conducted in order to determine the existence of predictability for the Stockholm stock exchange. With this purpose the random walk theory has been raised against the theory of mean reversion in order to determine which theory is the most substantial. Data has been collected from Nasdaq OMX Nordic and furtherly been processed using the statistical software EViews. Swedish listed companies? daily share values between 2000-2014 have been analyzed using two tests; an Augmented Dickey Fuller test and a Variance Ratio test.

Har Sverige implementerat Regeringens handlingsplan för resolution 1325? : En undersökning om Sveriges bidrag till kvinnorna i Mazar-e Sharif

The purpose of this essay is to examine whether Sweden work according to the Swedish governments action plan on UNSCR1325 and whether Sweden implements this action plan according to an implementation theory.Initially you will find an explanation of the used method, definitions and the theory used for the study. The second part contains the research where the studied material is analyzed.The study itself is based on reports, literature and material from web pages.The result of the study shows thatSwedenworks according to the government?s action plan on UNSCR 1325.Swedendoes this trough good contact with women, multiple ways of interaction such as MOT, all female MOT: s and Gender Field Advisers who follows patrols.My conclusion shows that Sweden implements the Swedish action plan on UNSCR 1325 according to the implementation theory..

Tankar om manlighet : en intervjustudie med manliga studenter

This paper is a qualitative analytic study of the views regarding masculinity of six male university students. The author means to view the gender issue from a male point of view and analyze the empiric result using well known theory on the subject. The main questions of the essay are: What, according to my respondents, is masculine and non masculine? Does the university influence this view, and if so how? How is it to be a man in the society of today? The paper is based around interviews of the six subjects, recorded and transcribed and analyzed in a systematic outline. From this outline relevant themes has been constructed and compared with the theory.

Den norska pensionsreformen 2005. En studie av en välfärdsreforms tillkomst ur tre maktperspektiv.

The aim of this thesis is to spread some light over the coming into being of the 2005 Pension Reform in Norway. The point of departure lies within an interest in Welfare State politics and the development in this field. Pensions constitute a cornerstone in the Welfare State. Making use of J. Kingdon´s Theory of the Agenda Setting Process, Discourse Theory and Institutional Theory the thesis seek to visualize the implications of structures, central actors and discourses on the reform processes.

Pussy Riot - Hur teori och praktik kan förenas genom feministisk aktivism

The purpose of this essay is to examine how theory and practice intertwines through theactivism of the feminist punk performance collective Pussy Riot. I have also focussed on the political tools with which the activism is performed. Within the academic context of gender studies, I believe there is a need for research that aims to reduce the gap between scholarly and activist feminism. The theoretical framework for the analysis in this essay consists of material feminist theory and postmodern theory. The empirical material is a diversified assemblage of images, court excerpts, newspaper columns, interviews, lyrics and videos.

Sverigedemokraternas valframgångar 2006 : - En ulv i fårakläder?

University of VäxjöSchool of Social SciencesBachelor Thesis in Political ScienceTitle: ?Sverigedemokraternas valframgångar 2006 ? En ulv i fårakläder??Author: Emma Haraldsson and Åsa NeuschützTutor: Emil UddhammarThe aim of this study is to explain Sverigedemokraterna?s electoral success in 2006 and the essay assumes that some form of change has occurred. To study this change two hypotheses have been constructed. The first hypothesis concerns the change within Sverigedemokraterna and the second hypothesis concerns the change of the Swedish voters attitudes.Kirchheimers catch-all theory is used to explain the change in Sverigedemokraterna. The catch-all theory states that parties have to change their structure to maximise the number of votes.

Budgetering och contingency theory - situationsfaktorerna strategi och omgivning

Uppsatsens syfte är att beskriva budgetanvändningen hos företag och utifrån ett antal situationsfaktorer analysera denna användning med contingency theory som berör ekonomistyrning. Metoden som ligger till grund för denna uppsats är både av kvantitativ och kvalitativ karaktär. Det kvantitativa återfinns i form av en surveyundersökning och det kvalitativa i form av fyra fallstudier. Uppsatsens angreppssätt är vidare abduktiv. Detta har sin grund i att uppsatsen undersöker en händelse, budgetanvändningen hos företag, och analyserar denna mot befintlig teori, vilket för uppsatsen är contingency theory.

åååååÅÅÅÅÅ TEMPO!! : En studie kring studenter och dryckesvisor

The aim with this essay has been to see how students use drinking-songs and what function they have. I have also wanted to see how the traditions are carried on between the students. In order to do this, I have been observing three parties organised by three different student associations at Växjö University: Västkustens nation, Föreningarnas Festeri and Isterbandet. I have interviewed five people that have been attending the dinners. I have used Alan Merriam?s theory of use/function and made interpretations of his theory.

Finns kvinnor i säkerhetspolitik? : En undersökning av den svenska säkerhetiseringsprocessen avseende svenskt deltagande i den militära insatsen Minusma i Mali utifrån ett feministiskt perspektiv

Scientists argue that gender affects foreign policy and security policy, that ideas of gender are inconstant and that there is a lack of feminist perspectives in International Relations. The changes seen in the global security context may have challenged the way politicians and scientists understand war and its impacts, and led to increased gender awareness.Using securitization theory and feminist international relations theory, the aim is to examine how women and men are being spoken of in the Swedish foreign policy discourse regarding participation in the UN-led stabilization mission Minusma in Mali. By applying a feminist perspective on the securitization process, the intention is to increase the knowledge of whether there is gender awareness in this context.The result shows that there is limited gender awareness. There is minor consideration for the conflict?s different implications on the situation for women and men.

Kompetenshöjande utbildning för gruppchefer vid Arméns jägarbataljon

De situationer och uppgifter svensk militär kan komma att ställas inför i sitt arbete att försvara Sverige vid ett väpnat angrepp och vid internationella insatser kan vara komplexa, otydliga och krävande. Dessa parametrar ställer höga krav på de chefer som skall leda förbanden. Ett av kraven är att cheferna, oavsett ledningsnivå är välutbildade och kompetenta inom just sitt område, de ska vara duktiga på just det de skall göra.Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att analysera behovet av militärteoretisk utbildning för gruppcheferna vid arméns jägarbataljon. Vad blir effekten av en sådan utbildning? Vidare var också syftet av ge förslag på vilka delar ur militärteorin en sådan utbildning skulle kunna innehålla, för att specifikt passa jägargruppchefer.Inledningsvis gjordes en analys av populärversion TOEM AJB, där förbandets uppträdande och uppgifter särskilt analyserades.

På jakt efter miljörörelsens sångtradition

Is there a specific tradition of songs within the swedish environmental movement? What kinds of music has been performed in different situations and what does it mean to the movement and its inner life? The essay deals with a town meeting and action against plans of establishing passenger flights at a former military airport in Uppsala, looking at the action as a performance and as a ritual. The second part of the essay is built on interviews of three veterans of the movement's organisations one of which is as a singer-songwriter originally active in the peace movement of the 60's. The paper is about the songs and the situations in which they were sung, concluding that there is, the limited material considered, little evidence of considerable transfer of songs within the movement, though some coherence exists. The connection to between environmental movement and the swedish radical music movement of the 70's is also slightly mentioned.

Invandringspolitik  : Idéanalys om dansk och svensk invandringspolitik

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze equalities/inequalities between the Danish and Swe-dish immigration policy based on Habermas theory about openings/closures and analyze the reasons to the differences between Danish and Swedish immigrant policy. Therefore this study has two question formulations, the first one was "Is there any equalities/inequalities between the Danish and Swedish immigration policy based on Habermas theory of openings and closings?" and the second was "Why are there equalities/inequalities between the Danish and Swedish immigration policy?" The results show that based on Habermas theory there are equalities between the Danish and Swedish immigration policy. On the question why, the re-sults show us that the factors who give the difference are work, people?s attitude to immi-grants and party politics.Keywords: Denmark, Sweden, Immigration policy, opening, closing..

Biomekaniska berättelser : En analys av forskningkommunikationen runt den biomekaniska armen

The pdf is excluding images, because of uncertainties regarding copyrights. Instead I have put links for each picture so you may find them on the Internet. For a list of links to the online sourcematerial, please visit http://del.icio.us/Cyborguppsats.

Marknadsföringen biblioteket : En fallstudie av Broby bibliotek

The purpose of this master thesis is to use marketing theory on the library?s activities. The marketing theory used is the 4Ps; product, price, promotion and place, as it's presented by Philip Kotler. Because the library can be seen as a service oriented organization Christian Gronroos theory of marketing in the service industry also has been used. A case study of the public library in Broby was made to illustrate how the public libraries? activities can appear in the light of marketing theory.

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