

2254 Uppsatser om Meta-organization - Sida 1 av 151

Organisationer emellan, En jämförande fallstudie av företagsinkubation

Business incubation is an important force of economic development but relatively unheard of in organization theory. This is partly due to the fact that in organization theory, Meta-organization or the organization of organizations has been neglected or left lagging as much theorization has been focused on organizing individuals. With the growing number of business incubators, and Meta-organizations in general, the need for understanding a relatively new type of organization is prevalent.This case study of the business incubator Global Business Labs Botswana (GBL) aims to clarify the organizational differences among Meta-organizations and traditional organizations on a case level, as well as explain the underlying factors for these dissimilarities. With respect to the nature of this case study no general conclusions are drawn from the results. The inference, however, is that the organization of GBL and its incubated companies differs from the traditional organization in five elementary aspects: the weak hierarchical structure, the operational autonomy of its members, the strong focus on recruitment processes, the member identity and the lack of formal sanctions.

HIV-positive women?s sexual health: A meta-synthesis of how HIV-positive women experience and describe sexual health

There is no consensus of the concept sexual health in the context of being HIV-positive women. Research in the area tends to focus in different measurable parts of sexual health for HIV-positive women. A meta-synthesis on that research issue can develop a deeper understanding and knowledge of how HIV-positive women in qualitative studies describe and experience sexual health. The purpose with this study is to analyze and synthesize the results about how HIV-positive women describe and experience sexual health. The meta-synthesis follows Noblit and Hare´s method of meta-ethnography and additional use of Walsh and Downe´s checklist to appraise qualitative articles.

Medialisering i det politiska systemet: en kvalitativ studie om en politiskt styrd organisations medialiseringsprocess

AbstractPurpose: The purpose of this thesis was to examine to which extant the politically governed organization, Swedish association of local authorities and local regions (SALAR), has been mediatized. Furthermore the purpose was to examine how SALAR being a Meta-organization affected the mediatization process. To accomplish this the thesis studied how SALAR organized themselves internally in order to form opinion through the media in one of their prioritized issues. A further purpose was to equalize SALAR?s mediatization process with the mediatization process for the whole political system. Method: This is a qualitative study which the gathered material has been collected through two types of methods, semi structured interviews and field observations.Material: A total of eight interviews were made distributed over three departments inside SALAR.

Lärares syn på målspråksanvändning i klassrummet : Om förutsättningar och strategier hos fem lärare i Sverige och Spanien

El objetivo de este estudio es conocer las experiencias de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras de cinco profesores, tres españolas y dos suecos, quienes trabajan en sus respectivos países. Las preguntas de la investigación tienen que ver con las condiciones de la enseñanza de las lenguas extranjeras, las estrategias y los pensamientos que tienen los profesores sobre su propio uso de lengua meta en clase, lo que dicen los profesores del estudio, qué hacen para dar la oportunidad a sus alumnos, escuchar y hablar la lengua meta en clase. Los métodos son entrevistas y encuestas. El resultado revela que existen varios factores que pueden estimular un aprendizaje exitoso de la lengua extranjera, que los profesores eligen qué lengua usar según la situación, que los alumnos escuchan la lengua meta principalmente a través de los profesores. Además se nota una clara diferencia en la forma en la que los profesores de los dos países organizan sus respectivos ejercicios de conversación.

Pojkar är pojkar och flickor är flickor? : En intervjustudie om lärares föreställningar om pojkar och flickor i skolsammahang

El objetivo de este estudio es conocer las experiencias de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras de cinco profesores, tres españolas y dos suecos, quienes trabajan en sus respectivos países. Las preguntas de la investigación tienen que ver con las condiciones de la enseñanza de las lenguas extranjeras, las estrategias y los pensamientos que tienen los profesores sobre su propio uso de lengua meta en clase, lo que dicen los profesores del estudio, qué hacen para dar la oportunidad a sus alumnos, escuchar y hablar la lengua meta en clase. Los métodos son entrevistas y encuestas. El resultado revela que existen varios factores que pueden estimular un aprendizaje exitoso de la lengua extranjera, que los profesores eligen qué lengua usar según la situación, que los alumnos escuchan la lengua meta principalmente a través de los profesores. Además se nota una clara diferencia en la forma en la que los profesores de los dos países organizan sus respectivos ejercicios de conversación.

"Man måste få leva i det" : En fallstudie om meta-kommunikation i en platt organisationsstruktur

Internkommunikation är en konstant del i varje organisation eftersom alla människor på något sätt kommunicerar. Forskning har visat att internkommunikation på många sätt kan öka en organisationens lönsamhet, förutsatt att den är väl fungerande och inkluderar alla anställda. Tydliga instruktioner och direktiv för alla delaktiga parter är två grundförutsättningar. Dessa anvisningar och förtydliganden kallas meta-kommunikation. Mitt syfte har varit att undersöka hur sådan kommunikation hanteras i en platt organisationsstruktur utan tydliga chefspositioner, vilket leder till oklarhet gällande vem som ska ge dessa direktiv. En instrumentell fallstudie där syftet är att granska en specifik händelse eller organisation utfördes med bostadsbolaget KBAB som undersökningsobjekt.

Politiskt organisationsbyggande : Om ungdomars inflytande i Rädda Barnen

?Have the young members? of Save the Children Sweden got increased possibilities to influence the organization since the founding of the youth-organization?? The purpose with the thesis is to investigate if the founding of a youth-organization by Save the Children Sweden has led to increased possibility for the young members to influence the organization. I have two research assignments; change since the founding of a youth-organization? politically since the foundation of a youth-organization and how?Did the norms and values in the organizationand Did the organization change I have analyzed protocols from the general assembly between 1997 and 2008 and how the rules in the organization have changed over time. I have also interviewed four board members to get a more diversified view of how the board meetings proceed.

Med dörren öppen för delaktighet : Når budskapet fram?

The aim of this study was to try to get an overall image of how participation is constituted in the organization of AMA, a Human Service Organization (HSO) that is part of the Vasteras municipality.  With focus on mainly participation but also communication and leadership the goal was to find out more about how the governing parts of the organization was able to communicate and create participation amongst their employees. Did the message come across? Using a triangulation method including interviews, surveys and observation hopefully this question would be answered along with trying to depict an overall image of the participation within the organization. The results indicated that there were both differences as well as similarities between the employees and the management with regards to how they experienced participation. A surprising result was that the geographical location was found to have an impact on how the staff perceived participation.

Utställd Frihet - En studie av hur ägandeformen påverkar friheten inom två konstnärliga organisationer

The aim of this thesis is to study how the form of ownership affects the freedom within an artistic organization such as a museum or an art gallery. I have compared a publicly owned organization, Moderna Museet, with a privately owned organization, Magasin 3. The study is limited to only investigating the area of exhibition activities. A qualitative method has been chosen, and the empirics have mainly been collected through semi-structured interviews.The result shows that the form of ownership affects the freedom. Overall, one can conclude that the missions of the organizations look different, where the privately owned organization is given a greater freedom within their mission than the publicly owned organization.

Metadata på webben : en studie av metadata och dess användning på sex svenska högskolors och universitets webbplatser

The purpose of this Master's thesis is to study metadata and its use at Web sites of six Swedish universities and colleges. Each Web site has been examined at three different hierarchical levels and the total number of examined Web pages is 258. 16 questionnaires have also been sent to webmasters at the six universities and colleges. The results show that metadata refers to the data which can assist to organize, describe, identify, locate, evaluate and retrieve resources on the Internet. Even though there are several different metadata formats available on the Internet, the commercial search engines only support the HTML's title tag and the meta tags with the attributes keywords and description.

Den gudomliga människan : en komparativ studie av det tonganska hövdingadömet

This essay will examine the social organization in the archipelago of Tonga. To accomplish this purpose, archaic societies and structures such as ancient Egypt and Hawaii will be examined to obtain a closer understanding of the building blocks which constitute a chiefdom or kingdom. Since Patrick V. Kirch (2010) recently redefined the Hawaiian archipelago as a kingdom this essay will examine if the same can be done with the chiefdom of Tonga since it have similarities to the Hawaiian social organization.To do this the essay will examine and describe both the geographical organization of the states and the social organization. Social organization in this essay will be defined as an archaic state organization that requires several levels of administration to rule the society..

En meta-analys om samband mellan alkoholpåverkan och våldsbrott

50 procent av alla polisanmälda våldsbrott alkoholpåverkan. Orsaker till detta samband kan vara att när ungdomar är påverkade av alkohol förändras deras förstående och missförstånd uppkommer ofta. Detta kan leda till våldsituationer. Forskning visar på att ungefär hälften av alla våldsbrott sker av ungdomar mellan 15 och 20 år och att flertalet av brotten är under alkoholpåverkan. I vår studie undersöks samband mellan alkoholpåverkan och våld eller våldsbrott hos ungdomar mellan 15 och 20 år.

Skolbiblioteksforums verksamhet : - en fallstudie sett ur perspektivet den lärande organisationen

10 years ago the School Library Forum´s core activity started; the development of model libraries. Since then, no comprehensive study of the School Library Forum has been made. How does the organization actually work and how do professionals perceive the changes of the organization? Against this background, the purpose of my essay is to examine the activity of the organization School Library Forum with a focus on organization and learning from the viewpoint of the learning organization. The following issues have been helpful to meet the purpose of the study:? How do the business developer, the principals and the school librarians experience the collaboration on the school-libraries model-library activity?? How does the collaboration contribute to learning within the organization according to the business developer, the principals and the school librarians?? How do the business developer, the principals and the school librarians perceive the changes in the School Library Forum´s organization, seen from the perspective of the learning organization?By conducting five interviews with stakeholders in various positions within the organization, such as business developer, principals and school librarians, a deeper insight into how respondents perceive the business from the perspective of the learning organization is obtained.

Säkerhetsorganisationen på svenska traditionsfartyg

This report is a study of Swedish traditional ships and their safety organization. The focus is on how the non-profit organizations that operate the traditional ships can adapt to current regulations in the best way. Initially a background on traditional ships, their organization and regulations that regulates them will be presented.The study is focused on which parts that can be more important in the safety organizations for traditional ships. The questions also includes if a non-profit organization might affect the safety and how the role as designated person should be handled in these organizations. Furthermore the study addresses how a non-profit organization that operates traditional ships might improve their safety organization.The information is gathered by interviews with persons that work with safety, controls safety organizations or is active in organizations that operate traditional ships.

Fallstudie av två företag, om etnisk mångfald

The purpose of our essay was to understand better how two companies manage ethnical diversity in their organization and standards of a multicultural organization. For study objects we selected two companies nominated as ?good examples? of companies working with ethnical diversity in their organization. The study objects are Föreningsparbanken and Pågen AB in Sweden. The result verifies that both companies have by some term a heterogenic staff of workmen in some parts of the organization although the heterogeneity occurs only on a lower level at the organizational hierarchy.

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