

4268 Uppsatser om Met-before concept image - Sida 40 av 285

Västerparks demensboende

During Spring semester 2011, Linda Engstrom and Malin Heder performed ?Golden Ratio?, a thesis which included 22.5 hp. The thesis followed the syllabus for the Degree Project for degree of Bachelor of Science in Innovation and Design Engineering (MSGC12) which was a unit in the Innovation and Design Engineering program within the Faculty of Technology and Science at Karlstad University.The client was Crem International AB, a company located in Åmotfors that develops the design, manufactures and markets coffee machines. The supervisor at the company has been Peter Larsson and supervisor at Karlstad University has been Monica Jakobsson. Examiner for the thesis has been Professor Fredrik Thuvander at the Faculty of Technology and Science at Karlstad University.Crem International AB controls a patent, representing a new technology to streamline and minimize use of energy during the coffee preparation and results in a good coffee quality.

Svensk underdog på Hollywoodjättarnas revir : En studie i marknadsföring av svensk film

Med denna uppsats har vi velat kombinera våra kunskaper inom filmvetenskapen med våra kunskaper i företagsekonomi, då speciellt marknadsföring. Vi delar upp film efter två olika begrepp, high concept och low concept. Kärnan i high concept är att filmen ska vara säljbar och att handlingen ska vara så enkel att den går att beskriva med ett fåtal ord. Användandet av kända skådespelare samt uppföljare som surfar på tidigare succéer är vanliga knep. De storsäljande Hollywoodfilmerna, även kallade Blockbusters, är ofta i detta format.

Temperaturförhållande och fluidsammansättning vid metamorfos registrerat i karbonatbergarter på nordöstra Utö

The concept of sustainable development is a challenge that demands cooperation from all levels of society for it to be successful. The focus for this thesis is how politicians within the local councils understand the concept of sustainable development and how they implement it in political decision-making.The basis for the study is a questionnaire that was distributed to 303 local politicians in three municipalities of varying size in Southern Sweden. The study concentrates on departments within the local councils that are directly connected to the Swedish environmental law and the Swedish planning and construction law. One of the primary goals with the aforementioned laws is the achievement of sustainable development within one generation.The outcome of the study was that over half of the local politicians could correctly define sustainable development according to the World Commission on Environment and Development?s (WCED) definition.

Optimering av gödselgrep för halm

This thesis was performed at SverigeGrepen AB. SverigeGrepen is a company that hasone product on the market; a manure fork that is designed to be used for mucking inshavings or peat. The aim of this thesis was to develop a new manure fork that isadapted to be used in straw.The development started with a pilot study where experience of mucking wascollected to be able to understand what and why certain characteristics are importantfor the function and use of the manure fork.A basic concept was developed where the main function was fulfilled, which meantthat a separation between dung and straw could be performed in a way that wasbeneficial for the user.The work resulted in four concepts of how a manure fork could be used in the strawthat can be designed and constructed. The conclusion that the work gave was that allconcepts met the main requirements required by a manure fork to use in straw.However, concept four provides a good visual impression, while its benefits areassumed to be important qualities..

Socialsekreteraren har ordet! En studie av hur ungdomar beskrivs i socialtjänstens yttranden avseende unga lagöverträdare.

The purpose of this essay was to examine how youths are described in certain written statements that are produced by the social services. The statements that this study has focused on, are those written with the purpose of serving the court with suggestions of treatment-measures when a person between 15 and 18 is suspected of having committed a crime. The main issues were: How is the content in these statements described and what do these descriptions tell the reader? Do the images of youths in the statements differ, depending on the degree of intervention for the suggested treatment-measure? The essay is based on a qualitative content-analysis of 50 statements and the material has been analysed from a social-constructive theoretical perspective.The study shows that the youths in the statements are described through descriptions that reinforces a positive or a negative image of the youth, and that these descriptions are described as either utterances or facts. Depending on the degree of intervention for the suggested treatment-measures, the information in the statements differ in that descriptions that are likely to reinforce a positive image of the youth are more frequent in the statements where no or less intervening treatment-measures is suggested.

Service på Internet ? Hur service erbjuds av företag som säljer resor på Internet

Business across the Internet has increased in recent years and most companies that are selling trips have increased their sales online. Many companies that are selling trips strive for customers to receive and experience a personal service online. The meeting between the client and a webpage service system on the Internet should work. Service encounters are an essential part of the contact between customer and company and play a big part in how the first impression is perceived by the customer. To understand how a service encounter works, meeting face to face, companies need to understand how customers perceive that meeting.

Wheres that brand from ? Broadening the concept of foreign branding

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva och försöka förstå hur det svenska ledarskapet fungerar i Kina, i svenska företag med kinesiska medarbetare. Vi ämnar även belysa vilka erfarenheter svenska ledare har av mötet med den kinesiska kulturen. Metod: Vi har valt en kvalitativ metod för vår uppsats för att på så sätt kunna beskriva, förstå och få en helhetsbild av fenomenet. Den metodik som vi har valt att använda oss av är intervjuer och enkäter, som gett oss ett empiriskt underlag till denna uppsats, samt litteraturstudier, som gett oss en teoretisk referensram.Slutsatser: Att svenska ledare i stort är framgångsrika i Kina men att de problem som finns, enligt både intervjupersoner och litteraturen, främst uppstår inom områdena kommunikation, motivation och initiativförmåga. Problemen i verkligheten är dock inte lika stora som litteraturen beskriver.

Stamning i samtal : Stamningens uttryck och bemötande

Researchers claim that stress has become a word of fashion and is now frequently used. They also state that there is no accepted definition that can easily describe the concept. In this essay, I have examined children and stress. The aim of the diploma work is to illustrate stress more closely the stress concept, the underlying reasons that can influence children and how teachers and school staff support children in their stress handling. My three issues are: What is stress? What stressors put children, at home and at school, in a stress situation? How can teachers help children to manage their stress? The diploma work is based on a literature study in order to find out what has been written on the subject in earlier research.

Betydelsen av fysisk aktivitet för arbetsminne och skolprestationer

Researchers claim that stress has become a word of fashion and is now frequently used. They also state that there is no accepted definition that can easily describe the concept. In this essay, I have examined children and stress. The aim of the diploma work is to illustrate stress more closely the stress concept, the underlying reasons that can influence children and how teachers and school staff support children in their stress handling. My three issues are: What is stress? What stressors put children, at home and at school, in a stress situation? How can teachers help children to manage their stress? The diploma work is based on a literature study in order to find out what has been written on the subject in earlier research.

Att skapa en konceptdesign av en webbplats för ett evenemang : Att ta fram en design av en webbplats med en grafisk identitet ur ett marknadsperspektiv

Internet and social media have opened up new possibilities for companies and organisations tocommunicate their brand. It only takes a few seconds to communicate the message of a website to theuser. This indicates the importance of having the intended message of the website communicated clearlyin order to give the user a correct impression of the company or the organisation. When it comes to theconcept design of a website, it?s important that all different parts is presented uniformly.

Marketing and Branding a Nation : tillämpningen av ambassader som plattform för att stärka Sverige som varumärke

Problem: The authors have, during the process of development of this thesis, tried to create an understanding of how a number of organizations, all working with different approaches around the ?brand Sweden?, perceive the efficiency and benefits of using extended concept around embassies as a tool in their strategic work. The embassies in question have an evolved concept in the sense that they don not only hold a traditional political and legal role. The problem facing us authors was the issue whether theses embassies are efficient arenas to coordinate the forces and resources of the organizations concerned, in the mission to enhance the visibility and awareness of Sweden abroad.Purpose: The purpose is to describe the strategic work with marketing Sweden to be able to look in to whether the evolved concept behind the embassies in question are used as a tool in within the work of the organizations. We wish to research this to be able to evaluate if this arena is perceived as efficient for the organizations concerned.Method: In order to get a background to which one establish and communicate a nations brand the authors have studied literature within the subject.

Studentterapeuters definition, identifikation och användande av motöverföring

Within psychodynamic therapy the concept of countertransference is considered as valuable to understand the therapy process. Much of the research has focused on countertransference as dependent to therapy outcome (Hayes, Gelso & Hummel, 2011) and less of the research has been dedicated to trainees view on the concept. The object off this study was to examine how trainees define, identify and use countertransference. The study takes a qualitative approach and phenomenological perception of knowledge. Eight trainees has been interviewed and the interviews has been analysed with thematic analysis.

Från tropisk hetta till arktisk kyla : En kvalitativ studie av Parken Zoos kriskommunikation på Facebook

Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur Parken Zoo använde sig av Facebook för att kommunicera med sina intressenter under en kris som drabbade organisationen hösten 2012. Med hjälp av en kvalitativ textanalys studerade vi de Facebookinlägg som Parken Zoo hade publicerat under krisen. Därefter genomförde vi en kvalitativ intervju med marknadschefen på Parken Zoo, som var ansvarig för kommunikationen på Facebook under krisen.Med hjälp av ett analysverktyg baserat på situational crisis communication theory och image restoration theory kunde vi avgöra vilka försvarsstrategier Parken Zoo hade använt i Facebookinläggen.Resultatet visade att Parken Zoo omedvetet hade använt många olika försvarsstrategier, men att tre tydliga budskap förmedlades i Facebookinläggen. Resultatet visade också att Parken Zoos syfte var att använda Facebook som ett dialogverktyg, men att de i själva verket använde Facebook för att sprida enkelriktad kommunikation.En slutsats vi kunde dra från studen var att det är viktigt för organisationer att vårda sina kundrelationer genom att bemöta intressenternas frågor och kommentarer på sin Facebooksida under en kris. En annan slutsats var att det är viktigt för organisationer att ha en god krisberedskap och att inkludera Facebook i den..

Från integrationspolitik till integrationsarbete : En fallstudie av Kalmar kommun

The implementation of integration policy has in recent times been a major problem for the municipal administrations in Swedish municipalities. The concept of integration is considered to be very diffuse, difficult to apply and implement the following decisions. To understand the concept of integration is the first step, followed by understanding its complexity in an organization.In this study, I focus on studying the implementation of integration policies for integration work with Kalmar Municipality as a case study. I am using Lundquist's implementation theory about understanding, able and willing. The survey consists primarily of interviews but also a certain document to get a perspective on how integration policy has gone into integration work with the hypothesis that it is the understanding that weaknesses of the officials in the implementation of integration policies.

Koncept - detalj - byggnad

Concept - detail - buildingStockholm International Fairs, new main entrance I studied at the KTH School of Architecture from 1995 to 2000. After completing my studies I wanted to work in an office that had a structural way of thinking and that knew the building process; I therefore chose to work for Rosenberg Architects. I have worked on a number of projects, among them several for the Stockholm International Fairs, from the Rica Talk Hotel and Hall AE, to the new main entrance.In the projects we undertook at the School of Architecture we had to identify and draw details that were central to our concepts. I have here identified some key details that we considered to be essential for the concept in a built project; the new main entrance of the Stockholm International Fairs completed in 2013. The entrance has complex logistics with multiple intersecting flows: exhibitors, employees, journalists, VIPs and others.

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